Both 기사 are darted 2011. So I am curious to se what they have said!
또는 if anyone can tell me which mags they were published in I can try and translate them myself.
Looking 앞으로 to House S8 on October 3, 2011.
I miss the gorgeous Mr Laurie when he is gone for so long!
I think i have found the true lisa e on facebook...the picture looks like a 'taken a home' 사진 however, i dont think she'd spell her last name wrong 또는 put up her work address but it almost real... :O
this is a link here
i am convinced it's her !!!
please 코멘트 me and tell me what 당신 think and if 당신 do look at her 프로필 im sure you'll see what i mean... :O
ive commented her, but havent got a reply so i fav actress didnt reply...:(
I think i have found the true lisa e on facebook...the picture looks like a 'taken a home' 사진 however, i dont think she'd spell her last name wrong 또는 put up her work address but it almost real... :O
this is a link here
i am convinced it's her !!!
please 코멘트 me and tell me what 당신 think and if 당신 do look at her 프로필 im sure you'll see what i mean... :O
ive commented her, but havent got a reply so i fav actress didnt reply...:(