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added by AlOoOosh
added by Ieva0311
added by cravey
added by flowerdrop
added by claudia_bb
added by Hermione4evr
Source: Tumblr
added by DamonGSalvatore
Source: facebook.com/badvampiredamon
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이안 소머헐더
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added by quinnbee
뱀파이어 다이어리
데이먼 살바토레
bad boy
이안 소머헐더
vampire diaries
데이먼 살바토레
Tyler entered the Grill and headed to the bar. Ronnie gave him a bottle of beer. “On me”
“Thanks” Tyler said, a little surprised. “You want something from me?”
“Why, because I give 당신 free booze?” Ronnie asked with a smirk.
“Well, yeah” Tyler said.
“Hmm” Ronnie smiled. “Maybe I’m trying to make 당신 my best customer?”
“Keep it up this way and 당신 might succeed” Tyler said. “Cheers” he said before drinking.
Without any warning Ronnie grabbed his 칼라 and pressed her lips against his. Tyler pushed her away and she smacked against the cabinet with bottles and...
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데이먼 살바토레
엘레나 길버트
뱀파이어 다이어리
Stefan and Rebekah were driving. They had stopped to get their selves a late night snack and now they were on their way home.
“Can 당신 try and call Damon for me, please?” Stefan asked, his eyes on the road. Rebekah conjured her phone and dialed Damon’s number, which Stefan had given her.
“Goes straight to voicemail” Rebekah said. She turned to Stefan. “I’m sure he’ll be okay. He’s got that boy looking out for him”
Stefan shook his head. “Derek’s just a teenager. Damon was in no good shape when I last saw him. I think he might be really sick”
“Then let’s go check on...
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added by flowerdrop
Source: Made 의해 me - flowerdrop
added by Boniboncuk
added by AlOoOosh
added by BabetkaSim1
added by TotallyHannah
added by AlOoOosh
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엘레나 길버트