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Copyright: 2013


The 년 is 1850. My name is Ashley Garland; I live in the small town of Crystal Falls, on the west coast of the United States. At the moment, I am being hunted, 의해 what I do not currently know. All I know at present about my foe is that I fear for my life. In fact this whole ordeal has been about a week in the making. About a week ago, the people of Crystal Falls were gathered in the town hall, when a man suddenly began pounding on the door, pleading for help. After some of the citizens finally overcame their initial shock and opened the door, the man outside had collapsed to the ground, and was bleeding profusely from his neck. My father, the town’s doctor Richard Garland, immediately brought him 집 to give him a look-over. As my mother and I waited in the living room anxiously wondering if the man would be all right, my father worked tirelessly before coming out to tell us the man suffered from a neck wound, and was lucky to have survived at all. Yet at the same time, he was at a loss to explain what would cause such an epidemic like this. Ultimately, as the man did not regain consciousness, we decided to leave him in my father’s clinic overnight. However, after the incident, I had trouble sleeping, I had the suspicious feeling I was being watched, and I didn’t like it one bit, yet I could not for the life of me figure out what it was that was giving me the feeling. The following day, my father left early for the clinic, his night watchman had nothing to 신고 on the unconscious man who lay on a 침대 in the back of the clinic. The man did not regain consciousness for the rest of the day, but the whole town was anxious to know what it was that had attacked him. My father made a leap of logic that said the bite mark appeared to be human, but this information caused somewhat of a panic. The town was wondering who in their right mind would attack a man like it had happened. The answer, it seemed, would remain a mystery until the man regained consciousness, if that ever would occur, which according to my father was doubtful at best. Still, he had rationalized, it was only a guess. And the area that had been bitten had two marks that would be too deep for human teeth to break the skin without the others following. For the moment, people seemed to calm down about the incident, but still curiosity remained amongst the townspeople. That night, I got the sensation once 더 많이 that I was being watched. I kept telling myself it wasn’t so, but I still felt the feel of eyes creeping over me. The following morning, I awoke to find the window of my bedroom wide open, despite knowing that I had shut it the 이전 night, I shrugged it off, thinking against hope that the wind had blown it open. The 일 went 의해 uneventfully, and my father tended to his other patients, however it was becoming increasingly evident at 집 that he was fascinated 의해 the wound’s origin, and as the man had still not regained consciousness, it was still very much a mystery what had happened to him, except that he had 로스트 a lot of blood over a short period of time, still, this news only made the townspeople 더 많이 uneasy, although it would turn out to be nothing like it would be over the 다음 few days. That afternoon, I walked down to the coast, and spent the entire rest of the 일 hearing rumors from the townspeople about what had caused the bite, and human 또는 not, was the attacker still around nearby? All the rumors made me somewhat uneasy, as dusk finally arrived; my mother came and got me from the coast, telling me my father would be working in the clinic overnight, and that she didn’t want me out after dark until there was an explanation for the attack. As we walked back home, I felt a pair of eyes locked on me, there was nobody nearby, so I decided that that was impossible. Still, I couldn’t shake the feeling. Once we got home, I said goodbye to my parents and before climbing into my bed, closed and locked the window. That night, I began having dreams where I was being chased 의해 something; much like the situation I am in at this very moment, however in my nightmares, the thing chasing me was VERY inhuman. Once I awoke the fourth morning, I immediately checked my window, and found it was closed this time, but one thing still remained, the lock was not latched as I had made certain of the night before. I immediately decided to let my parents know of the incident. Once I went downstairs however, my mother explained my father was at the clinic, as it seemed that his latest patient had finally responded somewhat to treatment. 의해 somewhat, it meant that he had not yet gained consciousness at present, but it could mean his full recovery was not far off, and in a way, it wasn’t. After another sleepless night passed, this time without incident, my father came 집 early, telling my mother that the man had finally regained consciousness. The three of us walked to his clinic, and the first thing I noticed was the crowd outside the building. It seemed that everyone in town was there, anxiously awaiting any news from the patient. My father walked into the clinic, and motioned for us to follow him. Before shutting the door, he addressed the crowd. “My patient needs rest. Any news on his situation will be revealed whenever he feels he is able to talk about it. Good day.”
With that, the townspeople reluctantly returned to their homes 또는 work 또는 wherever they were needed. My mother and I followed my father into the back of the clinic. The only other person in the room was my father’s assistant Perry, who smiled upon seeing us. “He’s 로스트 consciousness again Dr. Garland. But this time it seemed it was because of exhaustion.” “Thank 당신 Perry. Did he say anything?” Perry nodded. “It didn’t make any sense. He said a man attacked him, but… it wasn’t human... exactly…” My father nodded. “Thank 당신 Perry. But you’re right. That doesn’t make any sense at all.” Perry nodded. “I’m sorry. Maybe he’ll remember 더 많이 when he wakes up.” he replied. With that, Perry left the room. “It really is nice to see 당신 again Mrs. Garland.” He said, addressing my mother, before turning to me. And of course 당신 too. Ashley. 의해 the way, I’m sorry I didn’t make your birthday party. How old are 당신 again?” he asked. “Seventeen.” I replied. Perry nodded. “Well happy birthday. I’ll send 당신 your belated birthday present soon. I insist.” Before I could say anything, he had left the clinic. My father examined his patient again. “What happened to the marks on his neck?” I asked him. “They’re gone. I’ve never seen anything like it. They disappeared when he woke up this morning.” ”It’s bizarre.” My mother noted thoughtfully. After awhile, Perry came back to see us. “Dr. Garland, another person has been attacked!” My father immediately stood up. “What do 당신 mean?” he asked.
Perry hesitated before answering. “Same marks in the neck, except…” he struggled to find the words. “Except what?” asked my father. “He’s dead. Completely drained of blood.” He trailed off again before speaking. “It was Douglas.” He replied. “You’re telling me that Douglas Groves, the MAYOR of this town, is dead?” he asked. Perry nodded. “They found him just after dusk.” My father looked positively spooked 의해 this news. “Wait here.” He said to my mother and me before turning to Perry. “Perry, keep them safe. I’m begging you.” Perry nodded without a word. My father turned to us. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He said, before walking out the door. I noted Perry lock it before he left. My mother suggested I go to sleep, until my father came back. Seeing as it was now around ten o’clock, I agreed, not knowing that it would be the last time I would see her. Around one I awoke in the 침대 my father kept in the back for Perry, who did not have a 집 of his own in town. I immediately felt that something was wrong. I called for my mother. No answer. I called again, no answer. I called for Perry. No answer. Feeling helpless, I climbed out of the 침대 and walked out into the hall. I immediately noted the blood on the floor near the entryway. Racked with fear, my mind was unsure of what to expect as I walked down the hallway dreading what I already guessed what was on the other end of the door. My fears were realized as I looked into that room and saw two bodies on the ground. My mother on the right, her neck torn into and bleeding out, Perry’s to the right, basically torn into so bad I was amazed that there was still blood dripping from his neck, and 의해 that I mean that there was any blood left to drip out at all. My mother stared into my eyes, attempting to speak. “Asssshhhllleeyyy…” she gasped, it seemed to me she was pleading. “I’ll get dad.” I yelled frantically, and to my surprise, she beckoned me to come back. “Don’t let him get you…” I watched in horror as her eyes closed for the final time, and she went limp. I turned and looked at Perry, lying motionless in a pool of his own blood. He was already dead, I realized. I got up to leave, when I saw someone blocking the door. Their eyes were yellow, and the teeth… my god, the teeth… I’d never seen anything like them. I knew I was in immediate danger, and that I wasn’t getting out that way. Blindly, I turned and ran back through the hallway I’d just come through a moment ago. I ran to the back room, and blocked the door with a chair, before climbing out the window in the room. As I raced into the woods behind the building, I heard the chair I’d used to block the door smash into pieces behind me. As I got deeper into the woods, I thought I’d 로스트 my pursuer, only to hear the footsteps still following me. This pretty much sums up how I got into this situation in the first place. Do I glance behind me? I ponder. Ultimately, I decide to take a look. This is a poor choice, within 초 I crash into a tree. I collapse to the ground, filled with pain, I lose track of how long I lay in pain there on the floor of the forest. For all I know, I 로스트 consciousness at some point. I am not sure. After awhile, I realize I have to try to get moving again. I try and fail to pull myself to my feet; I nearly try again before I hear the footsteps again. “Ashley!” calls out a voice. A familiar voice. Yet at the same time, I know it is not possible, for the person the voice belongs to is dead… Suddenly, I hear a snapping sound. A screech I know I’ll never forget fills the night. Then, I hear the footsteps again, this time at a slower pace. “Ashley!” calls the voice. I look up, and wonder if I’m still lying in the 침대 in the backroom dreaming, because the person I see is Perry. He offers me his hand. I take it and allow him to pull me to my feet. “You… How’re you?”
I stutter. Perry shrugs. “He just knocked me down is all.” He replies. “Who? Who was it chasing me?” I ask him. “Your dad’s patient.” He says. But don’t worry about him now. He’s dead.” I am at a loss for words. “But you… 당신 were dead! Your neck, I was ripped open I saw it!” Perry’s smile fades. “You saw that?” he asks. When I nod, his expression turns dark. “Dang it.” He mutters. “That patient, what WAS he Perry?” Perry turns to me. “You want the truth Ashley?” I nod, and he sighs. “You know what Ash? I’m not hungry anymore, so I guess I’ll cut 당신 a break. But at the same time, I can’t let 당신 go. Not after this. See where being nosy gets you?” I stutter. “What do 당신 mean ‘hungry’?” I ask. Perry sighs, and before I can do anything, I am pushed back against the tree. The pain from before returns, and I find myself unable to move. As I gasp for breath, I feel an even worse pain in my neck. Then everything goes black…
As doctors rushed in and Mariah and Tiffany ran 다음 to Kyle, James sat there, looking at his brother, remembering all that they'd gone through, fighting evil monsters that don't exist, fighting bad guys, everything, they survived it all. Except the human race, their own species. He was about to cry but looked up and saw Mariah and Tiffany, crying. He hugged them tight, like Kyle used to. "It'll be ok" he said. "But what are we going to do?" sobbed Mariah. "Live on." said James and hugged them tighter. Later that evening James went to Kyle's house and looked under his 침대 and found a box. He...
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posted by Problematic129
Chapter 3
    The interview
    Approximately two days and we were off. Ashlynn was excitedly working on the script and Sasha was helping with the budget that the teacher just wouldn’t help with. Even with Fern’s influence she still didn’t trust us, maybe a little bit more, but still not that much. We were still undecided about the whole interviewing thing-y so we’ve just been searching on the internet and getting some old released police records.
    “Okay, so the horror 시간 is looking pretty good,” Sasha mutters as she...
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Would 당신 ask a writer about what their 글쓰기 means? First, hear (or read) what I have to say. If 당신 ask a poet what their work is about, what sorts of 질문 do 당신 think they hear all the time? 'Whats this mean? What's this about?' The artists get sick of it. 글쓰기 is a form of art. Art is meant to be not the same for everyone. Most artists want their work to be left to the viewers interpretation. Quoth one of my favourite writers:
"Does it mean this, does it mean that, that's all anybody wants to know. Fuck them darling. I say what any decent poet would say if 당신 dared ask him to...
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posted by Problematic129
    It seemed as if everything went quieter when Alex and Iris sat down, I could see we were all tensed and hopeful. Although it didn’t seem Iris had gotten over her anger of us how she never said a word and just frowned at her tray unless Alex was saying something to her.
    What irked me was that when Alex would talk to Iris, 당신 could tell it was really important 의해 the way they looked, but the geniuses had the conversations between the two in different languages. One 분 there speaking what...
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posted by alicia386
Chapter Ten: I Always Lose At The Game of Chance

      "Who would be dumb enough to follow us?" demanded Courtney who was already forgetting that Darrell almost kidnapped us. "Don't they know who they are messing with." Courtney said it a bit playful but playful was not the kind of mood we were looking for.
      "You might be trained, but they are experienced and probably know 40 different ways to kill someone. It is best if we go hide out somewhere." Darrell kept his eyes on the road, those sky blue eyes.
      "You're right," I said. "But where are Charles and Raven? We can't just...
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre: Fiction, fantasy~
    Lunchtime! Finally! It felt like ages before it came. Lunchtime has become a 가장 좋아하는 event for me lately, because now the gang and I can get to hang out together and just be ourselves.
    Marie wasn’t too happy about it when I told her the first time though, she glared at my 프렌즈 almost every time, and she’s been trying to push Brooklyn over the edge. But she doesn’t ruin our lunch, she doesn’t even come close.
    I know I’m not the only one with friend troubles,...
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre:realistic fiction, humor~
Chapter 27
    It takes a miracle
    Wednesday’s, one of my 가장 좋아하는 days, because on the 일 I was first born, I was born on Wednesday. The funny thing was my parents wanted to name me Wednesday, but Adam and Melanie kept on howling and yelling, so my mom picked Pamela, so my middle name is Wednesday.
    Why the name Pamela?
    I’ll tell 당신 why, I’m a miracle baby, 당신 know how some baby’s don’t come out perfect and the hospital has to hold them, well that’s what happened....
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posted by Dhampires
She looked at me throw narrow eyes droping her hostage to the floor she took a step toward me. She'd started to mouth off at me but I wasn't paying attention the only thing I had my eyes on was the man behind her.

He slowly drew a gun from his chest pocket before angling it at Camila's head he smiled at me and mouthed 'thanks'. I couldn't speak, I was speechless.

It was her words that brought me to life as of where I could run. "Duck he's going to kill you?"
"What?!" she sheirked turning to her attacker. He held a tight grin on his face. "Sweet dreams Princess." I could hear a faint Itialian...
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre:realistic fiction, humor~
Chapter 26
    Here my roar!
    I couldn’t stop gushing over the fact that Ryler kissed me! He kissed me! Best 일 ever! And I just couldn’t wait for our date, and Ryler wouldn’t be telling me anything, but it was pretty clear Adam knew. He’d always give me this secret smile, and wink.
    I wonder if I was obvious with my crush with Ryler, 또는 if Ryler told Adam from the beginning, 또는 just told him. All in all, I’m relieved there’s no ‘touch my sister and die’, everything seems normal....
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre:realistic fiction, humor~
Chapter 24
    Maternal instinct
    “Oh! My lovely baby’s growing up!” My mom squeals while I hold a groan.
    “Mom please!” I whine. “Were here for shopping not gushing.”
    Mom rolled her eyes. “It’s clothes shopping, stupid. Gushing is mandatory. And 당신 in that dress! Oh the tears!”
    I smile as she clutches herself dramatically. “Whatever.”
    After that little get together, which wasn’t that bad when I look back...
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I stared in horror at what was in Blake’s computer I didn’t see this coming. What have I done? I felt like I was going to throw up. I can’t believe what I just gave him I am so stupid! I sighed me beating myself up is not going to change anything. All I can do now is find my brother find out what is going on and stop Blake before it is to late. What are 당신 waiting for it is time to come up with a plan to escape this nut house.

I took a flash drive and copied everything on Blake’s computer. I made sure there was no tracking device on the laptop double-checking found it clean than I packed...
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After the war was finally finished, three years, seven months and twenty weeks, people waited at the hospital. Hoping, praying for their loved ones to be found. Kyle Goodman's Foster Dad; Angus, his two sisters; Tiffany and Mariah, brother James and girlfriend, Summer Thorn waited. Their friend, Katherine Dreamwhisper. They called her Katie for short, had finished her shift, working as the nurse and went to 가입하기 them. "They'll find him" she said. Nobody spoke, they just sat there. Three hours past and it was getting cold, the night air was coming and the warmth from the sun disappeared. Katie...
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre:realistic fiction, humor~     
Chapter 21
    Just a lovely game
    I wasn’t even worried about our run in with Talia, in fact, I almost forgot about it. The rest of the 일 was spent on purely fun and I found myself humming as I unlocked the front door to my house. It was eerily quiet but I just shrugged, entering the house I found Ryler sprawled on the 침상, 소파 again eyes opened blankly.
    “Are 당신 dead?” I asked. “Because if 당신 are it’ll be a pain to 옮기기 your body.”
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre:realistic fiction, humor~
Chapter 20    
    When a psycho is near, chaos occurs
    Guess what? I was right! Adam’s team did lose, victory for Pam! 당신 could hear his sad frustrating voice on the other end as I was hanging out with my gal’s and surprisingly Grey. He just invited himself but I’m not complaining.
    “That movie was awesome!” Sage announced as we exited the movie theater.
    “Of course it was, I paid good money for it.” Grey replied.
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A/N: I 사랑 사랑 loved the feedback I got for Part One! Not to mention the prompts :) I 사랑 당신 guys and I hope 당신 enjoy this one! 더 많이 feedback equals faster posts. Happy 읽기 :)
ALSO: If you're new here, here's part one: link Anyways, enjoy!

The Stranger's Musings: A Collection of Drabbles (Part Two)

Prompt 1: Darkness (requested 의해 SweetHoneyBunny)

The darkness suffocates me.

I can’t see, I can’t breathe. My hands claw at nothingness as I
attempt to find a way out.

My breathing escalates. It feels as though my lungs are constricting.
Cold sweat breaks on my forehead and I find...
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posted by 1999jacko
1 week later
Walter stood in the room where he had first used his wand, fighting off creatures coming out of Libras wand. Suddenly Will dropped his wand and looked at the monsters and oddly they all turned and started to attack Libra, "sorry Libra I can't use that power properly," Walter said and with a tendril shooting out of his wand and destroying all the monsters and quickly jolting back to his wand. " Walter don't worry your almost there you'll just have to be put under some re-,"Libra stopped mid sentence with a thoughtful look before continuing," go against me I will try my hardest...
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posted by flabaloobalah
 Sadie and Claire's Ride
Sadie and Claire's Ride
I was so nervous as to what we would be doing out in the woods in the middle of the night. I couldn't tell Claire, I decided. That would only scare us more. So I laid out the outfit they instructed I wear and took a 샤워 in the bathroom. The water was, at first, very cold, but I figured out how to work the nozzle and turn the freezing water into comfortable, steamy hot water. I made as many bubbles as I could and tried to distract myself, but I just couldn't. Sadie, I told myself, stop overthinking this. You'll be alright. We're just gonna play a game out there at night. I slicked my clean...
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This is reality
This is what 당신 call the Earth
This is what people call the world
This is what we call life

We can't go on pretending 일 의해 day
That good things will always happen
Stormy days will come, it's not a miracle
But the storm will end soon, and all will be clear again

Heavy rain's crashing against my windowsill
I think, when will this ever stop?
The thunder's crashing against the trees outside
Today's not going to be a fine day, but it will end

I woke up this morning and guess what I saw
Bright sunny mornings with a clear future
No one's gonna stop me from believin
The rain stopped and the future's bright again

Good and bad create our lives
We can't pretend that everything's gonna always be alright
It's hard to think that something's gonna be wrong
But it's the truth, the whole truth.

We can't go on 일 의해 일 pretending
Everything's gonna be alright
But we know that sunny days will come out
Soon 또는 later.
posted by flabaloobalah
Genre: Realistic Fiction, Drama/Romance

I like Blake. He seemed to enjoy having company with our six cousins, and they all looked excited to do whatever they were going to do tonight. That reminded me: what exactly were we doing? I had no idea. I decided to just forget about it and enjoy the rest of the day. We all ran out back and explored th backyard. Past the shed were woods like the ones we traversed to get to Blake's. I guess they were all around us. Dark and inviting and creepy.
We had a few hours to run around outside, then we were called in for supper. Jeb stood 의해 the creaky back door...
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posted by alicia386
Interview with Simone Rivers

Me: How do 당신 feel about the book The Deadly Truth? Was everything in it accurate?

Simone: I guess the book was okay. It didn't give a good 설명 of my beauty. The author didn't describe how brilliant my hair looks in the light 또는 how my eyes shimmer when I smile. The author didn't even mention my glamourous white teeth. [shakes head disapprovingly].

Me: [ignores vain comment]. Can 당신 tell the viewers out there about your relationship with the pastor?

Simone: [smiles lovingly]. Of course! I just want to smash all of those 코멘트 about him dating Faye. He would...
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