
Fanpopping since April 2008

  • Female, 30 years old
  • California
  • Favorite TV Show: That's a toughie
    Favorite Movie: Red
    Favorite Musician: I just like 뮤지컬 now
    Favorite Book or Author: anything that is realistic fiction
mosaic list

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Dedicated Fan in 15 clubs Dedicated (15) Die-Hard Fan in 8 clubs Die-Hard (8)

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sky-rocks gave me props for my links
heyy mrs charming!Enjoying the good life???well i am not!!!! i have school waiting 4 the holidays!

see 당신 soon!!!
amigo!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
sky-rocks said …
저기요 where the hell is fiona????!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
dustfinger commented…
Well, I don't really go on this website anymore over a year ago
sky-rocks said …
when i watched 슈렉 2 i remember 슈렉 read fiona's diary and......mrs fiona charming 게시됨 over a year ago
dustfinger commented…
what a really 랜덤 thing to post on someone's 벽 over a year ago
sky-rocks commented…
very funny mrs fiona charming over a year ago