Wild Birds Club
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posted by SouthParkSmart
Are 당신 또는 your birds tired of bird seed? Here are some strange things 당신 can put out for a special treat, and help get rid of leftovers.

1. Cookies- Birds 사랑 쿠키 as much as people do! Just be sure that the 쿠키 당신 leave them don't contain chocolate, because that is dangerous for them. Try oatmeal raisin, sugar, 또는 other kinds of home-made 또는 store-bought cookies.
2. Eggshells- Although it may not sound appetizing to us, they are an important calcium 출처 for birds. Serve them crushed up, but be sure to boil them 또는 cook them first to kill any salmonella.
3. Doughnuts- These yummy...
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posted by veemon567
put out out bird seed and lets save the birds together some birds are already gone lets not kill these wonderful birds please save them.
lets put a stop from killing birds lets put a stop from global warming and put a stop from desiring the rain forest it kills birds so please save the birds.
have 당신 ever noticed how 당신 get less visits ever noticed that 당신 get less birds everyday that's because there dieing because we killing the rain forests lets donate to rspb we can put a stop to it we can win and bring back 더 많이 visits to our garden.