Urban Legends Could Some Body Tell Me About The Pop Rocks And 콜라 Urban Legend?

itachifan1 posted on Mar 17, 2010 at 09:31PM
whatis t about? what does it EXACTLY do? do you put the pop rocks in the coke?


Urban Legends 6 replies

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over a year ago devilthecat56 said…
over a year ago alucard768 said…
i don't really know i think it was about a kid and he could eat anything and he died after eating poprocks and soda mixed
over a year ago deathroman13 said…
it says that If you drink coke and eat pop rocks, your stumic explodes
over a year ago babyV101 said…
over a year ago victoria7011 said…
idk but i want to
over a year ago gypsy74 said…
LOl it was an urban legend that sprang up about a kid named Mikey back in the early 1980s. He was made famous in tv commercials for Life cereal. When the constantly-run commercials finally (and suddenly) ceased broadcast, rumors flew that something bad had happened to Mikey. Someone somewhere started the idea that he'd died...by eating PopRocks and drinking Dr. Pepper at the same time. Not only did his head NOT actually explode from eating PopRocks washed down with Dr. Pepper or from consuming any other kind of candy/softdrink, but he is still very much alive, and suffering only from abject anonimity. Sorry, PopRocks and cola won't do any more damage than giving you a sugar high or headache from all the popping noise in you head. Hope this answers your question.