
Fanpopping since September 2011

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Dedicated Fan in 10 clubs Dedicated (10) Die-Hard Fan in 12 clubs Die-Hard (12) Fanatic in 4 clubs Fanatic (4)

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3xZ gave me props for my answers
Hi Iti! I just logged in to 팬팝 after all these years. I saw your 코멘트 on my 벽 4 years ago. I’m so happy to know that. I believe now 당신 may already be a full time software engineer 또는 doing something else that is also cool ✨ Wishing 당신 all the best 💖 게시됨 6 months ago
jessowey gave me props for my images
please 가입하기 my new club:


feel free to add 아이콘 또는 anything if 당신 wish also please ask your 프렌즈 i need 더 많이 팬 게시됨 over a year ago
twihard203 gave me props for my images
Hey! Happy Birthday 🎉
I haven’t been on for a few years and just came back. I’m sending 당신 a link in your inbox, it’s to a beautiful banner 당신 posted. I hope you’re doing well. It’s nice to see some people from 5 years 이전 are still here. 게시됨 over a year ago