랜덤 Club
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1. Take someone's shopping 카트 and switch the items with stuff from the person 다음 to them's cart
2. Walk up to complete strangers and say, "Hi! I haven't seen 당신 in so long!..." etc. See if they play along to avoid embarrassment
3. Smash the person in front of 당신 on the head with a ham
4. Go up to some old geezer & say "Grandpa!!! You're ALIVE!!! It's a MIRACLE!!! etc."
5. Take something from someone else's cart, when they say "hey, that's mine! " call the security and say that the other ... person was trying to take your _____
6. 옮기기 "Caution: Wet Floor" signs to carpeted areas.
7. Hide in the center of the clothes 원, 동그라미 where people find shirts, and jump out and yell "AIHAIHAIHAIHAIHAIHAIHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!"
8. Go into the dressing room, wait a few minutes, then yell "THERES NO TOILET PAPER IN HERE!!"
9. Get a 배트맨 costume, put it on, and run around the store screaming at the 상단, 맨 위로 of your lungs, "COME ROBIN! TO THE BATMOBILE!"
10. Hide between clothing and then jump out and yell "PICK ME"
11. When someone asks if 당신 need help, begin to cry and ask, "Why won't 당신 people just leave me alone?"
12. Take up an entire aisle in Toys 의해 setting up a full scale battlefield with G.I. Joes vs. the X-Men
13. Hide in a clothes circle. When someone with a shopping 카트 goes 의해 stick your hand out and steal something from them
14. Grab a 기타 and start 노래 Wake Me Up When September Ends in a loud shrieking half screaming voice
15. Randomly place 24 bags of 캔디 in peoples carts
16. Go to an empty checkout stand and try to check people out.
17. Go up to an employee and in a official tone say "code three in house ware" and see what happens
18. Follow people through the aisles, always staying about five feet away. Continue to do this until they leave the department
19. Challenge other customers to duels with tubes of gift wrap
20. Set up a 음악회, 콘서트 of 노래 햄스터 dolls. Get your 프렌즈 and turn them on all at the same time. Then act like a conductor
21. Make up nonsense products and ask newly hired employees if there are any in stock, i.e., "Do 당신 have any Shnerples here?"
22. Open a pack of yugioh cards and challenge 랜덤 people to a "d-d-d-d-d-d-duel!"
23. While walking around alone, pretend someone is with 당신 and get into a very serious conversation
24. Tape a walkie-talkie to the back of a 바비 인형 doll and say to 랜덤 people, "I know where 당신 live..."
25. Attempt to drown in a kiddy pool...
26. Drag a lounge chair on display over to the magazines and relax. If the store has a 음식 court, buy a soft drink; explain that 당신 don't get out much, and ask if they can put a little umbrella in it
27. Open up 랜덤 packages in the toy aisle then walk off. If an employee asks what you're doing, just say "I changed my mind."
28. Run around Wal-Mart in a bathing suit 노래 the Surfin' USA theme song
29. Say things like, "Would 당신 be as kind so to direct me to your Twinkies?"
30. If an employee comes within 30 ft scream "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" Then run out of the store screaming
31. Walk up to an employee and ask 질문 like how come this store is called wal mart? 또는 what's up with your hair? Why do 당신 people wear name 태그 can't 당신 all remember your own names?
32. Test the fishing rods and see what 당신 can "catch" from the other aisles
33. Glare menacingly at anyone who comes within 40 ft of you. Then hiss like a snake and act like you're going to bite them
34. Throw a fake rubber snake into some lady's face and watch her freak out
35. Squeeze their legs and either sing, "I like to 옮기기 it, 옮기기 it! 또는 say "You got chicken legs!"
36. Dart around suspiciously while humming the theme from "Mission: Impossible."
37. While no one's watching quickly switch the men's and women's signs on the doors of the rest room
38. Bring your pet pit-bull into Wal-mart. Act casual. If someone is 메리다와 마법의 숲 enough to walk up to 당신 and tell 당신 to get out, simply reply "He's going to help me pick out his 가장 좋아하는 dog food"
39. TP as much of the store as possible
40. Whenever 당신 hear a voice saying, clean up etc fall to the ground sobbing screaming the voices!! then get back up & act normal
41. Dress up in a trench 코트 & wear sunglasses. Walk up to someone browsing and say "The rooster is in the nest" Wait for a reply. After they finish talking, hand them a 캡, 모자 gun and whisper "use this wisely."
42. Go to the 음악 aisle and start 노래 horrible karaoke
43. Walk along look at someone giggle at them & say to no one... I know I know... hehehe keep doing it until they give 당신 a weird look & walk off
44. Set all the alarm clocks to go off at ten 분 intervals throughout the day
45. Go in to the camping department and enter a tent then tell 랜덤 customers that they can come in if they bring a 베개 from the bedding department
46. Broadcast K-mart commercials over the intercom
47. Go up to the bagel section with cream cheese all over your face. Then start chanting, "We 사랑 bagels! We 사랑 bagels!"
48. Over the intercom say there is a big sale on all items in electronics department and first 10 people to the check outs gets one item free... & see what happens
49. Randomly start putting different size undergarments in peoples carts
50. Contaminate the entire auto department 의해 sampling all the spray air fresheners
51. Run through the store and jump on 랜덤 peoples carts 노래 I KNOW A SONG THAT GETS ON EVERYBODYS NERVES!!
52. Go up to 랜덤 people and poke them. If they ask 당신 what you're doing 또는 tell 당신 to stop, tell them that you're trying to find out what they ate for 공식 만찬, 저녁 식사 last night
53. Do your American Idol audition in front of the security cameras
54. Get a marker & go over all the barcodes with a line then go purchase your items... the person who is serving 당신 will have to enter all the barcodes in 의해 hand
55. Go up to some of the customers while your carrying a paper bag and say "trick 또는 treat!" and if they don't give 당신 anything, do the sad 강아지 dog face
56. Hide under a big pile of clothes and throw 랜덤 objects at people when they walk by
57. Get a stuffed animal and go to the front of the store and begin stroking it lovingly, saying "Good girl, good Bessie."
58. Walk up to a 피자 place and ask for a Mcchicken
59. Go to the bathroom with a cantaloupe (hidden) Make grunting noises and drop the cantaloupe in the toilet. Then say "Phew, That's better"
60. Put blue paint on your hand and when 당신 see someone put your hand on their 셔츠 and point at them and say, "A clue a clue!"
61. Go to a clerk and tell them u 로스트 your son and ask if they can call his name over the speaker! When they ask u his name make up a ridiculous name
62. Leave cryptic messages on the typewriters
63. While Humming the theme to Mission Impossible While wearing all black, knock over all of the cans
64. Take all the CD's put them in the wrong place and when an employee puts them all back yell at her and mess them up again
65. Go to the front of the store in a baby diaper and ask a macho guy to change you
66. Take a friend with 당신 and a younger child and start arguing over who gets custody then have the child run away and out of the store and yell CILLY COME BACK!!!
67. Climb up a ladder & try doing a King Kong thing
68. Run through the make-up department and yell, "There's a dead body in aisle 3!!!"
69. Grab a can of whipped cream & find a bald guy Spray it on his head
70. Dress up in a fairy costume, and climb up a ladder and when people go 의해 say "your wish is granted"
71. Dress up as a giant smiley face and whip price signs! Then yell "ROLLBACK!!!"
72. Walk up to someone act like 당신 can read their mind & say... sir 또는 madam... don't think that.
73. Walk towards a group of people and hit your head and say in a loud voice, "Shut up in there."
74. Put make up all over your face so it looks like a 2 년 old did it and then say, "She's horrible at giving make-overs!" and point to a 랜덤 woman.
75. Go up to 랜덤 people and ask them if they will be your 프렌즈 then link arms and start to sing the 프렌즈 theme song
76. Ride those little electronic cars at the front of the store
77. Smear ketchup on yourself, lie on your back in the kids aisle, and pretend to be dead
78. Lay a 20 dollar bill on the ground and back away and when someone tries to pick it up run up to them and yell hands off my dollar!! Then got to a manager and tell him that they 스톨, 훔친 20 dollars from you
79. Randomly throw things over into neighboring aisles
80. Try all of the sodas and put them back then say, "Yup, that stuff's not poisonous."
81. Play with the calculators so that they all spell "hello" upside down
82. Run up to 랜덤 people and ask if they like green eggs and ham
83. Attempt to fit into very large gym bags, then attempt to fit others into very large gym bags
84. Bang on the pots and pans in the cooking aisle
85. Act as though 당신 are being beaten and fall onto the ground screaming and having convulsions
86. 그네, 스윙 on the half price banners
87. Go up to a 랜덤 person and tap on his/her shoulder. When the person looks at you, ask what and walk off like you're annoyed
88. Burp and say mmmm, tasty
89. Hold 바비 인형 for ransom
90. Run around with a country 음악 cd and sing Queen's "We Will Rock You"
91. throw 랜덤 items over into the 다음 aisle and see if 당신 can score into someone's cart
92. Ride around in a 바비 인형 jeep with 바비 인형 in the front 좌석 and act like you're talking to her 의해 saying "Let's bust this joint!"
93. 덮개, 랩 a hose around 당신 and shout, "AAH! I'M BEING HELD HOSTAGE!"
94. Do your own radio show over the intercom
95. Go to the aisle with the 별, 스타 Wars stuff and hold up a Luke Skywalker toy and say "Luke, I am your father" and make breathing noises in your darth vader mask
96. Glue pennies on the floor 'heads' side up
97. Knock over all the shelves and run around screaming 'EARTHQUAKE! EVERYON RUN!
98. find a pair of walkie talkies and have a conversation with your self when everyone is watching you
99. Go to the checkout and buy a bar of candy. Repeat, going to the same cash register, until the clerk notices
100. Grab heavy but not too heavy objects, and see who can throw them the most aisles over
101. Buy expensive stuff, go 집 and use white-out and a pen to change the price to something much lower, and the total much higher, then return and demand a refund
102. get a cardboard box, go in the store and pop out of the box and give out 캔디 to passerby
103. Find the 물고기 section and when someone walks 의해 begin to pet the 물고기 tank and say, "I know how 당신 feel..."
104. Spill water on the floor, and run around claiming that the store is flooded
105. As the cashier runs your purchase over the scanner say "BEEP" in a loud voice. Repeat this for every item, and for other customers items
106. Scream really loudly and when someone tells 당신 to be quiet scream, "I will not be silenced!!!!"
107. Hold a bag of 겨울왕국 veggies over your head and yell "Fear me and my evil army of 겨울왕국 carrots!!"
108. Hug someone randomly and say, "I 사랑 u mommy!"
109. Go in the undergarments section and ask 랜덤 people if they think this will fit
110. Tie a plushie to one end of a string your ankle to the other end, and run around screaming "HELP! IT'S AFTER ME!"
111. Start yelling at the stuffed 동물 when there are people around
112. Grab some pampers Pull-Ups and while buying them yell at the clerk "Mommy, guess what? I'm a big kid now!!"
113. Go into the bedding department and with 쿠키 in your hand lay on a 침대 then pretend ur having a nightmare about 쿠키 and yell " COOKIE!! COOKIE!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!" Then start rolling around
114. Make evil eyes at someone and start whispering, "I'm the little girl from the well... I've been waiting..."
115. Go to the cafeteria area and buy frys. Then stand 의해 the door and when people walk through throw the frys above their head like there getting married
116. look at old people with wide eyes saying, "I see dead people!"
117. Get a tent ( With holes preferably ) and tell people to come in your lair. When they do chuck 팝콘 at them and ask them who invited them in
118. Ride around on those electric cars and pretend that your a prissy English Man. Say things like "Cheerio, good man." to people who walk by. And don't forget to have perfect posture.
119. Chase your 프렌즈 up and down aisles trying to run over them with those electric cars. Make sure to tell your 프렌즈 to act like they don't know you.
120. Spend all your money riding on those little rides for toddlers. Fit the character; if 당신 on a horse, then pretend that your a cowboy, etc. And if a little kid comes over wanting to use it, start barking at them until they run away crying.
121. Have silly string fights with a friend. Hide behind customers and "accidentally" hit the people instead of your friend.
122. Draw mustaches on all the pictures and mannequins.
123. Walk up to the customer service and when they say "Hello, how may I help you?" say "Yes, I'll have a Quarter Pounder with cheese, one 딸기 shake, a large order of french fries and a diet coke." And when they start to talk, say "Oh, to go". Then when they say that they can't give it to 당신 say "Oh, This is because I'm gay isn't it? I'd expect this from McDonalds, but not Walmart
124. Get 팝콘 and throw at customers, sneaking up on them in an un stealth-like way, while yelling 랜덤 things 125. Start to madly scratch yourself and walk up to people asking where the rash cream is because your family and all your 프렌즈 seem to have a rash too.
126. When your alone, have loud conversations with your "multiple personalities". Have an English man, a Southern person, someone from New York, a Grandma, and a 5 년 old girl all at the same time. 당신 have to use accents.
127. Start "dancing" like mad. Basically, just wail your arms and legs around like your having some kind of massive seizure.
128. Try on crazy costumes and walk casually through the store.
129. Stick your arm in your 재킷, 자 켓 and suspiciously start to leave the store. Get really tense and start to lean over as your walking through the doors As if your suspecting the alarms to go off. Then when it doesn't go off, let out a big sigh. Then quickly look around 당신 to see who's watching and run away as fast as 당신 can.
130. Balance EVERYTHING 당신 see on the tips of your finger, your nose, your forehead, and the 상단, 맨 위로 of your head while 노래 the circus song.
131. Spend hours staring at a little blinking light. After a while, start saying blink everytime it blinks. Don't look away, just stay mesmerized.
132. Light a match under a sprinkler
133. Walk up to someone and say "Oh, so your back for more. I warned 당신 never to come back here. Wait here while I go get my shot gun". Then walk away.
134. Buy something that is like $5 and give the cashier all pennies.
135. Walk up to a guy and say "Oh my god, is it you? Oh my god it is!!! I haven't seen 당신 in so long!!!!" Then 키스 him. Then slap and him say "Why didn't 당신 ever call me??" Then walk away. Much 더 많이 affective if you're a guy.
136. Stand 다음 to a maniquin and pretend that your a mannequin. Try to hold the same position for as long as possible. Then finally as someone is walking by, check your watch and say. "Finally, my shift is done. I really don't get paid enough to do this"
137. Stare at the ceiling. See how many people look up.
138. Start 노래 oldies songs in to megaphone.
139. start hitting on the mannequins.
140. Super-glue a quarter to the floor and count how many people try to pick it up.
141. Switch the price 태그 with something expensive and something really cheap.
142. Put women's clothes into men's carts.
143. Put preppy stuff, like short skirts and whatnot, into old men's carts when they aren't looking.
144. Run around in front of a mirror screaming "COPYCAT!"
145. Bring a friend and a stopwatch. Get carts and race around. every time 당신 nock something over, subtract a 초 from your time. 당신 usually get kicked out before 당신 figure out who won.
146. Find a couple. Run up to the one who is an opposite gender from you, slap them, and say "WHAT IS THIS? I THOUGHT WHAT WE HAD WAS SPECIAL!!!"
147. Go up to an assistant and ask for mayonnaise. When they say they don't have it, start crying and scream, "Now how am I supposed to paint my toenails?!?"
148. Lay on the floor and do a ground angel
149. Steal their ketchup, go on the counter, smear ketchup all over 당신 and say HELP ME HELP ME! OMG! THE HOTDOG KILLED ME!
150. Start jumping on one of their beds attempt to fall asleep until one guy tells 당신 to get off. Then yell 'HEY! WHAT ARE 당신 DOING HERE?!?!? GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! GET AWAY FROM MY BED!!!!"
151. Run around switching all of the open signs on the cash registers to closed and all of the closed signs to open. Watch the customers get confused.
152. Ask for Goat Milk
153. Make sure somebody's in the same aisle, then run screaming into a wall. Fall down and say "AHHH! The pain, the horrible, terrible pain!" Until someone asks if you're alright. When they do, get up and say, "Yes, I'm fine, why?" And then walk away calmly like nothing happened.
154. Dress up as an 이모 kid, then scream at people, "WHY HAVE 당신 COME TO WORSEN MY MISERY?!"
155. Dress up as a ninja and go around the store karate chopping people
156. Ride a horse on a stick toy thing and have your friend pull 당신 around the store on a skateboard while 당신 scream, "The British are coming! The British are coming!"
157. Turn a 카트 over and put towels over it so they can't see in. when someone starts to open it, start yelling "Hey, I'm Using the Bathroom in here!!!"
158. Buy a 초콜릿 bar, go to the bathroom, smear 초콜릿 on your hand, reach under the 다음 stall and ask, "Can I have some toilet paper?"
159. Take a fishing pole, tie it to a dollar, and go fishing for humans!
160. Climb up to one of the really high shelves and start 노래 크리스마스 carols at the 상단, 맨 위로 of your lungs. Works better around summer.
161. Get a mirror and put it on 상단, 맨 위로 of a 카트 so it lay across it. Get on 상단, 맨 위로 and have someone push 당신 down an isle, and Sing "Surfin' USA"
162. When the intercom comes on, fall on your knees and scream in tears of joy, "God has spoken!!!"
163. Get on a bike and ride around and crash into everything and everyone who gets in your way.
164. Pour a bunch of 레몬 에이드, 레모네이드 from the entrance to the bathroom and come out saying someone should have told me where the bathroom was quicker!
165. Steal 총 and ammo and shoot all the TV's 당신 can find. whoever blows up most wins
166. Get an umbrella and have someone in a 카트 (or just a tall person) pour water on it while 당신 sing Raindrops Are Fallin' On My Head.
167. Call the front 책상, 데스크 and when they answer the phone say I'm sorry, your call could not be completed as dialed. Please hang up and try again. Then call and say I'm sorry, I will have to put 당신 on hold. Can 당신 call back? I'm busy on isle 3.
168. Go into one of those employees only doors and go behind some 음식 shelves. when people reach out to grab food, grab their arm and start to pull on it.
169. eat all the ice cream boxes and then blame it on a worker with ice cream all over your face
170. Pour carrots on the floor so the employees have to pick it up. Continue doing it for a long period of time.
171. 홍어, 스케이트 around on a skateboard, then fall over and pretend to break your leg.
172. Start playing the violin.
173. Stare at a blank T.V, for an 시간 and when somebody asks what your doing, answer, "Shh, this is my 가장 좋아하는 show!"
174. Stand on the conveyor 벨트 at the check out with a barcode on your forehead.
175. Start saying stuff like argetrargrehargenstartgen to everyone who walks in.
176. walk around in dirty cloths and eat all the produce lika a bum
177. Poke people and run away screaming, "Don't touch me!!!"
178. Stare at people for a 분 and then smile at them happily
179. Beat your chest and run around screaming like Tarzan.
180. Throw stuff on the floor and start yelling at an imaginary friend.
181. Shoot spitwads at people and then fall on the ground laughing hysterically
182. Go into a bathroom that is of the opposite gender of yourself and open the stalls saying, "Ooh la la!"
183. Walk up to 랜덤 people, give them a hug, and say, "I 사랑 you!"
184. Dress up as an old man and start stealing stuff
185. Start a fire, then sit around it with your 프렌즈 in Indian clothes.
186. Walk around in a court jester costume
187. Run at people with a pitch fork
188. Pretend that you're having a 심장 attack
189. Throw tomatoes at people and then tackle them
190. Get on the intercom and calmly say, "Attention shoppers. I would like to inform 당신 that the world is about to end, and that there's a sale on isle two."
191. Buy a carton of vanilla ice cream, run up to the cash register, tell the cashier 당신 forgot your money, then start dancing like Napoleon Dynamite, screaming, "Where's my chap stick?!"
192. Pretend to be Spiderman 의해 running up walls and trying to save people
193. Claim isle three as your 'Secret Lair'
194. Run around the store 노래 the My Little 조랑말 theme song as loud as 당신 can.
195. Get a giant 크리스마스 긴 양말, 스타킹 and hop around in it like it's a potato sack on field day
196. Build a 벽 out of stuffed animals
197. Put on a cape and run around 노래 the Phantom of the Opera
198. Yell curse words at people
199. Knock down as many displays as 당신 can
200. Go up to a 랜덤 old guy with white hair and say, "I want Bratz for Christmas! Thank 당신 Santa!" and then give him a hug and run away.
201. Dress up in a super villain costume and then go around the store yelling, "MARRY ME!" to 랜덤 people
202. Go up to a tough looking guy and push him and say 당신 wanna fight? And when he pushes back start to cry and run away
203. Point to a cash register and ask the cashier, "How much is that?"
204. Get a tent and campout with the 바비 인형 인형 in the toy isle
205. Chew gum loudly in people's faces
206. Throw a poke-ball at someone and yell, "PIKACHU, I CHOOSE YOU!"
207. Turn on all the flashlights, hang them from the ceiling, stand under them, scatter confetti at your feet, and start singing, using a 바비 인형 as a microphone.
208. Play baseball in the middle of the store, then score a 집 run and run around the store screaming.
209. Flirt with someone, plan a date, and then break up with them, all in 10 minutes.
210. Get a 카트 and pile it high with items. When the cashier tells 당신 the price, exclaim, "What a rip off!" And walk out of the store.
211. Start singing, "Tinkle, tinkle, little star! In a toilet that's real far! Up above us in the sky! It's weird to learn that pee does fly! Make sure it does never land! In my, my, my, my, my hand!"
212. Find all the beans 당신 can and put them in your cart, and then tell 랜덤 people that it's your breakfast, lunch, and 공식 만찬, 저녁 식사 for the 다음 couple years.
213. Pay for your stuff with all pennies, and then come up one too short.
214. Scream, "Look! Someone's stealing an old lady's purse!" and when they look away, take all the stuff in their 카트 and throw it around the store shouting "I'm a terrorist!"
215. Run out of the dressing room screaming, "Michael Jackson has my dad!"
216. Go to the pet isle. Point to a 물고기 and say, "I'll have that one. And that one. And that one..." Keep going until you've pointed to every 물고기 they have in stock
217. Tap dance through the store
218. Change the 음악 on the intercom to Mexican
219. Rip open every package 당신 see
220. Get on a bike and have your friend chase you. Pretend 당신 are going to run over somebody and then 옮기기 out the way.
221. Stand in front of the security camera and pretend to die (dramatically)
222. Scream "SECURITY!" as loud as 당신 can. When they come up act all panicky and say "This is really important!" Then smile and say, "Hi."
223. Sing "Mary Had A Little Lamb" as loud as 당신 can in the 음악 section, then smile and say "Well, it's the 음악 section so I thought 당신 might like some live music." Then sing it again.
224. Run around with underwear on your head, screaming, "I am Captain Underpants!"
225. Follow a male security dude and ask him where the "feminine needs" are.
226. Go to the toy isle, set up the GI joe figures and yell, " Then it's WAR!!!"
227. Pull down your pants 다음 to a 꽃 display and "water" the flowers.
228. Go to the bakery section and yell "I 사랑 PIE!" to everyone 당신 see.
229. Take all the pets out of their cages, including the fish.
230. Grab a 딸기 쇼트 케이크, 케 잌 doll and go to the bakery section. Tell the baker "I'd like to buy 딸기 shortcake!" and hold the doll in their face.
231. Scream, "GET OUT OF MY YARD!" to everyone who walks 의해 you.
232. Announce that there's a huge sale at Target
233. Throw a party in a busy isle
234. Test drive lawn mowers
235. Have a 테니스 tournament in the middle of the store
236. Throw all the bouncy balls in the toy section everywhere and let them bounce around
237. Carry a bomb and make it explode
238. Eat a bunch of 캔디 and refuse to pay for it
239. Go to the in store restaurant and order anything. When receiving it tell them that this was not what 당신 wanted. Refuse to pay and go tell the manager
240. Hide in a pile of plushies and then jump out at people who walk by
241. Act like an old lady and scream, "AH! I broke my back! This wouldn't happen at Target!"
242. Pretend to be a life size Barbie. When someone wants to buy you, run away screaming that someone was trying to kidnap you.
243. Take a marker to all the happy faces. Then change the prices. That will start an uproar
244. When a clerk stops 당신 and asks your name read their name of their id card. When they say it's not your name scream, "IDENTITY THEFT!!!"
245. Throw 젤리 sweets at the cashiers
246. Steal a shopping cart(As in take it out of the store and put it in your car)
247. Ride on the back of the carts. (they hate it when 당신 do that) Run into other carts yelling like a maniac.
248. Follow one person around the store. Poke them ever so often. When the snap and yell at 당신 scream, "STALKER!!"
249. Pretend like you're a person who works there and walk around saying, "Can I help 당신 find anything?"
250. Spill cooking oil all over the floor and then slide in it
251. Pretend like you're blind and can't find what your looking for. Go up to 랜덤 people and ask, "Will 당신 help me find some cat 음식 for Fluffy?"
252. Bowl with bottles full of open soda
253. Run around with a bowl of cheerios yelling, "It lowered my cholesterol!"
254. Order a 피자 from the cashier
255. Ask to have your 피자 shaken, not stirred
256. Start a 음식 fight
257. Go up to a fat woman and say, "Taxi?"
258. Put underwear over your shorts, get a blue shirt, yellow paint, and red paint, paint an s on the shirt, go to the material section, cut a red cape, then get an umbrella, open it, and jump off the tops of shelves.
259. Take the spray paint and paint all the people around you
260. Go up to 랜덤 people and hug them while putting a 'Kick Me' sign on the back of their shirt
261. Hide in dark places with a golden ring. when people walk by, jump out at them hissing, "We wants it! 당신 cants have it!" Then gently whisper, "it will be alright my precious"
262. Flip off the manager
263. Go to the 음식 section, take all of the boxed items out, and stack them up to make a fort. Glue can help. And creating a 'distraction' elsewhere for the employees to handle while 당신 work does too...
264. Drop a pen and let someone else go and pick it up for you. When they do try to pick it up yell to them, "HEY THATS MY PEN THEIF!"
265. Bring a slip n' slide blast some 음악 and bring some 랜덤 people to it and kick their back so they slide accross the slip n' slide and scream "PARTY IN THE HIZ HOUSE!!!!!!!"
266. Throw a dance party
267. Write on the floors
268. Pull all the clothes off the racks into a pile on the floor and hide under it, and when someone tries to pick the clothes up, leap out cackling madly and run down the aisles, still cackling.
269. Go up to someone and say "look over there" Then pull down their pants. And, if you're lucky, their underwear.
270. Pretend to have an asthma attack, and when someone tries to help you, bite them. 또는 pretend to faint.
271. Get a bag of chips and walk around the store eating them. When an employee tries to stop 당신 또는 make 당신 pay, tell them that they're your chips! Keep screaming it.
272. Spray a customer with pepper spray and scream, "Help! Help! He's a rapist!"
273. Pretend to be a rabid dog and run around growling at people. Then if someone tries to stop you, bite them.
274. Lie on the floor. Just lie there. It is guaranteed to freak people out. Either pretend to be asleep, 또는 to have passed out.
275. Take toys and put them on the floor and take a cart. Start running over the toys screaming, "Monster Truck Mania!!!"
276. Climb up the shelves/storage units, then refuse to come down.
277. Take red 주스 Pour it on your face make streaks 또는 stripes then layout on the floor with a 꽃 in your hand when a crowd of people come stand up and walk like a zombie!
278. Grab a bowl, spoon, milk, and cereal. Eat it right there and tell them you'll pay when your done.
279. Stand on the conveyer 벨트 when your checking out and walk like its a treadmill... then ask for a speed increase
280. 덮개, 랩 yourself in toilet paper rolls and pretend to be a mummy looking for your wife, Cleopatra
281. Follow a stranger around and mimic them. Continue doing this for a long period of time.
282. If 당신 are in Target, say there is a code yellow
283. Get some 캔디 옥수수 form the 캔디 aisle put two on your canine teeth and go around the store biting peoples necks
284. Flirt with the manager's wife
285. Walk calmly to the CDs, when u see one that has Hilary Duff, yell (if you're a fan) OHMIGOD! HILARY'S LATEST! OHMIGOSH, I, LIKE HAVE TO HAVE THIS! (if you're not a fan) Find a hammer, take the CD, gently put it on the floor, then mash it like a madman.
286. Run around spinning and say you're the Tasmanian devil
287. Run around in circles and yell, "I'M THE 원, 동그라미 MAN!"
288. Announce a sock-sliding contest and take off your shoes and start sliding. It's actually really fun...
289. Go up to a employee ask for a application and where it says goals write down 'to take over Wal-Mart' and turn it in
290. Get a water gun and threaten someone with it. A cashier is usually a prime candidate. Then say in a low, dangerous voice (without collapsing into laughter) "Empty out the cash register."
291. Take a soda, shake it up, and then spray it at people.
292. Hide in the clothes so when someone comes to look 당신 yell, "PICK ME!"
293. Request that an employee find 당신 an imaginary product, then keep saying: "I know it's here somewhere, just keep looking!" Eventually the employee will run out of patience, so then 당신 say: "You've been punked!" And run out screaming and laughing. (Maybe 당신 won't get kicked out, but you'll freak an employee out...)
294. Print out a bunch of advertisements for Target, Marshalls, etc... Then calmly go around taping/gluing/stapling them to products, people, and walls. It helps to have a WHOLE lot of them.
295. 옮기기 things around. (Put 겨울왕국 음식 in with the barbies, etc...)
296. If a fat person has a twinkies in their 카트 take it out and start eating it and spit it out on them and yell, "That crud is sick!"
297. Point at an old man and yell, "LOOK EVERYONE! IT'S BRITNEY SPEARS!"
298. Put a ski mask on and wear a black cape with black clothes and a fake sword and yell, "Zoro has returned!"
299. Dress up as an old lady and whack people with your 지갑 and when employees come to stop you, pretend to faint
300. Go to Wal-Mart at 2:00 in the morning and do cartwheels around the store screaming, "I'm pregnant!"
301. Put on a long wig and claim to be Pocahontas
302. Break some glass, then accuse a flying monkey
303. Threaten a cashier with a 캔디 bar
304. Bring in scissors and glue. If anyone asks, tell them 당신 are fulfilling your dream of giving Wal Mart a Make Over.
305. Buy a bag of candy. Start to walk away, then ask if 당신 can exchange them. Repeat until they get angry.
306. Go to the dairy section and protest against milking cows. Say things like, "What if the cows aren't ok with us milking them? Cows have rights too!" 307. Redecorate the Rollback Smiley Face so he is green with neon 담홍색, 핑크 eyes.
308. Go up to the manager and ask where the nearest K-Mart is.
309. If 당신 see a couple holding hands, run through their hands and scream, "RED ROVER!"
310. Grab a gnome, then hide in a clothes rack and when someone picks out a 셔츠 또는 whatever jump out and yell "The gnome did it! The gnome did it!" Then throw the gnome and run.
311. Put up free sample signs all over the store and watch people leave with their "free samples."
312. Run around the store screaming, "OMG! HELP! 얼룩말, 핀 토 BEANS ARE TAKING OVER COSTCO! AHHH!"
313. In Walmart, they give out free stickers. Take them and decorate your body with them. 314. Get a bunch of your friends, about 10 또는 more, and go up to a lady who looks like she's in her 20's. When there are lots of people around, ask, "Mommy? Can we have some ice cream?"
315. Spit in the manager's face
316. Stare at a customer for a long time while saying, "Hello, hello, hello" nonstop until they get really mad
317. Go to customer service and say, "Your fat vallet guy 스톨, 훔친 my car."
318. Put an "Out of Order" sign on the manager's butt
319. Go up to customers and whisper, "Seven Days..." and if they turn around, pelt them with Skittles
320. Melt chocolate, then scream, "Free face masks!"
321. Wear a pair of bright yellow pants on your head and run around screaming, "They Got Me!!"
322. Slap the manager and scream, "He's alive! He's ALIVE!!!"
323. Put a lot of matches and gasoline in your cart, then smile at people
324. Run around the store five times, and when 당신 are done, scream, "I WIN!" and do a victory dance
325. Let a 콜리, 콜 리 lose in the store, then scream, "Lassie, come home!"
326. Make your friend that's a guy try on girl clothes and then have him run around like a crazy person.
327. Hide in a boys clothes rack, and when a boy with glasses walks by, scream, "You're a wizard, Harry!"
328. Grab lots of G.I. Joe action figures and Water Bombs and yell, "ITS WAR!!!" whenever someone walks 의해 and throw the bombs at them.
329. Put a Dora toy on the floor and when someone tries to pick it up, yell, "Swiper No Swiping!"
330. Buy a fake but expensive looking vase. (ex. a cheap glass pot.) Fill it with some ash and soot. Then take it to an employee, bump into him and drop it so it shatters. Then keep screaming at him that it was your mother and 당신 will sue him for every thing he owns, and tell him he has to pick it up then and there 또는 he will be cursed for 10 years.
331. Put a squirt gun in a stuffed elmo's hand and scream, "Everybody down!! Elmo's got a gun!"
332. Drive around in a kiddie car 노래 the 배트맨 theme song.
333. Run around with underwear on your head screaming, "I'm Blind!!!
........ so that is 333 ways to get kicked out of walmart!!!! it was hilarious!!! i know
added by shiriny
added by aitypw
added by Team_Edward77
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posted by Forgot_To_Laugh
My eyes surrendered to sleep at about 10pm. Suddenly, I heard an unusual creak, then another, then another. I looked up above at the portrait. It was slowly rocking from side to side. The young girl's mouth was moving, "Go away!" It seemed to be saying. I opened my mouth to scream, nothing came out. I wanted to call the guards, my hands felt too clammy. I wanted to yell so badly! "HELP ME!!! HELP ME!!! HELP ME!!!" was repeating inside my head. I willed myself back to sleep, hoping for dear life. Then, all went silent and I breathed a sigh of relief.
She can see them, she can hear them, she is the only one who understands them. They worship her....

Aoi Nakasone and Danielle Harris kneel in the river behind Kitty Walker's house.
'I don't see any armour,' complains Aoi.
'That's because you've been looking in the same spot for three hours,' says Danielle, brushing long, black bangs out of his eyes. 'What's that?'
Aoi looks where Danielle is pointing. There is a shimmering, bronze 헬멧 laying in the water. It has two eye slits and on top, golden hairs from a 말 tail.
Aoi jumps up and runs over.
'Don't touch it,' Danielle warns him.
'Why?' asks...
continue reading...
"We've gotta do something quick!" Larry cried. Nath held a sign that said "I Agree!" then said,"She's said awesome twenty-nine times.... Twenty-seven were about her!"
"We're in a pickle... So what do 당신 suppose we do?" Venous said, trying his best to keep a cool posture. He moved some blondish-light green hair out of his face. "We could always use our powers."
"We can't, Domness put some sorta thing on the room," Ushio said. Benga looked to the door. "Idiots. How can 당신 suppose we're trapped? We haven't tried the door yet. If I know that bastard Domeness, he probably didn't lock the door,"Benga...
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Dreams are what makes us imagine.
our bodies make us stand, but our hearts are what keeps us alive.

blank faces, colored pages, morbid truth for a soul.
we are connected, our hearts are one. We are one.

We ponder for answers, we wonder the truth.
Society and war are corrupting our youth.
Blue skies and 무지개, 레인 보우 나비 are 더 많이 than an inch from your fingers.

Reach out. Take it. Make it yours.

Live for today, rather than tommorrow.
The truth is only a mile away.

Catch Your Dreams.
1.Tell someone 당신 truly trust about your trouble.
2.Talk to your friends.

3.Go outside (somewhere 당신 can relax when 당신 visit) and don't say I am not in the mood.

4.Cry when 당신 feel that 당신 need it and don't think crying is weakness.

5.Bring a piece of paper and write/draw whatever 당신 want .

6.Take a 샤워 with a cold/warm water .

7.Listen to classic 음악 .

8.Drink a 과일 주스 또는 anything cold.

And in the end remember that life goes on and never stops ...You have to live it as it is and it's your choice to be happy 또는 sad :)

With my 사랑 .....
The 다음 day, Emma, Eve, and Mellissa met outside the school. Suddenly, the three girls got tackled into a bush. "Hey! What was that for?! I broke a nail!" Emma yelled. Eve looked up and realized Ms. Winters had tackled them. "Ms. Winters?!"Eve whisper-exclaimed, attempting to 옮기기 her long black hair out of her face. She had 로스트 the rubber band holding it up in the bushes. Mellissa looked around the schoolyard and luckily it was empty. "I had to mark 당신 absent for the day, but your parents won't know. Sometimes the system gets messed up, anyway." Ms. Winters said. All three girls stared...
continue reading...

(Dib's POV)

Chapter 1; The Pain

I lock myself in the bathroom at my house. I pull out the razor blade from the pocket of my treanch coat.  Tears are streaming down my face as I cut into the skin on my wrist. Scarlet blood seaps out and drips on the floor. For a moment the pain of what just happened, what has been happening for so long, is gone. Gaz bangs on the door. "Dib, if 당신 don't open this door in the 다음 five 초 I'm braking it down!" Gaz shouts through the door. Knowing my sister, she really would. I quickly put my wrist cover on and wipe up the blood that got on the floor....
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posted by misscrazel
Dominic  came running towards me. He crashed into me, blood ran from my nose and down the front of my shirt. Dominic buried his face in my 셔츠 and sobbed. Finally he quit and I saw a bright red hand mark on his face. 
" What happened?" I asked.
"He hit me!" he yelled. He started crying again. I knew that. His dad hit him. Duh. This reminded me of two years ago. Actually it also reminded me of about every 일 I remember. Seems like he would have learned to get used to it. So two years ago. Right. He had a girlfriend....
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OK so recently i figured out that when my sister allie gets scared really uber bad she freak'n FLIPS OUT and starts randomly punching and hitting the closest person 2 her hahaha. i learned that the hard way when my cat was trying 2 eat her cerial ...... so this was like sometime last 년 and me and my sister allie had JUST got back from skool, so of course the 1st thing we go 4 is the food. she pours the bowl of cerial and the 우유 and what not and she sits down at the 표, 테이블 and the cat desides 2 try 2 eat her cerial. so of coarse allie ain't feel'n that so she throws the cat out the window...
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The morning was calm as Belle looked out over our beautiful blue lake that seemed to stretch on forever. "Belle, you're going to be late for school" my mother called from downstairs. "Oh, crap" Belle said grabbing my bag and running downstairs and out the door. In terms she was already late, she had to run a mile to school, she had to be at school 의해 8:00 and it was already 7:54. "Belle" her friend Madison yelled from across the road. "Hey Maddie" Belle waved to her. "You late too?" she asked running over to her. "Yeah, i can't help but thing something is going to go wrong" Belle said looking...
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posted by FlufflyHands
당신 now when we broke up I was like: "I WANT U BACK." Then I realized our relationship was like a CIRCUS. 당신 GIVE 사랑 A BAD NAME baby, just saying. Now whenever I see 당신 I just put on my POKER FACE. ONE TIME 당신 came to me like: "ONE 더 많이 NIGHT...?" And I was like: "WHAT I'VE DONE For 당신 I regret" than running away I scream back at him: "I hope 당신 DIE YOUNG!" Yeah well we didn't talk for awhile. 당신 attempt to get me back again and I was like: "dude, WE ARE NEVER EVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER." Then I just walked away, awkward moment when. I see 당신 around town with your stupid friends,...
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posted by ZacharyWhite
When I was 6 years old...

My grandmother and I don't get along very well. One time, I was gonna pet my dog Lassie, I didn't know that she was guarding a bone, so she gave me a very loud bark. My grandmother heard the bark and she thought that I was hurting Lassie. So , She grabs a piece of a long metal and she started to hit me at the feet,hands,back,arms and legs. I was almost full of bruises then she said that if I told my parents about it, she would do it again.
Night time...
My mom saw my bruises in my legs and arms, she asked me what happened to me, I said I just accidentally scratched myself......
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posted by randomgirl3000
How 당신 can tell if someone is lying:

1) Look the person straight in the eyes

•As in poker, your eyes 봉인, 인감 the deal. It shows vulnerability. If looking at the eyes for a while and the person looks away, 당신 know he/ she is lying.
2) Eyes are situated to the right

•Demonstrates that the person is “creating” an event to cover up what he/she has done. The person is thinking on the spot so it is a good time to counter attack the lie with a kick!
3) Changing the topic right away

•If the person is trying to drag the conversation 또는 keeps diverting the topic towards something totally different,...
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