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added by lezley
added by lizza456
Source: winx club maniquine on paint
added by nugget14
Source: arielfairy from DA
added by lovebaltor
Source: DA User: ~SashArt
added by dhaval_rocks
Source: dj!!!!!
added by 7862
added by haynay24
added by laylafly
added by zanhar1
added by zanhar1
added by mada7b0mb0
Taking a break from my fics to rant. Yes this was taken from my ridiculously long rant. *Awaits the reporting* Don't worry this is a saved document on my computer. :)

Alright, Bloomix had it done for me. I thought she was a Sue before, but now she is officially (in my mind) the biggest Sue created 의해 a professional writer/cartoonist yet!

Good lord, I searched up the definition and it fit her well; I itellisized(sp?) the definition and then added my reasoning:

A female character who is so perfect as to be annoying.The Mary Sue character is almost always beautiful, smart, etc... In short, she...
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AN: Hey! Stellamusa101/FinalAccount here! So, before 당신 scroll down and read, I have something to tell you, they would be some Italian words in this article, well, as a spell 또는 something (but if 당신 don't understand it then guess what it means). BTW, if 당신 watch Once Upon A Time, well, then this story is inspired 의해 it. Thank you!

There was a storm. Musa can hear the sounds of thunder there. Stella can feel the ignorance of the rain there. Flora can feel the plants getting water from the rain. Though it was a good sign, they still feel something bad behind the presence of the rain.

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added by robobot14
 Musa: In her normal Season 1 & 2 outfit
Musa: In her normal Season 1 & 2 outfit
Hello again! :D This is the third information 기사 in my series. And 의해 인기 demand, the 다음 person will be... (Drumroll please!!!) Musa! :D Hope 당신 like this one!



Musa is the fairy of 음악 in the Winx group. She is very kind, energetic and always helps a friend in need. She is from the planet Melody (The Harmonic Nebula in the U.S version) and is the princess of her planet. She was born on May 30th and her parents are one of the Winx parents who get seen most often. Her father was a skilled musician and her mother, a skilled singer....
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added by lovebaltor
Source: DA User: LaminaNati
added by nugget14
Source: chibiusa moon from DA
added by Marlil
added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: Winx-Rainbow-Love