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added by Bones_Obsessor
Source: huddyfan09 @ lj
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
posted by Fabouluz
House made his way to Wilson’s apartment. He needed someone he could trust to bounce his ideas off of.

Wilson walked towards the door, and with an annoyed grunt, opened the door. “What are 당신 doing here?”
“I told her.” House walked past Wilson, and began pacing the apartment.

”That 당신 knew?” Wilson closed the door, and sleepily walked towards the 부엌, 주방 to get a glass of water.

“I told her and, I didn’t know what to do, say, think.” House couldn’t believe he couldn’t think of any way to cope with it.

“And 당신 woke me up at…four o’clock…to tell me this?” Wilson...
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added by laurik2007
added by mchuddymerderek
Source: livejournal i watch 4 cuddy
added by huddyfan1996
Source: I Watch for Cuddy
added by mchuddymerderek
Source: livejournal i watch 4 cuddy
added by mchuddymerderek
Source: livejournal i watch 4 cuddy
added by laurik2007
Source: Celebutopia
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
added by HLforever
Source: 유튜브
added by Electra131E
added by Electra131E
Source: @adieangel/
added by mchuddymerderek
Source: @IMinCOMA on twitter
added by huddyislove
Source: iwatchforcuddy @ LJ
Is anyone able to translate the French 기사 의해 LE & HL that are mentioned and 게시됨 on Twitter. I don't speak French and would 사랑 to read them. Hugh's one he apparently discusses S7 and LE departure. And from what I gather LE mentions her relationship status as "single!"

Both 기사 are darted 2011. So I am curious to se what they have said!

또는 if anyone can tell me which mags they were published in I can try and translate them myself.

Looking 앞으로 to House S8 on October 3, 2011.

I miss the gorgeous Mr Laurie when he is gone for so long!
posted by anonymously
Hello everyone!

As 당신 know voting for the Huddy Awards closed yesterday. I would first of all like to thank everyone who took the time to vote. There were a lot of categories and it's really nice to see the amount of participation we had, so on behalf of Bea, Katia and everyone else who helped, thank you!

I'm 글쓰기 this small 기사 to collect all the results together. (In parenthesis is the percentage of votes for the winning moment - as 당신 already know)

Bea and I will however write a longer 더 많이 complete 기사 in the days (or weeks) to come.
I will also be making a video of the winning...
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posted by Irene3691
When they get to France, they go to the hotel 의해 bus and get to their respective rooms. When Lisa finishes putting her things on the wardrobe, goes to William’s room. Greg opens the door in order to go out, then he sees that Lisa is knocking nextdoors, what means that that’s William’s room, and he thinks to himself: “Great, the best neightbour I could have...” ‘Hey...’
Lisa sees him and thinks to herself: “Damn it, why does he always have to be around?” ‘Hi...’
‘Come in, it’s open.’ Says William from inside.
‘Have fun, I’ll see 당신 later.’ Says her to Greg before...
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I think i have found the true lisa e on facebook...the picture looks like a 'taken a home' 사진 however, i dont think she'd spell her last name wrong 또는 put up her work address but it almost real... :O
this is a link here

i am convinced it's her !!!

please 코멘트 me and tell me what 당신 think and if 당신 do look at her 프로필 im sure you'll see what i mean... :O

ive commented her, but havent got a reply so i fav actress didnt reply...:(
Three weeks later..

"OH. MY. GOD."
Wilson rubbed his face, irritated and slightly annoyed, having to have the same argument he had not too long ago.
"Don't. Listen to me, we had sex, again, unprotected at least three weeks ago."
"And why is that relevant?"
Cuddy wasn't listening to him. She was just thinking about what she should do.
"I don't know yet." She said curtly.
"Let me know when 당신 do."
"He is becoming less and less of himself the longer he's with me."
"And that's bad because...?"
"It changes his way of thinking. His decisions. His actions. I don't want that to be because of me."
"You don't...
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