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posted by kates-mate101
Devil's roar part 1: Conspiracy

"The Cobalts are enroaching ever close to our encampment..." Came a deep and gruff voice beside me. It was Thorne; The commander of this team. "We're going to need to assemble a team, that will be able to destroy their encampment once and for all. "Seth, Liam, Dylan-" Thorne stopped, at some falling pebbles. He looked up to a huge rock, to our left. Standing there, were three wolves. One of which, a golden wolf, was my mate. She hopped down. "Hey Carly-" I started, but I stopped, when I saw a huge gash on her golden cheek. "The Cobalts attacked us... We 로스트 a battle sister..." I stood with my jaw open. Carly was the commander of "Task force first recon" A female group of light armoured scouts.

She walked towards me and nuzzled her nose into my shoulder. I rubbed my cheek on her head, closing my eyes. "And Carly." Thorne finished. Carly was wearing gold plating on her muscular chest, her shoulder, and her thigh. She had a thin blade protruding from the 상단, 맨 위로 of her tail, that was strapped on through three thin leather straps. "You will be leading the group. Selena. Miley. 당신 two stay here and rest up..." Thorne turned to the four of us, myself, Dylan, Liam, and Carly. "Tweak your ear mics to my frequency. I'll give 당신 orders from here." I closed my eyes and twisted the bolts inside my ear, so that when Thorne spoke, we could hear him when we were far away. It was two way as well, so it was helpful for when Carly and I were separated. There was a quiet whirring as each the four of us tweaked our ears.

We walked through the forest. "You should be approaching their base's entrance in a few moments..." We walked around a rock but Carly immediately pulled Dylan back, because around the corner was a Cobalt stationned behind boulders. He had several 본즈 dangling from his neck, like a necklace, and was armed with a ranged weapon as opposed to a blade in his wrist area. Carly made a "Wait" Gesture with her paw, and then snuck up the other side of the rock infront of us. The guard turned to the opposite of her. She got onto her stomache and crawled closer very quickly. I swooned in the lethality of my mate, as she slowly moved closer to her quarry, and in a flash, cupped her paw around the guard's mouth, and in a flash the thin blade was through the guard's throat.

The thin blade like a needle was in and out in a flash. The guard looked up, with shock in his eyes. His mouth was open and he tried to speak but Carly had punctured his throat. He coughed up a glob of blood and fell down dead, eyes open in a state of shock. "Come on." Carly ordered.

We reached the camp. There were two gigantic metal beams spinning about, taking out metals from the earth in the underground grotto. "Thorne. We have reached the camp. It seems as if they are looking for matierials for armor..." Carly reported. I listened on the channel, as Carly spoke to THorne. "Listen. THere are three posts that if 당신 destroy them, 당신 can cause a malfunction in the two poles... THen, we need 당신 to get out of there before 당신 are all blown to hell." Thorne ordered.

We proceeded down a 언덕, 힐 that leaded to the camp directly. We crawled on our stomaches. We slowly inched 앞으로 on our tummies, and we reached a treeline that lead to a huge gulley in the grotto. The two poles were moving up, then twisting and slamming back down again. There were 3 posts all in one area, and we could just slice the wires and then get out of there. But something just complicated our way. Fist sized bolts began to fly at us."Duck!" Carly yelled. Dylan, Carly and Liam ducked and were behind protective trees, but I was in the open. "Shit!" I yelled. I rolled 앞으로 and behind Carly. She let out a sigh of relief and rubbed her uncut cheek on my flank.

The two turrets shooting at us were automated 의해 the cobalts. However they all had a weakness. The only way 당신 could power them was hydro energy from a lake 또는 a puddle. I dashed out of cover and the bolts continued flying at me. "No!" Carly yelped as she watched me scan the grotto. I found their power source. The power giving machine was stuck in a puddle. THe two wires attached to it were buried under the water's surface. I turned the bolts in my wrist to engage the blaster Carly had given me, and I blasted the power source. The turrets exploded leaving rubbish and smoke in the air.

Dylan, Liam and Carly cheered as they watched our attackers explode. We ran down the 언덕, 힐 into a cement building and out of any other turret's way. Two guards ran towards our position but I shot two of my three spikes on my tail weapon and took them out quickly, and quietly. They fell onto the floor and their blood began to leak out of their wounds.

We stepped over the bleeding corpses and continued on our way to the first post. We rounded a corner and saw it sitting 헤로인 in the middle. I looked to the left and the right, before leaping 앞으로 and slashing the green wire on the side of the post. "That's one down." I told my teammates. "The 다음 one should be justt around the corner." Carly replied. I nodded. We rounded the corner and came face to face with a fully armoured cobalt. No 더 많이 flesh was showing, just red lenses over the eyes and grey over the body. A smile curved over his mouth. His tail curved over his body, showing a retractable harpoon in sight. WIth a clang, the harpoon hurtled towards us. Carly lept out of the way, along with Dylan and Liam, while the harpoon missed me completely. Then, in the wrists of the mechanical warrior twisted and out came three gigantic claws on each wrist. He lunged.

He went for Carly first. He jumped onto her and she let out a squeal of surprise. It appeared almost as if he had mounted her, and was forgivable, since many 늑대 want to, but not in front of me. I leapt onto him and began to 불, 화재 madly with the blaster at close range into his metal armour. The grey pieces burnt off and fell to the floor with a clang. He slammed me to a wall. THe wind blew out of me, but I managed to 펀치 his open spot and knock him down. Dylan grabbed his arms, and Liam his hind legs. Carly unsheathed her two wrist blades, and stabbed the wolf. She drew out, stabbed him again, and repeated three times, until the 늑대 stopped moving all together.

chapter 2

"Seth! On your left!" Carly yelled at me. I popped up from my cover, and shot down the 늑대 that was trying to kill us. "Dylan! Right!" She yelled. Dylan popped up just as I ducked back down. He shot a javelin from his tail weapon, and stabbed the 늑대 through the head. We had already taken out the three posts, but the cobalts were determined to take us down with them. "THorne!" Carly called into her mic. "THORNE!" She called again. "Ah!" SHe yelled in annoyance. She scanned the area about frantically. There was an opening past the guards, and we could easily get there. Only, there were a bunch of cobalts in our way. One frantically ran out of the grotto, cowardly to avoid dying. He was breaking the raider creed... "Never back down" Although, I think our situation was a bit 더 많이 then forgivable. I turned around, into my cover, looking for something to help us. I found what I was looking for all packed in a small plastic package. I jumped out of my cover, grabbed the grenade, and tossed it. As it hit the ground, It exploded. "Go! Go!" I yelled. My team and I ran past the body parts, and the debris littering the grotto's floor.

"Run! Go! Go!" Carly yelled. The four of us ran through a narrow corridor, myself in the lead. As we ran, we heard screams, and explosions behind us. A rock fell from the ceiling, and fell right on 상단, 맨 위로 of Dylan. A sick crunch was heard as it landed. "No!" I yelled, stopping and turning around. "Seth! Keep running! We need to get out! He would of wanted us to survive!" I shook my head, fighting tears, and took the lead again. I ran, and ran. I finally found the exit. As I ran for it, hope filling my heart, a huge crunch was heard. I turned around, a rock had fallen between Carly, Liam and myself. "Carly!" I yelled. I began to dig frantically. "Seth go..." I heard a small voice, almost crying coming from behind the 벽 of stone. "It's no use... Liam's, dead... And my leg is crushed... Go..." She whispered. "No Carly. I 로스트 Dylan, but I won't lose you..." "If 당신 stay Seth, we'll BOTH die... I 사랑 you..." Before I could say anything else, an explosion was heard, and 불, 화재 tongues flickered from the cracks of stone. "NO!" I yelped, another boom summing up what I felt. I ran out of the grotto and collapsed, crying.

A tear slipped off my black nose, but ran over my helmet, and fell to the ground. I shut my eyes tight, and slammed my fist against the ground. Suddenly my ears picked up a transmission. I used my tracker built in to my head, to find where the transmission was coming from, and it was just around the corner... But I just remembered I was out of the grotto. I looked around. I was in a rocky canyon, with 잔디 sprouting randomly. Rain slowly dropped to the ground. Around the corner, of the shallow canyon was a pit. A vegetation filled pit with a huge lake there. "Are 당신 the only one I'm picking up?" "Yes! Seth here-" I started to tak but the 늑대 seemed scared... "What the hell was that!" A slice, then a scream was heard. "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK-" Then the 늑대 was cut off.

I had no choice to confront whatever took that frightened Devil's roar's life. There was no way out of the canyon, except the exit through the pit... I swallowled my doubts, and walked towards the pit. Thunder boomed as I reached the corner. I almost heard Carly's beautiful voice telling me... "Turn back..." But I couldn't turn back... I hopped down from the 상단, 맨 위로 of the ledge I was. I fell down a meter, and then landed on my feet. Scattered about the pit were bloody bodies of, leftover Devil's roars... My eyes widened as I saw the massacre... What could of done this... I reluctantly took a step closer... THen, I heard a voice come through the comm. IT was a one way however so it was a message sent to my team only. But I was the only one. "I need 당신 to verify the rendezvous point! 가입하기 up with the others, and I'll get 당신 all out of there!"

I nooded and sighed relief. But then, the hairs on my back stood up. I heard laughter... I turned around. Just forest. THe laughing continued. "Haha... Dance..." I saw two yelled eyes circling the pit slowly and menacingly... The eyes disappeared. "I am a Devil's roar! Stand down!" I called out, my voice almost faltering. "Oh, I just want to play..." THe voice came again. A thump was heard behind me, and a splash. I whipped around, and my 심장 stopped. In front of me, was a Cobalt. But, where the eyes were, in between, were two lightning bolts, and on the mask, it was painted the Cobalt's symbol. This was their leader.

He lunged at me. I jumped out of the way just in time to evade his vicious attacks. He jumped again, his two wrist blades slashing about. I grabbed his stomache and threw him over me. He lashed his tail blade, and slashed my shoulder. Luckily, I had my shoulder discs to protect me. A high pitched screech was heard as his tail blade swept across my silver armour.

I took out my blaster and blasted a few rounds at him. He jumped and evaded my burst and then jumped towards me again. He tackled me, slamming my back against the wet ground. He unsheathed his duel blades, and stbabed them into me. I luckily rolled out of the way, kicking him off of me. He landed on his feet again the glared at me. "Good luck..." His tail almost changed... The plates over it, began to steam. Two bolts spun, and the tip flipped vertically revealing a sharp needle with green fluid dripping from it's tip. He jumped into the air. I frantically turned up looking for him. THe glare of the sun provided him with enough cover to do what he did next. He flew down and stabbed that needle into my spine. I was paralyzed while it was in me. I had no chance to do anything... I felt liquid seeping into me... I tried to resist... So hard... FInally, I used my tail to shoot a blade at his. I took it clean off.

It flew to the ground. He fell to the ground in shock and pain. I put my paw on his cheek. "Goodnight." I ranted. I shot him through the head. "I'm glad to see someone's still breathing down there!" Came a voice on my comm. "I need 당신 to guide me in for the pickup!" I got on my hind legs, the steam bursting from my leg bolts. I waved my arms about. I soon saw a grey machine flying in. I grabbed the body of the Cobalt commander. I would need this if I wanted compensation for my kill. I was then hit. I just killed their leader! They landed. A prototype transport vehicle for raiders was infront of me. Two male raiders helped me up to the prototype. I looked up at them. Their eyes glowed a sick red and their faces were torn... "Agh!" I leapt back. I blinked, and then saw two curious faces looking down at me. I sighed relief... What the hell? I tossed the cobalt leader's body onto the prototype. "Come on..." The two 늑대 helped me up. THey stared at the body in disbelief. I would of said something to them, but the captain spoke to me again. I cut him off. "I thought I was gonna die of old age! What the hell kept you?" I asked. "Whaddaya mean what kept me? I was returning to base when I picked up the chest plate signal of a hostile commander! Hell you're lucky I found you!" I felt a wave of anxiety come over me. "Wait a minute... You're not the retrieval team?" I asked again, my voice growing shaky. "Damn... 당신 were set up too huh?" This made no sense... "What do 당신 mean?" I asked. "Take a listen to this..." He transmitted one of his transmissions he had recieved. "...Verify the rendezvous point! 가입하기 up with the others, and I'll get 당신 all out of there!" That was the same one we got.

"THat's the same message I got..." I whispered. "The whole thing was a complete set-up... The unit that was sent doesn't exist on the main log. And there's no history of a rescue squad either... THe whole thing was a complete set up... All the other units deployed to destroy the mine, like you, were wiped out..." THis just didn't add up. "But, who could of done this?" "Well, there are so many of us now, some are bound to rub each other the wrong way..." "Yeah, but I don't know any raiders that are capable of something like this..." The pilot didn't answer. I sat down and thought quietly to myself. "I don't get it... What is there to be gained from wiping out raiders... Unless 당신 had some sort of grudge..."

Meanwhile on the surface. A Cobalt watched as I flew away. His eyes burnt with hatred... That was the leader's son.

added by katealphawolf
Source: 팬팝 and 구글 이미지
added by katealphawolf
Source: 팬팝 and 구글 이미지
added by katealphawolf
Source: 팬팝 and 구글 이미지
added by Gamganca
Source: Lionsgate and Crest 애니메이션
added by Gamganca
Source: Lionsgate and Crest 애니메이션
added by Gamganca
Source: Lionsgate and Crest 애니메이션
added by Gamganca
Source: Lionsgate and Crest 애니메이션
added by katealphawolf
added by katealphawolf
added by katealphawolf
added by katealphawolf
added by katealphawolf
added by Metallica1147
Source: I found online ^^
added by Metallica1147
Source: I found online ^^
added by Metallica1147
Source: I found online ^^
added by sarhasla
added by UriahA
added by UriahA