22 lifetime gold
Yo this 프로필 is dead but I have a tumblr under xxsourapplelolixx ~(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Maddy/Matty J. (Joyce/Jedidaiha)
Fanpopping since February 2010
- 27 years old
- The city that is a town, but at the same time it is not, it's somewhere in nowhere, PARADOX, I was conceved in Italy, but born an American... if that makes since xD
- My Websites: Gurl, 당신 r like mah big sister, <3, Add dis hur girl, *Dirk impression* she be so sugoi my kokoro goes doki doki, One of my idols who is a bro of Pewdie like meh. <3
- Favorite TV Show: A haunting, Supernatural, The Walking Dead, and Face OffFavorite Movie: Puppet Master series... and Cowboys and Aliens... and beleive it 또는 not, Couragous (made me cry Dx)Favorite Musician: Amy Lee, metalica, I see stars, 담홍색, 핑크 Floyd, Artist vs Poet, Sleeping with the Sirens, TheLivingTombstone, MictheMicrophoneFavorite Book or Author: Anything 의해 Stephan King, Ted Dekker, Andrew Hussie (creator of Homestuck), 또는 Dean Koontz (hehe, Koontz 0w0)
My Wall


said …
Wanna know something that'll mess up your childhood?
Simba and Nalla were half-siblings :) 게시됨 over a year ago
Simba and Nalla were half-siblings :) 게시됨 over a year ago