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OK, this 기사 is going to be in the point of view of many different characters. Before it begins in their point of view it will have their names.
Edward wasn't a school today, too sunny, I'm guessing. The Cullens are probably out hunting. Charlie had said that where the Cullens "hike" is filled with bears. I'm pretty sure that they are hunting somewhere else today, so I would like to see how it looks up there. I pulled on some hiking boots and got in my truck.
Eventually I reached the place. I was standing on the side of a small cliff. I found a few 곰 prints, and started to wander why I came here in the first place. There was a forest to my left, and it was filled with bushes and trees.
One of the bushes started to shake. Edward stepped out, eyes black as coals, and blood dripping down his mouth. He was staring at me, slowly putting me between him and the cliff.
"Edward, don't!" I was screaming now, fear growing inside me. I started to run, even though I knew there was no chance I could outrun him, not just because he is a vampire, I'm also his singer, meaning that my blood sings to him. I tripped over a rock, and he used vampie speed, took my leg in his cold, hard hand and bit my calf.
"Edward! Edward, stop! Please!" everything was going fuzzy, and he still wasn't stopping... couldn't he reconize my voice, even though he was in this hungry state? I was trying to scream more, but they just came out in, harsh, weak ways, and slowly, everything went black.
"Let's all meet at the clearing," Carlisle had said. I used my speed to reach our special clearing, only to find that I was the last person there.
"Hello, Edward. We were just dicussing what we caught today. None of us had much luck...What did 당신 catch?" Carlisle welcomed me.
I put my hand on my forehead, what had I caught? "I, I can't remember," I mumbled.
"Do 당신 remember where 당신 were when 당신 made the kill?" they were all looking at me in a strange way now. We 뱀파이어 don't forget things very easily, 당신 see.
"I was 의해 the cli-, Bella!" I was running now, I had to get to her, soon. I could hear the rest of my family running after me. I skidded to the spot where I had bitten Bella. Blood was splattered everywhere, and she was laying right on the edge of the cliff, so close, I thought that one touch would send her toppling over.
"Bella, no?!" I screamed, scooping her up and holding her tightly. I sobbed onto her shoulder. What did I do?
"Edward, it's OK, she's still alive, let me see her," Carlisle tried to convince me to hand the only person I've ever cared about into his care, but he doesn't know that, of course.
"Sure, just make sure she's OK," I relunctantly handed Bella over. I, feeling ashamed of what I had done, left the scene. I crawled through some bushes that were arranged in a 원, 동그라미 around a clearing with only one oak 나무, 트리 right in the center.
I looked down at the small human in my arms, I knew her as Isabella Swann, daughter of Cheif Swann. But Edward had mentioned something about her smelling 더 많이 appetizing to him, much worse than other people. She was getting better, I could listen to her 심장 beating to check that she was healthy. I knew she was going to wake up soon.
"She'll be waking up soon, I want to try something," I told Esme and Rosalie.
"What," Rosalie didn't even make it sound like a question.
"When she wakes we will tell her she is dead, then ask her how she feels that Edward killed her. I want to see what she says." They nodded in aggrement.
I blinked open my eyes to see three sparkling figures leaning over me.
"Am-am I dead?" I mumbled.
"What makes 당신 think 당신 are dead?" the male one asked.
"You, are angels, right?"
"Yes, we are angels, and, yes, 당신 are dead. How do 당신 feel that Edward killed you?" the same 앤젤 asked.
"I guess it wasn't his fault, he was out hunting, right, and he can't controll himself hunting. I don't blame him," I said, my voice getting stronger.
"Hmmm. Is that right... Bella, 당신 aren't dead. I am Carlisle Cullen, 당신 know Rosalie, and this is my wife Esme," he said gesturing around him. I suddenly reconized them all, and with a jolt, I sat up.
"Where's Edward?! I have to see him!"
"He went through those bushes..." I jumped to my feet, well, foot, and toppled back down. My right leg wasn't working, and hurt uncontrollably. But, I, being the person I am, crawled through the bushes, my usless leg dragging behind.
"Edward!" it was so good to see him. He looked at me with his eyes, still slack, and watched them turn back to their beautiful amber color.
"Bella!" I could barely hear him whisper my name, he sounded shocked. "I can't belive you're OK!"
"Of coarse I'm OK, I wounldn't allow myself to die and hurt 당신 like that," I joked snickering. He scooped me up and brought me to the large oak he had been sitting under. We curled up and started to kiss.
When Bella had crawled off to see Edward, I had become curious about how urgent she had been to see him. I, just out of curiosity, had peeked through the bushes to see what they were doing, only to find them curled up together. I recoiled back. What was Edward DOING!!!
I twisted my head around to see Rosalie, Esme, Emmett, and Jasper watching me as I spied. I motioned them over. In milliseconds they were beside me, peering in, withdrawing in moments with shocked looks on their faces.
We all started to spy again. Now they had started to KISS! I mean, full out french style! Now, we just couldn't stop ourselves from watching. The two finally stopped, after a long time, may I add, and had started to talk.
"I 사랑 당신 Bella," Edward whispered into her ear.
"I 사랑 당신 too, Edward," she said, 키싱 him one 더 많이 time on the cheek.
"You shouldn't. I almost killed you, 당신 could be so much safer with someone else," he warned her.
"I forgive you! 당신 couldn't controle your self!" Everything was becoming clear now. THIS was why Edward dad seemed so upset about Bella, this is why he was hesitant to hand her over to me. Our dear Edward had found love.
"I want 당신 to climb me in a tree," Bella suddenly requested.
"Can't 당신 climb yourself?" I joked. I had forgotten about her leg and winced when she waved her hand towards it.
"OK, OK. How about the oak?"
"Too small." Eventually Bella had found the tallest 나무, 트리 in the forest. It seemed like hunderds of feet tall. Even though it had extreme hight, we were at the 상단, 맨 위로 of it in seconds. We stood looking down upon the forest.
"Even a vampire could die if he fell from this hight!" I said. It's true. We can't survive just everything, 당신 know.
"Can 당신 survive this?" Bella leaned 앞으로 and kissed me. We kissed, and kissed. It was so wonderful we felt like we were floating...Wait! We WERE floating! Out of the massive 나무, 트리 we fell.
"Bella! Get on 상단, 맨 위로 of me!" I couldn't let her be the one to hit the ground. I, the super-hard-to-kill-vampire, was NOT going to let Bella die instead of him. I wrapped my arms around her, protecting her. That's when we hit ground.
Even a vampire could die if he fell from this hight! Edward's words ringed through my head. We were on the ground, in a huge crator formed 의해 Edward's body. I turned my bleeding head to the side, only to see flames... Flames? Is this what happens when 뱀파이어 die? I sat up, lodging my elbows under me for support.
Edward lay on his side. His 셔츠 was ripped open, showing off his back. There was a large crack, like one 당신 would see in a rock, running down it. Flames were flickering in and out, in and out. Edward screamed in agony. His hands dug into the loose dirt beneath us. His eyes were open wide, once again the color black.
"AAAAAHHHH!!" I had never seen him in pain before, it was terrible!
"SSHHH, Edward, I'll get help...don't die," I whispered in his ear. He weakly mumbled something that I couldn't make out and closed his eyes. Just as I was about to leave, the whole Cullen family burst through the bushes.
"It's OK. We'll take care of him. 당신 can go 집 to Charlie now," Carlisle said in his perfect voice.
"I'm not going anywhere!" I growled, and I'm not kidding, I ACTUALLY growled. "How did 당신 know we were here?"
"Um... we kind of followed you," Esme answered nervously. I sighed and held Edward's hand. Suddenly there was a huge flash of light, and the flames were sucked back into Edward's body. He let out a tremendous roar. He closed his eyes, the hand he was holing mine in went slack, and he stopped breathing.
"Edward! No!" I sobbed. Tears ran down my cheeks.
"He's gone," Carlisle whispered. That only made me cry harder. Edward's hand tightened around mine, lifted my head, my tears stopping.
"Wait!" he opened his eyes. They were green. His skin felt warm and I could feel a pulse.
"He's human!" someone said it, I just didn't know who. He lurched 앞으로 in a series of coughs. His skin had 더 많이 color to it, but he was still pale. The sickish kind of pale.
"He's a human with the Spanish Influinsa!" Carlisle shoved me out of the way and started to work on the now-human-Edward. Carlisle leaned back, took in a deap breath, and closed his eyes. "I have to bite him," he said.
"But, but-"
"He'll die if I don't, Bella," he said to me.
"Caroline! Caroline! I need Caroline!" Edward screamed.
"Who's Caroline?" I asked.
"Caroline was Edward's girlfriend while he was dieing," Carlisle said. I saw them all look for my reaction.
"Oh, well, she dead now, so I guess he's only got me," I hadn't meant to sound so evil. But when I saw the snicker shoot across Emmett's face, I regreted what I had just said. I slapped my hand over my mouth.
"That's OK, when he's a vampire again he'll only remember you," I was told. Then Carlisle leaned down, sunk his teeth into Edward's skin. That's when the screaming began.

We were in Alaska. I hadn't seen Bella in months and they last time I HAD seen her, we were in the woods, and I had told her I would be leaving...without her. The last look a had seen across her beautiful face had been one of sadness, hurt, loneliness. The only picture that appeared in my mind when I thought of her was that terrible look, one I would never forget.
"Oh, my gosh!" Alice leaned 앞으로 in her seat, cluching onto the coffie 표, 테이블 in front of her.
"What is it Alice? What did 당신 see?" I asked. Maybe it was something about Bella. I just ahd to know
"It was a vision about Bella...she was, ugh, jumping off a cliff."
"A WHAT?!" I leaped 앞으로 and grabbed the car keys, then put them back down...driving would take to long. 다음 thing I knew I was getting off the plane. I was now in Forks. The family had come with me. We rented a car and sped off into the town.
I started to follow her scent. Then, I 로스트 it in the sound of werewolf. Oh, Lord! How could I help her now? I stopped the car and ran into the woods, following the werewolf's scent. I told the rest of my posse to hang back, that I would go on ahead.
I came just before a spot in the woods that I knew the 늑대 would have to be. I peeked through the trees, only to almost fall over when I saw what I saw.
Bella was tan. Her hair was now cropped off at her shoulders. She was well muscled, and had gotten very tall. Bella was a werewolf.
"Why did 당신 do this to me?" she asked the other wolf, the boy named Jacob Black.
"I had to!" he growled to her. I saw Bella sniff the air and look in my direction.
"Vampire! Those lousy, self absorbant little... What am I saying?!" she put her hand on her head and shook it.
"Finally I'm rubbing off on you!" he smiled an evil smile.
"Shut up, Jacob. Do 당신 think it's..."
"Bella, everytime 당신 smell something sweet, 당신 think it's Edward, get over it!" Bella growled, turning into a massive, silver wolf. Jacob turned into a reddish wolf, growled, cuffed Bella in the ear, and ran off into the woods.
I wanted to kill Jacob. Why did he do this to me? I stood in the clearing where we had just fought, and strode over to my clothes bag. I took the outfit in my teeth and tied it around my paws.
The vampie hiding in the woods' smell was over powering. I turned towards the fellow "creature" and sat, waiting for it to come outy of it's hiding spot.
Out stepped Edward. His skin glistening in the sun. He used super-speed to run to me. He got down on one knee and kissed my snout.
"I'll 사랑 당신 no matter what 당신 are Bella," he whispered into my bleeding ear, the one Jacob had cut. I licked him in the face and started to make soft wimpering noises. I transformed back, the clothes tied around my paws were correctly fitted on my body now.
"I'm sorry. He made me like this so I would actually live my life," I said.
"Oh, well, OK," Edward said. "Hey, Bella. 당신 HOWL to my heart...get it?"
"Wow. 당신 don't even want to know how cheesey that was." Edward laughed, I laughed. He scooped me up and took me to his family.
"What happened?" was the first thing a said when I saw the new Bella. She told me her story, and all I could be was mad.Why would Jacob have done that.
"Actually, that wasn't why I transformed her," the boy who was responsable for it all stepped throught the bushes. "It was either this, 또는 kill her. And I'm tellin' ya' this girl's unkillable. She didn't die wrecking a motorcycle, she didn't die jumping off a cliff, so my only choice was to put an imprint on her," jacob said in an evil voice.
"What? Why?" Bella said, staring at him.
"Bella, for almost a 년 당신 were miserable, 당신 did nothing. It was all because of Romeo over here. If I killed you, all sadness would be gone, but if 당신 were a werewolf, 당신 would get over it faster, knowing that 당신 could NEVER 사랑 him again. BUT, 당신 COULD 사랑 me," he snickered, and ran away into the woods leaving us all in shock.

added by australia-101
added by tanyya
This is at the bottom of my list, because its not nearly as bad as people say it is.
By this point, I am use to hearing stories about rape.
I review bad Alpha and Omega stories.
And the stories involved have everything from incest to turning cute characters into out of control sluts. MLP fairs no better sadly.
And I usually know what I'm getting myself into.
Truth is, Trixie is kinda attractive for pony, and the pervert side of me would probably 'let' her do such things to me.
But, we can't ALL be freaks like me, so. I guess I would recommend NOT 읽기 this story, ever!...
continue reading...
added by 3xZ
Source: disneyscreencaps.com
added by 3xZ
Source: disneyscreencaps.com
posted by Precious7732
(Music starts)
당신 and I found 사랑 in the dark,We made up wildfire from the start
My demons wash it away like prints in the sand
And I wish I could turn back the time just to feel 당신 again
'Cause I would burn a thousand miles,To be with you
my wildire... (fire,fire,fire,fire,fire,fire,fire,fire,fire,fire,fire,fire,fire)
My wildfire...
(Music starts) (wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiild)
(oh oh oh ohhhhh,oh oh oh ohhhhh,oh oh oh ohhhhh,oh oh oh ohhhhh)
당신 got me,free falling through the sky
당신 take me,to a different kind of high
My demons wash it away like prints in the sand
And I wish I could turn back the time just to feel 당신 again
'Cause I would burn a thousand miles,To be with 당신 my wildfire...(fire,fire,fire,fire,fire,fire,fire,fire,fire,fire,fire,fire,fire)
My wildfire...
(Music starts) (wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiild)
(oh oh oh ohhhhh,oh oh oh ohhhhh,oh oh oh ohhhhh,oh oh oh ohhhhh)
(Music starts to end)
posted by GDragon612
If 당신 have 3 quarters, 4 dimes, and 4 pennies, 당신 have $1.19. 당신 also have the largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar.

President Kennedy was the fastest 랜덤 speaker in the world with upwards of 350 words per minute.

Odontophobia is the fear of teeth.

The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had.

It is believed that Shakespeare was 46 around the time that the King James Version of the Bible was written. In Psalms 46, the 46th word from the first word is shake and the 46th word from the last word...
continue reading...
added by Dreamtime
posted by -SkySplitter-
Dramatic Song: 의해 Toby Turner (A.K.A Tobuscus)

This song sounds dramatic
But I'm bad at 글쓰기 words
If 당신 don't speak English
This probably sounds pretty good.

You'd probably think I'm singing
'Bout some pretty serious stuff
But in reality I'm 노래 about
The lack of stuff I'm 노래 'bout

This part's intense, and emotional!
As long as 당신 don't understand it.
Your foreign grandma would 사랑 this song
Please send it to her and she'll probably

Tell her foreign 프렌즈 about the song
Her grandson 또는 daughter sent her today.
This song might hit the charts in her country
If parts sounded like Cold Play.

continue reading...
added by tanyya
added by Nintendofan12
added by Simmeh
These guys are freaking amazing.
new york
atomic tom
added by nmdis
added by 3xZ