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CoralinexWybie 질문

Do 당신 think that Coraline Likes Wybie 또는 does wybie likes Coraline?? 또는 maybie,they both like eachother???

Yes 또는 no
CoralineRocks posted over a year ago
idk . . .
AprilM290 posted over a year ago
 CoralineRocks posted over a year ago
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CoralinexWybie 답변

yiya said:
yes i belive wybie likes coraline but coraline really starts liking wybie at the end of the story because shes realy 더 많이 focust on the house and the other mother.
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 yes i belive wybie likes coraline but coraline really starts liking wybie at the end of the story because shes realy 더 많이 focust on the house and the other mother.
posted over a year ago 
jennyithere4 said:
Yes, they like each other
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posted over a year ago 
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