Jeff Lyon

Fanpopping since September 2017

  • Male, 39 years old
  • Calofornia, Calofornia
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Jeffreylyon77 said …
Jeff has over 30 years experience marketing commercial properties throughout the Puget Sound, with expertise in office and advisory service. He has represented and acted as a consultant in the region for several financial institutional and local professional services companies. He worked as a broker and consultant until he was named President and CEO in 1992. Jeff has good experience in the business field. Jeff Lyon is a good businessman and experienced person in the business field. 게시됨 over a year ago
Jeffreylyon77 said …
Jeff has over 30 years experience marketing commercial properties throughout the Puget Sound, with expertise in office and advisory service. He has represented and acted as a consultant in the region for several financial institutional and local professional services companies. He worked as a broker and consultant until he was named President and CEO in 1992. Jeff has good experience in the business field. Jeff Lyon is a good businessman and experienced person in the business field. 게시됨 over a year ago
Jeffreylyon77 said …
Jeff has over 30 years experience marketing commercial properties throughout the Puget Sound, with expertise in office and advisory service. He has represented and acted as a consultant in the region for several financial institutional and local professional services companies. He worked as a broker and consultant until he was named President and CEO in 1992. Jeff has good experience in the business field. Jeff Lyon is a good businessman and experienced person in the business field. 게시됨 over a year ago