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VampyMommy said about Damon & Elena
Raise your glasses and shake your asses, its finally going to happen!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
clairmxxx commented…
LOL YAAAAAY!!:D over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
i said it from the very beginning!! DE for endgame!!! IT JUST HAS TO BE THIS WAY!!! THEY NEED TO BE TOGETHER, AND STAY TOGETHER!!!! over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
i new from the very start that delena would happen in the future, i kept telling it to the SE 팬 on facebook, but they just said that i was dillusional!! well, WHO'S DILLUSIONAL NOW BITCHES???!!! over a year ago
VampyMommy said about Stefan & Elena
I do 사랑 Stefan, but I think at this point it has kind of fizzled out between them....just my opinion. 게시됨 over a year ago
VampyMommy said about Damon & Elena
Omg my heart!!!! Of course he will 사랑 her either way! "klaus and the lollipop guild" lol!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
ggdelena commented…
loved that quote over a year ago
VampyMommy said about Damon & Elena
So, before their first 키스 on the porch Damon admitted that he felt guilty for wanting what he wants. Now I think its Elena feeling guilty for wanting what SHE wants. 게시됨 over a year ago
nell79 commented…
i completely agree! over a year ago
VampyMommy commented…
yet another parallel. over a year ago
alexx30 commented…
I was talking to my mom like : " Oh mom damon and elena kissed 3 times" and she was like, well that is nothing, and I was like, true ;( over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
so agree!! over a year ago
VampyMommy said about Damon & Elena
Is anybody else watching The walking dead in here to get their heads out of Vampire Diaries for a bit?!?! 게시됨 over a year ago
delenafan123 commented…
Omg I loooovvvvveeeee walking dead!!! It's amazing over a year ago
Manonx commented…
Me! It's amazing! over a year ago
delenaluv commented…
OMG!! no offense but i think that show is ridiculous. i told my husband that it looks like a video game that they made in2 a show..come 2 think of it isn't there a video game 의해 the same name? ha ha. well, on a good note it does make me laugh how those slow 나귀, 엉덩이 zombies sort of walk right in2 the knives the people r stabbing them with. they really r brain dead!! LOL over a year ago
VampyMommy said about Damon & Elena
A cure!?! Pffft....aren't we all watching this show because its about VAMPIRES?!?! If there is a cure and there are no vamps then this show would cease to exist. I think if we don't get a new twist in the stupid 사랑 "triangle" soon the show will cease to be cool. 게시됨 over a year ago
DelenaDestiny commented…
I so agree, they can't just make a cure, like what the HELL?! They are probably gonna twist it so that the cure gets destroyed 또는 something ... over a year ago
iandamon2558 commented…
def not a good twist. watch it like ends up being bad and they bring something else in over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
it's the most pathetic thing for a storline that i have ever heard!! seriously!! over a year ago
VampyMommy said about Damon & Elena
Personally this episode would have been perfect if not for the "stefan should be here" crap. I like Damon and Elena weren't cheapened. However, I am so bored with the SE shit and so tired of seeing Damon hurting. I'm unfortunately not really excited about 다음 week so much... 게시됨 over a year ago
clairmxxx commented…
same, i am not that excited for 다음 week.. yet.... anyway that pissed me off too and the porch scene where dear old saint stefan interupted and she was like "i hated it" ... she enjoyed it ALL and thats what she hates.. over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
LOL she is a natural born liar!! i think she gets that from her douchbag martye. really elena, who on earth are 당신 trying to kid here?? 당신 LOVED every 분 of it!! but, we wouldn't want to hurt poor saint steffie's feelings now would we??!! over a year ago