UFO & Aliens Club
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posted by avatar2012
Recently i have been devulging into the studies of 우주 science and the possibility that aliens could come to our earth. Throughout my studies i have found many things saying aliens have come in the past to earth, aliens are comin to earth, 또는 aliens are already here and the government is just keeping them from us. And throughout this whole time a 질문 has poked at me:

If aliens were to come to Earth, would we really be ready for it?

I have thought long and hard about this and I am here today to share my opinion on this matter.

First reason why were not ready:
Violence. Violence is a part of human nature. Its part of what makes us us. War has always been around and its seems almost impossible to elimanate violence and fighting from our society. If the fact that violence and fighting would be impossible to elimanate is true then why should we try to expand out into the universe and try to meet other beings of intellegence. Would 당신 want to be the one to cause violence in a once pacifist race? I think it would be a very bad idea to expand and spread violence into the universe uand that we shouldnt until we have ourselves under control. Now many might counter-argue that violence might of been what got these oh so powerful races into power but i argue otherwise. If these races are so advanced then wouldnt they have elimanated violence from their communities? Because violence and fighting can slow down a race and can distract them from the big picture.

Second reason why were not ready:
Intellegence. Our world is very advanced these days. Technolgy is thriving and science is prevailing (at least in my eyes it is). But how would our knowledge compare to an advanced alien race? From an advanced alien races' eyes were just a piece of dust on the side of the road. If an alien race even noticed us and took the time to study us for a little bit, they would see were not actually that smart. I mean we cant even fix our environmental problems. In this universe we are the babies. There is no real point in trying to communicate with us because we hold no real knowledge 또는 at least no knowledge of any use to an advanced alien race. In my opinion I think we need to evolve a little 더 많이 before we try to reach out to another race.

Third and final reason why were not ready:
people The final reason why were not ready is people because no matter how evolved we are 또는 how peaceful we are we must accept that violence and hysteria will always be present and that there will always be ignorant people. Lets say that aliens do come and greet us. Great. But we dont know how the human race will react. One person might greet them and welcome them to earth with open arms but thats not everybody. I was once told that fear can make people do crazy things If this is true then imagine what will happen to the guy that meets an alien who upon even just seeing the alien, fears his life. This is how most people do react. Fear will always be present no matter what happens in life, so i f fear does take over then hysteria and violence could take over. Imagine if this occured to a whole nation,no a whole race of beings. The results could be horrifying.

I would like to personally thank 당신 for 읽기 my little rant i just wrote and i hope i sparked some thoughts into your head that 당신 might want to ponder. I am welcoming anyone to 코멘트 on this 기사 with their own thoughts. I would 사랑 for somebody to show me their view point. Thank you.