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Chapter 1 - No, Not Pinkie Pie!:
It had been a week since 무지개, 레인 보우 Dash had left. Pinkie had told everypony that she had gone off to be with the Wonderbolts, and had shunned all the others.
"Well tarnation!" 사과 브랜디 had exclaimed. "Who needed her anyway?"
But Twilight was skeptical. She went back to the 도서관, 라이브러리 to mull things over. ‘First 사과, 애플 Bloom, then Twist, and now 무지개, 레인 보우 Dash. Why is everypony in such a hurry to leave Ponyville? And why do they keep leaving exactly once a week?’
Suddenly, a horn sounded. The town had called a meeting. The mayor came up and made the announcement. "Rarity has left a note at my door stating that she will be leaving Ponyville to 디자인 dresses for 사진 Finish in Manehattan. She will be leaving her Boutique to Twilight Sparkle.”
“Just yesterday Rarity told me that she would meet me in the spa”, a tiny, timid voice sounded from within the crowd. A tiny, timid voice that could only belong to Fluttershy. “She would never back down from a promise like that without telling me.”
A loud southern drawl rang out from the crowd next. “They’re all a buncha flakes is what they are!” 사과 브랜디 yelled. “Rarity, Dash, and the rest of them. Y’all shouldn’t be surprised over them.”
Fluttershy protested, “But Appleja-”
“But nothin’. Rarity had her own thing to do, and figured us ponies were in the way.” 사과 브랜디 paused, then turned to Twilight and spoke in a less irritated voice. “You take that Boutique and make something nice out of it.” Twilight said nothing as they slowly walked towards the building.
Twilight poked her head inside and opened the door. Everything was gone. The 조랑말 mannequins were bare, and the rolls of fabric were gone. The store rooms were dry and bare. All that was left was one roll of gold silk.
“That’s strange,” Twilight mused. “Fluttershy told me that Rarity wouldn’t stop talking about this stuff. Why wouldn’t she take it?” As she was leaving the closet, out of the corner of her eye she caught a small card. Twilight lifted it up. It was a business card that read ‘Photo Finish Complete Gallery’, and had an address on the back. Twilight sent a letter to the address inquiring about Rarity, and got one back saying that they had never spoken with her. ‘Okay, now I’m worried. Where is Rarity?’ Twilight wondered.
The 다음 day, Twilight confronted the mayor of Ponyville. Twilight approached the large wooden door of her house, and knocked three times. On the third knock the door slowly creaked open. Twilight poked her head in and decided to announce her presence. “Hello? Is anypony here? Um, I’m just gonna let myself in, if that’s oka- AUGH!” Twilight’s train fo thought was derailed 의해 the sight of a shivering, frightened Mayor rolled up in a blanket.
“Mayor? Are 당신 alright?” Twilight inquired.
“Yes, yes, perfectly fine!” the Mayor nervously announced. “Now! Why don’t 당신 trot on out of here before somepony gets hurt?”
“I’m not leaving until I know what really happened to Rarity,” Twilight asserted.
The mayor turned to reveal that she was wearing a headdress of knives and a look of absolute terror. Their gazes locked on each other for a moment, then the mayor charged at Twilight. Twilight levitated her up and pressed her against the wall. The headdress came off and turned on the mayor as Twilight calmly and forcefully stated, “The royal court will find 당신 guilty of attempted murder, Mayor. 당신 could spend your whole life in the dungeon. But, if 당신 tell me what really happened to Rarity, I might forget this horri-”
Twilight was interrupted again 의해 the mayor’s frantic sobbing. “It’s not me, it’s her!”
“Who? Tell me!” Twilight yelled.
“Pinkamena Diane Pie,” the mayor bitterly stated. “She said I would get a higher number, that I would be the last to go if I kept my jaw tight. I can’t even look at myself, most days I’m in here like this.”
“This isn’t making any sense, give me an answer. Where is Rarity?” Twilight pressed.
“I don’t know, alright?!” the mayor cried.
“You know. Tell me 또는 I’ll notify the Royal Guard.” Twilight threatened.
“No! Okay! Pinkie she, er, has taken Rarity. Her number came up. It’s Pinkie’s standard procedure. Perhaps too standard. She’s gotten lazy, but she said she needed at least one a week. Too many orders, too little cupcakes. Tomorrow, go to Sugarcube Corner. She will probably have something planned for you. Get the guard, get her behind bars. It’s going to take a lot of horsepower to take her down.” The mayor explained, sighing. “She’ll find out I told you… I’m as good as dead.”
“If 당신 think that’s the case, I’ll have the Guards give 당신 protection.” Twilight responded.
The mayor looked down sullenly. “I hope that will be enough.”

Chapter 2 - Dress-up Time!:

Drip, drip, drip.
Rarity tossed and turned, eyes closed. ‘Is the roof leaking again?’ She wondered.
Drip, drip ,drip.
‘This will be the third time I’ve had to get those colts to fix that thing.’
Drip, drip, drip.
“No, it’s time to get up, get dressed.” Rarity sleepily yawned, opening her eyes. She noticed it was so dark she could hardly see a hoof in front of her. She looked down at her bedsheet. “That’s strange, this doesn’t feel like a 침대 sheet.” It took Rarity a few moments to notice that she was actually sleeping on a pile of her dresses. She looked up, and saw a large hole with light coming through it. Suddenly, a head popped out.
“Hi Rarity! Looks like you’re finally awake!” a high pitched voice squeaked from the edge of the pit.
“Pinkie, is that you?” Rarity probed.
“Yep! Looks like 당신 hit that one right on the nose, 또는 should I say horn? Hee hee!”
Rarity slowly pulled her hoof to her head, and felt a wet spot, but no horn. “Pinkie? Wh- what did 당신 do?” she stammered. Hearing Pinkie Pie snickering mischievously, she looked back at her hoof in the light to find that it was stained with dark red, contrasting with her white coat. The dripping she had heard was coming from her wound. She began to scream in shock and despair.
Pinkie spoke over her cries, “Wah, wah, wah, just like a baby. Twist didn’t cry this much. Well, I’d have to say, 당신 are quite a lucky filly. When your number came up, my first thought was cupcakes, but then I remembered it was fashion designer Rarity I was talking about. I think that after all those dresses, 당신 deserve to be served one. No wait, I mean served as one. Hee hee hee hee! Well, I can’t talk forever, orders to fill and whatnot. Bye!”
Rarity shook her head, trying to convince herself this wasn’t happening. ‘Pinkie’s my friend, this is probably all some practical joke,’ she thought. She called out nervously, “Ha ha, Pinkie, 당신 have surely fooled me into fright, what with the well and the ironic death and all. But I must say, how did 당신 pull off such an impressive missing horn illusion?”
Pinkie laughed and retorted as she was trotting off, “Who said that was an illusion, silly?”

Chapter 3 - It's A Bad Apple:
Twilight had woken up the 다음 일 in a cold sweat after having terrible nightmares the night previous. She had shaken her feeling of dread with some difficulty as she prepared to begin the hunt for Pinkie Pie.
She was standing apprehensively outside of Sugarcube Corner. Behind her were several of the legendary pegasi of Celestia’s Royal Guard. After some time of preparation, they stormed in, prepared for the worst. Upon entering, however, they noticed the store was empty, save for a plate of 컵케익 on the table. As the pegasi tore the place up, Twilight used her magic to spot a loose floor board. She pried it aside, revealing a button. When she pressed it, an 오븐 swung open. Twilight approached it, but a guard pushed her aside and started walking toward the entrance.
“Lady, if what you’ve told me about her is true, then I want to be the guy who catches that monster.” The guard took one step into the newly opened passageway. The one step happened to land on a 곰 trap. The sharp metal teeth 비둘기 into his leg, splintering the bone and producing a horrible crunching sound. The guard’s bravado immediately ended, replaced 의해 blubbering and screaming. “My leg! It’s got my leg!” he yelled. The 더 많이 he writhed in pain, the deeper the trap’s fangs sunk into his leg.
“For Celestia’s sake, get him outta there!” Another guard piped up. He rushed to the injured guard and began pulling apart the trap, but as he eased the pressure, a blood vessel decided to rupture, sending a spurt of blood into his eye. His hooves slipped, and the trap came down again, this time all but severing the unfortunate guard’s leg, leaving it connected 의해 just a small piece of skin. The guard was finally pulled out of the trap, and put on a stretcher.
As he passed 의해 Twilight, he looked in her eyes solemnly and said “I hope it’s worth it to you.”
Twilight lit the path up, finding and springing the rest of the traps. There were seven, one for each guard she had brought with her. As she and the remaining guards went down the narrow stone stairway, Twilight noticed a certain smell getting stronger and stronger, a smell that reminded her of the dissections they had done in magic class. She’d always pretended to be sick on those days. Twilight knew she knew what it was, but she couldn’t quite place it.
They arrived at the bottom of the staircase, which emptied out into a dark room. The lights went on, revealing what had to be the single most sickening thing Twilight had ever seen. The room was decorated in a disturbing yet light-hearted manner. Lungs and hearts filled with helium floated at the corners of the room like party balloons. Two skinned ponies sat at a 표, 테이블 covered in hide on chairs made of bone. Intestines hung from rafters like streamers. Mounted on the 벽 at the back was a banner saying ‘Happy birthday, Twilight’ written in blood. Twilight finally remembered what that smell was - formaldehyde. Pinkie had used it to preserve the corpses.
Twilight noticed a note nailed to one of the ‘streamers’. She ripped it off and started reading.

Hi Twilight!
You’re probably so wrapped up in this investigation that 당신 forgot that today is your birthday! Well, I went ahead and planned this whole thing JUST FOR YOU! I hope 당신 like it, because I went ahead and got 당신 a present! Use it well!
P.S. Behind you.

As Twilight turned, one of the Guards spoke up. “Twilight, I think 당신 need to see this.” In a dark corner of the room, a different, fouler stench filled the air. In a rust covered cage, surrounded 의해 the bleached skulls of foals was a small, dark shape. Upon closer inspection, Twilight discovered it was 사과, 애플 Bloom.
“Get her to a doctor, it looks like she’s alive,” called Twilight.
As the guards forced open the cage and grabbed her, she sprung and bit viciously into the face of the one that freed her. "Get her offa me!" he yelped as she clung on, her teeth digging deeper into his flesh. It took two guards to restrain her, and another to fit a muzzle onto her snarling face.

Chapter 4 - No, Not the Mayor!:

wilight sighed, asking herself when this torture was to end, and crept up the stairs. When she reached the 부엌, 주방 upstairs, she noticed a calendar. “Hey, what do 당신 know, Twilight dolefully said to herself. “Today is my birthday. Thanks for the present.”

Twilight walked towards the mayor’s house, her mind swirling with unanswered questions. She opened the door and called out, “Mayor? I have a lot of 질문 for you. Pinkie wasn’t there, so if 당신 could provide some information, that would certainly be helpful.” No one answered. Twilight walked down the hallway, when she noticed she stepped in something wet 다음 to a doorway. She opened the door and went inside the unlit room. Just as she did, the lights turned on to reveal the mayor, hung from her front hooves, her stomach cut open, and her organs hanging out.
“Please,” a raspy voice whispered. “Please make the pain go away.” Over the mayor’s head was scrawled a familiar phrase:

Losing a friend’s trust is the fastest way to lose a friend.

The rest of the walls were covered in the word ‘forever’. Twilight closed her eyes. She wanted out, but there was no escape. She knew what she had to do. She knew she had to face Pinkamena Diane Pie.

Chapter 5 - Interviewing 사과, 애플 Bloom:

“She’s getting up.”
“Good, Ah thought she was in a coma 또는 something.”
“Actually, Ah almost hoped that would be the case.”
“Oh Big Macintosh, what in the world are we gonna do now?”
“We live, Applejack. We’ll get her to be alright in the head, we’ll give her her life back. We’ll take back what Pinkie has taken from us. But right now, she just needs to rest.”
“Hi bro and sis! Whatcha talkin’ about?" 사과, 애플 Bloom piped up, shooting down Big Mac’s suggestion.
“Apple Bloom! What happened in there? What did she do to you?” 사과 브랜디 half-cried, hoping her sister hadn’t been too traumatized.
“Oh, nuthin’, just some arts and crafts, a bit of paintin’, and a lot of 컵 케이크, 컵 케익, 컵 케 익 makin’.”
사과 브랜디 blinked. “You helped her? But…” She couldn’t bring herself to think of her sister becoming like Pinkie Pie.
“Oh, it’s no big deal, I was just playin’ with my friends. Pinkie Pie did most of the work; I just helped a little every now and then. Now why am I in this funny-lookin’ glass stable?”
“The doctors s-said that 당신 w-weren’t right in the head, 사과, 애플 Bloom. That Pinkie did some terrible things to ya. That you’re a d-danger to yourself and everypony around you.”
“Pinkie said that this was a special way of playing,” 사과, 애플 Bloom continued, ignoring that her 질문 had been answered. “A way that would bond us as 프렌즈 forever. She even said that since Rarity loved making dresses so much, she’ll make Rarity a special dress! 또는 was that make Rarity into a special dress?”
사과 브랜디 reeled in horror and disgust. Her own sister had been transformed, had been changed from the sweet little filly she knew into a broken-down monster.

As 사과 브랜디 numbly trotted into the 부엌, 주방 to grab a drink, Twilight let herself into the room. “Applejack, I need to speak to 당신 about 사과, 애플 Bloom!” she shouted. “I’m here on Princess Celestia’s behalf.”
사과 브랜디 looked at Twilight and slowly said through her teeth, “What do 당신 wanna know, Twilight?”
“I need to interview 사과, 애플 Bloom. She’s vital to this case.”
“Sorry, no can do,” 사과 브랜디 replied. “But, seeing as that was 더 많이 of a statement than a question, Ah can assume you’re going to anyway.”

“Well, yes…”
“Come with me." 사과 브랜디 led her down the long twisting hallways of the farmhouse. “The doctors said to not to get close to the glass. Items may be exchanged through the sliding metal tray, but do not give her anything sharp.”
“That’s all?” Twilight asked.
“One 더 많이 thing. Do not, do not let your guard down. She’s been, ahem, trained 의해 Pinkie Pie.”
“Can do,” Twilight said confidently, but internally mortified at what she might hear 또는 see in that stable. As she approached the stable, she saw a stool, and quickly sat.
“Why so quick to relax, Twilight?” 사과, 애플 Bloom asked coolly. “Didn’t 사과 브랜디 tell 당신 not to let your guard down?”
“You let that guard down, 사과, 애플 Bloom. He’s still receiving treatment. Doctors say that they might not be able to recover his right cheek.” Twilight paused, glaring at the filly in the stable. “Why did 당신 do it?”
“I ate his cheek, and had some fava beans later on the side. Pinkie always told me that the cheeks were the tastiest part of any creature. She also left me in there with no 음식 for six days. I can imagine that’s what’s happening with poor little Rarity right now.”
Twilight froze. She realized it all now.
“You see,” 사과, 애플 Bloom continued, “Rarity might not be dead yet. Pinkie kept talkin’ about it, how one needs to starve a 조랑말 for a few days. Loosens the skin. And then-”
“Pinkie’s going to make a dress out of Rarity?” Twilight interjected, horrified 의해 this revelation.
“Yep! She’s been talkin’ about it for a while now. Ah don’t know how far she’s gotten, but if she’s doin’ that, then you’ve definitely got some time before she kills her.”
Twilight was taken aback 의해 the filly’s excitement for Rarity’s death, but relieved that her friend was still alive. “Do 당신 know where she’s hiding, 사과, 애플 Bloom?”
“Well, this has to end sometime. But Ah can’t help 당신 with that, Twilight. Ah’ve never been with Miss Pinkie to the hideout. All Ah know is it’s somewhere in Manehattan. She’d been makin’ 컵케익 there too, but that place had been just a temporary holdout.”
“Why are 당신 helping me like this, 사과, 애플 Bloom? Aren’t 당신 Pinkie’s helper?” Twilight choked on the last word. Unlike Applejack, she simply could not see 사과, 애플 Bloom as a monster.
“She forgot about me, Twilight. Ah was her faithful student, Ah had screamed for days on end for her to release me, but she never did. She acted like Ah wasn’t even there. She ignored me.”
“How did 당신 end up there in the first place? What did she do to you?” Twilight hurriedly started questioning 사과, 애플 Bloom.
“Well, Ah can’t share that story with 당신 right now.”
“Why not? Is the pain too much to bear?”
“No,” 사과, 애플 Bloom replied with a smile. “Because my sister is right behind you.”
“Come on, Twilight,” 사과 브랜디 said wearily. “My poor sister has been through enough, it’s time for 당신 to 옮기기 them hooves outta here. Little 사과, 애플 Bloom needs her rest.”
“I’ll be back soon, Applejack. I hope 당신 know that.” Twilight said sternly.
“Oh, Ah know that,” 사과 브랜디 whispered, mostly to herself.
“Twilight!” 사과, 애플 Bloom yelled. “Remember! Rarity still has time. She still has…”

Chapter 4 - Rarity

“…Time to check up on my 가장 좋아하는 little pony!” Pinkie Pie gleefully shouted as she hopped across dimly-lit the room towards the pit.
Rarity had dressed her wound with the fabric from her dresses. She’d been there for two days now. The pain medication had worn off though, so it had been burning in her forehead. She had been enduring it for hours, too afraid of her fate to sleep. The searing pain in her forehead had made every other limb in her body ache. She had grown very weak.
“Soiled yourself again, Rarity?” Pinkie mocked her. “That isn’t very ladylike.”
“Pinkie, how could you? I thought we were friends!” Rarity sobbed. It was true, there had simply been no place to go to the bathroom, and either way, she was too weak to move.
“Well, that won’t do, we can’t have your 코트 and mane getting all dirty.” Pinkie hopped away, and quickly returned with a large hose.
“Pinkie, what are 당신 doing?” Rarity asked, trying to delay the inevitable.
“Washing you, silly!” Pinkie turned on the water and it rushed out of the hose onto Rarity, chilling her to the bone and nearly drowning her. Pinkie shut the water off, and Rarity just sat there, shivering and coughing, looking down at the ground and wondering how this was actually happening.
Her eyes were quickly caught 의해 a basket that was being lowered down. It had a towel and a small light on it. As soon as it arrived, she took out the towel and dried herself off, then set it aside. Then she noticed a small bottle that said ‘special lotion’.
“Take that rag of your head,” Pinkie called down to her captive. “It looks silly.”
Rarity reluctantly complied, slowly peeling her makeshift bandage off and wincing at the feeling of the fabric coming off. The spot where her horn had been had gotten infected, and there was a steady stream of yellow pus flowing out from one of the smaller sores that had formed, some of it leaking down into Rarity’s eye.
“Oh no, that won’t do. Well, like Granny Pie always said, ‘It puts the lotion on the skin 또는 else it gets the hose again.’” Her alligator, Gummy, scurried up and waggled his tail. “Yes she will, Gummy, she will get the hose.” Pinkie said in a childish tone to her scaly friend. Again, Rarity complied, squeezing out a bit of the off-white mixture and putting it on the infected area. It stung unlike anything Rarity had ever felt before. Her head reeled back from the pain, but she ground her teeth and continued applying it. She knew that Pinkie was keeping her alive, and that there was a chance someone was looking for her.
“Now it puts the lotion back in the basket!” Pinkie said.
“Please Pinkie,” Rarity sobbed. “I want to go home!”
“Funny, that’s what 무지개, 레인 보우 Dash said. And Twist. And Gilda. But that’s beside the point. It puts the lotion back in the basket!” Pinkie repeated, this time 더 많이 forcefully.
“Please-” Rarity began, only to be interrupted 의해 Pinkie.
“Put the lotion back in the basket!”
Rarity put it back, and as the basket rose, its light revealed several bloody scratch marks on the walls of the pit, and in between two pieces of cobble, a broken piece of hoof. Rarity backed up, hunched over, and began to scream.
Pinkie just looked down and started mocking her again.

Chapter 5 - Shy Fluttershy:

Rain dripped loudly against the window of Twilight’s library. She was trying to sleep, but couldn’t. She knew that Pinkie knew where she was. She also knew that even with the Royal Guard’s protection, she was exposed. She tried to calm herself down, but nothing seemed to work. She had read 책 about the subject of psychology, and knew what she was suffering from, but that didn’t help her cope with it at all.
Her fearful reverie was interrupted 의해 three muffled knocks that rang through the house. Twilight sat up with a jolt. She paused, waiting for something to happen. ‘Must be my imagination,’ Twilight said to herself as she laid her head back down on the pillow. Then the sound came again, three 더 많이 quiet knocks. “Is someone there?” Twilight called, walking towards the door.
“Twilight? Can I talk with you?” A soft voice spoke through the door. Twilight was already sure who it was, but she still wasn’t taking any chances. She looked through the peephole and saw a drenched, shivering Fluttershy standing outside.
“For Celestia’s sake, get in here!” Twilight said as she undid the deadbolt and chain. “Fluttershy, why would 당신 need to see me at an 시간 like this?”
“I’d like to help you, but I can’t risk getting caught; I don’t want anyone to know.” Fluttershy spoke softly but clearly.
Twilight wore a puzzled look for a moment, then shook it off and said, “I’m sorry Fluttershy, but this is too-”
Fluttershy interrupted. “Too scary? Too gruesome? I’ve seen far worse than anything Pinkie Pie could do, and after what happened, I don’t think I could live with myself if I let another one of my 프렌즈 die.”
“What do 당신 mean, Fluttershy?” Twilight asked.
“The winter before 당신 came here, during Winter Wrap-Up, since we were so unorganized, the pegasus ponies, they-” Fluttershy stopped, choking up.
“They melted the snow too early, didn’t they?”

“Yes. Oh, how those poor little woodland creatures wailed and screamed. The birds could fly, and I was glad they were safe, but all the others, there were simply too many to save.” Small tears ran down Fluttershy’s pained face. “I figured if could save just one, I would be happy. That’s how I got Angel.”
“You just wanted them to stop screaming, didn’t you… 당신 just wanted silence.” Twilight said with a strong, solemn look.
“Please Twilight, if there’s anything I can help 당신 with, I’d be honored to.”
“Well, there is one thing. I’m positively stumped as to the whereabouts of her hideout. I got a map of Manehattan, and a list of where the ponies that had gone missing were last seen, but I can’t figure out where she’s doing this from.”
“Well, Twilight, I can’t seem to pull anything from this either.”
“That’s okay, I’ll talk with 사과, 애플 Bloom tomorrow, and I’ll start investigating the neighborhood, starting with this house.” Twilight marked a house down.
“Hm. Okay, see 당신 later.” Fluttershy said as she walked out into the night.

Chapter 6 - 사과, 애플 Bloom's Confession:

The 다음 morning, Twilight headed for Sweet 사과, 애플 Acres, ready for a torrent of protest from Applejack. She was willing to put up with it. She knew that she had to speak with 사과, 애플 Bloom again.
“You know Ah don’t like it when 당신 come over here to stress my sister.” 사과 브랜디 complained.
“I’m sorry Applejack, but this is too important to worry about staying within your comfort zone.” Twilight retorted.
“Oh, so it’s like that, huh?” 사과 브랜디 said, stomping her hooves in protest. “You think just because 당신 got special permission and whatnot 당신 can come in here and make the house yours? Ah’m telling 당신 Twilight, when this is over, we’re going to need to have a serious talk.”
“I’d 사랑 to. When this is over, of course.” Twilight replied with finality as she approached the glass stable.
“Hi Twilight!” 사과, 애플 Bloom greeted Twilight almost cheerfully. Then she noticed a small saddlebag draped across Twilight’s side. “What’s in the bag?”
“Apple Bloom, I need 당신 to help me find where Pinkie is.”
“Really? Well, show me what’s in the bag then.”
Twilight pulled out a map of Manehattan, which was covered in dots, and slid it through to 사과, 애플 Bloom. “I need 당신 to use this to help me find her.” Twilight said.
사과, 애플 Bloom stared blankly at the map for a moment, then turned back to Twilight. “Tell me Twilight, are 당신 afraid of losing somepony else? Pinkie told me all about it, about the, uh, abso- absolution in a pony’s eyes as they’re about to die. But she lied to me about one thing: That she could actually care for anypony. She said that Ah was her favorite, that Ah was too good for cupcakes… But she forgot about me.”
Twilight tried to think of something to say, but she could only let her mouth hang open dumbly. She stared into 사과, 애플 Bloom’s eyes, seeing the tortured soul trapped inside.
사과, 애플 Bloom started again. “Ah’ll help 당신 Twilight, but promise me this: 당신 find the real thing that keeps pulling 당신 along, the real reason 당신 haven’t just passed this on to somepony else.”
With that, Twilight got up and left. She thought about what 사과, 애플 Bloom said; she knew why she was doing this, but she couldn’t express it.

Twilight spent that entire night with her spare map, trying to figure out where Pinkie was hiding, but all the disappearances seemed random. She eventually got an idea that Pinkie could have hidden at the rock farm 의해 the town, the one she had grown up on. Twilight didn’t have a 검색 warrant, however, so she decided to continue her investigation in Manehattan. She sent a letter to Princess Celestia outlining her suspicions, and quickly got her reply:

My faithful student, Twilight:
We have had the same suspicions, and are now on route to capture Pinkie Pie. I guess great minds think alike. Hope to see 당신 soon.

Soon after Twilight had left to check on the first house on her list, Fluttershy passed 의해 the 도서관, 라이브러리 and saw a small stack of papers on Twilight’s front porch. She decided glanced over them, and saw that they were some of Twilight’s case files. ‘Why would she leave them here?’ Fluttershy wondered as she started sifting through them. She stopped at the map. ‘Twilight, doesn’t this 랜덤 assortment of disappearances seem a bit strange?’ She thought about it as she scanned the map. She froze when she noticed that each disappearance was along one route that lead back to one house in Manehattan.
“Oh, no.” She said aloud.

Chapter 7 - Beauty and Grace can be cannibalistic:

Wakey wakey, rise and shakey!” Pinkie sang. “Today, I have a special surprise for you! Cupcakes! I thought I was all out of my very special ingredient, but I guess I still had some left! Now eat it.” Pinkie lowered a 컵 케이크, 컵 케익, 컵 케 익 down the pit on a string.
Rarity opened her eyes. She had not eaten anything for days. Her whole body ached and wobbled as she crawled over to the cupcake. She ate it without a thought, cramming it in her mouth and taking most of the string along with it.
“Wow, Miss Piggy, aren’t you?” Pinkie mocked her prisoner. “I guess beauty and grace does fade. Well, here, since 당신 liked it so much, I may as well just give 당신 some 더 많이 of the special ingredient.” Pinkie threw a blood-soaked strip of flesh onto Rarity’s face.
“Pinkie,” Rarity said weakly. “What is this?”
“Do 당신 remember that friend of ours, the one who like to, erm, dash?” Pinkie giggled sadistically.
“No, not Rainbow, why?”
“Her number came up, just like yours. She was weak, weaker than most ponies actually. I only got to play with her for fifty minutes. Well, at least I got to play with 당신 for much longer. And I think you’ll make a great dress; that’s what’s important.”
As Pinkie turned and left, Rarity had a million thoughts racing through her head. She was stuck in a pit. She was going to be made into a dress. She had just eaten 무지개, 레인 보우 Dash.

Chapter 8 - Rarity's Attempt:

Pinkie was in a room 의해 herself. The walls were covered in missing 조랑말 notices. The 침대 was dressed in dyed-pink hide. Near the door was a mirror surrounded 의해 light bulbs, but only a few were still working. She reached her hoof over to a record player and started it up. Pinkie sat looking into the mirror as she retrieved a small vial of blood and smeared it on her lips. “Do 당신 want be my friend?” she spoke to her reflection. “I’d like to be your friend. I’d be your friend forever and ever.” She backed up and started putting on her ‘special dress’ made from a patchwork of colorful 조랑말 hides and cutie marks emblazoned across the sides. “Ooh!” She lit up as the song on the record changed. “This is my jam!” She started to dance and sing along, creating her own lyrics.

Meanwhile, Rarity had managed to concoct an escape plan. She tied a piece of string over the chunk of 무지개, 레인 보우 Dash, and threw it up to the edge of the pit. “Here, Gummy,” Rarity called out for the crocodile. “Come over here, boy!”
The 악어 waddled towards the piece of meat, wearing his usual half-perplexed look.
“Come on, 당신 carnivorous little ruffian, eat the meat.”
Gummy looked down at her, then turned and started ambling away.
“No, no, oh, no, come on 당신 horrible little creature!” Rarity called out, trying to restrain the utter hatred she felt towards quite literally everything at the moment.

Pinkie Pie set up a camera in front of herself. “Now introducing Ponyville’s finest. It took so long to make, but I think it adds just the right touch, don’t you?” As she was dancing, she heard a tug and a whimpering cry. Pinkie Pie rushed over to the hole.
Rarity looked up at Pinkie with mad determination on her face. “I have Gummy, Pinkie Pie! He broke his tail on the way down here; he needs to go to the hospital!”
“Gimme back my alligator!” Pinkie yelled in a childish tone.
“I’ll kill him, I swear I will, I’ll snap his neck!” Rarity called back shrilly.

Chapter 9 - End of the Horrow?:

Pinkie gave a harrumph, then rushed back to her room and snatched up a crossbow. Just then, she heard a loud knock. “Visitors!” she happily squealed, and rushed up the stairway to the door, quickly donning a disguise on the way.
“Hello, is anyone there?” a voice spoke. There was no response.
“Just a second,” Pinkie said, taking on a deeper tone.
“Hello there. I’m Twilight Sparkle, here to investigate a series of disappearances. Would 당신 mind if I took a look around?”
“No, not at all,” Pinkie replied, yielding to her ‘friend’. The upper part of the house seemed to be done up hastily. Most of the surfaces were very dusty. The whole place seemed to lack a certain quality that a house has when someone lives in it. Everything seemed to be brand new, but neglected. The floor was unpolished, and the walls were white.
“Just moved into town, I see.” Twilight said.
“Nope, been living here all my life,” Pinkie said, in her fake voice.
“This house could use a little more, erm, life, don’t 당신 think?” Twilight asked.
“Well, that’s your opinion,” Pinkie retorted. She paused before adding, “So, these disappearances, they found what caused them yet?”
“Yeah, this 조랑말 named Pinkamena Diane Pie, we’ve tracked her down to a rock farm outside of town. Well, it looks like there’s nothing suspicious in this house, so I’ll leave 당신 be.” Twilight said, walking towards the door.

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie said in her regular voice.
Twilight quickly turned around.
“Oops.” Pinkie stared at Twilight for several moments, then bolted into the basement.
Twilight followed her, but Pinkie had already ducked into one of the many winding hallways. The basement was dimly lit and damp, and reminded Twilight of a dungeon. “Pinkie Pie, 당신 are under arrest!” She yelled as she ran down one of the hallways. She looked through a doorway and saw Pinkie’s room. She noticed a sewing machine and the dried skin of some unfortunate pony. She gagged at the sight, but pressed forward. She kept running until she heard a voice.
“Twilight? Is that you? Oh, Twilight, please save me!”
She raced towards the pit to find Rarity glaring pitifully up at her. “Hold on Rarity, I need to find Pinkie, just hang tight.”
“Twilight! Twilight, come back here! Don’t leave me alone, please!”
Twilight backed into a corner, horn at the ready. Suddenly, all the lights in the basement shut off.
Pinkie Pie could smell Twilight. She knew her house 의해 심장 and could smell out exactly where Twilight was. She got close to Twilight as she was fumbling around in the dark, but as she pulled the drawstring on the crossbow, Twilight heard it creak, swung around, and pinned Pinkie in place with magic. Pinkie thrashed and strained against it, but to no avail. Twilight lit up the rest of the room, then stood where she was, panting, exhausted but relieved that her ordeal was over.
Twilight watched several guard pegasi carrying Pinkie away in a straightjacket. “How did 당신 know I was here?” she asked one of the guards.
“Somepony named Fluffershy 또는 something sent a message that Pinkie was here.”

Chapter 10 - A Happy Ending:

As the pegasi pulled Rarity up out of the hole, Twilight went outside, and was surprised to find Spike waiting for her. “I had to come out here and see it for myself,” he said. “Thank 당신 so much for saving Rarity.”
“You’re welcome Spike, now take a letter to the Princess.”
“Yes, Ma’am!” he replied enthusiastically.
“That won’t be necessary, Spike,” a voice said from behind them. Twilight and Spike turned to see Celestia walking towards them. “Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student, 당신 have served Equestria well. We are finally past the horror that was Pinkie Pie.” She paused. “You have something to say, don’t you? Go ahead.”
Twilight saw that the Princess was acknowledging her in front of the crowd that had been forming outside Pinkie’s hideout. “Princess Celestia, I do have something to say. Over the past few days my 프렌즈 and I have seen some of the most horrid crimes committed in 조랑말 history. They were atrocities beyond comprehension, but they showed that even in times of hardship, the power of true friendship never fades.”
Celestia looked at Twilight solemnly. “That is all we needed to hear, Twilight Sparkle. For your actions, 당신 will be receiving the Honorary 조랑말 Award!”
The entire crowd burst into fevered applause, but Twilight looked sullen. She was relieved that this was finally behind her, but she couldn’t ignore that she had just 로스트 two of her closest friends.

Chapter 11 - A Happy Ending Gone Wrong:

The air in Ponyville was chilly, its sky dark and cloudy, in stark contrast to the usual sunny weather. The entire town looked like its color palette had been muted for the day. Twilight’s voice rang out over the town square. “We will never forget those 로스트 in this massacre. Seeing as 무지개, 레인 보우 Dash was the only 조랑말 who was completely recovered, she will be commended to the clouds.”
무지개, 레인 보우 Dash’s hideously taxidermied body was raised up onto a 구름, 클라우드 의해 a single grey pegasus. A signal was given, and the 구름, 클라우드 was set ablaze and fired into the heavens. The crowd was overcome with hushed whispers and soft crying as the burning 구름, 클라우드 winked out in the horizon. Some said that on that day, as 무지개, 레인 보우 Dash rocketed away, that they could hear a faint ‘boom’ and see a tiny, multicolored 원, 동그라미 in the sky.
The rest of the procession went on as planned, and afterwards, Twilight, Spike, and 사과 브랜디 went to see Rarity in the hospital. “You’re looking better already,” said Applejack.
“Oh stop, just stop! I look terrible! This scar is simply revolting.” Rarity complained.
“At least 당신 got your horn back,” Twilight reminded her. “Those doctors are amazing.”

“And I still think 당신 look beautiful, Rarity,” Spike said softly.
“Girls, come quick!” Fluttershy burst in, half yelling and half whispering.
“Fluttershy! 당신 were supposed to come here with us, weren’t ya?” 사과 브랜디 asked irritatedly.
“Well, yes I was, but somepony stopped me on the way and told me to bring 당신 this.” Fluttershy dropped a note in front of her 프렌즈 and started reading:

Dear Friends:
Hi! Looks like we had lots of fun that time, didn’t we? Good thing 당신 didn’t just kill me on the spot, because 사과, 애플 Bloom was clueless on how to get out of that asylum 당신 sent us to. But no hard feelings. Anyway, I think you’re just too good for me, Twilight. So I’ve decided to take a separate way, to separate ponies limb from limb. Hee hee hee!
Your friend, Pinkamena Diane Pie.
P.S. You’re welcome.

As if on cue, there came a knock at the door. “Room service!” a voice outside the door called out. Twilight cautiously approached the peephole.
“Twilight, no!” 사과 브랜디 pleaded quietly.
Twilight peered through and saw that the 조랑말 outside holding a tray was not Pinkie. “Uh, hello? Anypony there?” he asked again. Twilight let him through. As he entered, he felt an array of stares fixated on him. “S-somepony se-sent these up here. I don’t know who though.”
“If 당신 ever get that figured out, give us a call.” 사과 브랜디 said.
“What’s on the tray?” Spike asked after the 조랑말 had left. Twilight slowly picked up the cover. Everypony was expecting the worst, but all that was on the plate was a single blue cupcake.

posted by Seanthehedgehog
Tim, and Julia returned to the police station with Dan, Andy, and Mercedes in their cars. Captain Jefferson wanted a word with Dan, and his two partners.

Captain Jefferson: Dan, a moment with you, and your partners?
Dan: Yes Captain.
Captain: Tim, I'll talk to you, and your partner later. For now, wait in the briefing room.
Tim: Sure thing. *Goes with Julia*
Dan: *Enters Captain Jefferson's office with the Captain, Andy, and Mercedes* What is it 당신 want to talk about Captain?
Captain Jefferson: That chase 당신 had with the two ponies in the Buick. Now I understand, 당신 were trying to stop them, but...
continue reading...
added by Tunder2510
added by Tunder2510
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Round 16 is beginning.

Pinkie Pie: *Runs to the Jugger-nog, and buys one*
Rainbow Dash: *Plants two claymores in the theater*
Pinkie Pie: *Drinks her Jugger-nog* Yes. He sounds like a sweet little specimen.
Twilight: *Shoots three zombies* I take great preasure in ending you.
Rainbow Dash: *Shoots four zombies, and tries to buy a gun from the Mystery Box, but she doesn't have enough points* Can't roll the bet if I can't place the dice!!
Twilight: Step aside, and ret somepony with enough money use this. *Spends 950 points on the mystery box*

A teddy 곰 appeared

Teddy Bear: *Giggling as it starts...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Round 10 is beginning

Rainbow Dash: *Buys a jugger-nog, and drinks it. Once it's empty, she throws the glass bottle onto a zombie which kills it, giving her 300 points* Reach for me boys. If you're not a zombie. *Runs back to the group*
Applejack: *Looking at the Quick Revive machine* 무지개, 레인 보우 Dash says that tastes bad.
Twilight: But she hasn't even tried it.
Applejack: 당신 don't have to try it. Looks at what it says in the nutrition facts.
Twilight: *Reading the nutrition facts* This drink is fermented hair dipped in cat piss.
Applejack: *Buys the Quick Revive, and drinks it* I think 무지개, 레인 보우 is...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Date: January 31, 1963
Location: Cheyenne Wyoming
Time: 8:00 PM
Railroad: Union Pacific

Hawkeye was now walking to the station.

Hawkeye: *Can't open the front door* It's locked. Oh well. *Kicks the windows on the doors* Now there has to be someway to unlock this. *Reaching for the lock, and gets it* There we go. *Opens the door*

At his house.

Metal Gloss: Where do 당신 think he could be?
Mirage: All over Cheyenne.
Pete: We'll 스플릿, 분할 up. Metal Gloss, and Stylo, 검색 the station. Snowflake, Dan, and Mirage, 당신 검색 the train yard. The rest of you, come with me. We're going to look around the streets...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song: link

Richard entered a town called Kingwood. The 조랑말 in the Nissan was still following him.

Richard: *Sees a red light in front of him, and starts to slow down*
Pony 94: *Stops behind Richard*
Richard: *Drives when the light turns green*
Pony 94: *Turning left*

Following Richard this time was a 조랑말 in a green cobalt.

Pony 68: *Staying close behind Richard's car*
Richard: *Passes the state police building*
Pony 68: Passing a small intersection*
Richard: *Reaches another intersection, and turns left*
Pony 68: *Goes straight*
Pony 76: *In a Honda Odyssey. From the opposite direction, he turns right...
continue reading...
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor
posted by SomeoneButNoone
Sunshine - *sigh* It's tournament already after my 로스트 to a noob 6 weeks ago... Uhhhh... I don't feel like I will win.
Blackcrow - This guy is weird...
Sunshine - B-blackcrow H-hi.
Blackcrow - And here I am racing him... He is OP at dog-fighting yet he is racing. Something is wrong.
Sunshine - Maybe... He don't want to hurt Ponies?
Blackcrow - Whatever it is I'm taking him down in racing.
Sunshine - *mumbles* so cool.

Racing arena
Announcer - Weeeeeelcome everyone on first match and the most might one the #3 elite in our school, elite of elites will be racing with infamous for his won dog-fighting...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Later on at the station, Tim, and Julia went to Captain Jefferson's office to talk to him.

Tim: *Opens the door* Captain, 당신 got a minute?
Captain Jefferson: 당신 must be a mind reader, I was just about to call 당신 down here.
Julia: What did 당신 want to talk to us about?
Captain Jefferson: Actually Julia, I need 당신 to go into the briefing room, and make sure it's clean for my arrival. Okay?
Julia: Okay. *Walks away*
Tim: What was that all about Captain?
Captain Jefferson: Close the door Tim.
Tim: *Closes the door*
Captain Jefferson: 당신 know that Julia is sensitive, and doesn't like to be...
continue reading...
Sean freed his cousin from the rope, and got him back onto the boat.

Sonic: Thanks for coming to save me.
Sean: It was no trouble at all. I sent Knuckles, and Charmy to get us some boats for our escape. I hope they get here soon.
Rainbow Dash: *Returns* I think I killed Twilight.
Sean: What happened?
Rainbow Dash: She appeared when we were planting the bombs, and I shot her, and she fell a few hundred feet.
Sean: Where is Vector, and Mighty?
Vector: *Arrives with Mighty* Right here.
Mighty: We planted all of the charges.
Sean: Alright, let's go wait at the back of the boat. *Walks with his friends*...
continue reading...
A short time 이전 in a world full of cartoon ponies

Theme song: link


Episode 3

The First Episode In This Franchise To Have A Title

Doctor Eggman has survived crashing his airplane, and so did Twilight Sparkle. The same cannot be said for Metal Sonic. Now Eggman, and Twilight must work together to formulate a plan on how to destroy the 조랑말 Alliance.

With Princess Celestia and Luna gone, 무지개, 레인 보우 Dash has been asked to take over their position, and is now the new princess of Equestria. She will do what she can to find the murderer of the two former princesses, but will be shocked...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Red was driving the police car with Julia sitting 다음 to her.

Red: *Turns right, and crosses the railroad tracks. Then she drives under the highway*
Mare: *Running towards them*
Julia: Pull over, and let's see what she wants.
Red: *Pulls over behind a FedEx van*
Mare: 당신 two officers gotta help me. An 주황색, 오렌지 unicorn 스톨, 훔친 my Porsche.

Song: link

Tim: *Driving northbound passing a police station, and a hospital*
Dispatch: GT12, be on the lookout for a stolen vehicle. Your target is a Porsche 918 Spyder.
 A picture of this car appeared on Tim's front window
A picture of this car appeared on Tim's front window

Toby: GT12, responding.
Tim: *Turns...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Date: December 23, 1960
Location: Denver, Coltorado
Time: 8:33 AM
Railroad: Union Pacific

Railroad 조랑말 34: *Watching the tree*
Railroad 조랑말 30: *Also watching the tree* 당신 know when the train gets here?
Railroad 조랑말 34: Ten O' Clock.
Railroad 조랑말 30: And those gangsters aren't around, right?
Railroad 조랑말 34: Let's hope not, otherwise this won't be a very merry Christmas.
Hawkeye: *Narrating* Now this isn't the part where everything is great, that's coming up later. This part is 더 많이 action packed than I was hoping for.
Stylo: *Driving the train* How much longer until we get to Denver?
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Trixie: (finishes a perfamance).

Audience: (cheers).

Felix: (despite cheering) I've seen better.

Carrot Top: (clapping) I can't believe I wrasted nine dollars on this.

BonBon: I liked her hat.

Saten: Great performance honey.

Trixie: Thanks.. I'm glad 당신 enjoyed it.

Saten: Well of coarse I di-

GoldenGrape: (to Trixie) 저기요 good performance.. And nice melons.

Saten: Hey! Just wait a   minu-

Trixie: (holding water melons) Saten I'm holding melons.

Saten: Oh.. Sorry.

GoldenGrape: It's okay... (pervertly) Trixie's hot!

Saten: (angrily) Okay that's it! (tries to run after him but Tixie holds him back).

GoldnGrape: (runs away) Still worth it!
posted by Canada24
Twilight:: [gasps] It's our old science lab! I have so many great memories of this place!Minuette: [giggles] Remember when 레몬 Hearts got her head stuck in that beaker?Twinkleshine, Minuette and 레몬 Hearts: [giggling][fillies giggling]


Young Twilight: But according to this book, you're supposed to add the sodium chloride first.

Young Moon Dancer: I read ahead, and to make a proper salt lick, 당신 need to add the molasses first.

Young Twilight: (snobbishly) Well, I read ahead too, Moon Dancer, and I'm sure it said sodium chloride first.

Young Moon Dancer: [dryly] Oh. I've got the wrong...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
A 기중기, 크레인 finally arrived, and the 조랑말 operating it was lifting one of the engines off the track. A Major was ordering him what to do.

Major Herren: Ready?! Pick it up!
German 조랑말 88: *Lifting the engine slowly*
Major Herren: *Walks to the left, and finds a spot near the track that is occupied 의해 nothing* Put it on it's side over there.
Colonel Von Waldheim: Major!! *Walks toward him with two ponies behind him* Can't 당신 옮기기 any faster?!
Major Herren: This is a hell of a mess Colonel! We're doing the best we can!
Colonel Von Waldheim: I asked for two cranes!
Major Herren: *Walks toward him*...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song: link

It was a beautiful 일 in Manehattan as the sun rose, and-

Gordon: This is the wrong intro! This is the intro for Die Hard With A Vengeance! TURN EVERYTHING OFF!!!! *Waits for everything to turn off. After that, he calms down* Now, we're going to show 당신 the real intro for this fanfic.

Song(Start it at 0:09): link

San Franciscolt 1995

Mexicans: *Driving a black Flim Decade at high speed passing lots of cars*
Ponies: *Watching the Mexicans pass him*
Mexicans: *Crossing the 만, 베이 Bridge*

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

Mexicans: *Loading their assault rifles and pistols*

In association with Izfankirby...
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added by NocturnalMirage
Source: facebook, joyreactor
This story may contain dark content, and swearing..


Our story begins when the young mare 무지개, 레인 보우 Dash, came into SugerCube Corners, as she promised to spend time with the 'seemingly' innocent and adorable, Pinkie Pie. But unknown to Dash, It's not Pinkie, it's the Pinkamena, the EVIL verison of the 담홍색, 핑크 mare.

RAINBOW: Hello? Pinkie? I'm here.

PINKAMENA: *voice is heard from within the dark kitchen, but the mare herself, isn't seen* Rainbow! 당신 made it!

RAINBOW: Sorry I'm late.

PINKAMENA: *Still not seen yet* Oh that's ok,...
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