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posted by NemesisPrime92
DISCLAIMER: Here are my thoughts and opinions on this franchise. Constructive criticism and 코멘트 only, please. Let's all be adults here!

A&O, where do I even start is the question? Well, I first saw the original movie back when it came out and found it fairly enjoyable but heavily flawed at the same time. With a countless number of amateur 애니메이션 errors and snoozefest predictable plot that we've all seen hundreds of times, it's not a whole lot to get excited about. Although I do praise the cast, as the dialogue was tolerable and included 상단, 맨 위로 tier actors like the late Dennis Hopper and Danny Glover who were gracious enough to lend their talent in such a subpar film.

Onto the characters, we have the 제목 stars, Kate, an alpha, and Humphrey who's an omega. The two come from different backgrounds and their roles in the pack are separated 의해 a large 벽 that has strict boundaries. Within the first few 분 of the film, we're clearly coerced in on the fact that little Humphrey has feelings for Kate who's beyond his reach, alphas and omegas aren't allowed to mate. Oh, boy, where can this possibly be going?
Apparently, the two are adolescent teens in the beginning, and Kate's father, Winston (Danny Glover) is preparing to ship his little princess off to Alpha School, whatever the fuck that's supposed to be! Like, seriously, can't they at least include a little glimpse into what that's supposed to be about? Ugh, moving on..

That scene ends, and we're introduced to the movie 제목 and a bit of soundtrack. I do have to say the soundtrack in the film is for the most part smooth and pleasant, if only 더 많이 effort had been put into the actual plot, however, maybe the film would have rated higher on my list! Cut to spring, and we see Humphrey and his group of 프렌즈 preparing to bobsled down a mountainside. Once this act of silliness is over, we find them piled up at the bottom of a meadow and they realize it's indeed springtime. As if the lack of snow and warmer temperatures wasn't clue enough?
Anyway, we cue in on a slim, tan 늑대 slinking through the tall 잔디 in the meadow. OMG, it's Kate, what a surprise! Humphrey is instantly bemused 의해 her "hunting" skills and settles down to watch. I honestly found his attraction to Kate a bit unsettling in a way, but, 더 많이 on that later. Low and behold, a pair of rogue 늑대 ruins the hunt and Humphrey and his pals manage to break it up, how they did this is beyond me. In reality, a pack would break out in a bloody fight over territory and a few might have their jugulars torn out!
Winston arrives and congratulates the omegas for their quick thinking and preventing disasters. We also learn the packs are divided into the western and eastern packs, with the latter being the supposed "baddies" of the film.

Cut to a few scenes later and Winston stands above some high rock overlooking the territory and howls, somehow magically signaling the alpha of the rival pack to respond for a one on one meeting. I have to say, this is one of the scenes I actually enjoyed, because we got two legendary actors for a few 분 talking business! It's here we're introduced to Tony (although, I find that a totally RIDICULOUS name for a wolf, personally!) who was in fact voiced 의해 the late Dennis Hopper in his (unfortunate) final 연기 role.
Anyway, he and Winston 원, 동그라미 each other and have their little meeting and we find out that Winston has secretly arranged a marriage between Kate (oh, and 의해 the way, guess who's eavesdropping in on all this? :P) and Tony's son, Garth in order to unite the packs. Why this is necessary I have no idea, can't they just say "fuck it" and quit pissing on each other and just come together as a big group without all the drama? Why does everything need to be so formal? They're 늑대 for fucks sake!
Continuing, poor Kate is bummed out about this and as Tony walks away he bitterly mutters that he won't let his pack starve and will fight if he has to. Yeah, whatever, in your condition (bad back, apparently) I don't see 당신 doing a whole lot of fighting, old man!
Winston turns to leave, and runs right into his daughter and stammers to apologize and Kate assures she understands that it's her responsibility to marry Garth. (Actually, sweetheart, it's your dad's responsibility, but, whatever. There's also no such thing as multiple alphas and omegas in 늑대 packs, either!)

Now we return to the omega clan and the boys are preparing for some big event known as the Moonlight Howl. Basically this is just a mating ritual to try and desperately find a mate. (Although again, in a actual 늑대 pack, there's only one breeding pair and that's the alpha and his/her chosen mate. Nobody else is allowed to pair up and breed and especially not a fucking omega! Most packs kill/run off an omega anyway, and 또는 the omega starts his own pack if he survives.)
So the boys head to the mountain where everyone's gathering. Naturally, Humphrey and his pals spot Kate and lust over how "hot" she is and we get a dramatic shot of her doing a head flip and shaking out that ridiculously fake looking mane in slow motion. Rolling my eyes, we chug forward!
And now, time for the CRINGIEST part in the entire film! This fucking god awful howl/dance thingy that shows a bunch of (feral, mind you) quadruped 동물 dancing around on their hind legs, sexually thrusting/grinding against one another and of course, howling! This scene just, wow, why the fuck does this shit exist? I seriously contemplated dumping bleach in my eyes to try and erase the image from my head.

Anyway, we now turn our attention to Kate and (I admit, super adorable!) her albino sister, Lilly who are strolling and casually talking on their way to (we'll call it Howl Mountain) find Garth. Of course, in typical fashion, they're speculating on who he is and what he looks like. And then suddenly, they freeze in their tracks and the scene cuts to a big, super buff red 늑대 standing atop a high ledge with the wind dramatically whipping his 모피 around to add effect. Oh lordy, where else have I seen this before? Moving on..
Now we see Kate and Lilly totally enamored 의해 this big 큰 덩어리, 한 조각 of alpha wolf, and we quickly find out that Garth is the stereotypical beefcake who's whole life basically revolves around looking good and impressing his peers with his physical agility.
Kate soon finds out that despite his superstar good looks, Garth can't howl for shit and it's embarrassing to her and all the other howlers involved. She disappears to collect herself only to be surprised 의해 Humphrey who chortles a few jokes her way about Garth's lack of howling skills. I actually found this to be a bit on the humorous side!

Oh no! A pair of sneaky game wardens dart Kate and Hump and transport them miles away to a new park, what could this possibly mean?!
Few scenes later we find out (after being introduced to the extremely annoying and unnecessary waterfowl characters, Marcel and Paddy, I'm going to do my best to ignore them for this review because they suck!) that Kate and Humphrey were relocated to make lots of baby 늑대 to populate the area. Good god, I totally NEVER saw this coming, what a total plot twist, thank you, Lionsgate! (Seriously though, Lionsgate, please stick to making things you're good at like horror films and action flicks.)
The pride and proper Kate is of course freaked out and disgusted 의해 the idea and instantly pesters the geese into finding a way home. Humphrey, being the stereotypical young male is all for this, however.
So now the journey's on to get back home, K&H wind up jumping on a truck to hitch a ride. Low and behold, their trip is cut short 의해 Humphrey fooling around at a gas station and almost getting them shot. Without a ride, the two continue on foot as it starts storming outside, what a coincidence to set the mood for what's about to happen. Kate is too stubborn to find shelter, and Humphrey is too idiotic to cooperate with her so he tries joking around to change her mind. This annoys her and she winds up ditching him momentarily.
Turns out, ditching was a bad idea and our badass alpha Kate winds up trapped in a mudslide, who could possibly come rescue her in conditions like this?! That's right, Humpy to the rescue! And this time he's literally swinging into the action in style, on a vine Tarzan style! (Because 당신 KNOW there's plenty of jungle vines to be found in the rugged, rocky, mountainous terrain of rural Idaho! ;P)
Kate grabs his tail and the two work together to 그네, 스윙 themselves to safety. Even Kate momentarily believes Humphrey perished in the mudslide and pities him. Maybe if 당신 hadn't been such a stuck up bitch, none of this would've happened, just a suggestion!

So now that Kate agrees that defying nature is dangerous, her and Humphrey 침대 down for the night in a shelter. Back at Jasper Park, we see tensions are building between the packs and Winston firmly clarifies that regardless of finding Kate, they will defend their territory if the Easterners invade. Whoo, I like this guy! Oh yeah, he's one of the few redeeming characters in this film, duh!
Morning comes and we return to Kate and Humphrey. Facing each other nose to nose and Humphrey wakes up happy to this of course. Naturally, they're interrupted 의해 Marcel and Paddy, who knew? The fowl rudely reprimand them for being asleep and to get moving. Like, what's wrong with letting them wake up on their own terms? I digress...
So Marcel points to another option to get 집 that requires the couple to traverse a dangerous mountain in order to reach a train on the other side. It's here we see a bond starting to form between the wolves, OMG I know right? I like totally never saw that coming at all, did you?!
At the 상단, 맨 위로 of the mountain, Humphrey disturbs a mother grizzly 곰 and winds up getting himself and Kate chased to the edge of a cliff. Like these 늑대 are known for killing 곰 cubs, and momentarily Humphrey had the cub alone but instead was throwing snowballs at it? Gimme a break! They wind up falling off a cliff which ultimately ends with the two 봅슬레이, 볼 스 블딩 down a 언덕, 힐 on a broken piece of 나무, 트리 hull. This part was kinda fun I admit, and then they just barely happen to land aboard the moving train at the bottom of the hill. Giggling and now having a good time. It's very apparent Kate has lightened up and is no longer a stuck up bitch, yay!

We pan back to Jasper, and see Lilly and Garth spending time together. This is undoubtedly the characters I appreciate most in the film, they're genuinely in 사랑 의해 this point and it's just oh so cute! Not forced together like Kate and Humphrey were.
Lilly is trying to teach Garth how to howl properly, and it winds up with the two of them "singing" together in a lovely little duet. Same goes for Kate and Humphrey back on the train and even that scene was touching. These sequences are the only parts where the writers really got it spot on in the entire film, so, for that I'm giving it two big thumbs up! The whole movie could've just been those scenes in my opinion and nothing else!
Sadly, this important moment between Kate and Humphrey is interrupted 의해 none other than our annoying fowl friends, kindly reminding the couple Jasper is just a few miles up. Yeah, as if a wolf's super sense of smell wouldn't be able to pick up it's own territory? Ugh..
And so we get a brief anecdote on how Kate and Humphrey enjoyed the trip together and actually had fun. This obviously quickly turns into Humphrey trying to confess his feelings to Kate but is interrupted when she sees the 늑대 packs about to break out into a epic fight for the valley and disembarks the train. Something I found yet off camber again, a 늑대 wouldn't be able to jump off a locomotive traveling at speed like that and land gracefully on the ground, it just wouldn't happen! :P
Humphrey follows her, same thing, gracefully lands on the ground with no tumbling around whatsoever.

I'm tired of writing, so long story short, Kate agrees to marry Garth, and on the wedding day, a giant stampede breaks out and the 늑대 start fighting because Tony finds out that Garth fell in 사랑 with Lilly instead of Kate. Tony and Winston get caught up in the stampede and Kate and Humphrey manage to save them, although Kate gets taken out 의해 a caribou and is presumed dead 의해 everyone. The packs all break out in a mournful sermon of howling and everyone's just hunky dory all the sudden. I mean yeah, the scene was touching, but in reality, as soon as the dust cleared, the packs would be right back at trying to rip each other's throats out again!
Kate wakes up after the howl and confesses her 사랑 to Humphrey, the latter does the same and the pack leaders agree that maybe this way it can work. Lilly pounces on Garth and they nuzzle, which ceremoniously unites the packs and everyone howls in approval. Kate and Humphrey do the same but in a less ceremonial way.
The movie ends with a real cringe howl sequence similar to the Moonlight Howl at the beginning of the film, which I won't bother delving into it.

I rate the first film a 4/10, while it is very flawed, it's not TERRIBLE as it could be. I find it watchable and enjoyable myself at times and own it on blu ray.
Fred: 저기요 arent 당신 the mail pilot from balto?

mail pilot:whats wrong with your voice kid *mumbles little freak*.

Fred: i got 로스트 i thought i was in seattle i guess not.

Mail pilot:well go see balto my dog.

fred: ok then thank you.

mail pilot: *chokes fred*

fred screams at the mail pilot the mail pilot lets go cause of his annoying voice.

fred runs to meet balto and jenna humping.

Fred:woah sorry are 당신 balto?

Balto:what the hell is wrong with your damn voice

Fred: i was born this way.

balto: well then where do 당신 need to go?

fred: i need to get back to seattle.

balto says to jenna ok then lets gut...
continue reading...
It all was about to kick off now we all knew that judgement 일 was coming here is the story.
Three months later
A 늑대 followed 의해 his wife where 의해 the lake looking out at the water at about 12:00pm then a sound from the 부시, 부시 대통령은 made them jump “What was that?” asked the wolf’s wife then the 늑대 walked into the 부시, 부시 대통령은 to see then he gave out a loud yell for help then silent “Honey don’t scare me like that” said his wife then an Alpha Shade came out and killed her
Next morning
Humphrey followed 의해 Kate, Fire, Lilly, Garth, Water, Winston, Tony and Eve where 의해 a dead 늑대 “Not again...
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"Kate...pst kate wake up" Humphrey Nudges his mates nose , kate flutterd her eyes open and yawned "Moring Handsome" kate smiled at her loving mate as he looked into her eyes "Kate , your dad and mother want to see 당신 it's urgent " Humphrwey informed kate . The Beautiful alpha sterched and set off to her old cave .

When the alpha arrived at the cave she was greeted 의해 hutch who led her in, "moring dad , Moring mum sleep well?" kate said in a friendly manner Eve looked at her Husband with guilt "fine thank 당신 ...there's something we need to tell 당신 ...." Winston stared at the ground "What...
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posted by Lilyomega11
저기요 guys! I'm 글쓰기 this on my iPhone so spelling, punctuation, and indenting won't always happen! Just remember when I get on my computer I'll be able to write with all that and more. Thanks,
Lilyomega11 :)

Sage, a light brown pup with beautiful 제비꽃, 바이올렛 eyes, leapt out of the bushes, crushing her brother, Thorn.
"Got you!" she yelled, just as her mother Lily and her father Garth entered the clearing with her sister Tiger Lily and her other brother, Tiger.
Unlike her siblings, Sage was light brown. Everyone else in her family was pure white like her mother, except Garth of course.
"Dad!" yelled...
continue reading...

Humphrey- Louis

Garth- Francis

Kate- Zoey

Winston - Bill

Sincerio 1 - Zombie Rape Madness :D

Garth: I hear there is a chopper picking survivors from Mercy Hospital! *Troll Face* Lets go!

*All burst through the door. Garth is immediately tackled and teabagged 의해 a zombie*

Garth: *screams* AHHHH! RAPE!!!! GET IT OFF!

Winston: *blows zombie brains out* *Stares at Garth awkwardly*

*Hoard cries and all zombies com rushing in*

Kate: Take this 당신 meanies!

*Boomer vomits on Kate, who turns and vomits on Winston, who turns and vomits on Garth who vomits on humphrey. Boomer stares and scratches its head*

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    To my wonderful, kind, sweet, dear friend Ashley,
                         I just wanted to say that I am so, so, so damn sorry for what I did to you. I really am sorry, baby. The reason I did what I did was because I was under tremendous amounts of stress. All of mine and Phil’s failed attempts to make a baby, plus the way I was rudely misinformed about Red losing his virginity to Lilly just got to my head and made me do things I had no control over....
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posted by Xscash232
 Balto talking to jenna about how Kodi see him as the hero not his father
Balto talking to jenna about how Kodi see him as the hero not his father
~A 년 later~ Balto and Jenna are laying down watching the now grown up Alue and Kodi.

Jenna: they grow up to fast
Balto: I know but there perfect
Jenna: Yup

Kodi walks over and sits 다음 to his father.

Kodi: 저기요 Hero whats up

Balto: Nothing just thinking about how 당신 guy grow up so fast

Kodi: Alright see ya
Kodi walks away and twoards Alue And they run off and leave balto and jenna there alone laying there sad but happy too. Then along comes steele.

Steele: Ha Jenna 당신 don't know a good guy when 당신 see him so 당신 pick Balto the puny loser

Jenna: *Tears in eye* 당신 know what your a fucking dick...
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Special guest are

It was a dark night when us four woke up in abadoned building with pistols laying on the ground.
Me-"Damn my head"
Hank-"dude were he hell are we?"
Buddy-"I wish I knew"
Just then a growl came out of no were as a hand reached threw the window .
Joanthan-"Oh god"
I pic up two pistols and threw Hank one
Hank-"Holy shit what the hell do u call these 나귀, 엉덩이 holes"
Me-"Piles of shit!!"
Just then we heard screaming coming from the upstairs as we all look at the steps Lily,Ashely,and Rosie shot down the steps.
Lily-"Garth were are we!!!"
continue reading...
It was early sunday in Idaho and i felt like driving up to Jasper park canada I got up took a 샤워 got dressed and Left.

It was a sunny 일 and i took out my Ford F-150 V8 and drove twoards canada but it would be a long 나귀, 엉덩이 trip. ~12 hours later~ I arrived in Jasper. I was tired and low on fuel and i stopped at a gas station and filled up and i went to the motel across the 거리 from the dirt road to Jasper. ~Next morning~ I got up got dressed and went across the 거리 to the dirt road in my Ford and i drove down it and soon i saw the sign saying "WELCOME TO JASPER INTERNATIONAL PARK"...
continue reading...
Three weeks later. Humphrey's POV

I got up and walked outside with Garth careful so as not to wake up Kate. We went outside the 굴, 덴 and started talking. We were talking about what the pups would be like.
"As long as mine get my good looks I'm alright." I laughed. Garth laughed right alongside. I then asked him this. "Garth could 당신 teach me how to hunt?" I asked him.
"Sure I can." He said. We then went off to the hunting grounds. We stayed there for a while and I got to kill my first caribou. Me and Garth then dragged it back to the den. I walked to get Kate. When she saw me she growled and snarled....
continue reading...
It was a bright burning summer morning in jasper and the packs were clambering round to see what their new leaders Kate and Humphrey had to say. it was the news of the long awaited heavy metal festival.

KATE: “As everybody knows the long awaited heavy metal festival is upon us were as 당신 know anyone can get on the new moonlight stage ( she points to the high 언덕, 힐 peak) and sing out their 가장 좋아하는 metal songs; no screamo, death shit please.”

HUMPHREY: “ I will be 노래 2 surprise songs and have also written up a setlist for the festival.” “first up is WINSTON with HALL OF THE MOUNTAIN...
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Humphrey had to confess to Johnny about what was going on between him and Kate. It wasn’t hard to confess that they were fight, but that he did Lilly. He eventually arrived at Johnny’s den.
“Hey, dad.”
“Johnny, I gotta talk to 당신 about something.”
“Sure, dad, what?”
Humphrey and Johnny sat down at the couch, “Johnny, your mother and I are fighting right now.”
“About what?”
Humphrey tilted his head forward, “Johnny, please don’t hate me for this, it’s hard to tell you.”
“I’m not going to hate my own dad.”
“Yes, make sure mom doesn’t...
continue reading...
posted by yoj123
When Kate and humphrey joined in on the hunt the battle had already begun and it was a thrashing of claws and fur. It was all confusion Kate and Humphrey already took down 1 caribou each, and then Humphrey saw Kate get get kicked in the stomach 의해 a raging caribou he saw her drop to the ground instantly and he ran to try and save her.

When humphrey got to Kate she was unconsis, for she had hit a rock when she fell to the ground, so he picked Kate up and slung her over his shoulders as he ran her all the way back to the 굴, 덴 where he would doctor kates wounds and help her get better. They thankfully...
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posted by wolfiey
That fat cat
There was an old cat
Who was very fat
He had a nice… 무지개, 레인 보우 hat
With two little holes for his ears to go through
He picked a nice 나무, 트리 to take a snooze
He dreamed of other fat 고양이 who had very nice 무지개, 레인 보우 hats
There was small 고양이 fat 고양이 big cat black cats
Who all had very nice 무지개, 레인 보우 hats
Except for one who was fattest of all
Who had a big yarn ball
The end
By.wolfiey dont judge me i was bored and im only 글쓰기 this becuse it was to short so now i will write 랜덤 letters hiphopapotomis i 홍어, 스케이트 dont hate hugs are drugs
posted by Mitsi1991
Kate's Inner Monster Prt. 3

Richard takes a deep breath and a sigh of relief. "Holy shit that
could have ended badly!!!" Richard looked at the forest floor and
sees the beast laying right in front of him. She was knocked out cold.
"Thank god I had the tranquilizer pistol on hand!" He then realizes
that he forgot all about poor Dale. Richard went over to Dale and
again slapped him on the face but this time with 더 많이 slap! "Dale
you pansy wake up!!!" "Hmmmm Richard is that you?? Dale asks.
"LOL yea its me, how 당신 feel there???" "Gee I don't know Richard
it feels like I just got hit 의해 a freaking...
continue reading...
The 12 that went on the 우주 trip goes on this fighter jet expedition along with A7X and Metallica.

Humphrey was playing Halo Reach when he got a phone call from an old friend, Dutch.
“Hey, Humphrey, we need 당신 your 프렌즈 and Avenged Sevenfold to meet up with us ODST’s, Metallica, and 별, 스타 and his group.”
Humphrey went to Garth’s house to have him to do the shitty howl.
“Thanks, I’ll go get Avenged Sevenfold.”
Humphrey got to the warehouse of Avenged Sevenfold. They were playing Beast and the Harlot.
“Matt, Mike, John, Zach, Brian, we need 당신 to come with us to...
continue reading...
added by TheChriZ1995
Source: 알파 앤 오메가
added by willemert
Name: AlphaKate100 (Kate)

animal: Wolf

Mate: me (OmegaHumphery)

Pups: Ikuto, Star, Katie, Dex, and Owen

rank: Alpha

모피 color : light tan

Eye color: light brown

likes: Me, hunting, playing with the pups, howling, her 프렌즈 and family, mating with me, music, cuddling, and log 진행 상태, 썰매 타기

Dislikes: A&O haters, hunters and anyone who might be a threat to me and her pups

가장 좋아하는 sport to watch: hockey

가장 좋아하는 movies: Alpha and Omega, Dark of the Moon, Avatar, Lord of the Ring series, Bolt, Balto, Dragonheart, and Dragonheart : a new beginning

가장 좋아하는 tv shows: Fact 또는 Faked, Law and Order SVU, spongebob Squarepants, Family Guy

가장 좋아하는 music: Rock, R&B, pop, Dance/club, Techno

Best 프렌즈 on 팬팝 : me(OmegaHumphrey), SweetsOmega, 메탈리카 1147, Kate_Alpha, KateAlphaWolf,AlphaKate21,Omega854

Nicknames (all 의해 me):my angel, Baby, sweetheart, my alpha

Personality: a sweet Alpha with a loving 심장 for life,family and 프렌즈