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posted by dayoo
Well, kami tidak akan berpanjang lebar berkata-kata yang tiada bermakna. Kita langsung saja ke inti pembicaraan kita pada pagi ini yakni berbicara tentang Bapak link dan strategi jitu yang diperkenalkan oleh beliau yaitu cara jitu untuk membeli banyak roperti tanpa harus keluar uang banyak, tanpa harus menggunakan uang anda sendiri dan tanpa harus berhutang kesana kemari yang ujung-ujungnya bisa dikejar-kejar hutang disepanjang hidup anda. Bagaimana caranya? Apakah ini benar atau justru sebuah gurauan belaka? Mungkin ada banyak pertanyaan yang menumpuk di isi kepala anda. Memang tidak heran jika anda bertanya-tanya seperti itu. Namun untuk memperjelas ini anda bisa langsung mengunjungi website beliau untuk informasi ang lebih lengkap lagi tentang hal ini, dan untuk mendapatkan informasi uptodate tentang event-event yang diselenggarakan oleh Bapak Cipto Junaedy anda bisa melihat di akun sosial media milik belia baik itu di 페이스북 maupun di jejaring sosial media twitter.

Tepat sekali jika info tentang link yang sedang anda butuhkan. Berikut dibawah ini saya hendak mengulas tentang informasi terkait hal tersebut. Namanya saja sudah jodoh, tak akan kemana sobat. Untuk itu anda hanya perlu duduk manis dan menyimak informasi tentang Cipto Junaedy ini dengan pelan-pelan saja. Okelah sobat, mari kita simak informasi Cipto Junaedy berikut ini bersama-sama, namun sebelumnya izinkan saya hendak menyapa nda terlebih dahulu, bagaimana kabar anda hari ini? Apakah baik-baik saja sobat? Jika memang demikian adanya, sama donk dengan saya, alhamdulillah saya juga baik-baik saja, yang pasti sehat, hehe. Baiklah sobatku semua semoga saja infoprmasi terkait tentang topik teranyar tentang berikut ini akan banyak manfaat nya buat anda semua.

Ok pembaca semuanya, demikian informasi singkat yang bisa kami suguhkan buat anda semua terkait dengan topik terhangat yakni informasi tentang link ini, semoga saja bisa memberikan banyak manfaat buat anda semua, kunjungi juga kami di website kami distributor pulsa elektrik termurah dan terlengkap di Indonesia, semoga juga akan ada banyak manfaatnya untuk anda semua. Namun sebelum itu kami hendak mengucapkan terimakasih buat anda semua yang telah berkunjung ke blog kami ini untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang Cipto Junaedy. Sekali lagi semoga informasi tentang Cipto Junaedy yang kami sajikan buat anda kali ini bisa memberikan banyak manfaatnya buat anda sekalian. Dan jangan lupa untuk mengunjungi berbagai link sumber yang kami kaitkan pada tulisan ini yang semoga saja bisa menjadi referensi yang baik dan berguna buat anda semua dalam menambah pengetahuan anda tentang Bapak Cipto Junaedy yang saat ini sedang banyak diperbincangkan baik di internet seperti di berbagai blog dan media olnline yang lainnya seperti jejaring sosial maupun di media massa daerah maupun nasional.

Nah, saya asa anda semakin penasaran dengan strategi jitu yang di bagikan oleh apak Cipto Junaedy ni, aka dari itu anda sepertinya semakin tertarik untuk semakin mengikutoi perkembangan berita tentang Bapak Cipto Junaedy ini bukan? entu saja demikian sobat semua, saya pun begitu etika pertama kali mendapatkan informasi tentang hal ini. Nah marilah kita sama-sama menyimak dan mengikuti dengan semua up to 날짜 tentang berita yang ekarang sedang menjadi trending topik yaitu informasi seputar Cipto Junaedy yang seperti saat ini sedang anda baca. Maka dari tu sobat semua, kami pada postingan singkat ini hanya sedikit saja akan berbagi informasi ni untuk anda. Dan elebihnya bisa anda dapatkan pada beberapa tautan sumber informasi yang kami tautkan pada postingan tentang Cipto Junaedy ini untuk anda semua. Maka dari itu jika artikel yang edang nda baca ini masih kurang lengkap dalam menyajikan informasi tentang Cipto Junaedy aka anda bisa mengunjungi salah satu dari beberapa tautan sumber yang kami maksudkan diatas.

Terimakasih sobat semua atas kunjungan anda dan telah meluangkan waktu anda untuk membaca tulisan singkat dari kami yang membahas tentang link ini, semoga saja kami selalu berharap bahwa ini semua bisa bermanfaat buat anda semua yang kebetulan atau dengan sengaja membaca tulisan singkat seputar Cipto Junaedy ini. Kunjungi juga kami di distributor pulsa elektrik multi ioperator yang dimana anda akan mendapatkan banyak informasi lainnya yang telah kami bagikan pada website tersebut disamping informasi terkini tentang Bapak Cipto Junaedy sebagaimana memang merupakan informasi penting yang selama ini anda cari dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain. Kami selalu berharap semoga saja anda semua selalu tetarik untuk kembali berkunjung dan kembali berkunjung dimana anda akan mendapatkan informasi yang sangat berguna buat anda ada banyak sekali informasi yang kami bagikan pada website distributor pulsa tersebut dan semua untuk pengunjung setia kami termasuk anda semua yang sedang mampir disini. Akhir kata ekali lagi kami ucapkan terimakasih atas kunjungan anda dan semoga semuanya berguna bagi anda.
posted by _ColorBlind_


Remember me? Of course 당신 don't- this is a new account. *smacks self*

Anyway, I used to be LUV_4_BIEBER. *shudders* Remember me now? Still no? Okay.. 

ANYPENIS, I came back to this site a few nights 이전 and went "Damn I miss this place!" Of course probably NONE if the people I knew are still here, but who cares- I can make new friends!

(that was a completely failed attempt at being sociable)

So I was looking back at my old account and holy fucking dickface I was the biggest idiot ever. Just- wow. Firer me apologizes for past me's illiterate 글쓰기 skills, mary-sueishess, and generally being an annoying twat >.<  

I guess this is a welcome back post? 더 많이 like a "please dear god take me back" post :p

Am sure 당신 all already know me for my question:"Does people at your school make fun of what happened at 9/11" where I concluded that only people 의해 where I live (Miami, Florida) joke about that. Well turns out they are not the only bastards. I was on Youtube, checking out 비디오 about 9/11 for a reason I don't know. So I came across this video, that 의해 just looking at the title, 당신 know it was made 의해 someone who lacks a soul. here is the 제목 of the video:
"9/11-Get the water nigga"
The name to you, may look funny. But when 당신 think about what is it about, you'll realize that this is serious...
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Harry Potter author JK Rowling, admitted that Dumbledore is gay. He was in 사랑 with a wizard named Grindelwald whom he later defeated in a duel.

"I had always seen Dumbledore as gay, but in a sense that's not a big deal. The book wasn't about Dumbledore being gay. It was just that from the outset obviously I knew that he had this big, hidden secret and that he flirted with the idea of exactly what Voldemort goes on to do, he flirted with the idea of racial domination, that he was going to subjugate Muggles. So that was Dumbledore's big secret.

He's an innately good man, what would make him...
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posted by Wanda5
I'm bored so here, guess the songs :)

- Put your MP3 player/iPod/iTunes on shuffle.
- Post the first line from the first 30 songs that plays, no matter how embarrassing the song.
- Let anyone guess the 답변 (song 제목 and artist)
- Bold the lyrics when someone figures it out

1. She paints her fingers with a close precision

2. This may be the last thing that I write for long

3. Tripping out, spinning around - Alice 의해 Avril Lavigne

4. She lives in a fairy tale - Brick 의해 boring brick 의해 Paramore

5. Your little hands wrapped around my finger - Never grow up 의해 Taylor Swift

6. He woke up...
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posted by akatsuki_lover9
chapter 1
It was a normal 일 for flippy. Breakfast, newspaper. He got his mail from the mailbox. Nothing new, nothing great. Then one letter caught his eye. It said on the front in bold letters “You Have Been Called To Serve In The Hunger Games.” flippy dreaded this day. “called to serve again?” he thought. “figures, a war hero having to serve again, I might as well read the rest of this letter. He opened it up, expecting the worst. “please god, not Vietnam.” he prayed. He was surprised at what was written. It didn't seem war-like at all. “Dear tribute, 당신 have been chosen...
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posted by koalagirl9
step 1.Go up to someone and ask there name
Step 2.Tell them that there name is ugly
step 3.Tell them they're 셔츠 looks like throw up
step 4.give them a hug
step 5:kick them in the shin
step 6:tell them 당신 사랑 them
Step 7:kick them in the crotch 또는 stumach
step 8.Say i 사랑 당신 again
step 9:walk around them in circles 노래 my butt smells like a tortia chachacha
step 10:say 당신 hate them
I am the boy who never finished high school because I got called a fag everyday.
I am the girl who was kicked out of her 집 because I confided in my mother I was a lesbian.
I am the prostitute working the streets because no one will hire a transsexual woman.
I am the sister who held her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled night.
We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time.
I am the man who died alone in a hospital because they would not let my partner of 27 years into the room.
I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the...
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posted by akatsuki_lover9
Chapter 1

It was late afternoon. Flamingleap, an 주황색, 오렌지 불, 화재 elemental dragon, was hunting for the tribe, with no luck. He'd been hunting since dawn and caught nothing. Snow crunched beneath his big feet. Just when he was ready to give up he heard the screech of an eagle. He jerked his head up. The eagle was only a few feet from his face and it was the size of his head. It would feed a few 용 if it was 스플릿, 분할 equally. Flamingleap reached and snapped his jaws on the eagle's wing. It flapped in a desperate attempt to escape. Flamingleap jerked his head, killing the eagle. “the clan will...
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 Our current Cover. I've been working on a new one.
Our current Cover. I've been working on a new one.
So wassup everybody? Listen, There's this club called 랜덤 아니메 RP forums. Me and some other fanpoppers got one hell of a story going on and if you're looking for some good reading, it's there. Action, comedy, romance, drama, vampires, and even zombie soul reapers! You'll find 아니메 characters from Hell Girl, Inuyasha, Pokemon, Bleach, Rozen Maiden, Pandora Hearts, Black Butler, and many more. Hell, we even got Mortal Kombat in there. And during one story arch I even added Freddy Kruger. I couldn't help it. Dream Eater Merry VS Freddy... C'mon! Anywho, check it out if you're interested. The first 3 parts are 게시됨 on 아니메 club but we got the 링그 in ours. We've been keeping this RP going for close to 11 months so far. So hell byob, 또는 whatever ya drink and come help us celebrate our first anniversary. hehe XD Cy-beer... lol... sorry. Anywho, I think our story kicks 나귀, 엉덩이 and if 당신 사랑 아니메 and good story telling, I think 당신 will too. Peace! and um, see ya there hopefully
hahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahajahahajahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r so stupid if u no like justn beber 또는 one directin they have beter ears than keith harkin and if u had good ears u o wood b listning to rabit 음식 r u mad wel dont say i didnt warn u freak my life is complete cuz am marryed 2 jb nd 아이칼리 is my best fend hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahajaha that wat u get 4 ben mena 2 me hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahajahahajahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahauahahahtahahauauhagaiahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahhahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahajahahahahahahahajahajahajahajajajahahahahahahajahahahajahahhahahahahahahahaha
1 = Tap your pencil continuously on your 책상, 데스크 또는 forehead.

2 = If 당신 have long hair, flip it in someones face.

3 = Keep on shifting your chair.

4 = Keep on whispering Hi.

5 = Tell them after class "They know now". Trust me it scares them.

6 = Ask them where they live..

7 = Ask them if they watch America's 다음 상단, 맨 위로 Model every day.

8 = Ask them every 일 to sit 다음 to them at lunch, but at lunch say 당신 were just kidding.

9 = Have a sleepover with them and do nothing.

10 = Ask them if KFC serves 피자 every Friday.

11 = Poke them in the back if they won't move.

12 = Say "I like your hair" in a creepy way.

13 = Ask them if they have ever been drunk.

14 = Ask if they are on Myspace. If they are, then say they have no life.
posted by chillyneon
I'm sorry if one of these shows are still one of your favorites it's my opinion not yours :P

1 = Icarly
2 = Victorious
3 = How To Rock
4 = Degrassi
5 = Team UmiZoomi
6 = Dora The Explorer
7 = Big Time Rush
8 = So Random
9 = A.N.T farm
10 = Hanna Motanna
11 = Secret Mountain Fort Awesome
12 = Pair Of Kings (some episodes)
13 = Bucket And Skinner
14 = Dance Academy

Sorry if 당신 like any of these shows. I just dont like them!!! It's my opinion, MINE.

Here are some 랜덤 words to make my 기사 longer
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Are there even true friendship until now?
의해 Secret Irken Invader Eve

Friendship. It is a word that is ALMOST a myth.

Friendship starts with a friend.
A friend gives 당신 happiness and loyalty.
A friend is meant to make a promise.
A promise which is that he 또는 she will never turn his 또는 her back on you...... 또는 betray you.

But that friend suddenly breaks that promise.
Turns its back on 당신 and stick its self to greed.

당신 cannot trust so much in this type of timeline.
당신 can never again.

He/she will leave 당신 disappointed and let 당신 down.

Why should 당신 look for someone else like He is not enough.
He who created you,
Loved you,
Cared for you.

Why look for somebody else
When 당신 have God with his 사랑 all wrapped around you.
Name something a blind person might use - A sword

Name a song with moon in the 제목 - Blue suede moon

Name a bird with a long neck - Naomi Campbell

Name an occupation where 당신 need a torch - A burglar

Name a dangerous race - The Arabs

Name an item of clothing worn 의해 the 3 musketeers - A horse

Name something that floats in the bath - Water

Name something 당신 wear on the 바닷가, 비치 - A deckchair

Name something Red - My cardigan

Name a famous cowboy - Buck Rogers

A number 당신 have to memorize - 7

Something 당신 do before going to 침대 - Sleep

Something 당신 put on walls - Roofs

Something in the garden that's green...
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The End Of Everything, The End Of Apolla
Song-Fic. Song: Lights 의해 Ellie Goulding, The BassNectar Remix

Late in the evening, around 9:30 p.m., 12 년 old Apolla Falconer awoke with a start. Everything around her was pitch black, all except from the 주황색, 오렌지 거리 lights, who's beams came faintly through the blinded windows. Apolla quickly raised her head from the cold, sticky surface it was on. With her incredible night- vision, she found out that the surface was a 책상, 데스크 from her school. Apolla looked around even 더 많이 and saw that she was in her own classroom, in fact. "Why the 'ell am I in...
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posted by xboxrocksx45
당신 just shut the door i fell like 더 많이 when 당신 say i'm shy i cry saying why? why? do 당신 make sure to 사랑 me even though i'm shy do 당신 ever ever ever think to try? do 당신 think of me? when 당신 say shy shy shy i say why and i'll sit and think about waiting when 당신 say hi well than 당신 won't be mine! yes this is 사랑 but does it hurt? when i cry? when 당신 say shy and i know it's true but i'm alright i and i 사랑 you! why would say means things why would 당신 say the stuff that stings why would 당신 say that word when i know 당신 much? i don't think i would be with 당신 if i knew a thing 또는 two about your life 당신 backstabbing 칼, 나이프 i trusted 당신 and yet 당신 still flew without me
posted by icuSTALKER
She's beautiful...
Her brown eyes sparkle.
Her nails are perfect.
Her golden brown hair shines like polished wood.
She is an average height for twenty-one.
She's playful, friendly.
She never gets mad.
She loves food.
She hugs 당신 a lot.
Don't 당신 사랑 her?
I do...
I 사랑 my dog.
posted by adaug
당신 can only live once, but if 당신 do it right, once is enough. -Mae West.
I didn't believe that the first time I heard it,but one tiny mistake,can change your live...Forever.
April 19,1999.
The clock read 7:43,I got out of bed.I was late for school.When I left,I didn't say bye to mom 또는 dad.I just left.On the way there,I remembered a physics test I had to take,and if I failed it,I got an F in physics!So,at my lunch hour,I went to the library.I saw my two 프렌즈 already studying.I went over there and we started laughing and talking,but the librarian told us to be quiet.Then she went in the hall.Then...
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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!",a teen named Tessa screamed as she was falling down a hole.

Everyone gasped.

"NO!!!",her friend Dana yelled

"Tessa!",another friend,Martha shouted."No!No!No!No!No!No!!You still owe me 50 bucks,man!"

"That darn lady,she 스톨, 훔친 our money,man!",a cowboy said."What a shame"

"No..", a girl named Erica whispered.

"Oh my god!",cowboy said

Everyone sobbed."All that money!", a lady named Lisa wailed."No!!!!!!!"

"The money is gone,man!",Lisa's sister Sara whined.

The cowboy sighed.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!",Martha screamed."MY MONEY!!!!!!!!!!"
Bunker bustin' mega ultra super, ahh ahhh! Holy crap, ahh!
Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! K.O.!

One-up, power up, already leveled up
Options set to difficult, 사랑 a challenge, typical
Raging through my enemies, kicking 나귀, 엉덩이 so happily
Supernova, bend 당신 over, to the lava! game over!

I'm saying "Yay!" when I'm knocking 당신 right off the stage,
B*tches hate but I don't play, smash a Goomba any day!
I'm on a mission, trying to save the princess!
Dashing, smashing, knock 당신 outta commission!

I'm a killer like a Manson, you're blowin' like you're Hanson,
Your powers are weak when 당신 go against me,
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