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added by Portia0623
added by EkkoJohnny
Source: Ekko Mysteries
From Rear View Mirror blog c/o Cindy Calinsky

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to run sound for a rock-n-roll concert, EKKO will place 당신 in the drivers’ 좌석 and step on the gas.

The series is based on a rock band that has just started a major tour across North America. But this isn’t your typical sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll story; it’s all about the adventures of CJ, our protagonist, who has a hunger for paranormal adventure.

After a hike in the forest one day, CJ returned with a device that has taken his craving for the unknown to a whole new level. He 로스트 his parents...
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added by Le-Magnifique
posted by juicyjossy9
Dr. Graham Tattersall*
239 pages

A Guide to Answering the Unanswerable, Making Sense of the Nonsensical, and Solving the Unsolvable

How big is your vocabulary?
How heavy is your house?
Do the dead outnumber the living?
What are the best words to use
in a personal ad?

We humans are a curious species, prone to think, ruminate, reflect, cogitate, mull over, and philosophize. We long to explain away the world aruond us, to answer all those seeming unanswerables. Why are we here? Is there a God? Is there life after death? And, above all, how many houseflies does it take to pull a car?

A confirmed and...
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책 can be used for many things, not just for reading. In fact, I have created a list for the many uses of books.

1. Cut the guts to make your own hiding place for your stash of chocolate.

2. Chuck it at things, like your 프렌즈 또는 a river. Perhaps 당신 can throw it at the premier screening of the new Twilight production at your local cinema, right at the projector. With either a Twilight book 당신 스톨, 훔친 from the twelve year-old fangirl 다음 to 당신 또는 your own copy of Harry Potter that 당신 had a better version of anyway. Either 또는 is perfectly fine.

3. Your Trigonometry textbook is great for...
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posted by Perfectpaige101
Clarabele was alone, alone in the dark, damp, abandoned cellar with carefully strung cobwebs made of sliver moonlight as company, and she adored it. The cellar was her freedom, her release from the cold, strong grasp of an oppressive society. She loved it here, where the only noises in the abandoned 럼 주, 럼 cellar were her and the feet of the mice. However Clarabele had to leave her sanctuary for a demonic reason.

Spirits were high on this All Hallows eve, the town was replenished from The Great 불, 화재 and the ‘occurrences’ had lessened, utter peace. As Clarabele walked along the dark,...
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added by OakTown_Queen
added by lara1313
added by aboutsagas
Source: Tumblr- Total Book Nerd
added by Portia0623
added by OakTown_Queen
added by deedeeflower
added by fatoshleo
Source: @fatoshleo
the pretty girl author aims at being a million seller!!
mesazu million selleraaaaaaaa!!
light novels
added by SwarlsBarkley
Trailer for the first installment in Suzanne Collins' current series.
hunger games
suzanne collins