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added by huddy_
Source: 구글
added by Okami_Amaterasu
Kopa got up and shook his body to life. He bounced over to his mum, Nala, and pressed his paw up against her face in an attempt to awaken her. Her eyes fluttered open and she mumbled something under her breath.
"Mum, can I go out to play?" Kopa put on a cheesy grin,"Pu-leeaasee?"
"Your just like your father"
"So is that a yes?"
"Go ahead, but be careful, because if your anything like your father, I'm sure you'll get yourself into lots of mischief!"
Kopa bounded out of the cave opening and strait down into the grassy Savannah. As he was running through the 잔디 he saw a big rock which reminded...
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added by rakshasa
Source: Walt 디즈니 Studios
added by PrueFever
Source: The Walt 디즈니 Company
added by PrueFever
Source: The Walt 디즈니 Company
added by medu_i_simba
added by Kiara78
posted by KyngJ908
 At the bottom of the hill...
At the bottom of the hill...
Following includes:
Opinion and language

We all saw when Simba and Nala rolled down the 언덕, 힐 right? Well thats the thing. It looked as if Walt diseney puts secret things inside the movie but no one even notices.

Was Nala actually in heat? Well I think so because her eyes tell the whole story and sex is written all over simba. On 팬 fiction they make simba 더 많이 drunk and Nala is grumpy and shes the one I would Think I'm ok with. She's usually 더 많이 entergetic tho.
added by LunaPurrius
Source: faceswap 의해 me
added by purplevampire
Source: TC-96
added by dan11774
added by lionkingartist
Source: 디즈니
added by glelsey
Source: Superb 바탕화면
added by dan11774
added by dan11774
added by dan11774
added by bannerman
Source: bannerman
added by Cay123