Damon & Elena Club
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posted by DelenaLove1
Chapter 10 Heartache

Elena's POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I slowly sat up in shock, looking around the room I was in and then at my body. I was fully clothed, wearing a 담홍색, 핑크 셔츠 with skinny jeans. I slowly climbed off the 침대 I was on with surprising ease. All the pain I was feeling before had vanished and my strength has returned. Who saved me? Where was Delena? Was she safe? All these thoughts and 더 많이 ran through my head as I ran my hand lightly on the golden 상단, 맨 위로 of the huge dresser.

I snapped my head up as the closed door infront of me opened, revealing my savior. My breath got caught in my throat as I stared into his lit up 에메랄드 eyes, unable to tear my gaze away as one word left my mouth. "Stefan."

No one's POV

The possessed Damon groaned angrily as he awoke, finding himself chained to the 벽 and the smell of vervain was strong. That bitch! He screamed in his mind as he tugged on the chains. Almost instantly, a bucket full of vervain fell and hit him square in the face. Loud sizing sounds could be heard followed 의해 agonizing screams. He growled viscously and waited for the burning pain to wither away, while thinking of horrid things that he could do to Elena. His eyes squeezed shut in unbearable pain as the vervain became too much for him and he blacked out.

Damon groaned as he slowly climbed to his feet, the effects of being poisoned 의해 the vervain still lingered but he fought through it as he rose to his feet. Darkness suffused him but having his vampire senses he was able to pierce through the darkness with his shining blue orbs. His eyes widened when he saw Klaus's body lying in the center of his brain, passed out. And from the feel of it he was too. A small smirk lit up Damon's face as he closed his eyes and reconnected himself to his normal bodily controls. Life surged through him and his body glowed slightly. He had never felt so happy to be back in control of his actions in his life.

Soon, searing pain lit his body on 불, 화재 and he let out a small scream, feeling the strong affects of vervain on his outer shell. He squeezed his eyes shut and fought through it, forcing his body to wake up. "I have to do this. For Elena. For Delena. I have to push through this pain and I'll be able to see them again." With one final scream of pure agony and scorching pain of fire, Damon willed his body awake and broke free of the chains. His eyes scanned the basement that he was in, all of the memories of what his possessed body did hit him full force. His eyes widened as his body shook with anger, revulsion, and pure disgust. The screams of Elena and Delena rang in his head like a broken record, reminding him of what he did to them.

A choked sob broke through his lips at this realization. He couldn't believe what he did. He didn't want to believe it. But the memories and pain were still there, almost taunting him with what he did. A silent tear trickled down his face at the memory of his daughter screaming and pleading him to stop. The pain was almost too much to bear. He couldn't live with himself, knowing that they were suffering and it was all because of him.

There was no repairing the damage that was done, but he had to see Elena, even if she staked him in his non beating heart. He deserved whatever punishment he got. With one final look at the cause of his distraught, Damon vanished. "I'm coming Elena."

Elena's POV

I watched Stefan set a cup of steaming hot 초콜릿 in my hands. I smiled up at him gratefully. "Thank 당신 so much Stefan."

He smiled as he softly kissed my forehead. "Even though we aren't together, 당신 know I still care about you."

I smiled softly at his words. He had a wonderful wife and beautiful little boy and yet his still cared for me like I was still his. Then, it hit me. Where was Delena? I looked up at him panicked for a moment before he laughed and answered my unasked question. "Relax, Delena is just fine. She's happily playing with Kefan and Katherine is watching them. We gave her some blood and she's just fine now."

"Thank god." I breathed, laying onto Stefan's chest, letting my tears spill over. Stefan looked deep into my eyes as he brushed away my tears and kissed my tear stained cheeks softly.

"Everything is going to be ok."

I nodded, wiping away the rest of my tears. My face became serious again as I took in his stoned face. "Stefan, that's not really Damon-"

"I know." Stefan whispered softly, stroking my hair in an attempt to keep my calm. "Damon would never do those horrid things to you. I knew something was up the 초 I knocked him off of Delena. He was completely cold, emotionless, everything that he was when he first arrived to town, only this was ten times worse."

"I know. It's Klaus. He for into his brain and took it over. He's the one who has been really doing this to us." I replied, keeping my eyes firmly fixed onto Stefan's face.

His eyes widened in shock. "I thought Damon killed him, but apparently I was wrong."

I nodded, tears gathering in my eyes once again. I had no idea what came over Damon until he managed to gain back some control and tell me that Klaus was pulling the strings. "I just want him back Stefan." I sobbed, unable to keep my spiraling emotions under control.

Stefan held me like a baby in his arms, murmuring consoling words in my ears. A feeling of protectiveness washed over me, something I haven't felt in a long time. I looked up into Stefan's burning green eyes and buried my face deeper into his chest as I spilled my 심장 out to him. He cradled my head in his arms and kissed the 상단, 맨 위로 of it softly. "Thank you." I managed to breathe out, regaining control of my emotions. I pulled away from him and quickly got off the bed, slipping on some 컨버스 that Stefan offered me and headed out the open door.

I walked until I reached the 부엌, 주방 and saw Katherine there, opening the fridge and pulling out two 주스 boxes. She turned around and caught my stare. "Hello Elena." she smiled at me as she set the boxes on the table. "So I see Stefan got 당신 out of your depression."

I laughed softly. "Something like that. I was really upset but Stefan helped me. I just hope that I can fix Damon before it's too late."

Katherine nodded, shutting the fridge and grabbing the juice. "I was just getting the kids a drink, would 당신 like any?"

I nodded eagerly, suddenly feeling my mouth go dry and my stomach growl loudly. It had been days since I ate anything.

I took a sip of my hot 초콜릿 as Katherine set a plate of sandwiches and chips infront of me. "I'll be back." Katherine said quickly as she disappeared down a narrow hallway. I chewed my 음식 slowly, the knot in my stomach still hasn't gone away. Katherine came back moments later, taking a 좌석 다음 to me and watched me eat. "It's hard, isn't it? Seeing the one 당신 사랑 abuse you?"

I nodded, keeping my eyes down on my food. "I just want to know why Klaus is doing this. Why us? Why did he come after us?"

Katherine stared intensely at me, her face forming a hard line. "He just likes to see people suffer, Elena. He sees enjoyment in people's pain. He has no heart, no remorse."

"I gathered that much." I replied, picking up a chip and biting into it. I turned to Katherine with fear in my eyes. "How are we supposed to stop him?"

Katherine sighed, looking at me seriously. "Sadly, 당신 can't. Klaus is the oldest vampire of all time. He can never be taken down, even in spirit form. The only one who had ever taken him down was Emily, and that was when he possessed my body."

"He possessed you? Why?"

Katherine groaned. "To get back at me for running. It took all of Emily's power to destroy him and remove the burn from my hand. But later, Klaus was somehow reborn and is even stronger then ever."

My face drained of all its color. I stared agape at Katherine for the longest time before speaking. "How was he reborn?"

"By a very old witch who wanted him back. I will never understand witches." Katherine rolled her eyes and took my empty plate, placing it in the sink. She opened the fridge and pulled out a blood bag, grabbing the straw and taking a small sip before setting it on the counter and returning her eyes to mine. "We'll find a way to destroy him Elena. It may not be easy but it's surely not impossible."

I nodded, grateful for Katherine's words. They put me somewhat at ease but still didn't help my stomach become paralyzed 의해 fear every time I thought of him. He was hurting everyone that I cared deeply about. Delena, Damon, and there's no doubt in my mind he will go after the rest of my family and 프렌즈 too. He had to be stopped.

A knock at the door alerted me and I looked over at Katherine to see that she moved beside me, a look of fear flashed on her face before she recovered and ordered me to stay where I was. I nodded, watching Katherine speed over to the door and soon hushed voices were heard. I strained to hear what they were saying but they were speaking too low for human ears to hear.

Soon, footsteps were heard and Katherine emerged, her expression tedious as she motioned for someone to follow her. My breathing froze to a sudden halt as I stared at him standing there. My blood ran cold and the urge to scream was pushing at my lips but I held it in as I was captured 의해 his turquoise eyes that were completely transformed. Sadness, fear, disgust, and a sliver of happiness shined through the stormy depths. "Damon." I breathed, wanting to run up to him and hug him. I wanted to feel his warm embrace that he reserved for Delena and I but for some reason my feet were glued to their spot and I couldn't move. I just stood there, 겨울왕국 in place.

Then, it hit me. I was being held 의해 fear, fear that he was going to hurt me. I tried to shake it off and tell myself that this was the real Damon but my body wouldn't listen to me. It stayed rooted to the spot on the tile floor, like some invisible force was holding it there and wouldn't let go. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of standing there and looking into each other's eyes, Damon finally spoke; in a voice so soft and weak I barely recognized it. "Elena, I'm so sorry."

My head spun at hearing his soft, caring voice. It had been awhile since I had heard that side of him. I opened my mouth to respond but no words came out. It was as if my mind and body were telling each other to ignore him for all the horrid things he did to me while my 심장 told me to talk to him. I opened my mouth to speak again when Damon cut me off. "I know 당신 don't want to talk to me right now, but this is the only chance I may have to ever speak to you. I-" He stopped suddenly, his eyes seemed to be staring past me. I turned around and was shocked to see Delena standing there, her eyes 겨울왕국 on Damon. Little rivers ran down her face as she broke out into hysterics, running towards me at full speed and wrapping her tiny arms around my waist. I stood there in shock for a full 초 before reaching down and holding the sobbing child close to my chest, murmuring words of contort to her. "Baby it's ok. Shh Daddy's not going to hurt 당신 anymore."

Her gut wrenching sobs broke my 심장 as I held her protectively against my chest and looked back at Damon. The expression on his face was absolutely heartbreaking. It looked like someone just killed him. Well, technically he did. His were filled with so much guilt and pain that it was hard to even look at him for long. I turned away quickly so I wouldn't have a mental breakdown. That's the last thing Damon needs.

Tears fell from my eyes as I looked into Damon's wounded soul that used to hold so much pride and joy. All of that was gone now and replaced 의해 nothing but anger and guilt. He hated himself for what he did to us, for how he treated us those past few days. But I had to make him understand that it wasn't his doing, it was Klaus's. "Damon," I spoke bravely, shifting Delena in my arms so she was in a 더 많이 comfortable position, "this wasn't-"

"Don't 당신 dare tell me that it wasn't my fault!" Damon snapped harshly. "I'm the one who did it, I was too damn weak against Klaus! It's my fault for not being strong enough to protect you!"

My body shook from his words. I never expected him to lash out like that. I knew he must be in immense pain from Klaus but he shouldn't blame himself for being weak. It wasn't his fault. None of this was his fault so why couldn't he see that? "Damon, this is not your fault!" I yelled with tears coursing down my face. "Can't 당신 see that? Klaus did this. He wanted to break us. He wanted to destroy us. 당신 were only trying to fight against him. 당신 have nothing to feel ashamed about."

Damon growled as he disappeared and appeared inches within my face. Reflexively, I hugged Delena close to my body and looked into his ocean eyes that were filled with so much pain. The angry waves soon died down and he his face returned to its soft features. "Elena," he spoke so softly I was barely about to hear the words. "This is all on me. I let Klaus get to me. I let my cocky, badass, gloating side get the best of me in our fight. And what did that get me? It made my most horrid nightmare come to life. I've always feared this, ever since we had Delena. I always feared that I would say 또는 do the wrong thing and 당신 pay the consequences for it."

I watched as a gentle hand came up and softly brushed away all my tears that were mattered onto my face. I sobbed quietly as he pulled me into a hug, leaning into him the best I could while holding Delena who was shaking violently. Finally, we broke apart and I saw his eyes 옮기기 down to Delena who was crying softly into my shirt. I gently moved her away and kissed her forehead lovingly while wiping away all of her tears. It hurt to see my baby in this much pain. I hated every 초 of it. "Sweetie, Daddy wants to talk to you."

I let out a gasp as Delena's watery gaze met mine. She choked out in a sob, "I no wanna talk to him. He bad. He hurt me. I hate him."

The sound of my 심장 shattering at her words was deafening. I couldn't believe that I would hear those words come from Delena's mouth but then again I half expected her to feel this way about him. I just didn't expect to hear the words said straight to my face, and Damon's too.

Fearing the worst, my eyes traveled up to Damon to see the same coldness in them. I gasped, fearing that Klaus had once again regained control, but relaxed as the cold shell fell apart and soon his pain fell from his eyes one 의해 one. I wanted to do something, anything, to ease the pain he was feeling in his 심장 but there was nothing I could do. Those words would keep repeating themselves over and over in his head now.

"Elena." His voice was the weakest I heard it yet. If I didn't know any better then I would say he was crying. "You have to stay away from me. I have to stay away from you. I can no longer be apart in your life anymore."

I stared at his face for a moment before I gripped his fingers reassuringly, holding them firmly in my hands. "You won't be apart from us forever. Only until we get that monster out of you."

He stared at me for a long time, not saying anything. Finally, he leaned in and placed a 키스 on my forehead. After exchanging a longing look at Delena, he turned on his heel and walked out the front door, slamming it behind him.
added by RoseLovesJack
Source: Made 의해 me
added by RoseLovesJack
posted by HaleyDewit
Been a while since I wrote one. Based on the aftermath of Damon's death. Obviously from Elena's pov.

Help me get up
‘Cause I have fallen down
Help me pick up
The pieces of my life
‘Cause I’ve been kicked left and right
I don’t know how to end this fight
But one thing I know for sure
I’ll see 당신 once more

‘Cause I’ll die trying to find you
Hold my breath as long as I have to
I won’t give up on you
I’m all in till the end
I’ll keep searching forever
‘Cause we belong together
I won’t give up on you
I’m all in till the end

Save your breathe if
You want me to call it quits
‘Cause I’m...
continue reading...
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Elena and Damon talking in the kitchen. 1x13 Children of the Damned
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부엌, 주방
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Source: Made 의해 me