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Not Mine (FanFiction.net)

"Robin? Robin!" Kaldur hissed, looking around the darkened room the team were currently hiding in.

"He's gone isn't he?" Wally asked quietly, glancing up from the computer.

"Yep." The Atlantean nodded, exasperated.

"Figures." Artemis groaned softly. "M'gann, can you…"

She was interrupted 의해 gunfire from the 다음 floor up in the 마천루, 스카이 스크 래퍼 and a familiar cackle.

"Oh. There he is." Kid Flash mused, before racing up the stairs.


"Seriously dude, you've gotta stop doing that." Wally grimaced as the team were assembled back in the cave.

"Stop doing what?" Robin glanced at the speedster in confusion.

"Stop running off in the middle of a mission." Kaldur elaborated.

Robin blinked. "I did…? oh, right." He winced. "Sorry…"

"Just be 더 많이 careful 다음 time." Artemis told him.

Robin nodded obediently, smiling. "Yes, ma'am!"

"You said that last time. And the time before…" Conner pointed out.

Robin shrugged, a red tint colouring his cheeks a little. "I don't do it on purpose… it's just habit…"

"Then break it." Artemis folded her arms.

Robin shrugged. "I'll try…" The Boy Wonder told her.

He placed a hand to his ear, listening to something in his comm. link. "Yeah? I'm on my way." He decided.

He glanced up at his friends. "Sorry guys. Arkham break-out."

The black-haired boy walked to the zeta-tube. "Recognised. Robin, B01." The computer announced as he vanished.

"Well, actually I'd better run too." Wally said. "Really gotta study for a test tomorrow. See 당신 all later."

He vanished in a blur.

As he ran, he kept thinking. Robin running off could seriously endanger someone – Rob himself most likely, but it could also be whoever he was supposed to be watching out for. And what if he actually got captured and everyone assumed he had just gone on patrol?

There had to be a way to…

Kid Flash stopped in his tracks, an idea blossoming in his mind. Perfect.

Two weeks later, they were on another typical mission – an 'observe only' that had rapidly turned into a battle.

"Robin's gone." Conner hissed as they all crouched behind a tipped over table, trying to hide themselves from the bullets raining against it.

"Great." Artemis rolled her eyes, nocking an 애로우 as she pressed her back against the table.

Suddenly they heard a familiar cackle and a shout of "Bird-boy!"

The bullets stopped hitting their makeshift shield and the team felt it 안전한, 안전 to look up over the table.

Instead the gunmen were firing at a shadow on the ceiling. Robin laughed, jumping down. He landed on a first man, knocking him to the ground and twisted around, punching a second.

He didn't notice the gun that was trained on his back until suddenly an 애로우 hit the Kevlar vest, knocking the third gunman backwards.

"Thanks Artemis!" Robin grinned, throwing the forth and final gunman aside into a wall. The man stared up dazedly.

"Robin…" Kaldur said warningly.

"I know, I know." Robin shrugged his shoulders slightly. "No running off 의해 myself. I get it Kaldur."

"That was irresponsible and 당신 could have been seriously hurt…" Aqualad began.

Robin shrugged. "That 표, 테이블 would have lasted another ten 초 max."

Wally reached into his sleeve he'd sown onto his outer-wrist for just this occasion. He pulled out a spray bottle filled with water and raced up to his friend.

"Bad ninja! Bad ninja!" He sprayed him twice.

"Yah!" Robin jumped backwards, his arm raised in a block. He grabbed his cape and pulled it up as a shield. After a 초 it became apparent that Kid Flash had stopped spraying him.

"KF, what the hell?" Robin dropped his cape and stared at his best friend. "Seriously, what was that about?"

"Bad ninja." Wally said, spraying him in the face once more.

Robin yelped again and wiped his face with his sleeve. "What the heck?"

"No running off in a mission, Robin." Kid Flash folded his arms, still holding the sprayer.

"No spraying me with water then!"

"I won't spray 당신 if 당신 don't run off."

"Yeesh, fine KF." Robin rolled his eyes, exaggerating the movement so his team-mates could see it behind his mask.

"Good." Kid Flash smiled. He glanced at the gunmen and nudged the closest with his foot. "Let's get these guys tied up."


"Robin, 당신 promised not to do this any more…" Kaldur grimaced.

"He broke his promise." Conner shrugged.

"Hey, it worked didn't it?" Robin folded his arms and glared at his team-mates, his foot resting on the tied up villain.

"Barely." M'gann said. "Robin, 당신 could become hurt if you…"

"Bad Ninja!" Wally interrupted her, spraying Robin. "Bad Ninja! Bad Ninja! Baaaad Niiinnjaaaa!" He gave a long spray for the last one.

Robin wiped his face. "You have serious problems, 당신 know that right?" He glanced around at his team-mates. "Does anyone else think that this is nuts?"

Artemis touched him on the shoulder.

He spun around to face her, and got a faceful of water.

"Bad Ninja!"

Robin took a step backwards automatically, moving a hand up to defend himself. After a 초 he realised what she had done and stared at her. "Artemis? Really?"

"Really. Bad Ninja!" She sprayed him again.

"Why the heck are 당신 copying Wally?"

"Because it's fun." Artemis shrugged. "And he was the only one who came up with a good idea for how to get 당신 to stop running off. Bad Ninja!" She sprayed him once more.

Robin stared at them, wiping his wet hair from his face and then looked at the other three members of the team. "Seriously guys?"

"Well, don't run off I guess." Kaldur shrugged, biting back a smile.

"Asterous." Robin muttered, pushing his now wet hair out of his face again.


"And I win!" Robin cackled, poking Wally from behind with the speedster's wristband in hand.

"No fair! 당신 cheated!"

"Did not! The point of the exercise was to be the last one with their wristband. I'm the only one left." Robin smirked, tapping his own wristband.

"But 당신 went all ninja on us…" Artemis complained.

"Yep. It's what I do." Robin shrugged, then he took a step back and raised his hands defensively. "And it was a training exercise so don't 당신 dare…" He gave a yelp as both Artemis and Wally pulled out their spray bottles and sprayed him.

"Bad Ninja! Bad Ninja!"

"Not fair!" Robin snapped, holding his hands up as a shield. "I'm supposed to do that here!"

"He's right." Kaldur agreed. "Wally, Artemis, put the water sprays down."

Reluctantly the speedster and the archer followed the orders.

"You two have serious mental problems." Robin scowled. "And I should know. I fight nutsos every 일 of the week."

"Now you're on a team with them." Wally grinned, tapping the Boy Wonder lightly on the nose.

Robin decided this was a good time to demonstrate that his mentor wasn't the only one who could do an impressive Bat-Glare.


"Robin!" M'gann sighed in relief, flying forwards. Then she paused, fear clouding her eyes.

In a 초 Kid Flash was kneeling 의해 his best friend's side. The Boy Wonder was lying on the ground, washed up onto the 육지, 쇼 어 of the lake.

The speedster placed his fingers on his neck. "He's alive…" Wally whispered in relief as everyone else crowded around.

Right on cue, Robin coughed and sat up to see his team looking at him in worry. "Are 당신 okay?" M'gann asked.

"I'm asterous…" Robin said, sitting up and coughing. "Just a bit waterlogged."

"Robin, 당신 could have drowned!" Artemis said, relief making her angry. "You couldn't have waited so we could tell if it was dangerous?"

"I'm fine…"

"Bad Ninja!" Artemis decided, spraying him.

"Hey!" Robin raised one hand up, supporting himself with the other. "Seriously, where do 당신 even keep that thing?"

"In my quiver. Bad Ninja!"

"Bad Ninja!" Kid Flash agreed, spraying him as well.

"Guys! Almost drowned here! Don't need any 더 많이 water!"

Robin crab-walked backwards and glowered at his two friends. "Seriously guys, that's just insane."

Kaldur paused. Well, they are teaching him not to disappear… He mused to himself.

The hydrokinetic jerked a hand. A bubble of water raised from the lake. The rest of the team saw it but Robin still had his back to the lake as he clambered to his feet.

Suddenly the water fell down, pouring over him.

Robin's jaw dropped as the cold water soaked him. He stayed stunned for a 초 before turning around to glower at Kaldur.

"What was that for?" He shouted, pushing a sopping wet lock of hair out his face.

Kaldur gave a small smile. "Bad Ninja."

"Urgh!" Robin threw his hands up in the air in exasperation. He turned off and began to walk off. "Did we beat the bad-guys yet?"

"Yep." Conner nodded, trying to hide a smile.

"Good. I'll be back in Gotham then." Robin scowled, walking off. His feet made squishing noise as they were filled with water.

Behind him he could hear his 프렌즈 cracking up.

"So not feeling the aster…" He muttered, getting onto his motorcycle.


"Robin?" Artemis looked around. "Robin?" She hissed.

"I really hate it when he does that." Kid Flash groaned.

M'gann placed a hand on her head and the team all heard her voice in their heads. Robin, where are you?

Busy. Was the acrobat's sharp reply.

There was a crackle of gunfire to the side.

Kid Flash ran forwards as fast as he could and threw the guy to the ground, grabbing the gun.

Artemis was right behind him, 애로우 shooting off to the other gunman.

Kaldur pulled out his water into a mace, clanging it into the third gunman.

The other three were already taken down, most likely due to Robin.

"None for us?" Conner smirked as M'gann floated 다음 to him. Kaldur changed the mace back into regular water and dropped it back into his sheathes.

"Sorry. I'll try to save some for 당신 다음 time." Robin grinned.

The other members of the team all paused, and than in unison pulled out identical spray-bottles and aimed them at Robin.

"Bad Ninja!" Wally announced as they all pressed the trigger together.

"Bad Ninja!" Artemis agreed.

Robin spluttered, wiping his face. "Is this a conspiracy 또는 something?"

"Yes." Kaldur nodded. "Bad Ninja." They all sprayed again.


"You'd've thought he'd've stopped 의해 now." Artemis mused as they all ran into the room.

Robin was busy tying up the unconscious 초 rate villain. "Hey guys." He grinned, looking up.

"Bad Ninja!" Wally shot forwards with the sprayer ready.

Robin's hand shot to his utility belt. In a 초 he had aimed his taser straight at the speedster. "Don't." He warned.

Wally paused and stared at his friend. He looked at his sprayer. Than he looked back at the taser, then at his sprayer, then the taser and then his spray bottle again.

"Bad Ninja!" He sprayed him.

Robin pulled the trigger and then tasered his friend.

He'd already changed the settings it so that it wasn't in lethal mode, but Kid Flash still dropped to the ground jerking.

The rest of the team paused and Robin took his taser back and slid it into his utility belt.

Artemis touched Kaldur on the shoulder and began to whisper in his ear. Kaldur nodded with a slight smile.

There was a rushing noise, and suddenly the pipes snapped. Water sprayed out, thundering into Robin.

For a 초 the Boy Wonder was choking, trying to ride the wave of water the fell through the room. Then it petered out and Robin was left gasping on the ground in front of the team.

Kaldur smirked. "Very Bad Ninja."

Robin sat up and glowered. "I hate 당신 all." He gasped out. "With a vengeance."

"Okay then." M'gann shrugged, knowing that he didn't mean it.

She flew over him and whipped out her own sprayer. Aiming it straight at the lying down Boy Wonder's face, she smiled. "Bad Ninja."


The team snuck into a warehouse.

"Robin, where is it… Robin?" Kaldur looked around.

"Oh, great." Kid Flash grimaced. "Not again."

There was a swish of a cape and suddenly Robin was behind him. "I can go off to get the blue-prints, I'll just have to go to the control room." He told them.

The team all glanced at him. "Back soon." The acrobat added, vanishing.

"Did he really just tell us before running off?" Artemis asked.

"I guess it worked, then." Wally shrugged, tapping the sprayer attached to his wrist.

Half an 시간 later, the team finished their mission. "Let's see, not that big a mess 의해 our standards." Robin glanced around the warehouse. "The building's even standing."

"And 당신 didn't run off." Kaldur smiled slightly. "Well, 당신 told us before disappearing."

Robin flushed. "Yeah."

"So the Bad Ninja thing worked?" Artemis smirked.

"Actually, no. I was considering doing it on purpose just to spite 당신 all, but then I figured your arguments were pretty good. Not the spraying thing." Robin answered.

Despite being trained 의해 Batman, each member of the team knew the lie for what it was. The water spray was what had made him tell them.

Kid Flash zoomed up behind Robin.

Before the Boy Wonder could react, Wally patted him on the head. "Good Ninja. Good Ninja. Good – hey!"

Robin's hand had shot out and caught Wally's wrist. Bending it back, he forced Wally into a kneeling position with Robin still holding his wrist hostage.

"Don't." He warned.

"Bad Ninja!" Wally pulled out his sprayer with his free hand and sprayed Robin in the face while kneeling.

Robin pulled his wrist back further, not quite breaking his wrist but putting pressure on it. Kid Flash gave a soft, involuntary wimper.

The Boy Wonder released the Fastest Boy Alive. "Don't try that again." He advised him.

"Bad Ninja!" Kid Flash sprayed him again. "Bad Ninja! Bad Ninja!"

Robin threw his hands up in exasperation as Wally kept spraying him. "I'm going back to Gotham where it's sane."

"Gotham villains are saner than Wally?" M'gann asked, glancing at Robin as the Boy Wonder walked out, Kid Flash on his heels.

"Bad Ninja! Bad Ninja!"

"Not really, but at least I'm allowed to attack them. See 당신 guys." He left.

Wally stayed right behind him, still pulling the trigger on the spray bottle repeatedly.

"Bad Ninja! Bad Ninja!"

"Shut up!"

"Bad Ninja!"

"Leave me alone, KF!"

"Bad Niiiinnnjaaaaaaaa!"
Name: Sade Rogers

Alias: Liberty

Age: 16

Height: 5'10

Gender: Female.

Looks: Long Blond hair with blue eyes.
Relation to team: Captain Americas daughter. (Yes, I know he's Marvel. Hence the title.)

Civvies: Red shirt, blue skinny jeans, and converse. Wears a 별, 스타 necklace, and a Captain America bracelet in honor of her dad.

Personality: all-around patriot, believing in all of the things that make America great. She always strives to make America even better. She is a very dedicated friend, and has a set group of ideals. She is strictly opposed to any form of oppression, she can be a bit stuck in the...
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posted by killer24



abilities:can blend into shadows,expert marksman,good singer,when sings 또는 plays 기타 it can heal,inspire,energise and more

weapons:two hand guns,guitar that has a 소총 built into it,cloak witch can blend in to shadows

personality:shady,dark,funny,shy,sad,cares little for bats but will help the team,shoots first asks 질문 later,wants vengeance

looks:unknown(may tell in background)

story:dad is vigilante but he died 의해 the hands of a monster when shadow finds the killer he will make him pay.
can play a 기타 but plays mostly when sad.when he plays it the 기타 will heal,inspire,energise and more.
his dad died to protect him but before he died he taught him a few songs.
cadmus wanted him to 가입하기 there army but he said no so thay kidnapped him and tortured him when the speedster,the boy wonder and The Atlantean came and took the super boy as thay called him the security failed so he escaped
Robin sat on his 침대 in Mount Justice just staring at the floor. Alfred had kicked him out saying that he needed to do something to get his mind off of Bruce. It had been a week since Bruce put on the helmet, and nothing was helping him get his mind off of Bruce.

Wally had tried to do many things, along with the others, to get him to cheer up, but nothing worked. They tried to call him and see how he was doing, but they only got Alfred and he said that he would hardly eat 또는 come out of his room.

Zatanna had visited the mountain 더 많이 since 배트맨 disappeared and said that her father told her...
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THIS IS NOT MINE!!! I thought some of 당신 would like to read it. It is Young Justice.

Chapter 1: A Little 더 많이 Homework

Dick sat down at a lunch 표, 테이블 and loosened his scarlet tie. He never really liked the Gotham Academy uniforms. It consisted of, for boys, a white button-up long sleeved shirt, dark blue pants, scarlet ties, dark blue jackets, and black shoes. Girls had to wear dark blue skirts, blazers, scarlet ties, black shoes, and white button-up shirts.

"Hey, freshman," a familiar voice said. Dick looked up to see his friend Barbara Gordon grinning down at him with a lunch tray in her hands....
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posted by Willow_Cyrus
Willow, Becca, Lucas, Artemis, Phoebe and Wally stood in the kitchen, Wally and Lucas had a 표, 테이블 spoon of cinnamon, " ummm are 당신 sure this wont kill me " Lucas said unsure of eating the cinnamon, " oh dont ask 질문 just eat it!!! " Becca said. Wally and Lucas looked unsure at eachother and then at the count of three put it in their mouth. " its not bad..." Lucas said with the cinnamon in his mouth but suddenly he screamed spitting it out with his face bright red, " that burns!!!! the taste aghhhh Phoebe get me some water!!!" Lucas yelled flailing his arms around. " nahh im good your...
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posted by NekoTheif
Zatanna wanted out. She really did so badly. Nabu was Dr. Fate he was suppose to be kind. But he wasn't being r elastic anymore. Something was going on outside her mind. Someone was trying to negotiate with Dr. Fate. "Please just give me my daughter back!" a voice reached her. "Dad" she mumbled. Her mind got a spurt of bravery. "Give my body back!" she screamed angrily. Forcing her hands up she imagined her self taking the 헬멧 off. She imagined how her father would hug her. She let her 심장 take hold. And forced the 헬멧 off her. She collapsed from the air and Superboy caught her. She...
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posted by DeltaYJ
OK I found a list of rules set up 의해 Kaldur I decided to share

1. The websites Kaldur deems fit to put on Parent Control are not to be questioned.

2. 또는 hacked (I'm looking at you, Robin).

3. The following are not allowed to have coffee: Wally, Megan. EDIT: everyone except Kaldur and Artemis.

4. No hidden cameras without permission from an adult 또는 Kaldur. Period.

5. Knock before entering Robin's room. Just...do it.

6. Taking Conner to see Rise of the Planet of the Apes was not funny and will not be mentioned again,

7. "Rockin' Robin" is not Robin's theme song.

8. Robin does not have, need, 또는 want...
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They may 또는 not be useful 또는 reverent but maybe helpful in fanfics...

1) Greg Weissmen (producer of the oh so amazing YJ)
admitted that in the episode "Welcome to Happy Harbor" (Episode 3) The Reason Superboy got so mad when M'Gann talked to him telepathically for the first time was because he was already crushing on her and didn't want her to know

2) In ‘Infiltrator’ where the Team is at the beach, Robin and Megan are splashing water at each other. 당신 can hear Robin laughing, but his mouth is clearly closed....
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posted by Robin_Love
“Wally, do 당신 believe in 사랑 at first sight?”
“I didn't either. Then-” Robin's hand twitched and he held Raven's tighter- “I met you.”
Wally could only stare like an idiot. His mouth opened and closed several times.
“That very first night we met, I knew I was never going to be the same.”
“I-I-I never knew.”
“Why else do 당신 think I was always watching your back? Why else would I spend five years telling 당신 secrets very few have access to? Why else do 당신 think I would get upset and hurt 당신 every time 당신 flirted with Megan?”
“Because we're friends?”
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posted by Robin_Love

It was a normal 일 for Young Justice as the team lounged around the common room. There was no mission from Batman, and training with Black Canary ended hours ago, leaving the team to do was they please for the rest of the day.
Robin sat 십자가, 크로스 legged in one of the armchairs, laptop resting on his knees. The youngest member typed away at the keyboard, updating his security. Since the teams last mission his software had been fried.
Aqualad and Superboy sat side 의해 side on the 침상, 소파 with game controllers in hand....
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The Following Famfiction has been rated PG-13 for moderate violence and romance.


The Team was in the break room. Megan had just made some 쿠키 and the Team was talking about their latest mission when an alarm went off.

Robin pulled up a keyboard and screen. He tapped into the security cameras. It was a simple bank robbery, four masked men with 총 were scooping cash out of a bank's safety vault. Bank employees and customers were laying on the floor, but no hostages had been taken yet.

"Aqualad to Red Tornado," Aqualad spoke into his ear comm as the team suited up.

"Received, what is...
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posted by KatRox1
Tonight was different, it had a 더 많이 erie feel in the air. It was just 2 years 이전 that Grandma had died. No, not died, murdered. The clouds seemed to cover the sky like a blanket. Only the glow of the moon showed through small cracks in the mist above me. A silent tear slowly rolled down my cheek, and I lifted my had to grab onto my locket that she had given me the 일 she died, as an early birthday present. Out of the corner of my eye a shadow quickly ran by. I started to chase it, quickly letting go of the locket and onto a mini-explosion pellet from my utility belt. As I raised my hand...
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posted by TOTALIzzyluver
K so this is opinion. Don't vitrally shoot me. -___-

Artemis. It's kind of obvious. Here thee below is a list of reasons.

1) Her sister is an extremely dangerous killer lady who killed peoples who left her when she was like 8

2) Her "daddy" is a criminal of the shawdows known as Sportsmaster

3) Her moms been to prison
So basically she comes from a criminal family and has been raised to (most likely) be bad and kill thangs.

4) I am just know relizing that that episode she came in was called "Infiltator" which according to my English savvy brain is an antonym of "mole" meaning they mean the same...
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posted by Robin_Love
The team had no idea what had gotten into Wally. As of a week ago, he'd been talking to the same “person” Robin was; and they were starting to worry. They said nothing to the two of them, talking quietly to themselves. They decided to come out and ask if the two boys were pulling a prank. Given their record for pranking everyone (especially Superboy), it would seem like the sort of thing they would do. So it was not unexpected when Robin and Wally were surprised to find the team waiting for them. The two exchanged looks as the team lead them into the living/dining/kitchen room area. Artemis...
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 I turned my laptop on.
I turned my laptop on.
It was 10:00pm when I turned my laptop on and went online to twitter.
Robin,M`gann,Superboy,Wally and Artemis were on.
I tweeted to M`gann:

Whats up?
M`gann:Nothing superboys watching tv and on twitter,how bout you?
I loled:Nothing Robins grounded and hes on the computer if they bust him its gonna be ludacris over here! ;P
M`gann:Hey,your`nt grounded right?
Nah!I wish cause 당신 can feel the adrenaline!:D
M`gann:then can u come over?8)
Umm sure 저기요 hold on don`t go anywhere okay?
M`gann:you really think im going somewhere? 03o
Yeah your right....^_^

I started taking stuff and putting it in my bag then *chimes*...
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 I was sleeping,right after 배트맨 came in and woke me up.
I was sleeping,right after Batman came in and woke me up.
I was sleeping when 배트맨 woke me up saying:
There`s a mission and your late!.
I took litterraly 1 분 to get dressed and go to MT.Justice.

When I got there it was the Joker on the screen saying:Im having a Girl compettion and I need your girls Batsy,and Wonder woman 또는 The bomb in Central park will go off with a push of a button now don`t make me wait.

Great,first im late now I have to wear a 수영복 또는 people die.
Hey guys,sorry im late umm I overslept.
"Its okay,but a girls compettion? what can he gain from that?"Asked M`gann
Lets just go there and get this over with the sonner we get there...
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There was only one thing running through my mind at that moment: running away and screaming "Stranger danger!" but 의해 the way 배트맨 was looking at me told me otherwise.
So instead I said, "Oh, hi." I turned around and started shuffling back toward the house when he grabbed my arm.
"Does anyone else know you're the Avatar?" he asked abruptly.
I stopped in my tracks. "How did 당신 know that?" I whispered.
He ignored my question. "Answer it!" he ordered.
I sighed and shook his arm off me. "Only my mother knows." I looked up at him. "Am I in trouble?"
He looked like he was deciding my fate for...
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OK,ok, I know the 제목 is a little much but it is true. Young Justice Is the best thing ever and here are some really good reasons why.

1. Young Justice is in the DC comic world and for me DC is a lot better then Marvel. Check out my YouTube channel DC Forever.

2. Young Justice is one of those that 당신 have to watch every single episode. That is how good the show is.

3.Young Justice creates must have a really good imagination to create Artimas and the new version of Aqualad, and that is a good thing. Better imagination better story.

4. Young Justice has lovable characters and is a great way to get anyone into superheros.

I hope 당신 enjoyed those reasons on why Young Justice is awesome and I will see 당신 again on my 다음 artical. BYE
added by Robin_Love