
Fanpopping since February 2008

  • Female, 33 years old
  • Slovak Republic
  • Favorite Movie: Moulin Rouge and everything with Meryl Streep
    Favorite Musician: Rock&Retro
    Favorite Book or Author: A Clockwork 주황색, 오렌지
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Marta_Molko gave me props for my articles
Thanks for add back:D:D:D:D 게시됨 over a year ago
HouseAddict87 gave me props for my videos
저기요 I 사랑 your motto! Einstein was so brilliant and the episode of Criminal Minds with this quote was really good! 게시됨 over a year ago
october_song gave me props for my videos
Hello !I just made 2 new clubs.1st is called 'Movies Male Character' and is about all that crazy,beautiful and smart male characters from movies.2nd is 'Beautiful Pictures' where 당신 can add pretty pictures with everything 당신 like.Maybe you'll want to visit,join and help them grow up.
link http://www.fanpop.com/spots/beautiful-pictures

Thank you! 게시됨 over a year ago