just open your gifts that your 프렌즈 gave you
listen to the words that the people are saying
they have a smile on their faces and saying
Happy birthday dear Iti.
It's like a 일 that 당신 always wanted.
당신 are now 17
just look out of the window
the birds are 노래 the wind is touching your face.
just a write time for the perfect dance.
the candles are looking at you
and saying just blow us faster
당신 want to blow them and then 당신 cut the cake
and it's like magical dream.
Happy birthday dear Iti
What a 일 to be happy,
And smile the whole way through,
Today is your big birthday,
A special one just for you.
Blow out all your candles,
Make your wishes come true,
Eat slice after slice of cake,
Nothing is too good for you.
- 의해 an unknown poet :D
Wish 당신 a very very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!