X-Men Beyond Evolution Club
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posted by leslie1060
Name: Kurt Wagner
Age: 17
Powers: Teleportation/Acrobatic Prowess/Prehensile Tail
Affiliation: X-Men
First Episode: Strategy X
Must See Episodes: Strategy X, Rogue Recruit, Shadowed Past, Grim Reminder, Bada Bing Bada Boom, ShadowDance, The Toad, The Witch and The Wardrobe, Impact
Originally from: Germany
Known Family: Mystique (Mother), Rogue (Adopted Sister), Foster Parents seen in Shadowed Past
High School Grade: Junior
Classes: Public Speaking, European History, French, Geometry, Gym, Biology
Hobbies and pastimes: Movies, Drama Club, JV soccer, JV gymnastics, skateboarding, video games
가장 좋아하는 music: Movie soundtracks, Barenaked Ladies, XTC, etc
가장 좋아하는 foods: Pizza, burgers, tacos
Voiced by: Brad Swaile

Kurt Wagner is a high-school junior who'd 사랑 to be a swashbuckler like Luke Skywalker 또는 Neo. Kurt excels at 축구 and gymnastics -- no shock there. As Kurt is the team's acrobat, he is the one with the greatest joi de vivre -- approaching situations (even dangerous ones) with zeal and zest (although he is neither flippant nor arrogant about it).

Although Kurt has a demonic appearance, he is actually the sweetest, most vulnerable, most human of the group. When those around him are feeling down, Kurt is the quickest to pick up on it. And because of his appearance, he feels the most isolated from people in general. How would he be judged if they saw the way he really looked? Far from being glum, Kurt buries his potential blue streak 의해 displaying a wicked sense of humor. He always plays practical jokes, especially on "big brother" Scott.

의해 virtue of a holographic inducer, Kurt can attend the regular school. But he lives in fear of his inducer going on the fritz, and the other kids finding out about his true appearance and labeling him a total freak. Because his holographic inducer is purely visual, Kurt always must be careful about coming into contact with people. If they were to touch his face, they would feel his fur. If he were to hold hands with somebody, they would feel that he has only three fingers. And of course, this technology does have a tendency to go on the fritz. Fortunately, Kurt can teleport -- thus protecting his secret while leaving the people he left behind very confused. Kurt's powers include spider-monkey-like coordination, a prehensile tail he can use like a third hand, and the ability to teleport.
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
posted by leslie1060
Name: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Powers: Ability to turn into a large reptillian beast.
Affiliation: Morlocks
First Episode: X-treme Measures
Must See Episodes: X-Treme Measures
Originally from: Unknown
Known Family: None
Voiced by: Unknown

Very little is known about Scaleface, as she only made a brief appearance in X-Treme measures. As Berzerker came out of Torpid's paralysis, Scaleface tried to stop him from leaving.

Scaleface was able to morph from her regular human appearance into a large reptilian beast. She was also able to breath 불, 화재 as the beast.
posted by leslie1060
Name: Amara Aquilla
Age: 16
Powers: Can project waves of heat
Affiliation: New Mutants
First Episode: Growing Pains
Must See Episodes: Growing Pains, Beast of Bayville
Originally from: Nova Roma
Known Family: None
Voiced by: Alexandra Carter

Amara's entire adolescent life was spent on an island (Nova Roma) that was completely hidden from the rest of the world. As time and technology moved forward, her homeland did not. She is still learning to understand present-day technology (i.e. electricity, cars, computers, etc...).

She was the only daughter to the King of Nova Roma, and at times acts like a little princess. Amara will often cover her lack of understanding with a bitchy "better than thou" attitude, but she is truly a very good person. Amara is able to generate huge amounts of heat. When powered up she takes on a 불, 화재 like appearance. She is also able to control lava and volcanoes.
posted by leslie1060
Name: Piotr Rasputin
Age: 19
Powers: Ability to transform himself into Metal
Affiliation: Acolytes
First Episode: 일 of Reckoning
Must See Episodes: 일 of Reckoning, Mainstream, Impact
Originally from: Russia
Known Family: None
Voiced by: Michael Adamthwaite

Brought in as one of Magneto's crew after the Brotherhood turned on him, not much is known about the young man Colossus. During a brief encounter with Logan though, it seems that he is not one of Magneto's henchman of his own free will. Magneto is holding Piotr's family and forcing Piotr to do as he wishes if he ever hopes to see them again....
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posted by leslie1060
Name: John Allerdyce
Age: Unknown (Presumed Late Teens)
Powers: Ability to control flame
Affiliation: Acolytes
First Episode: 일 of Reckoning I
Must See Episodes: 일 of Reckoning I and II, Cajun Spice
Originally from: Australia
Known Family: None
Voiced by: Michael Dobson
Quote: "I'm real glad 당신 dropped by... 'cause I've been bored outta my skull!"
Pyro is able to control, but not generate flame. Therefore he always has to have something to make flame for him, such as a lighter 또는 flame thrower. Take out his flame 출처 and he's powerless!

With the death of Magneto, Pyro is the only Acolyte who's remained behind, though this is mostly to take advantage of his former leaders base. He spends most of his free time just watching replays of Magneto's death, which he is endlessly amused by.
posted by leslie1060
Name: Todd Tolansky
Age: 17
Powers: Powerful Leg Muscles/Prehensile Tongue/Spit Spray
Affiliation: Brotherhood
First Episode: Strategy X
Must See Episodes: Strategy X, Middleverse, Cauldron I and II, The Stuff Of Villains, "The Toad, the Witch, and the Wardrobe", No Good Deed
Originally from: Unknown
Known Family: None
Voiced by: Noel Fisher

There's a Todd Tolansky at every school, a shrimpy wise-mouth who thinks he's tough because of the thugs he hangs around with. Todd hangs out with the other members of the Brotherhood as his way to gain respect. He's become close with Avalanche and especially the Blob, who's adopted a big brother type relationship towards the little guy. Todd has also developed quite a crush on the new Brotherhood member, Wanda, the Scarlet Witch.

Todd is always leaping about causing all manner of mayhem. He has incredible leg muscles for kicking, a long tongue for grabbing things and can spit-spray goop to gunk-up the works for people.
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
added by leslie1060
posted by leslie1060
Name: Steve Rogers
Age: Unknown
Powers: Superhuman abilites created 의해 experiment
Affiliation: SHIELD
First Episode: Operation Rebirth
Must See Episodes: Operation Rebirth
Originally from: Unknown
Known Family: None
Voiced by: Unknown

Rebirth was a machine created to "enhance" humans and create super soldiers during World War II. It was only used on one man, Steve Rogers. Rogers fought as Captain America in the war alongside a young Wolverine. During WWII, Wolverine is teamed up with 캡, 모자 on a mission to free some POW's. The mission is successful and one of the boys that they save turns out to be Erik Lehnsherr (who will later become Magneto).

Unfortunately the experiment that gave Captain America his super powers actually caused a "cellular breakdown" that was killing him. So Wolverine and 캡, 모자 destroy Rebirth to keep anyone else from suffering. 캡, 모자 is now encased in a cryogenic chamber, waiting for them to find a cure for the damage caused 의해 Rebirth.