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added by Heidihi2
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posted by LalaDepp
"My body is a journal in a way. It's like what sailors used to do, where every tattoo meant something, a specific time in your life when 당신 make a mark on yourself, whether 당신 do it to yourself with a 칼, 나이프 또는 with a professional tattoo artist."
Johnny Depp.

We all know that 문신 have a special meaning for Johnny. Besides he’s got a lot in 2012, so I decided to write a review of all JD’s tattoos.
Enjoy :)

1) Native American Head
Johnny’s first tattoo is a Cherokee Indian chief head on his right bicep, honoring his Native American bloodlines. “I started getting 문신 when they were...
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added by johnnydlover
Source: http://wall.alphacoders.com/wallpaper.php?i=17983
added by depp-fan
added by johnnydlover
added by dilhixitah
added by lol24
added by Nerdbuster2
added by Nerdbuster2
added by Capn-Sparrow
added by LalaDepp
added by LalaDepp
added by MJ_4life
added by jdepp4