Hello Jensen I was a bit upset when Michael finally got ur body. 당신 have to come back with vengeance on ur soul. Please have God to come back with his sister to help get u back. I think the best way to end 수퍼내츄럴 is when Sam and Dean finally finds 사랑 have kids then it seems to start again know what I mean?. I 사랑 수퍼내츄럴 plz don't let it end with Dean lost. Come back with Vengence.
게시됨 over a year ago
게시됨 over a year ago
I have been a huge 팬 since Days... of course growing up in Tyler, Texas, well, we always fell for the 집 state hunks..keep up the Awesomeness in Supernatural....I can't get enough
게시됨 over a year ago
Hi Jensen! I'm one of your million 팬 and counting! I really really 사랑 수퍼내츄럴 and 당신 and Jared. Even though you're old enough to be my father, I'll still be a 팬 no matter what! I 사랑 you! :)
게시됨 over a year ago
Happy Birthday, Jensen! Hope your life is filled with accomplishments and joys because you're such a beautiful person, inside and outside! Thank 당신 for giving us so many reasons to be proud of 당신 and taking your time to still cheer us with the most incredible character ever portrayed on TV, Dean Winchester! I 사랑 당신 very, very much! Many happy reruns of the day<333
게시됨 over a year ago
I find Jensen intriguing! I admit I wasn't obsessive over any actor/s until I watched Supernatural. J2 rock. The 더 많이 I read about them and watch 유튜브 videos, I 사랑 them even more. My 판타지 is to meet them and hang out with them for one day. I would die happy. Jensen's beliefs are awesome. God bless him and his family.
게시됨 over a year ago
Ok, he has freckles all over, bow legs and is not a body builder and when 당신 describe him, some folks says "so what?" But then 당신 see him act, and then model and then just standing around and smiling at folks . . . and then you're just blown away. I don't describe him and just show folks his picture 또는 a video and then they get it.
게시됨 over a year ago
Happy 36th Birthday Jensen Ackles!!! I wish 당신 much 더 많이 success in your life and 연기 career! I hope this new 년 can bring 당신 all the happiness in the world because 당신 truly deserve it! 사랑 당신 더 많이 and more... 💕
게시됨 over a year ago
Jensen, please, please, make this season 9 and 10 be evolving only around you...the Dean. 수퍼내츄럴 has most of the times Sam centric stories. But, 당신 are the life blood of this show. Without you, I doubt if this show would be such popular. Make this seasons be only about you. We are tired of seeing the same Sam centric seasons. So, it's time for you. Please hear us and make the producers too hear us.
게시됨 over a year ago
YEAH if it end we will not have such entertaining guys to see,who make our worries disappears while seeing them i.e SAMMY AND DEANNY winchesters.:(over a year ago
저기요 jensen! 사랑 you.you r awesome ,you make 수퍼내츄럴 look that supernaturally magnificant,i wish it will never end,it is so sad to know that spn will have only 2 seasons to go.but i wish 당신 guys a happy life ahead,have alot of fun and everything 당신 want."lots of love" from sehrish.
게시됨 over a year ago
♥♥♥ Happy Birthday Jensen! Wow, I can't even believe you're turning 35 today! 당신 still the most good-looking man in the world to me! :D Anyways, I wish 당신 the best in your life and much 더 많이 success! ♥♥♥
게시됨 over a year ago
oh steveiveme 당신 bettrr shut up 또는 i will hurt your feelings 암캐, 암 캐 ! Like i said jensen is perfect and he is never boring! And he doesnt smoke either! Who ever dont like jensen is dumb! And jensen would be perfect as grey too. And jensen is a brillant actor ! Those other hollywood actors suck! And steveime is a ugly 암캐, 암 캐 and is sooo dumb too. And i win 당신 lose steveime! 당신 trolls are nothin! Anyway im out and hope 당신 die steveime 당신 retatared 암캐, 암 캐 and nv6 is a retared 암캐, 암 캐 too bye!
게시됨 over a year ago
Jensen ackles is perfect and who ever doesnt like him is crazy! He is the most brillant actor ever! And thats fact and also hate jo in spn! She, was dumb who ever liked her is dumb too! And misha is ugly. Cas is ugly too . Dean is wayyy 더 많이 better and atractive roo! Bye bitches!
게시됨 over a year ago
Please explain something for me? Are 당신 on here just to provoke arguements 또는 are 당신 a genuine fan? This is an open 포럼 and because people don't agree with 당신 it doesn't make them stupid 또는 bitches! Their opinions just differ from yours that all. There really is no need for the vitriol. Jensen is an exceptionable actor and super attractive to boot but those who don't agree are not crazy - they just have different tastes. Lose the anger and enjoy life!! p.s. the 모토 is an actual quote from "your idol" Jensen himself so are 당신 now saying he is "lame"? Yours confused stevieover a year ago
also ian somerhalder is ugly ! And a bad actor! Jensen is wayy better then him! Loe spn its great and dean rules! Cas is boring and misha is ugly too! Jensen perfect!
게시됨 over a year ago
jensen is the best actor ever! i 사랑 him he is gonna be a great dad too. still hate danneel tho !lucky 암캐, 암 캐 and i hate misha collins to he sucks and jensen is wayy better
게시됨 over a year ago
I have been a 팬 for quite some time now not just because of 수퍼내츄럴 but this makes my addiction to Jensen Ackles even 더 많이 so then ever b4 I 사랑 수퍼내츄럴 I would rather watch 수퍼내츄럴 24/7 then any other show on TV as long as Jensen Jared and Misha continue to please me on the 텔레비전 I have numerous Fav shows but 수퍼내츄럴 is at the #1 상단, 맨 위로 of my list Please never end
게시됨 over a year ago
당신 know something Jenu? Before you, no English actor could attach me to him like 당신 did. There is not a single day, when I don't think about about you. 당신 are always in my thoughts and even in dreams. If anyone says something against you, I become the most furious that time...What have 당신 done to me Jenu? Thanks for being so amazing...You are the best and oneday 당신 will get the best recongnition.
게시됨 over a year ago
Happy New 년 Jenu....I, from the core of my 심장 wish that this 년 be a huge success to you. 당신 touch the summit of success....Always good wishes for you.
게시됨 over a year ago
Jensen Ackles is the best guy and actor ever. I watch 수퍼내츄럴 mostly for 당신 Jen. Whenever 당신 are there, the scenes become just too much beautiful to watch....I 사랑 당신 Jen....
게시됨 over a year ago
I 사랑 당신 Jensen, Youre The Most Amazing Guy Ive Ever Seen, Youre Soo Sweet And Adorable, When 당신 Cry, I Cry, When 당신 Smile, I Smile, I 사랑 Watching Your Show (Supernatural) Its Amazing<3 Im Not Even Sure If 당신 Read These, But If 당신 Do, Please Comment, I 사랑 당신 Soooo Much, Ill Be Watching Your Show Later <3 Bye :)
게시됨 over a year ago
*******You're awesome!!!!!!!!! You're so cute when your playing Dean on Supernatural!!!!! 사랑 당신 lots like 젤리 tots!!!!!! Awwww, no one can play the part of Dean as good as you!!! So funny!!! LOL******
게시됨 over a year ago
Jensen 당신 are truly the most handsome man iv'e ever seen,not only that a great actor,and i saw the video of 당신 노래 and playing, 당신 are so amazing,thank 당신 for the enjoyment 당신 give, every time i watch your show.I wish 당신 guys did something in CT. for all your 팬 to get to maybe get autograph pics 또는 something,well again thank 당신 for all your hard work 당신 do to keep your 팬 happy!over a year ago
Like the Mona Lisa? Then I have the perfect 팬 pop for you!! It's called the Mysteries of the Mona Lisa!! 가입하기 today and discuss topics and express your truest thoughts and opinions about the painting!!!!
게시됨 over a year ago
hi if u like tacos be a 팬 of The 타코 Place and maybe if u like mac and cheese be a 팬 of Mac and Cheese 연인들 thanks be a 팬 on my 프로필 too :) thanks
게시됨 over a year ago
hey.....I 사랑 당신 ...u r the hottest,sexiest n d most handsome guy on earth....there is no one else like u in d whole world...I just luv u 2 death...
게시됨 over a year ago
저기요 just wanted to say that 당신 are a great actor keep up the good work and I hope 당신 guys keep making 수퍼내츄럴 episodes because it is one of the best shows ever made I wish we had 더 많이 actors like you.
게시됨 over a year ago
Jensen ackles, if this is u.... I just wanna say u rock to da max!! U r awesome!! Ur amazing!!!! Ur 100 milion gud things all @ once!!!!
게시됨 over a year ago