Stefan: Not yet, but I'll call 당신 if anything happens.
Elena: Good.
Stefan: Hey, where are you?
Elena: *looks to Matt* Matt taking me out of town.
Stefan: To Damon.
Elena: Not just to Damon, but away from everything. It's just too dangerous for us right now.
Stefan: Since I'm probably going to die. Can I ask 당신 a question?
Elena: Of course.
Stefan: If 당신 had to make a choice, just between the two of us. Who would it be. Who would get the final goodbye.
Elena: *pause* I 사랑 him, Stefan. He was there for me, in a time of my life where I thought I had 로스트 everything. He stayed with me, and he gave me hope. He never gave up, he never left.
I never stopped loving 당신 Stefan, but along the way. I fell in 사랑 with Damon. And no matter what I do, I can't shake it.
Stefan: Yeah, I understand.
Elena: But it's okay. 당신 are going to be fine, do 당신 hear me? And I'm going to see 당신 soon.
Stefan: Yeah, Goodbye Elena.