Castiel Club
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added by bouncybunny3
Dean and Jo were sitting in a restaurant. Jo had convinced Dean to go out so that he could take his mind of Cas and whatever it was that kept making him ill.
“You look pretty” Dean said, with a faint smile.
“I didn’t even change my outfit” Jo answered cynical.
Dean looked down and Jo recognized his expression.
“Are 당신 texting?” she asked upset.
“What?” Dean said quick. “No, no, I was…I was checking time…”
“why? 당신 bored?” Jo asked offended.
“No!” Dean denied firm. “I just…I don’t want to leave Cas alone for too long. He’s sick and I’m afraid that...
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Butterfield Park.
Night had replaced the 일 and the only light came from a Ferris wheel, standing in the middle of the park, 다음 to the swimming pool. At the 상단, 맨 위로 of the Ferris wheel some of the chairs were removed, just enough to make room for a human body.
Meg was tied up on the rails, facing the starless sky. Kevin had grabbed her and taken her here, while Balthazar put something on the Ferris wheel. Something slippery. So, even if Cas came to her rescue, he’d hit the bottom of the wheel before he’d reach the 상단, 맨 위로 and then Meg would be stuck there, until she starved to death 또는 died from...
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added by LowriLorenza89
팬 video 의해 AveryEdits
미샤 콜린스
팬 video
take me as i come
added by Roxyn
When Cas and Zoey finally came downstairs 더 많이 guests had arrived. And among the guests there was a four 년 old girl. She had blonde, wavy hair, green eyes, chubby cheeks and thin lips. She ran towards Zoey and Zoey lifted her in her arms.
“There 당신 are, Poppy” Zoey said.
“Mommy” the girl squeaked, squeezing her chubby arms tightly around Zoey’s neck, suffocating her.
“Is that Alexia?” Cas asked. Zoey nodded and put her daughter on her own feet. “Say hi to Emmanuel, sweetie”
Alexia reached out her hand and smiled. “Hello, Emmanuel”
Cas accepted the tiny hand and Alexia...
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Sam was back home. He had given his statement to the police and they had no reason to 질문 it. Anna was there, too and she wasn’t alone. She had brought a woman with her.
“Sam, this is Maryana, she’s a witch” Anna introduced the woman. Sam squeezed his eyes in suspicion.
“You brought a witch here?” Sam exclaimed. “You know we can’t trust them. They’re selfish”
“I’m standing right here, 당신 know” Maryana pointed out.
“I know it’s risky” Anna started to explain. “But right now I think it’s the only option we have. Cas has gone completely off the rails and...
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The jury had made a decision and woman walked to the judge and gave him a piece of paper.
“To the 질문 if Castiel abused Alexia Moore the jury finds him not guilty” the judge said.
“Yes!” Dean triumphed. He jumped up and walked quickly towards Cas.
Zoey took Alexia 의해 the hand and walked down the aisle.
“Zoey, wait!” Daphne shouted desperate.
Zoey turned around.”Do 당신 have any idea what 당신 put me through? What 당신 put Alex through? After everything I’ve done for you. Gerard killed himself, because of you! How many lives do 당신 have to destroy, before 당신 realize you’re the one who needs to be put away in a cell?”
Daphne grabbed Zoey’s arm. “Please, listen to me. I never meant to hurt 당신 또는 Alex. I thought I was helping. Tell me how I can make it up”
Zoey jerked her arm. “Stay away from me and Alex. And if 당신 even care a little about Cas, 당신 stay away from him, too”
She turned around and walked away.
added by BlueJean452
added by depp-fan
added by Ieva0311
Sam held the door of the hospital open, while Cas carried the unconscious Dean inside. Before they could call for help an emergency doctor rushed to them and called for a stretcher. A male nurse rode a stretcher to them and Cas lay Dean down on it. As the doctor drove to the emergency room, she asked what happened.
“He’s been shot” Cas quickly answered.
“What’s his blood type?” the doctor needed to know. Sam answered and the doctor drove the stretcher into the emergency room. “Sorry, 당신 have to wait outside” she said as she closed the doors, leaving Sam and Cas outside.
Sam ran...
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added by bouncybunny3
added by bouncybunny3
added by bouncybunny3
added by bouncybunny3
added by bouncybunny3
added by bouncybunny3
posted by HaleyDewit
A guard stood before her cell. “You have a visitor” he said short. He unlocked the cell and walked to her. He cuffed her hands and took her arm.
He walked her to the visitor’s 우주 to a 표, 테이블 where Evan was waiting. Erin sat down and Evan smiled weak.
“Hey” he said softly. “How are you?”
Erin shrugged. “I’ve been set up. My…parents…are dead. Someone killed them. And there was a girl and she was killed, too. I watched it happen. But I didn’t kill anyone. I don’t remember killing anyone”
Evan searched his 서류 가방 and conjured a few news articles. He put them on the...
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“Dean, wait!” Cas called agitated. “It’s not what 당신 think. I can explain it”
Dean widened his eyes. “I’m waiting” he commented trembling.
“He said he was going to take me to prison” Cas started, shaking himself. “But I know he can’t do that. He has to follow strict orders from his superiors. So…I knew he was going to take me somewhere else and probably waste me…I had no choice, it was him 또는 me…Dean, 당신 have to believe me”
Dean relaxed. “Of course I believe you” he sighed and walked back to Cas. He took his hands and saw the cuffs had cut Cas’ wrists....
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