Tyler Lockwood & Bonnie Bennett Club
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Right so I 사랑 Tyler/Bonnie, and for all those out there that are Tyler/Caroline, Tyler/Jeremy, Damon/Bonnie, Stefan/Bonnie fans, I wanted to tell 당신 that I think 당신 should give Tyler/Bonnie "Tonnie" a chance; this potential couple could be HUGE. Not only are they a witch and a werewolf couple, which yes I know isn't original, but there is also the fact they come from different social classes. Tyler is from a rich family while Bonnie, who may not be really poor, but she doesn't really come from the same social circles as Tyler. Not only this, but Tyler likes to have control, probably part...
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added by alittlelamb
added by WillowMaraTweee
Source: http://bonnieshippergifs.tumblr.com/
posted by chairbuck12
Tyler Lockwood sat 의해 the 불, 화재 in his family’s large and spacious living room, on hand idly twisting a 맥주 in his hands, his eyes red rimmed but otherwise dry. His mother cried silently beside him, twisting the 캡, 모자 of her own 맥주 before downing half of it in one large swallow. Her cries filled Tyler’s head, making a sort of buzzing sound that was slightly annoying, but he ignored it because they were mourning his father that day, had been every day, drinking 맥주 after 맥주 in the living room and expected to cry a bucketful of salty tears.

Tyler was sad, but not enough to cry for his father’s...
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added by quinnbee
added by quinnbee
My thoughts for Tonnie season two, and the other Tyler/Bonnie ships....

So, Tyler IS going to have a 사랑 interest for S2. Lets go the process of elimination route and break this down..

The three main Tyler ships would be Forwood (Tyler/Caroline) Tonnie (Tyler/Bonnie) and Jyler (Jeremy/Tyler)

(Forwood) Having one 사랑 삼각형 in the show is entertainment, having two in the show would be complete over-kill. There would be no 더 많이 room for real story-lines, and the only characters that wouldn't be involved in a 삼각형 would be Jeremy/Alaric/Jenna/Bonnie. It's already been said that S2 was going...
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added by jennyjenjen
Source: Lisa

“So, you’re into witches and crap like that,” a voice muttered behind Bonnie. Bonnie helplessly rolled her eyes and turned around to face her speaker.
“Yes, Tyler. I’ve also been hearing things; things about 당신 and wolves, full moons…..Ring a bell?” Bonnie said, smiling happily to herself when he flinched. He shook his head.
“I don’t know what crap Elena and her band of happy vampire buddies have been telling 당신 but-“
Bonnie interrupted him, “They haven’t told me anything Tyler. There’s been….bodies found.”
Tyler flinched again, his hands tightening...
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added by quinnbee
added by quinnbee
뱀파이어 다이어리
bonnie bennett
tyler lockwood
added by torilee07
bonnie bennett
tyler lockwood
added by quinnbee
added by quinnbee
added by quinnbee
added by quinnbee
added by vanszerelem
added by quinnbee
added by quinnbee