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What's life when your not living it?
Izzy Fray
Fanpopping since July 2013
- Female, 25 years old
- Austin, United States of America
- Favorite TV Show: 고양이 101Favorite Movie: Percy JacksonFavorite Musician: 테일러 스위프트Favorite Book or Author: Erin hunter
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said about Make Your Own Warrior Cat! …
Ok here's a little about me....I am Whiteleopard warrior of Riverclan. I am white with unusel black dots,circles,and half circles.I have cunning blue/purple eyes like my mother Lakeflight of Riverclan,My dad is Scratchfur of Shadowclan.My sisters are Creekfall and Silverfire. My mate is Lioncane,we don't have any kits...YET
게시됨 over a year ago
