랜덤 Club
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posted by Feathershine

Who do 당신 have a crush on?

If 당신 had to 날짜 anyone here right now, who would it be?

Name one celebrity 당신 would want to make out with

Name five people 당신 hate and why 당신 hate them

Name all the people you've had a crush on before

Have 당신 ever embarrassed yourself in front of everyone in school? If 당신 did, what did 당신 do?

What embarrassing thing has a parent done to you?

Have 당신 ever cheated on your girlfriend/boyfriend?

Have 당신 had your first kiss, if 당신 have, were was it and who was it with?

Have 당신 ever seen a parent naked?

Have 당신 ever seen 동물 reproducing?

Have 당신 stalked anyone,...
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just got this while browsing the net

1.I was kidnapped 의해 terrorists and they only just let me go, so I didn't have time to do it.

2.I didn't do it because I didn't want to add to my teacher's heavy workload.

3.A bunch of nerds 스톨, 훔친 it to make sure theirs were completely perfect.

4.We ran out of toilet paper at my house last night, and my Dad isn't feeling so good. He grabbed it in a big rush and I haven't seen it since.

5.My mother took it to have it framed.

6.It was in my back pocket and a pickpocket 스톨, 훔친 it.

7.I let somebody copy it but they never gave it back.

8.My mom's whooping cough vaccination...
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posted by Shelly_McShelly
Solve the puzzles 의해 saying them out loud, over and over, faster and faster, repeating the phrase, until 당신 "hear" the answer.

Example: LAWN SAND JEALOUS (place) Answer: Los Angeles

1. SHOCK CUSSED TOE (person)

2. SAND TACKLE LAWS (fictional character)

3. MY GULCH HOARD UN (person)

4. MOW BEAD HICK (book)


6. CHICK HE TUB AN AN US (product)


8. AISLE OH VIEW (phrase)



11. DOCKED 영구차, 영구 차 WHOSE (person)


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I have a very boring Humanities teacher, and therefore for the purpose of survival I must invent games to get through the monotony. I was thinking of making this a regular feature for every new game I come up with, let me know what 당신 think.

Okay, this first one is a variation of Connect 4 which i have adpted to make it not only available to play in lessons, but also in silence.

Basically All 당신 need is paper and a pencil. And an equally bored friend

당신 draw an 8 의해 8 grid no the paper with lines along the sides and bottom. 당신 then choose whether to be see through circles 또는 shaded ones. You're friend is the other one. then basically like connect 4, 당신 take it in turns to draw your 원, 동그라미 in, and try to 'connect 4'.

remember like the original game u cant randomly place them in the middle, they ahve to go from the bottom up.

Have fun, and tell em if 당신 want 더 많이 of my games ;)
So NieR: Automata is a great game. Everyone has sang this games praises and that is for very good reasons. I’ve sang the games praises on numerous occasions and will probably do so again and again. But every game has to start somewhere. Some of 당신 may not know this, but NieR has got a sort of Persona situation going on, as in the spin-off game is a 더 많이 인기 game than the mainline series. And how could that be? Well… it’s quite simple to see. Drakengard, known in 일본 as Drag-On Dragoon, was a game created 의해 Yoko Taro, who created it to make a 더 많이 grim RPG with no morally just...
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posted by animefreak21
do this stuff if u dare but it would be funny 2 c
something like this happen i also made this up myself

1. start caramelldansen in the middle of the store

2. go up 2 a 랜덤 person and hand them a paper
that says death on it when u hand it 2 them say
wakarimasen (i don't understand) in a really weird
voice then run away

3. sing a really annoying song at the 상단, 맨 위로 of your lungs repeatedly

4. follow 랜덤 people all over the store 또는 where ever they go except the bathroom (that would just be

5. say there u r i was looking all over 4 u and glomp (hug some 1 really tight) a 랜덤 person

6. go up...
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CAUTION:there will most likely be consequences!!

1. Follow them around the house while giggling loudly.
2. Moo whenever they say your name.
3. Pretend to have amnesia.
4. Say everything backwards.
5. Run into walls.
6. Say that wearing clothes is against your religion.
7. Go into their room at 4 in the morning and say "Good Morning Sunshine!"
8. Snort loudly when 당신 laugh.
9. Say all of the words in a film.
10. Pluck someone's hair out and yell "DNA!!!"
11. Go around the house saying: "Beep, beep!" Then hit your head with a book.
12. Have a lively conversation with a pen.
13. Have 20 imaginary...
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How to Tell if a Guy likes You
How to Know that a Guy Likes You

Here are the 500 ways to tell if a guy likes You....

01. He smiles at 당신 a lot.

02. He likes talking to you.

03. He compliments 당신 a lot.

04. He always agrees with you.

05. He asks if 당신 are single.

06. He asks 당신 out for lunch.

07. He asks 당신 out on a date.

08. He knows your zodiac sign.

09. He never burps around you.

10. He really cares about you.

11. He treats 당신 like a lady.

12. He walks 당신 to your door.

13. He wants to see 당신 often.

14. He always wants to hug you.

15. He tells 당신 he likes you.

16. His 프렌즈 know...
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posted by invadercalliope
Ok today i'm going to tell 당신 a story!
Mrs.green: Class today is friday and this is your last peried but still doesn't give 당신 the right to slack off! ARE WE CLEAR!
Class: YES MA'AM!
Cheral:Hi i'm Cheral this is my class i'm in the seventh grade and it's been a fun year!
Tabbi:Hi i'm new in the class i have only been here for a week and it's been fun! my rival here is cheral we sometimes have a fight with umm braging in it it's a never win 또는 lose fight its one of those that 당신 hate.
Cheral:Do 당신 have that one girl that 당신 don't like naturaly its not that we figght about whose better its that...
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posted by TimberHumphrey
oh, this show is a blast so far! blood, guts, mayhem, sex, lots of swearing, drugs and of course demons. and it all works perfectly! i 사랑 watching the I.M.P shenanigans Blitzo and co. get themselves into.
but so far, Episode 2 is my favorite. never would've i thought we'd get so much character depth for Stolas of all characters. he might be a total pervert, but he sure is a good father. and his song.... wow! that brought a tear to my eye. i never thought he'd have such a beautiful voice.
also, i can't forget about Octavia. i've only known her for one episode, but she's already up there as one of my 가장 좋아하는 characters (along with Loona, of course). i really hope Vivzie brings her back for another episode. maybe have her and Loona on a girls' night together. that'd be great to watch!
all i can say now is: i can't wait to see what episode 3 has in store for us.
posted by whatsupbugs
Hi, 팬팝 friends. These are some 랜덤 bits of trivia about me.

* I think 아니메 is the best.

* I'm a nerd when it comes to Batman.

* My 가장 좋아하는 holiday is Christmas.

* I have nostalgia for what Cartoon Network was like in the 1990s and 2000s.

* My 가장 좋아하는 actor/singer is Tony Jay.

* My 가장 좋아하는 actress is Emily Blunt.

* I'm a writer. I've been 글쓰기 regularly since I was a teenager. I started off as a comedic writer, before becoming obsessed with 글쓰기 romantic stories.

* I'm not a 팬 of horror films and I only like a small amount of documentaries. My 가장 좋아하는 film genres include animation,...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

More Car Stereotypes

We have 더 많이 stereotypes for 더 많이 cars, coming your way.


Butler: *Parks a Silver Wraith in front of a giant mansion*
Rich Man: *Steps out with an unbrella* Well, pish posh and perfection, welcome to my British 집 dear chap. Come this way and I'll show 당신 what's inside. *Inside his house* First off, we have every picture inside a gold frame. Each frame is 24 karat gold. I have 65 million pounds worth of diamonds, and 65 million pounds in general. I make ten thousand pounds...
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Poor Rob Dyke... Having to sit though this when people send him fucked up temblr posts, for his videos.. Maybe WindWaker430 should do a similar series though.. He likes getting angry...

Who cares about remembering soldiers, long as it means a 일 off school, I'm happy!

I don't care if it's illegal, if a corpse looks hot, I'm fucking it!


I don't care about your shitty opinions! I like having sex with my father, it feels mature! So fuck off haters!

My kid is NEVER gonna watch Skrek! Disagree...
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Goku: (puts his hands up, preparing a spirit bomb)

Frieza: (not aware of what’s happening) What are 당신 doing now?

Goku: … Stretching.

Frieza: In the middle of our fight?

Goku: …… Yes.

(from distance)

Piccolo: What’s going on? He’s just standing there with his hands up.

Krillin: Wait a second.

Krillin: (Goku and Frieza and hear Krillin, cause he’s screaming as loud as possible) HE’S USING THE SPIRIT BOMB!

Frieza: The Spirit whats-it-now?

Goku: (thinking) Oh no.

Piccolo: Would 당신 stop screaming.

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1. Write a new 기사 on this website
2.Draw a snow wolf
3.Go to the 도서관, 라이브러리
4. Call a friend and go on a walk with them
5. Have a dance party
6. Listen to 음악 and "scream sing"
7. Clean your house (That might get boring though)
8. Paint Your room
9. Go to the park
10. Call a friend 또는 two and do the yoga challenge
11. Decorate the house
12. Watch YouTube
13. Watch 프렌즈 The TV Series
14. Go on 구글 and 검색 weird things
15. Learn to juggle
16. Go to an elevator and annoy 랜덤 people (this could get 당신 kicked out but its super fun)
17. Go shopping
18. Go skating
19. Play a board game
20. Sleep!
21. Bake food
22. Exercise
23. Read
24. Hike
25. Garden
26. Sugar Cookies
27. life size 캔디 land
28. Paint snow
I'm sorry if I'm wasting 더 많이 time here. But last "Drama" for now. I made 3 people upset and filled with hate inside me.

(Don't read this if 당신 have enough Drama for now. But this is Important, and Scary...)

The 1st One I made upset told me, "Willy 당신 suck get outta here." But it was just an online game...

The 2nd One was a Girl. Because I was spamming and it made her lag on a game called Roblox. So same thing... "Leave me Alone Willy."

But the 3rd One I made Upset... It was 더 많이 important then the last two...

He was Confront with really Inappropriate online Stuff that's been going...
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posted by TheNyackers
저기요 everyone we have a new contest

Here's how it goes 당신 all know that sing All About 베이스 we'll we are doing a contest about that

Who ever creates the best All About 베이스 spoof 또는 parody 기사 will get to decide what our 다음 기사 should be about and we will make a 팬 club about you

Here are the rules

You must make fake lyrics of the song it can't be a rip off it has to be original and 당신 can't use your 기사 to diss 또는 make fun of a fanpoper cause that leaves us no choice but to 신고 당신 than we don't want to have to do that

You also can't copy our 기사

But feel free to share...
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저기요 there 닌텐도 팬 im making a new series based off Nintendos beloved characters from the super Mario series. If 당신 are interested click on my 프로필 for 더 많이 information. If not then read on maybe 당신 will get interested?

ENJOY :D made 의해 one HUGE 닌텐도 팬 (SeeUV3 aka me)

담홍색, 핑크 Yoshi (Main character)

Name: Marry-ann-Hato
Age: 13 1/2 (currently)
날짜 of birth: ( 2000,july 7th)
personality : Clumsy,kind,a bit too nice sometimes,blunt ,happy ,lovable

Likes: singing, Dancing,Performing,Drawing
Dislikes: Math,Science,Geography

Power Type: electro porter (power of technology and...
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posted by animelol

OH my gosh, we survived the 2012 apocalypse!
Friend: Wait, werent we supposed to die?
Friend: Hmm... oh well
Me: So Im just going to say happy new 년 and PLEASE watch the ball drop at...
Friend: WHAT?
Me: Duhh! Anyway watch the ball drop at NYC
또는 something like that.
Friend: And check out what happen so far in 2012!
Me: Uhh yeah like Hurricane Sandy and the massacre at Sandy Hook...
Friend: *silence*
Me: *silence*
Me: So sorry for u guys at Sandy Hook and those who got knocked over 의해 Hurricane Sandy!
Friend: Im never going to the 바닷가, 비치 again!
Me: WHY?
Friend: CUZ THE 바닷가, 비치 IS SANDY!
Me: Oh, right. Watever.
Friend: Dont forget to look at the records for 2012 and possibly 2013!
Me: Sure! And WATCH SMOSH!
Friend: Go to 링그 and click on the link that says smosh.com!

posted by hetaliaitaly
its hard to be strong?
i need to get back to the place where i belong
i never felt so strong

thinking of the reasons why?
never knowing do 또는 die?

its not like they care?
then why do 당신 find it so unfair
its hard to be strong but we make life 옮기기 along

u get what u want to why do 당신 cry and lie and lie?

its not that hard to be u just dont act the way others do

why do u feel this way im the one who always pays

u laugh at things that dont make sense 당신 show of when 당신 think?

its hard for me to be strong im not just gonna go along

thats not me thats just u stop doing what they do

u used to be my friend but i guesse 사랑 is nothing in the end