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posted by 80smusiclover1
Back at Kinfauns, the Harrisons were having some afternoon 차 with 초콜릿 chip scones and 딸기 tarts. "I don't know about you, but I can already imagine what kind of special powers we'll be getting once we learn 더 많이 on how to open that chest!" Laura told her parents. "Can't blame ya at all, darling." George replied. "Heck, I'd even see us using them for our 다음 battle!" Laura replied, "Oh, daddy, that would be PERFECT!!" Pattie added, "My thoughts exactly, dear!" George flashed a big grin in response.

And they continued to enjoy their 차 and snacks; that is, until...


They got...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Bless my soul! So that's why the monster is back; I have been destined to finish him off!" George remarked as he broke the silence. "Quite right, my friend!" the medallion replied. "And with the mention of a band of best mates, this means we'll need to recruit my uncles!" Laura added. "I was hoping we would anyways, but still, that is really cool!" Pattie said. "I know, sweetheart. I know." George smiled. The couple then shared a quick kiss.

"It's settled! We will give 당신 an 시간 to gather your 프렌즈 and take along some items of your choice, during which a special mode of transport shall...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
As expected while in the Archives, the group got to work in searching for 답변 about the current happenings. What's even better was the medallion activating itself again to help them out.

After a couple of minutes, they managed to find possibly the most essential resource: Sir Percival's diary!

"And it has been well-preserved, too!" a delighted George exclaimed. "Yes. Now let's have a look inside!" the medallion replied. So they did.

You could say the diary was pretty much a written version of what George had witnessed from the original battle. In it, the knight described how Judge Dread imprisoned...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Once the Harrisons made it to Buckingham Palace and met with the royal couple, they proceeded to discuss about what was going on in the Archives room.

"I have called 당신 up to address a matter of great importance. It seems an old enemy of this country has broken out of his stone-encased state. His name... is Judge Dread." Elizabeth said as they walked. That caused Pattie and Laura to gasp in horror, while George muttered towards the readers, "I knew it. I bloody knew it."

He then replied, "Pardon me for a second, ma'am, but I actually have a bit of personal knowledge with regards to him." Philip...
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Paul McCartney talks about performing for Barack and Michelle Obama at the Kennedy Center Honors, recording his album Band on the Run in Nigeria and reconnecting with John Lennon before his passing. December 9, 2010
폴 매카트니
john lennon
obama performance
fallon flashback
added by thrillergirl18
added by sarahXskater
added by weaslyismyking
Source: dmbeatles.com
added by Lucky_Thirteen
Source: beatlesaholic.tumblr.com
added by beatlemania9
added by Woushka
Source: Me
added by weaslyismyking
Source: dmbeatles.com
added by ktichenor
added by ktichenor
Source: pinterest
July 9, 1957. Three 더 많이 days to get Paul and John to meet. Which would hopefully happen today.
“Can’t believe 당신 talked Dad into lettin’ us do this,” Paul laughed happily. “You’re something special, Gloria.”
I beamed with pleasure. It was the 다음 morning, and we were riding on a bus down to Windsor, since Paul was at least able to buy us bus fare if not train tickets. The bus bumped and shuddered along something awful, but I could deal with it, because Paul had his arm around me.
Then Paul looked at me, and 의해 this point, I recognized the curious light in his eyes. “Paul....”...
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added by ktichenor
Source: pinterest
added by ktichenor
posted by Rubyrings
George and Ringo moved into John's apartment after the funeral. It was a little crowded in there with the three Beatles, Yoko, John's five-year-old son Sean, and an assortment of pet 고양이 all sharing the same living space, but apart from wanting to stick together as much as they could now, John, George, and Ringo had planning to do. They couldn't afford to jump into this without thinking like Paul probably had. They had exactly three months and ten days to work out what they were going to do, and insure that when they changed history this time, every Beatle was going to survive.
"That means...
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posted by Rubyrings
Back in Liverpool, things with the Harrisons were not going nearly so well. When the plane had taken off without Geo, Mrs Harrison had made her way purposefully to the front and insisted that the plane crew radio down to the New York airport and tell them to find her missing son. The crew had listened to her, but 의해 that time, Geo had already left with Paul, Ringo, and Winston. So when the airplane landed in Liverpool, the Harrisons rushed to the front 책상, 데스크 and demanded news of their son. The Liverpool agent got in touch with the New York airport and listened for a 분 또는 two, only to turn...
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