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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Well done, my friends!", remarked Elizabeth as she returned from calling the police and saw how George, Pattie, and Laura had defeated Sinister Gates and his comrades. George replied, "Woof! Thank you, Your Majesty! I must say we had one heck of a showdown!" Pattie nodded in agreement. Laura added, "And look who escaped from the cage at last!" With that, Lucky barked happily upon seeing his beloved master and proceeded to give her a hug with his paws. Elizabeth said, "My darling Lucky! How I missed 당신 very much! Are 당신 all right?" He made a noise that sounded like he was saying, "Yes, I am! Just feeling hungry." Elizabeth replied, "Well, don't 당신 worry, then; you'll be getting your 음식 once we return home." Lucky wagged his stubby tail in response. The 퀸 then turned her attention to the bad guy 의해 standing on 상단, 맨 위로 of him. She said, "As for YOU, Sinister Gates; 당신 thought 당신 could get away with stealing one of my 천사 and forcing him into your illegal business? Well, 당신 HAVE FAILED!! Time to wake up behind bars!" Before Gates even realized it, he was given a hard smacking and eventually fainted, which was also the result of the intense pain on his legs. George said, "Ha! The evil jerk had it coming to him." Pattie added, "Indeed. Great job, ma'am!" Elizabeth replied, "That'll serve him right!" Laura said, "Totally! So long, Gates! 당신 won't be missed! Arf! Arf!" Lucky made a noise that sounded like he was saying, "Yeah!" George remarked, "I guess our 검색 is just about done now, eh?" "It certainly is, George. Let's head back to the Palace. We'll allow the police to do their job and take them in.", said Elizabeth. "Mm-hmm. I agree with that.", replied George. The 목걸이 then beeped once again. Elizabeth remarked, "Oh, this is to let us know that its powers will be wearing off after an hour, so expect us to revert back to our human forms during the walk!" Laura replied, "Okie dokie!" Pattie remarked, "A nice timing, too, I'll say!" Thus, the group left the room and exited the power station.

posted by 80smusiclover1
It was now the first 일 of March, and with St. Patrick's 일 just around the corner, the Beatles and Laura were on their way to Liverpool for a ferry ride to Ireland. Just a 일 after George turned twenty-three, they decided to spend the entirety of this 월 there and hold two concerts during their trip. What's more, Paul's brother, Mike, will be joining them along! Laura said, "Daddy George, I wonder what adventures are in store for us in Ireland?" George replied, "You'll see for yourself when we get there, Laura, darling. I'm sure they'll be bloody exciting!" John, Paul, and Ringo nodded...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
February 1966

The 년 had been off to a good start so far for George, Laura, and the other Beatles. As they await the time when they'll embark on new adventures together, the two (With the former now sporting a longer mop-top) were having lunch at a 식당 close to Hyde Park one 일 during a mild winter week. This is no ordinary week, though, because George's twenty-third birthday is coming in four days! While waiting for their food, Laura said, "I'm so looking 앞으로 to celebrating your birthday again, daddy George! It's gonna be spectacular!" He replied, "You and me both, Laura, darling!...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
One cool, breezy afternoon, George and Laura were relaxing in the yard of Kinfauns while enjoying the crisp autumn colors. While Laura played with her skipping rope, George strummed his ukulele as he whistled softly. Then, an idea popped out of his head, and he told his daughter, "Say, Laura, darling, it's been quite a while since we last hit the road. Let's have a new adventure tomorrow!" She replied with an excited tone, "Certainly, daddy George! I missed doing that, too. And this time, I think I'll bring both my rabbit and Corgi plushies along!" George said, "Sounds like a lovely idea, my...
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After a satisfying meal, the Beatles and Laura returned to the park in about five 분 before the start of the concert. As they went up the stage, John looked at his watch again and said, "We're just in time, mates!" Ringo replied, "Splendid! I think I can sense the 팬 cheering for us now." And sure enough, he was right. Not only that, but they were chanting their names, too! Paul exclaimed, "Hello, Beatle people! Are 당신 ready to have some fun?" They all responded with a loud, "YEAH, YEAH, YEAH!" With that, the 음악회, 콘서트 officially kicked off. Everyone was having a rockin' good time as...
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It was already evening 의해 the time the group made it back to the town square. George said, "I think we still have enough time for 공식 만찬, 저녁 식사 before our concert. Anyways, it's only thirty 분 past six." Laura replied, "Yes, daddy George. That hike I had has made me hungry!" George remarked, "I bet it has, Laura, darling." John, Paul, and Ringo agreed. As they passed 의해 the visitor center, the former dentist's sister had just completed her work for today when she saw them all smiles. Laura said, "Hello again, madame!" She replied, "Hi, young lady! I see you've found the 간헐천 and got your companions...
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"Wake up, me mates! We're here.", exclaimed George as Laura finally reached the site of the geyser. Surrounding them was a wide view of the English Channel and the Needles lighthouse and rock formations. After the lads came down from Laura's beret, Paul said, "That was a long, refreshing nap we had!" Ringo replied, "Sure is! I felt rested." John nodded in agreement. Laura said, "I'm glad 당신 slept well, uncles." George added, "Yes. I am, too." Soon, it was exactly five o'clock, and at that moment, the ground began to shake for ten 초 until the 간헐천 released itself! Laura exclaimed, "Yeah!...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Shortly after paying for their lunch, George had a fun idea. He asked his brothers, "Say, would 당신 like to go on a joyride around downtown 런던 with me and Laura?" Peter said, "Ooh, that sounds exciting! Sure!" Harry added, "Yes! We'll be using your car, eh?" George replied, "That's right! You're going to have a blast while riding it. Me daughter and mates always do." Laura added, "Indeed, daddy George!" John, Paul, and Ringo nodded in agreement. Peter remarked, "How splendid!" "And with that big victory 당신 had against that Terence coward, I think we ought to call 당신 'George the Great'!",...
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December 25, 1964

Now that 크리스마스 is officially here, George and Laura drove back to the Studios to meet with the other Beatles again. George exclaimed as they entered the recording room, "Merry Christmas, mates!" Laura added, "Merry Christmas, uncles!" They replied in unison, "Merry Christmas, Geo! Merry Christmas, Laura!" After getting settled, the lads began broadcasting their 초 message. It was filled with warm wishes for the 팬 and holiday-themed jokes. Even Sparkie had a brief stint when he squealed happily during Ringo's part! Once the message concluded, Laura clapped and remarked,...
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December 24, 1964

The 다음 day, Laura woke up to the sound of her father's 노래 as he strummed his ukulele. After using the bathroom, she proceeded to the 표, 테이블 where breakfast was ready and waiting. George said, "Good morning, Laura! How was your sleep?" Laura replied, "Good morning, daddy George! It was great. Thanks for asking!" George responded, "You're welcome, darling! I'm glad 당신 slept well." She took a sip of her 차 and remarked, "Yum! Is this peppermint flavor? I 사랑 it!" George replied, "Yes, it is! I thought it would go well with our 크리스마스 Eve breakfast." Laura said, "Nice....
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"So, what do 당신 think, darling?", asked George as he and his mates finished rehearsing their message. Laura replied, "Well, it was fun and hilarious at the same time! I think 당신 all did a fantastic job." George said, "Why, thank you, love! I'm glad 당신 like it." The other Beatles smiled and nodded in agreement. Laura winked in return. John remarked, "Okay! This rehearsal was a success. Are ye ready to go and grab some lunch?" Ringo replied, "You bet we are! All that speaking has made me hungry." It was snowing again when they left the Studios and went to look for a place to eat. While walking, George gave Laura yet another ride on his shoulders as they stuck their tongues out to catch some snowflakes. John, Paul, and Ringo did the same. The group then found a 식당 offering holiday-themed meals and beverages and had a delicious lunch there. Afterwards, the rest of the 일 was spent with window shopping in one of the city's 크리스마스 marketplaces.

As George and Laura drove through downtown London, they passed 의해 the giant 크리스마스 나무, 트리 in Trafalgar Square. Upon seeing it, Laura couldn't help but stare with awe. She thought, "Wow...Gorgeous." They soon arrived at the Studios and went inside to meet with the other Beatles in the recording room. Once they made it there, John saw them and said, "Oh, look who's here!" George replied, "Hello, chaps! I hope we're not too late." John responded, "Not at all, Geo! You're just in time." Paul added, "I see 당신 brought Laura along, too! That's great." George said, "Yep!" He then turned to his daughter and asked her, "Darling, would 당신 like to provide us with feedback on our message after we complete it?" Laura replied, "Sure, daddy George! I'm all for that." "Jolly good!", responded George. Ringo said, "All right! Let's begin!" The lads then started rehearsing their lines, and Laura got a chair to sit on as she listened to them.

December 23, 1964

With 크리스마스 just around the corner, George and Laura kicked the 일 off 의해 having a fun snowball fight in the yard of their house. The latter was super excited as she will get to happily celebrate this special holiday again after escaping the dreaded orphanage. Laura said, "Catch me if 당신 can, daddy George!" He replied cheekily while rolling up another ball in his hands, "Oh, you're not getting away from me, Laura, darling!" With that, he threw the ball towards her, and she laughed in response. They continued playing until George looked at his watch and said, "We better get going to Abbey Road Studios now. I need to rehearse my lines for the 크리스마스 message with me mates." Laura replied, "A 크리스마스 message? That sounds lovely!" George remarked, "Yes, indeed! This is our gift for the fans." "Very nice!", exclaimed Laura. They then proceeded to his car and were on their way to the Studios.

added by ktichenor
A Great Decision

Now that their 일 was done, the Beatles and Laura walked back to the train station for the ride home. As they bought their tickets, Ringo asked, "Geo, can we come with 당신 and Laura back to Kinfauns? We'd like to stay with 당신 again for a while." John and Paul nodded in agreement. George replied, "Yes, 당신 certainly can, mates! We'd like that, too." Laura added, "Indeed!" "Great!", exclaimed Ringo. Sparkie did a back flip in response. They soon got settled inside the train, and the three Beatles decided to take a nap while Laura leaned on George's side. This made him smile...
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We Meet Again, Girls

The Beatles and Laura went to have 공식 만찬, 저녁 식사 at one of the restaurants just outside the Palace grounds after watching the sunset. While waiting for their food, John saw the same trio of 팬 sitting in another 표, 테이블 close to them and exclaimed, "Well, well, well! Aren't those the birds who flocked towards you, Geo?" George, who was sitting 다음 to his daughter, also saw the girls and remarked, "Why, yes. That's definitely them." They saw him as well and waved happily, to which he waved back. Laura did the same as well, and this led to one of them saying, "We didn't know you're...
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Garden Variety

With everything back in place, George and Laura resumed their hiking trip with the other Beatles joining them along. John said, "I wanna play some 더 많이 football, mates." Paul replied and asked the two, "You've read me mind there. Care to 가입하기 us?" George responded, "Absolutely, chaps!" Laura added, "We're all in, uncle Paul!" They then had a really enjoyable game from start to finish. Afterwards, Ringo exclaimed, "The crowd goes wild! Woo hoo!", which made the others burst in laughter. They explored the rest of the park and proceeded to the gardens. There, John, Paul, and Ringo...
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Found At Last

By the time the Beatles had searched almost everywhere in the park for Laura, their legs nearly felt tired from all the walking. However, George was still persistent and wouldn't give up until she has been found. While checking the map again, he told his mates, "There's only one place where we haven't inspected yet: The hedge maze!" John replied, "Oh, you're right! Speaking of which, I've got a hunch that she might actually be there!" "Then it's off to the maze we go!", exclaimed Paul. As they neared the maze a few 분 later, Sparkie began to make some squealing noises like...
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Time For a Hike!

"Rise and shine, Laura, darling!", exclaimed George as he woke her up. She soon opened her eyes and replied, "Morning, daddy George!" He smiled and responded, "Morning, my sweet little girl! Did 당신 sleep well?" Laura said, "Mm-hmm! I did. How about you?" George replied, "I did, too, love. Thanks!" She responded, "You're welcome. That's great! Now, is breakfast ready?" He said, "It certainly is!" "Jolly good!", exclaimed Laura. She then got up and proceeded to the bathroom to freshen herself up and brush her teeth while George waited at the dining table. As they ate, Laura saw...
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added by ktichenor
posted by 80smusiclover1
That's a Wrap!

For the last 일 of their vacation, everyone decided to go to Pleasure 바닷가, 비치 amusement park after checking-out of the hotel. While there, they also bought some 더 많이 Blackpool Rock. They had an amazing time overall. Laura said, "This was such a fabulous road trip, daddy George! We should have another one 다음 time." George replied, "You took the words right out of me mouth, Laura, darling! Yes, I'd 사랑 to do that too." John, Paul, and Ringo nodded in agreement. The group then had a smooth ride back to 런던 and to their homes. On the following day, George and Laura went to have...
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