Akame ga Kill! Ghost's Akame Ga Kill! RP

TheAdventGhost posted on Jan 06, 2022 at 06:46PM

Imperial Arms/Teigu
Form (Weapon or armor or mark.):
Trump Card:
last edited on Jan 06, 2022 at 06:57PM

Akame ga Kill! 2081 replies

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over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Sheele: Mhm....
Akame: Let's think of some good what ifs... Oh, what if after marriage he becomes 100 times more irresistible... You know, since you're officially husband and wife, he'd be much more charming.
Sheele: Exactly..

Ren: Nah, you don't need to feel guilty. After all, if it didn't get brought up now... Who knows what kind of spur of the moment blow up could've happened later on? It gives them time to think.. Sure, I don't doubt they'll be married before anything like that could happen... But, it'll give them time to hash things out and get their minds together just in case..
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kairi blushed while she thought about it, "Katsu's already pretty irresistible as it is... But a hundred times more now? I don't think you'd ever see me away from him ever again."
"Not even for another girls night like this?" Kurome asked jokingly.
"Welll.." Kairi smiled, "Mm, it'd be a girls night + Katsu. Is that fine?"
Chelsea sweatdropped, "That's not quite how a girls night works, Kairi. Here, what ifff... What if Katsu were to appear to propose to you right now?" She asked, trying to inch towards her actual question.
In a small panic, Kairi looked around, "Right now?? I'm completely naked though.. We all are!! I don't know if that's really ideal for either of us.."

Najenda drank down the rest of her gin, but Ren did help her feel a little more relieved about it. "You're right... I'll try not to feel too bad about it then. Besides... Like I said, I'm positive they'll be able to make it through this. So, I'll have to stick to that."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Mine: Never underestimate the mind of boys.. For all we know, he could've had an idea to send you here to propose right now.
Akame: I have my doubts...
Mine: Honestly, there's about one way I could see Katsu coming here... And that's if someone here used their Imperial Arm to turn into him. *She said looking at Chelsea*
Akame: That's right.... If Chelsea were to use Gaea Foundation, she could turn into Katsu easily.
Sheele: Though if she were to do that.... I'm sure Kairi would be at a loss for words.... However, knowing the real Katsu... He still has some shame in him... *Her face blushing from embarrassment*
Akame: Oh yeah, he did walk in on you changing one time...
Sheele: Luckily it was the last time....

Ren: I'm sure of it too... Like most relationships, things just need time and communication.. Though, I admit... I've wondered what her mother would do.. What would she say to her to just make all of this better?
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Chelsea smirked mischievously, "Hehe, who knows.. Maybe I could find a clever way to include all of that into my act? Anything to make it believable."
Kairi sweatdropped, "Please don't do that..."
Chelsea laughed, "Don't worry, you're fineee. Buut, if you wouldn't want your proposal here.. What would be your ideal proposal?" She finally asked.
Kairi tilted her head, "My ideal proposal..? That's actually a good question, I've never really put too much thought into it..."
Leone crossed her arms, "Yeah, because someone kept looking into the negatives of all of this!"
Kairi looked away, "I... I don't know what you're talking about.. But..." Her back then leaned on the edge of the bath as she stared up at the ceiling, "Seriously.. How would I want the proposal to go?"
Kurome tried to help Kairi out, "Well, is there any place that means anything to you? Or to the both of you?"
"Well..." Kairi thought about it. "Our first mission together... It was a difficult day for us, but that day also brought us so much closer together... On top of the Capital wall, where we both really felt a connection for each other...."
Chelsea smirked, "Ooh, the Capital wall you say?"
Kairi blushed, "Would that be an odd place to have a proposal?"

Najenda thought about it, "It's a difficult situation to give advice for and I've never met Kairi's mother before either... But, maybe she'd tell Kairi to put her trust in their love for each other? Put trust in their bond together and follow her heart.. That'll guide them to both be satisfied..." She looked at Ren, "I've heard you met her before.. Think that could be a possibility?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Akame: I think it's actually pretty poetic... You know, going back to where it all began.
Sheele: *She nodded* While of course, to the naked eye it would seem like a strange place... Though, I wouldn't doubt you could probably get a pretty nice view from there.

Ren: Thinking about it, that sounds like her. Imagining it now, it's almost like I could see that... She'd probably tell her to keep her head up with him. Her mother wouldn't want her to waver with her relationship and marriage to Katsu.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kurome agreed, "Yeah.. I'd imagine it's beautiful, especially being able to see everything on both sides of the wall."
Leone closed her eyes, imagining the scenario. "Seeing the entirety of the Capital but also seeing the amazing view of what's beyond it.." She opened her eyes and rushed to give Kairi a big hug, "You two are so darn cute!!"
Kairi blushed even more, "H- Hold on, it's just an idea! You're getting more excited than I am.."
Chelsea chuckled at them, "It's precious you'd want up it there."
Kairi escaped out of Leone's embrace while she spoke, "W- Well yeah.. While we did get closer up there, we uh.." She sweatdropped, "We also got ambushed. So, it'd be nice to bring better memories to that spot...."

Najenda nodded, "I could see that.. And it's nice to know I seemed close to her response too..." She said. "To toss the question back to you though.. You are Katsu's older brother. Think you'd have anything to tell him just to maybe make things a little better for him?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Akame: Poetic and adding more good memories to that spot, it basically sounds like a dream proposal.
Mine: Hmm...
Sheele: Everything alright Mine? You seem like you're in a bit of a trance..
Mine: I'm just... Thinking.. If I could figure out a dream proposal spot..
Sheele: I have a feeling.... It's not about the spot is it?
Mine: .....
Sheele: If I remember your reason, you were in want of no more discrimination.. So, I'm sure you've just been waiting for the right day..

Ren: Me? Well... I know our parents had very compassionate hearts.. I'm more or less the same on that, I'd urge him to do what his heart thinks is right. He's made it this far based on his own judgment, so I don't doubt he could do this.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"And I'm sure that perfect day will come along... There's always the little things that make it better, whether it's the best spot, the right day and timing..." Kairi smiled, "But of course, there's always the most important.. The right person."
"Besides...." Leone smirked, "How have things been going between you and Tatsumi anyways?" She asked Mine.

"So, you'd even have the same response as her mother huh? That's sweet to know..." Najenda said with a smile. "I just asked out of curiosity.. But, let's move past this a little bit now, alright? We came here together to have another great date night.. Almost like our little escape." She held up her glass to him again, "So, let's do just that." It took her a few seconds to realize that her glass is still empty, causing her to put it back down. She sweatdropped, ".... Maybe we should get more to drink first."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Mine: Things have been fine... We had a pretty nice date the other day. We took a walk around the capital, and seeing it so peaceful.....
Akame: Seeing it so peaceful.... Then what?
Mine: Th-That's it! Nothing else happened.
Akame: I doubt that....
Mine: Fine, so we sat and watched the sun go down and I had my head on his shoulder... We kissed.. There, are you happy?
Sheele: You don't have to be so shy Mine.... Everyone knows your relationship with Tatsumi will make it all the way.

Ren: Right... Curiosity on the brain as usual... *He then called out to Vin* Hey Vin! When you get a second, we're ready for the next round.. [Here I am on a date with a great lady like Najenda, and yet here we are talking business.. We can do better by the rest of this date.] Let's have another great date night then.. Have a blast shall we?
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kairi smiled, "Yeah, what Sheele said. Besides, a kiss during the sunset sounds so cute.. Was is it your first kiss together?"
Leone mischievously creeped closer to Mine, "Hehe, or rather.. Did that kiss go any farther?"
Kairi pulled back Leone by her shoulders, "You are NOT gonna go there..."
Chelsea tapped on her chin, in thought. "Hmm it makes me wonder... What would've been funnier to change into... Tatsumi, Katsu.... Lubb would probably get me dead."
Kairi just let out a sigh, "You two need help..."
Kurome just sunk part of her head into the water to relax, just happily being entertained by the conversation.

Najenda nodded at Ren with a grin, "We shall."
"Just gimme one second and I'll be right there!!" Vin yelled from the other end of the bar. Once he was given the chance, he immediately went to Ren and Najenda. "Alright! You guys itching for a lil more gin or you want some changes?"
Najenda thought about it, "Hmm, I not sure about Ren but I think I'm gonna kick it back to my usual.. Some whiskey for me would be fine."
Vin nodded, "Noted, some whiskey for the lady!" He said as he started preparing her glass.
Najenda looked around in the tavern, "Hey.. Don't you ever feel like this is alot handle on your own?"
Vin just chuckled as be poured the whiskey into her glass, "I'm a little flattered you think this is all run by myself... While I am head of the tavern.." He pointed to a girl, who seemed to be serving and talking it up with other customers. "It's mostly a family run business! I handle most people at bar over here, while my daughter typically handles everyone else at the tables."
Najenda looked back to see his daughter working, taking a small sip from her whiskey. "Oh, wow. She matches with the energy so well, I didn't even notice her a first.."
Vin grinned, "Heh, that's my girl alright!"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Mine: *Her face turned red* Of course it didn't.. It was just a sunset kiss and that's all.. Besides, there's nothing wrong with just a kiss.
Sheele: Of course there isn't... Though, if two partners are just passionate enough-
Mine: Not you too Sheele!
Sheele: I mean, I was there when Katsu made the declaration to have an heir with Kairi.
Akame: Yeah, I never imagined such a bold approach to it. He said it so outright. "I want you to carry our heir."

Ren: You can prepare a whiskey for me as well... *He then looked back as well* So that's your daughter.... Katsu never mentioned you having a kid... Perhaps there's some things that even Katsu doesn't know about. Well, I guess his visits were brief enough before to not have met her.. Then the last time he was here, he was so worried about his "own daughter" to even realize.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kairi blushed, "It was pretty bold and sudden, wasn't it? I didn't expect he'd say that in front of everyone like that.."
Kurome slightly lifted her head up from the water, just enough to speak, "If anything, that's basically another reason why you shouldn't feel so nervous about your marriage... With a declaration like that, doubt his heart would want to give up on that.."
Kairi rubbed the side of her arm, "I guess so..." She then had a slight smile, "You should even see Katsu when he's drunk too.. It's so precious."
Chelsea raised her eyebrow at Kairi, "What makes someone precious when they're drunk?"
Kairi defended it, "I promise you, Katsu really is! In his head... it's like we're married already and have a family together.."

Vin nodded as Ren asked for whiskey, pouring it in his glass as well. "Heh, that is true. But, Katsu used to frequent here a lot more when he was younger.. Around that time Novalee, my daughter, was still too young to help me out here like she does now... Although, I wouldn't be surprised if he's happened to have seen her just a few times."
"Hmm.." Najenda took another sip, "Novalee you said her name was? That's quite a pretty name.."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Akame: Well, you never know... There are different kinds of behaviors when it comes to being drunk. If Katsu's acting like they're already married and have a family, then he's likely falling into the affectionate drunk.
Mine: Really? I thought all affectionate drunks were just sleazy guys that want to get all touchy feely.
Sheele: *She sweatdropped* Don't we just call those sleazy drunks?
Akame: It's pretty curious to hear about this, Katsu's mind in a drunken state..

Ren: He may have seen her in passing.... *As he took a sip of whiskey, he looked back at Novalee again* Mm... A pretty name for a pretty girl... [I guess in relation to Katsu, it's always nice to see people having such good parental figures.] I don't doubt you've raised her well.. Seeing this now, it reminds me that the children now will be able to live so much better..
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Katsu definitely wasn't sleazy at all, I can confirm that." Kairi said. "Katsu's affection was more like.." She smiled, "He was just making his appreciation loud and clear. Just happy to be around people he loved..."
Leone's thoughts were starting to go a little off topic, "All this sweet talk about drunk Katsu... Heh, you know it makes me wonder if this bathhouse has any drinks...."
Chelsea looked at Leone, "I think the last thing we need in this relaxing bathhouse is YOU drunk, Leone."

Vin nodded, "And it's all because of you guys and all the hard work you've put in up to this point. You all really deserve this night."
"And we appreciate Vin. While slowly building everything up, we've been trying to enjoy this new life as well.." Najenda said, then drinking down the rest of her glass. The alcohol was slowly starting to hit her as she paused for a moment. "Hmm.... You got any more for me, Vin?"
Vin smirked at her, "Oh? Of course! I know I said you deserve this night, but you gotta be careful too.. I don't wanna be the one carrying you two out of here later!" He joked.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Akame: Yeah, if you get drunk... Who knows what'll happen?
Mine: I don't think I really want to know either..
Akame: Honestly, it's a good thing you've got Tatsumi... If not, she'd probably keep putting him in those fun bags of hers.
Mine: Don't remind me... That's why I've had to lecture him about other women's advances...
Sheele: Still, it's cute that you're doing what you must for your relationship.
Mine: *She then blushed*

Ren: Mm... If I didn't know better, I'd say you'll probably be drunk before me.... *He said drinking the rest of his glass* This, I've got to see.... [Though, I should be careful... I can feel the buzz, but another glass or two I'll be out myself.]
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Leone pouted, "You guys make it so hard for me.. Who am I gonna mess with now??"
Kurome looked to the side and blushed, "Wave is out of the picture..."
"Hmm.." Leone's eyes then lit up as she picked up Kairi bridal style in the water, spinning her around and causing the water to splash a bit. "You know what, that's fine! Maybe I'll just take Kairi away as my bride instead!"
Chelsea tried shielding herself from the splashing water with her arms, "Heyy, watch it there!"
Kurome giggled a bit, "Of all people, the Emperor is your obstacle... You sure you want to do that?"
Leone grinned, "Hehe, Katsu won't see it coming!"
Kairi blushed as Leone's held her, "Please put me down..."

As Ren drank the rest of his class, Vin poured in more for the both of them.
Taking another sip, Najenda looked at Ren. "Hmm, and what makes you say that..? hic.."
Noticing that it was starting to hit Najenda, Vin just chuckled a bit. "I'll leave the bottle here for you two. But still feel free to call me whenever." He said, leaving the two of the alone again.
"Give me some credit, Ren.. Sure it's been awhile hic but do you reallyyy think it'd get to me hic that quick???" Najenda said, completely not acknowledging it.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Akame: Though considering he knows you, he probably would.. Not to mention, you're a pretty tricky individual..
Sheele: Let's see though.... Well, if Katsu was scary about Kairi like this.... Well, you'd probably be executed on the spot.
Mine: That's putting it a little too bluntly.
Akame: Which is why it's good to know that he doesn't treat her in a controlling manner.. Besides, Kairi probably would've wanted to kill him if he treated her like that..

Ren: *He chuckled, looking at Najenda* Well... All that did was prove it to me.. Hmm..... Well, let's see.... Can't quite say a secret drunk... I'm very curious to what I'm working with here. [If Katsu was imagining his future with Kairi.. I wonder what Najenda is like.. Maybe she's romantic, maybe she's just happy.. Or since she was the leader of Night Raid, she could be angry and violent.. No, scratch that last one.. I don't think that kind of aggression fits.]
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kairi immediately nodded. "Oh for sure I wouldn't let him get away with something like that.. And Katsu's well aware of that."
"Please, Katsu wouldn't even have to do anything anyways..." Chelsea said. "Think you could really separate those two from each other?"
Kurome thought about it. "True.. Even with only recently meeting them, I could tell."
Leone looked at Kairi, still holding her. "If I proposed to you, would you say yes to me?"
Kairi looked away to avoid eye contact, "Wouldn't you have to propose to find that out..?"
Leone smirked. "Heh, I guess you're not wrong."
Kairi blushed. "I would still go with Katsu..."
Leone just pouted again, suddenly dropping Kairi back into the water. "Well, there goes that plan!"
Kairi quickly readjusted herself, "You didn't have to drop me!"

"Not a secret drunk? Please, I told you I'm finee.. Here hic.." She took another sip of her drink, placing her hand over Ren's shoulder. "Do youu.. wanna hear a hic joke about paper??" Before even saying the punchline, Najenda was starting to get giggly. "Heh.. nevermind! It's tearable."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Sheele: Mm... I was almost curious if Leone could take a knightly approach.. But, it seems like Katsu has her wrapped around his little finger.
Akame: Proving that Katsu has forged an unbreakable bond with her. Hence why they're going to marry.. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the bedroom was filled with roses and candles.

Ren: Giggling and laughing, even joking... *He then laughed at the joke* I can't tell what's more adorable, you or that joke.. Kidding, you're way more adorable... Nah, precious is more like it. Even you giggling before the punchline tells me everything I need to know.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kairi shook her head with a slight blush on her face. "Oh shush, it's nottt.. Although that would be pretty cute...."
Leone wrapped her arm around Kairi. "Come with me and I'll always set up a surprise like that for you."
Kairi gently pushed Leone away. "I said it was cute, not a deal breaker.."
Kurome giggled a bit. "I'm surprised you're even still trying."
Leone shrugged. "It was worth a shot, no?"
Kurome sweatdropped. "Not really.."

Najenda was still a little giggly. "Does it hic?" Wouldd you say it was a good joke at least? I think it was a pretty amazing one." She drank down the rest of her glass of whiskey for a second time now. "And there's hic more jokes where that came from..!"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Akame: Agreed, I'm not sure you stand much of a chance in comparison Leone. I'm sure you'll find your one true lover one day.
Mine: Please, her and booze are fairly intimate together.. With as much as she drinks, I'm sure they've gotten to know each other and then some.
Akame: *She then looked at Kurome* Speaking of intimacy........ *She looked at Kurome up and down* Have you and Wave been careful?
Sheele: Honestly, that's if they've even had that kind of time together.. In the end, the Jaegers were one of the Empire's most busy units..

Ren: Of course it was. Get a hammer and I'd dare to say you "nailed" it.... *He didn't even laugh at his own joke* I'm not drunk and I feel like that was just bad...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kurome face turned red from the question, "Sis!! I wouldn't expect you to ask me that here..."
Kairi placed her hand on Kurome's shoulder. "It's all fine here, Kurome.. Although, I'd probably have the same reaction...."
Kurome nodded. "Well, Sheele's about right... As a part of the Jaegers, there weren't really that many chances.."
Leone smirked, "But, now that you've recovered......"
Kurome's face was getting a little worse. "Now that I've recovered... We've been careful! That simply answers that.."
"As long as you're safe!" Chelsea grinned, "I even heard he rarely left your side during your recovery too. How sweet.."

Even if Ren thought it was bad, Najenda found it hilarious, laughing at his joke. "You'ree hic just not giving yourself enough credit!" She wrapped her arm around Ren, "Don't worry, I can hic teach you all of my ways.... You'll be just as hic... great!"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Akame: A fitting man.. I'm only hoping my sister has fallen for someone befitting her. Besides, if he were to break her heart.... I'd kill him..
Mine: That's...... Sweet?
Sheele: Don't you think that's a bit much?
Akame: Then I'd chop it off..
Mine: That sounds like a fate worse than death for a man..

Ren: I appreciate that Najenda... Seriously, I do. *He finished his glass, bordering close into drunk territory* Yeah, I'm nearly there.... You're already drunk and I'm nearly there...And someone's still got to play the responsible adult here..
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Chelsea chuckled, "That makes it an even better option for Akame if you were to ask me."
Kurome sweatdropped, "I don't think either of those options are gonna be necessary, Sis.. I promise you."
"I'm little curious to see it actually happen....." Leone said.
Kurome shot her eyes at Leone. "We're not supposed to be encouraging it!"
Leone laughed, "I'm only jokinggg! Kind of.."

"That's boring, don't you think?? We gotta hic live tonight to the absolutee fullest!' Najenda grabbed the bottle that Vin left them and unscrewed the top, flicking it off and probably losing it. She carelessly poured it into his glass, "C'monn just a little more hic won't hurt!"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Sheele: Well... As long as he treats her right, we won't have to see it happen.... Probably.
Mine: It almost reminds me.... Kairi, I remember you and Katsu were sent on a mission together... You came back to HQ and you waited outside..
Akame: I remember hearing about that... You mentioned that it was your first mission together... Just what happened anyway?
Sheele: I'm sure Leone would've been the one pressing for the details.

Ren: *He sighed, looking at Najenda* I do this for you... Though, you're right.. A little more won't hurt. *He then took a couple of sips, the alcohol then hitting him and entering a drunken state* ....... You're right!! I've got to live life!! You know, it's been a while since I've got to really let loose like this! *hic*
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kairi scratched the back of her head, "Well I know Kurome's for sure going to love this story after Akame just expressed her willingness to kill for her.."
"Oh no, is it gonna encourage it even more now??" Kurome asked.
"Maybee.." Kairi then continued with the story, "Well during my mission with Katsu, we paid a visit to an old friend of mine... One of my closest friends, outside of my family, when I was still with my clan."
Leone smirked. "Mm, close friends huh? How close?"
Kairi flicked the side of Leone's head, "Not in the way you're thinking! Anyways... We went to Noah for help. While Katsu was a little skeptical, I, of course, trusted him with all of my heart.. I defended him. But little did I know.... Noah gave me a flower that ended up being a tracker... That's what got Katsu and I ambushed on top of the wall."
Chelsea frowned, "Oh no... I wouldn't imagine that Katsu would've taken that well either huh?"

Najenda's smile grew bigger as his energy matched hers. "See hic! That's the spirit!!" Still holding the bottle, she poured even more for herself. "Here let's do another hic cheers together." She held up her glass to Ren again. "This is for.. This is for living life to the fullest!"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Mine: Then you came back alone.... In between that, Katsu must've made his move..
Akame: Once he found out about the tracker, I think he was ready to jump into action then and there.
Sheele: If he was suspicious of him, then perhaps he was a bit smarter than he let on..
Mine: He wasn't all there socially, but he wasn't stupid..
Akame: Didn't you call him a dumbass when he called you a child?
Mine: What? I was a little upset. Besides, it's water under the bridge.
Sheele: *She sweatdropped* Right..

Ren: *He clicked his glass with hers* For living life to the fullest! *He then took another sip* Yes.... This feeling.... You know, you're more of a fun person than you'd let on. I'm glad we decided to do this. *hic* The greatest night!
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kairi giggled, "That sounds about right. But yeah, once we completed our mission Katsu went straight for Noah.. At the time I still couldn't even wrap my head around the fact that Noah would do such a thing... To be honest, that probably just fueled Katsu even more."
"No doubt about it.." Chelsea said.
Kairi nodded. "Mhm.. Katsu wouldn't accept how Noah made me feel, so he took care of him from there.... And I waited for him the whole time outside HQ.."
Kurome sighed, "I'm just going to hope Wave doesn't mess up....."
Kairi blushed, "Katsu also confessed his feelings for me that same night so.... That day was definitely an interesting chain of events..."

Najenda took another sip along with him. "Maybe I can say the hic same for you! Someoneee was just talking about being responsible earlier.. Why be a responsible adult? When you can be responsible for having the best time of your life hic!!"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Sheele: So that's how it all came about..
Akame: I can agree that it was an interesting chain of events.
Mine: I still remember when he first joined... He'd mentioned that came to in a pool of blood... No recollection of how he'd got there..
Sheele: He mentioned it being some kind of side effect of his Imperial Arm trump card... Having had a glimpse at Aoi Hono, it is bestial in nature. The flames themselves weren't normal either.
Mine: Well, it's an Imperial Arm... Nothing about it is really normal...
Sheele: That is true.... However.... Azure blue flames.... I heard rumors about it... Though, yes Azure Flames isn't normal... However, it is a telltale of carnage and destruction.. Its power being able to bring about calamity and possibly the end of the world.
Akame: At best it sounds like a fairy tale.. Or maybe an urban legend..
Sheele: As I've said, it's only in rumors.. There isn't any recorded history of it.

Ren: Damn straight!! If I'm not having fun in this life, then I'm living it all wrong. It's all about responsibility of self! *He said with a grin* A night as lovely as this, I've never felt so free.. Plus I've got a lovely lady with me, I can't ask for much more.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Chelsea added on, "True, but.. Honestly, rumors or not, it doesn't take away that many people might genuinely view the flames in that way.."
Kairi shook her head, "But, it's not the way I want Katsu to look at them... Despite what he's gone through in his past, I want him to know that he can bring good even with his flames.."
"Maybe times can be different now... Maybe now we could bring more of a positive outlook to them." Leone suggested.
Kairi smiled, "Maybe... There's always warmth to a controlled flame... I guess that's the way I like to think of it.."

"Aw, and I have an amazing, charming man with me.. But how can we continue to live this night so freely if we hic stay tied to these seats??" Najenda quickly stood up for her seat, making her a little lightheaded but she managed to keep her balance. "What do you say we head out for awhile? Go wherever our feet desire!"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Sheele: I can agree with that philosophy.. I can agree that Aoi Hono by itself would be an uncontrolled mess. Though, with Katsu having tamed it...
Mine: *She nodded* Leone's right then... Perhaps having tamed it, he'll be able to show that it's not such a chaotic thing.

Ren: *He stood up, managing to keep his balance* Yeah, that sounds like an idea... I'm curious where we'll end up... I'll follow your lead.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kairi nodded, "And I have all the faith that he'll be capable of doing it." She then scratched the back of her head, "But I'm realizing now how much we've talked about Katsu now.."
Chelsea smirked, "That's what happens when your mind just runs on Katsu." She said, just to tease her.
Kairi crossed her arms, "It does not.. Our topics just... tie back to him/us.. you know?"
Chelsea giggled, "I'm just messing with you Kairii."
Kairi just blushed and sunk herself a little more in the bath. "Right.. Well besides that, I will say that this bath honestly did relieve a lot of tension that I had before this."

"Got it!" Taking her glass with her, Najenda grabbed onto Ren's hand and stumbled out of the tavern.
Vin just chuckled as he watched them walk out, "Well there goes those two... I can only hope they end up home ok."
To keep balance, she had her arm wrapped around Ren as they walked along the streets of the Capital. She giggled as she stared up into the night sky, "Hey Ren hic... What do you think stars say when they apologize to each other..?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Sheele: Then I guess it's safe to say that this outing was a mission accomplished..
Mine: At first it was just all about a night out for us girls.. But after hearing you talk about what wasn't guaranteed..
Akame: The bath is soothing... all of your worries wash away. Puts your mind and soul at ease.
Mine: Is yours Akame?
Akame: I suppose it is.... Like I said, I'm just looking out for my sister.

Ren: *He tried to think about it, but he couldn't quite come up with an answer* You know what, I'm not sure... Though, I'm sure you may have an idea or two...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kurome gently rested her head on Akame's shoulder, "Well your sister is completely at peace, so you have nothing to worry about... It's definitely a nice first trip after the treatment.."
Chelsea smiled, "It's great to hear that this trip got to help everyone in different ways. Even for people that aren't even here..."
Kairi tilted her head, "What is that supposed to mean?"
"Oh nothingg..." Chelsea said, chuckling. "Maybe it just soothing for others to know that we're alright?"
Kairi was still a little confused but she let it go, "I guess that would make sense.."
Leone started getting out of the bath, wrapping the towel around her. "It has been pretty nice.. But, we've been here for awhile now. What do you say we start making our way back?"

"Oh you bet I do...." Najenda grinned. "Heh.. They say 'I'm starryy'.." She then took a sip from her glass afterwards, "Hm.. I won't hic lie, saying that did make me feel like a child...."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Sheele: Sounds like a fair request..
*They then followed, getting out of the bath and wrapping themselves with towels*
Mine: Though, Leone attempting to be a prince charming.... I never thought I'd see the day.
Akame: Even now, our group is full if surprises.
Sheele: Though, I still don't think you're doing better than the real deal.

Ren: *He chuckled* Child or not Najenda, you do have a strong penchant for them.. Well, it makes me sure that you could turn a child's frown upside down.. *hic* I really think so.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
The rest of the girls came out of the bath and did the same.
Leone playfully rolled her eyes, "Hey, I told you! It was worth the try..."
Kurome slightly giggled, "And like I told you.. Was it really?"
Kairi walked back to the changing room, the other girls walking along with her. "You basically looked at Katsu and I as a couple before we even were... What happened now, huh?" She asked.
Leone gathered up her clothes, changing back into them. "Heh, A girl can change her mind sometimes, no?" She said.

"Really? Maybe I could be a great hic babysitter for Katsu's and Kairi's child.." Najenda held her glass up in aid, "I'll give them all the jokes they could ever ask for!"
(You honestly did drunk Katsu pretty good, I've been struggling with Najenda a bit ^^')
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Akame: I guess you aren't wrong..
Sheele: Yeah, but I still don't think you'll be any contest for Katsu...
Akame: That I'll also have to agree on..... I've heard some of the guards talking... They call him one of the Empire's most handsome emperors.. Though, no girl is a contest to Kairi.
Mine: Plus, let's not forget.. Kairi's got the knack to make some wonderful meals.. So, I'm sure she keeps her dear Lord Katsu full.

Ren: Picturing you as an aunt.... I don't think I've quite imagined it, but its definitely not a bad thought.. If Katsu can't, I may train the child to fight... You know, just in case.
(Did I? I looked back on it, and I thought I may have been excessive on the hics honestly.)
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kairi smiled, "I do keep him full, alright.. Although not too sure about the contest thing.... I mean, if we're talking about the nation aga-"
Chelsea cut her off and raised an eyebrow at her, "Didn't we reassure you and got you to stop thinking about that?"
Kairi scratched the back of her head, "Right right, sorry.."
"We promise no girl's a contest to you Kairi, in any circumstance.." Kurome said. "Actually, this makes me realize that I don't think I've tried any of your cooking yet."
Kairi realized it, "Oh I guess you haven't, huh? Then I promise you the next time I make something, you'll be the first to try it!"
Kurome smiled, "I'll be looking forward it."
When all the girls were ready and dressed, they made their way back to the front, seeing Tohru again. Kairi bowed, "Tohru! We're all finished up, so thank you so much for the experience.. It was very relaxing."

Najenda looked at him with a confused look, "I don't disagree with you but.. that shouldn't be your first thought with the hic child... That should be more like... your third thought."
(Nahh, I thought it was fine! Besides the hics though, I thought you held up the personality pretty well.)
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Tohru: Of course, I'm glad you ladies enjoyed.. Honestly, I'm glad that we could have you tonight..
Akame: I never would've thought a bath like this could exist...
Tohru: We do what we can for our customers.. Our bathhouse aims to sooth after a long day of work, or just a long day in general..

Ren: Mmmm....I guess you're not wrong... I guess I just thought about my dad... After all, he did teach me to fight from a young age... Of course, if they wish to train... I wouldn't object to it.
(Huh. Well, I do appreciate that. Thank you.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
(Of course!)
Leone held her hands behind her head, "well we can let you know that you definitely accomplished that."
Chelsea sweatdropped, "Soothing and relaxing and yet... You still seem to be full of energy as ever Leone."
Kairi giggled, "Regardless, we appreciate the service you hold here.. Maybe one day we'll come back, but for now goodbye! And really, thank you again.."
With that they exited the bathhouse, greeted outside by the carriage. Each of the girls went inside one by one.
"After a night like this, this is definitely about to be the best sleep I've ever had when we go back.." Kurome said.

"That's fine... I didn't think you thought of it in memory of your dad, so I'm sorry about that." Walking awhile longer, they came across a small playground. Still with poor balance, Najenda walked over to a patch of grass and laid down, staring up at sky. "Just didn't want you to hic think there was a priority to.."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Mine: You said it! I've already been able to sleep pretty good, but now...
Sheele: I'm sure you'll sleep beyond a good night's sleep.
Akame: I'm sure we'll all be able to sleep like logs, though I can't exactly speak for Leone.
Sheele: And with minds at ease, I'm sure a certain someone will be able to sleep heavily.. *She said looking at Kairi*
Akame: Who knows, she may become a sleeping beauty.

Ren: *He sat down beside her as she laid down* Of course.... The first priority is the child's safety, wellbeing and upbringing... *He then looked up at the sky* Of course, Katsu's already in talk of having a kid.... But, I suppose it wouldn't be a bad idea to give that kid a cousin as well.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"She's for sure gonna get a lot of sleep.. Heh, and with her Emperor there and ready to wake her up.." Leone said. She then shrugged, "It could've been me, just saying..."
Kairi playfully rolled her eyes, "Oh hush up, all of you.."
The carriage then arrived back to the Empire, all of them finally back home.
Kurome stepped off the carriage, "I'm sure that bed is calling for me now..."
Chelsea got out of the carriage with Kairi behind her, "Oh Kairi! Before I forget, let Katsu know to meet with me in the morning, will you?"
"Sure, I can do that.." Kairi then tilted her head, "But, what for?"
Chelsea smiled at her, "Oh, nothing. Just something he asked me to take care of, nothing serious!"
Kairi nodded, "Well, alright. You can consider it done. I hope you guys have a great rest of your night though..! I'm sure this was something we all needed.."

"Ooh, are you saying you would want a child one day then? What a lucky lady she would be, might I add..." Najenda said, her mind completely forgetting their relationship together. Once it starting to connect in her head, she shot a look at Ren, "Wait, hold on what do you mean by that?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Mine: *She nodded* You too, g'night!
Sheele: Rest well.
*The girls then began to head to their rooms, meanwhile Katsu sat next to the window looking into the night sky, awaiting Kairi's return to the quarters*

Ren: I mean what I say.... Besides, you say she'd be a lucky lady.. There's no other lady in my life Najenda... What I'm saying is, YOU are the lucky.... Katsuki's already began to think of his future with an heiress to the throne... Even if I don't have an heir, having a child of our own wouldn't be a bad idea.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
As all the girls went to their rooms, Kairi started making her way up to the quarters. "Last time I saw Katsu was when I walked out during the whole marriage conversation.... I probably was being dramatic but I do feel a little better about it.." She thought.
When made it up to the quarters, she gently opened the door. She noticed Katsuki sitting by the window, "Katsu..." She gave him a soft smile as she walked towards him. "I'm back from the bathhouse.. Enjoying the view out there?"

"For someone who was a little unsure on how to ask me out on a date just hic a few days ago, you're bringing up the idea of having a child together prettyyy easily.." Najenda said, looking back up at the sky. "Not to say I'm against it, of course...."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He looked to her as she came in* Yeah.... There's always something about moonlit view.... Especially from here as of late.. *He stood up, bringing her closer to him and kissing her forehead* How about you? You have a good time with your girls night out?

Ren: Well.... I guess it's the liquid courage in me... *He said as he laid back next to her* Get some in your system..... You become a bit more bolder. I guess I can bring ideas more easily like this...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kairi's arms went around him as he kissed her forehead. She nodded, "The girls night out went really well.. You might be a little surprised when I say we actually talked about you quite a bit.." She said, giggling a bit. "Chelsea actually wanted me to tell you to meet with her tomorrow morning... Something you asked her to take care of?"

Najenda looked at him as he laid next to her, "Heh, all of ask of you is to not hic be so wasted whenever you decide to propose to me.." She joked.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: I had her doing some recon... Looks like I've finally got some results... It's nothing you need to worry your pretty head about. I'm glad you had a great time tonight.

Ren: Hehehe, maybe I will be... Maybe I won't be.. *He said jokingly back* When I do propose, I'll have a clearer mind.. *hic* Still, this feeling of being able to let loose is the best feeling in the world.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Mhm, Tohru and the others even said hi... It was definitely comforting. Helped me feel more relaxed from what Najenda brought up earlier.." Kairi looked to the side, feeling embarrassed from it. "I actually wanted fo apologize for just walking out like that.."

"You and Katsu definitely weren't lying about Vin either.." Najenda said. "What did Katsu called him again? God.. God of drink?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Mm..... *He shook his head* You don't have to apologize for that... After all, you are entitled to your feelings. Besides, I really can't say I blame you.. As close as we've gotten together... Not to mention... Intimately. The thought of having someone else in the fray would question some feelings.. I get it Kairi.

Ren: The God of drink.... A fitting title for a man such as him.... Owns essentially of the most booming taverns in the whole capital... *He said as he then grinned and continued looking up to the sky*
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Thank you.. Especially since that image was put in my head so.. suddenly. It was a little hard to process it all..." Kairi looked back at him, "We don't really have to talk about this now, but I am curious... What did you think about it?"

Najenda grinned, "Could even offer him a spot in a bar within the Empire! But for a man like him, I doubt he'd take the offer... That tavern is his pride and joy.. His dedicated realm as a god."