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added by QueenVictoria73
added by Natbr
added by Natbr
Source: http://percyjackson-br
added by Natbr
added by Natbr
Source: lovepercyjackson
added by athenaslytherin
Hi :) So I figured not all of 당신 may have seen Rick Riordan's tour. Someone took a video of it and put it on 유튜브 link
Rick Riordan reads part of Percy Jackson and The Singer of Apollo from an anthology called "Guys Read"

I tried my best with the easy ones but it didn't work out pretty well. Here's some lines (There's way 더 많이 in the video)

I know what you're gonna think, what you're gonna ask. Percy Jackson, why are 당신 hanging from the Time Square billboard without your pants on about to fall to your death? 당신 can blame Apollo. God of Music, Archery, and Poetry. Also, the god of making...
continue reading...
added by Natbr
Source: percyjackson-br tumblr
added by KarinaCullen
Source: screencapsbest.com
posted by ilovebookz456
Ok....You just do this:
.Act like 당신 사랑 work
.Get braces
.Wear pigtails
.Buy/wear fake glasses
.Basically be a nerd

So I dunno why I written this, I dunno whether I'm geeky coz I dunno! DUH?! Well I'm only a little bit! And well... I'm a GREAT 팬 of Percy jackson, 히어로즈 of Olympus and The Kane Chronicles!

I 사랑 Percy Jackson:Battle of The Labyrinth cuz it is VERY detailed! I 사랑 The 로스트 Hero and the Mark of Athena! Very cool and AWESOME! I ALSO like the Red Pyramid in the Kane Chronicles! Very funny how Sadie humiliates Carter! LLLOOOLLL! And very detailed and COOL too!
added by Natbr
added by Natbr
Source: lovepercyjackson
added by Natbr
Source: lovepercyjackson
added by Idunn
added by nickmylove
Percy Pov

After a long 일 of training I decided to rest so I went under a 나무, 트리 to rest but just then the fates appeared and made me drink blue liquid.when I woke up I felt different so i went to a mirror and looked at myself but what I saw was a really beautiful girl with a big butt and breasts and long hair with a high lite of Blue. It seemed boys would do anything for me. Later that 일 Jason came up to me and asked me out. He was looking EXTREMELY HOT so I said yes.

3 days later still Percy Pov

After the party me and Jason went so his house. I saw a mistletoe And Jason told me we half to kiss. So he bent down and kissed my triple D breasts.
added by Natalias2s2
added by Natbr