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added by ksdj55
Source: 디즈니
added by boltrocks2233
Source: bolt and 제비꽃, 바이올렛
added by vagos
Source: Walt 디즈니 애니메이션 Studios/ Screencaps 의해 Me
added by no1BOLTfan
added by no1BOLTfan
Source: 디즈니 BOLT, me and my plushies:D
added by boltlovemettens
Source: bolty
added by BoltsBiggestFan
added by BoltsBiggestFan
added by BoltsBiggestFan
At the house Bolt was sitting on the sofa with Rhino watching T.V. But Bolt didn't feel like watching T.V. All he did was lay his head down thinking of what to do. And he was thinking of something that he would never have to go through again. Then he saw two 강아지 walking accross the road when a semi truck was coming. Bolt rushed outside to the death scene. Bolt pushed the two 강아지 out of the road. But the truck was coming way too fast. Then. [i] BANG.

Bolt was knocked out cold. The two 강아지 ran away to see that this white dog had gotten hurt badly. Besides some 개 were mean to Bolt....
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 "...Tricia was one of the tiniest hamsters in existence."
"...Tricia was one of the tiniest hamsters in existence."
Bolt was straight on it. Barking and scrabbling, he managed to open the back doors of the van. Mittens raced up to his side, and they both got a surprise when they looked inside.
“Rhino?” Bolt said, as his best 햄스터 friend, his lady 햄스터 and their teenage daughter Tricia were in the back as well as Penny, who was unconscious at the time.
“Bolt! It’s you!” Rhino bounced up and down in his ball, which was chained to the side of the van. Fenchurch and Tricia, who shared a ball, were shackled the same. “He’ll save us – No!” Bolt and Mittens were shoved into the back of...
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added by HomelySausage
added by BeautifulKate
Source: 디즈니
added by HomelySausage
added by HomelySausage
added by vagos
Source: Walt 디즈니 애니메이션 Studios/ Screencaps 의해 Me
added by vagos
Source: Walt 디즈니 애니메이션 Studios/ Screencaps 의해 Me
added by vagos
Source: Walt 디즈니 애니메이션 Studios/ Screencaps 의해 Me
added by vagos
Source: Walt 디즈니 애니메이션 Studios/ Screencaps 의해 Me