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posted by twilight-7
Kayla’s POV

We flew through the forest, following Edward as he tracked Charlie’s scent. Alice and I had both tried to figure out where he was from our vision but the forest all looked the same to us.
“Edward, where are we going?” I asked him as we passed the same 나무, 트리 three times.
“Wherever Charlie is,” he replied, his voice low. “He must be lost. This is completely random.”
Charlie was lost. He did say to his attacker that he was lost. I glanced at Alice who had stopped running to have a vision. I stopped too and watched her warily. After a few 초 she shook her head and we began to run again, catching up with Edward easily.
“I’m totally lost, can 당신 believe that?”
I gasped and my feet stopped dead.
That was Charlie. He was close, very close. Alice grabbed my hand and I ran even faster, following Edward. We were going to make it. Charlie would be okay.
“Do 당신 remember how 당신 got in here?”
Oh no. Charlie’s last sentence was next. Edward knew this and his legs moved faster than I thought possible.
“We can go back the way 당신 came. I’m so silly, me.”
Our feet didn’t seem to touch the ground as we willed ourselves to go faster. Just as I thought we weren’t going to make it, that Charlie was going to die, I saw someone. Their back was to me, their head tilted to the side. That was Charlie’s killer.
My heartbeat accelerated, my breath shortened, at the thought that my dad was going to die and I was powerless to stop it. I skidded to a halt just as the killer lunged for Charlie. I screamed in terror. At the same time Edward lunged and knocked the killer off course.
In front of me now stood my father, completely unhurt but looking a little shocked and confused. Too 겨울왕국 to move, Alice ran to him and brought him back to me. Before he could ask 질문 I threw my arms around him, squeezing him tightly.
“Stupid, stupid man!” I hissed into his shoulder. “You should know not to go out into the forest in the dark alone!”
“I was looking for you.” he patted me on the back. “Did 당신 know you’re car is lying wrecked in the middle of the road?”
Alice cleared her throat unnecessarily. I let Charlie go and he looked at her, shock on his face. I understood. It wasn’t normal to hear a Cullen had crashed a car.
She quickly explained what had happened, her voice sounding apologetic and sad. I knew it was an act put on for Charlie’s sake so he didn’t scold her too much. She should know that Charlie loved her really.
I looked past Charlie to see Edward wrestling with Charlie’s would-be killer. I wanted to help Edward. I wanted to protect him. I tried to squash that feeling as I looked at the vampire he was fighting. He looked awfully familiar. It was hard to see who he was while he was fighting. If only he would stand still…
“You’re not pregnant?!”
I looked back at Charlie to see him staring incredulously at my flat stomach.
“Yes, I had the baby an 시간 ago,” I said, dismissively, my gaze wandering back to the fight. I wanted to make sure Edward was okay and I wanted to see who vampire was.
“Kayla?” Charlie forced me to look at him. “Is she alive? Is she okay?”
“She’s fine,” I said, watching relief flood into his 초콜릿 brown eyes. “A little premature but nothing a few days in an incubator won’t heal.”
He nodded and I continued to watch Edward and the vampire wrestle. Who was he? I was sure I knew him.
“Isn’t that…?” Alice looked at me, her gold eyes disbelieving.
“It can’t be…” I looked again at the vampire as I suddenly realised.
“I’m afraid it is,” Charlie sighed, glancing behind him.
Edward now had the vampire pinned to the ground and I could see clearly who it was. I walked over to the young vampire, wondering how the hell it had happened. He’d always been so careful, never wanting to hurt anyone. What had happened?
“Gabriel,” I spoke softly, looking into his eyes. They were a strange colour of black and gold. But in the depths of his eyes was a thirst and burning so frightening, I stepped back a little.
“You know him?” Edward looked up at me, confused.
“My cousin,” I replied, sadly. “What are we going to do?”
Gabriel didn’t look sane enough to be released from Edward’s hold. With his thirst still reigning, either Charlie 또는 I would be attacked.
“We can’t let him go,” Edward agreed. “It’s too dangerous.”
“He needs blood to satisfy the thirst.” I looked back at Alice and she nodded, understanding. I watched as she ran away in 검색 of a blood supply for Gabriel.
Charlie wandered over and I shooed him away.
“What?” he said, questioningly.
“You’re the reason he’s like this,” I said, standing in front of Charlie as if that would stop his scent getting to Gabriel. “You need to stay away so he doesn’t flip. It’s 당신 he’s after.”
Charlie rolled his eyes but kept his distance. I stood 다음 to Charlie, knowing I was just as tempting.
Gabriel was struggling against Edward. His nostrils flared and his eyes were wild but Edward kept him down. Gabriel glared at Edward and his head shot forward. I gasped as his teeth clamped around the 상단, 맨 위로 of Edward’s arm, just above his elbow.
“Edward!” I ran towards him just as Gabriel tore his arm off. Edward didn’t cry out in pain at all. Instead he snarled, baring his teeth. Gabriel smiled wickedly behind Edward’s arm.
I looked from the snarling Edward to the grinning Gabriel. I snatched Edward’s arm from Gabriel’s mouth. In less than two seconds, Edward had his arm and I was straddling Gabriel, pinning him to the ground. Surely he wouldn’t try to rip my arm off. Gabriel didn’t glare at me as I pinned him to the ground, he just smiled.
“What?” I said, a little unnerved 의해 his smile.
He didn’t reply, just kept on smiling.
I glanced away from him to Edward, who was reattaching his arm using his venom. Gabriel ripped his shirt. I’d have to buy Edward a new one. That was such a nice 셔츠 as well.
“Get off my brother!”
Lexi? What the hell was she doing here? Turning to look behind me, I saw Lexi striding 앞으로 looking murderous. Just when I thought I could actually like her…
“Get off him!”
Charlie tried to stop her but she shook him off and continued towards me. Suddenly, I pitched 앞으로 as Gabriel’s arms disappeared from beneath my hands. My head directly above his, I saw his wicked smile once 더 많이 before his hands were on my arms and I was flying through the air. I didn’t hit anything as a pair of cold arms caught me.
Edward gently placed me on the ground, checking me over for any damage.
“I’m fine,” I told him, noticing his arm was as good as it had been before it was ripped off.
Charlie was running towards me now, worry on his face.
“I’m fine,” I called to him but he continued running.
“Lexi is not happy,” he said, shaking his head. “I mean, really not happy. She’s fuming about 당신 attacking Gabriel.”
“Me attacking him?” I felt my temper rise. “Did 당신 tell her he tried to kill 당신 and ripped Edward’s arm off?”
“She wouldn’t listen,” Charlie shrugged in a manner that said ‘well, I did the best I could, it’s up to 당신 now’.
I sighed.
“Come on, Edward, let’s go sort this out.”
I was now talking to a tree.
He was gone. He wasn’t beside me. He was there two 초 ago. Damn vampire, was he trying to attack Gabriel?
I walked back the way I was thrown and found Lexi between Edward and Gabriel. They were both trying to get at each other, both desperate to tear each other apart but Lexi was stopping them.
“I swear if 당신 lay one finger on him,” Lexi was threatening Edward. “I will burn your sorry ass.”
“I don’t know if 당신 saw,” Edward’s velvet voice was laced with rage. “But he just threw your cousin into a tree. What if she was still carrying our baby?”
“What?” Lexi momentarily forgot the stand-off she was in and turning around, saw me approaching her. Her eyes found my flat stomach and confusion replaced the anger in her eyes.
“I had the baby an 시간 또는 so ago,” I said. “I was in a car crash, the umbilical cord detached as the baby tried to save me and she almost died. Luckily, I had a c-section in time.”
I stood in front of Edward, squaring up to my older cousin.
“But,” I said, my temper rising again. “I wasn’t supposed to be in a crash. It was due to unforeseen circumstances. So, when your precious brother decided to throw me like I was nothing but a rag doll he could have killed my daughter were I still pregnant.”
“But you’re not,” Lexi argued. “So stop moaning. He’s done nothing wrong.”
I stepped 앞으로 and Lexi stepped back.
“He tried to kill my father, your uncle. If it wasn’t for Edward, Charlie would be dead now.”
Lexi scoffed.
“Don’t be so dramatic, Kayla. Gabriel wouldn’t have done anything.”
I raised my eyebrows.
“Haven’t 당신 noticed, Lexi? Your brother is a blood-sucking leech.”
Lexi narrowed her eyes. They flashed with anger and her hand twitched at her side. She was itching to 헤로인 me.
“Says 당신 who has a leech for a husband,” she retorted.
“At least my leech knows how to control himself. I don’t see Edward stalking my father in the forest to kill him for a snack. Your brother on the other hand…”
Her hand rose and I grabbed her wrist. I twisted her arm and she winced in pain.
“Do not try that again,” I warned her, letting her arm go. “You may be older and have had your abilities longer than I’ve had mine but that doesn’t mean 당신 can hurt me.”
Humiliation on her face, Lexi grabbed onto Gabriel’s hand. He pulled his hand away from her, his nostrils flaring.
“Gabriel!” Lexi tried to grab her brother’s hand again but he dodged out of the way.
“Blood,” Edward whispered in my ear. He took a hold of my hand and led me away from Lexi and Gabriel. “Alice had found a snack for him.”
Alice arrived moment later carrying a bleeding doe in her arms. Gabriel launched himself on her knocking her over in his haste to get to the blood. Alice laughed and picked herself up. She joined us as a 초 later, dusting herself off.
We watched Gabriel as he messily drank the doe dry. It wasn’t pretty.
“He needs to drink 더 많이 often,” Alice said, watching as Gabriel licked blood from his fingers.
“Yup,” I nodded in agreement.
Lexi stood in between us and Gabriel, unsure what to do. She didn’t want to stand with us as I’d just humiliated her and she didn’t want to stand with Gabriel who was trying to get every last drop of blood.
It wasn’t long before Gabriel finally straightened himself out and turned to us. His eyes were now a 버터 볼, 버터 스카치, 버터 gold, meaning he was well fed and no longer crazy with thirst. When he saw us watching him, he looked rather sheepish and I knew if he was human he would have blushed.
“Better?” I asked, smiling to show him I wasn’t that angry with him.
“Yeah,” he said, running a hand through his hair. His hand were clean from his thorough licking of his fingers. “I’m sorry, really sorry. I just 로스트 it.”
“I know,” I said, glancing at Charlie. “We know.”
Charlie nodded.
“I accept your apology,” he said, smiling in a fatherly way.
“But I need to ask 당신 to leave,” I said, looking at the ground. I didn’t want to see his face.
“I know,” Gabriel replied. There wasn’t a trace of hurt in his voice but that didn’t mean he didn’t feel it.
“What?!” Lexi was obviously outraged. “We’re not leaving.”
“Lex,” Gabriel said. “We have to respect her decision.”
“I’m not leaving,” she said. I looked up to see her stamp her foot and fold her arms across her chest. “I refuse.”
I opened my mouth to argue but Charlie cut across me.
“Kayla is thinking of her baby daughter, Alexandra,” he said, firmly.
“I think it’s best we leave,” Gabriel said, taking Lexi’s hand. “Until I get a better reign on my thirst. Kayla needs to know I won’t lose it again. Her baby is part human. I might eat her.”
Lexi didn’t want to leave. She wanted to stand her ground, argue til she was blue in the face and get her way. A typical 백조 really. But, she did as Gabriel said because he was right.
“Thank you,” I said, smiling at Gabriel. “I appreciate it.”
“No problem.” he returned my smile. He tugged on Lexi’s hand and they both sped off.
The four of us watched them until they were gone.
“Well, that was fun,” I said, laughing slightly.
“Of course,” Edward replied sarcastically, pulling me into a hug. “Getting my arm ripped off was always something I wanted to do. I may need to send Gabriel a thank 당신 card.”
Alice laughed and then forced her way between us.
“None of this,” she said, pushing us away from each other. “Or your daughter may have baby brother 또는 sister.”
Edward laughed and I just shook my head at her. Honestly, Edward and I weren’t going to jump into the 침대 the 초 we touched each other.
“Speaking of my daughter,” Edward said. “I would like to meet her.”
“So would I,” Charlie said, already setting off. “Fancy a race, Edward?”
I looked at Charlie. He wanted to race Edward?
“I’ll give 당신 a five 초 lead,” Edward said, a wicked grin on his face.
Charlie laughed and set off. Five 초 Edward was a blur.
Alice and I shook our heads at the pair of them.
“Boys,” she tutted, dancing out in front of me.
“Alice,” I said, walking behind her. “Can I ask 당신 something?”
“Of course,” she said, still dancing in front of me. She was so full of happiness right now. After all that had just happened she was happy. I don’t know where she got it from.
“In the future, Edward and I., are we happy?”
I waited nervously. It had been a 질문 that had been playing on my mind recently. The way things had been going the past few years, all the trouble we’d had, I’d wondered if it would eventually break us up. 또는 if not that, the trouble would continue and we’d just be unhappy with life.
Alice grinned from ear to ear.
“You and Edward are very happy in the future,” she said.
“Good,” I said, instantly relieved.
“As is Scarlett,” she said, before running off.
“Damn you, Alice!” I shouted after her. “I told 당신 not to look into the future to find out her name!”
I smiled, though, not really mad at her, and then ran after her.
I was happy.


Okay, my lovely readers, I am very sorry I've 게시됨 this so long after the last one. I deserve to be hung, strung and quartered. Whatever that means. Anyway I would just like to thank 당신 all for continuing to read my story, for all the amazing 코멘트 당신 give me and for just being you!
사랑 for 당신 all <3 <3 <3 <3
As 당신 know I said I did two other versions of Chapter 10. Foreveryours asked if I could post them on and I thought 'Why not?' so here it is. 당신 will see some similaraties between them and Chapter 10 but 당신 know I kinda merged them together to make Chapter 10. These versions will not be accounted for in the continuation of the Kayla series. They are 게시됨 on here entirely for your interest as to how things could have turned out. They both start out the same way as Chapter 10. So here it goes!

[Note: I didn't call Edward 'The Lion' until the final Chapter 10. In the vampire version he is...
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posted by twilight-7
Edward's thoughts - bold
Kayla's thoughts - italics

I had managed to make it through a whole 월 of school without anything unusual happening. The murders had seemed to stop. No one in 또는 around Forks had been killed so maybe the newborn had learned not to kill so often 또는 someone had dealt with it. I felt kind of disappointed that I hadn’t been able to go after it and teach it a thing 또는 two. I think it would be quite fun battling a newborn but since it decided to stop I guess I’ll just have to wait. Edward and I continued to have our silent conversations. It was weird, him being inside...
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posted by Twilight_F
Here is chapter 11.. Sorry teh others have been short!!!! Hope 당신 like it. Please read, rate, 코멘트 and Enjoy!!!!


Edward’s POV

I don’t know why I ran, but I did. And now that I think about it, it was one of the stupidest things I did.
I was nearly half way 집 when I heard someone following me, so I went even faster.
“Edward, I 사랑 you” She screamed. I stopped abruptly. Then I thought about it.
“Bella?” I said in my head, confused.
“I 사랑 you” I felt the force that she put into it. She was struggling 더 많이 than me.
I ran back and stopped about a hundred ft away from...
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posted by twilight-7
here it is!

Edward's thoughts are in bold and Kayla's in italics.

I looked at Dr Cullen, worried I had put him a difficult situation. I wanted to explain to him that he didn’t need to leave, that I wasn’t going to blab to the whole town about what he and his family were. But how could I tell him?
I looked down at the dead man on the floor. I knew that this wasn’t an animal attack. The Azdi part of me was telling me this, showing me the difference between an animal attack and a vampire attack. I also knew that this was no ordinary vampire attack. It was too messy.
“Dad, I’m going outside.”...
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posted by twilight-7
So here it is, Chapter 4.

I opened my eyes and the first thing I noticed was that the pain in my head had gone. I sighed with relief and the 초 thing I noticed was that I could count all the cracks on the ceiling. I smiled. I sat up and realised that I was on my bed. I looked at the clock and saw it was eight in the morning. I groaned and jumped out of bed. I landed lightly on my feet. I quickly threw on a clean pair of jeans and a tee shirt. I brushed my hair as fast as I could and shoved on the first pair of socks I could find. I ran downstairs and into the 부엌, 주방 and found Charlie eating...
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Ok so some of 당신 were confused 의해 Kayla’s purpose. Do not fret. An explanation of what her purpose, why she has to protect people, and basically everything Charlie said to her is coming up now.

Kayla is an Azdi. These are a race of people that protect humans. That is there sole purpose. They protect humans from any attack 의해 a 수퍼내츄럴 being. For example, if a Nahadriah was on the loose running around like a mad man killing innocent humans, the nearest Azdi to the place where the killings were taking place would deal with the creature 의해 either destroying...
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As 당신 can tell 의해 the 제목 I don't care who people prefer, to me they are completly different 책 in completly different genres- I mean would 당신 ever see Ron fighting a grizzly bear. Okay so it is possible, but he isn't going to get golden eyes when he drinks it's blood, seriously?

So I decided to end this fight once and for all- although I didn't intentially come across this, I just found it on: link ,so that shows how bored 당신 get to go to this extent when there's hardly any new Twilight news-right? It's a slow 일 today.

Okay so I clicked on a thing called 구글 Fight, and it asked...
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posted by Twilight_F
Here is chapter eight. Hope 당신 like it please read, rate, 코멘트 and enjoy!!


Bella’s POV

I cannot believe I have left him. But its for the best. He KILLED my parents. 또는 if 당신 want to put it specifically, he killed my mum and his brother (Emmett) killed my dad. And he expects me to stay with him after that. Uh-huh, right.
    I don’t know what I would have done without Sara. She really is nice, once 당신 get to know her. She has taught me the ways of living as a nomadic vampire. Without her I would have been crying at the Cullens’ doorstep 의해 now. I don’t...
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posted by Twilight_F
Here is chapter seven. I hope 당신 like it!! i got my ideas from the Twilight 책 so there are connections, but the story has got different points in it! Please read, rate and comment. Enjoy!!


Edward’s POV

She left me. I can’t say I blame her really. I murdered her parents. But I am hurting and I didn’t think she would leave with Sara. Of all people, Sara.
    There is a huge hole in my heart, and I am struggling to keep it together. Emmett’s trying to help. But I know he feels guilty, he killed her father. I’ve heard him blaming himself. ‘Damn, why didn’t...
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posted by mikaela_isabela
third chapter, full of shocks and crazy twists...enjoy!

The La Push students stood out among the vast amounts of students at school. They were tanner, and wore brighter 색깔 than us, a very unusual; thing to do in Forks where your covered in an unclear haze of rain and shadow. The La Push kids mostly kept to themselves, at lunch in most classes, but there would be a rare occasion that they would have to communicate with 당신 for an assignment 또는 for something they needed help with. I was lucky to be in mostly senior classes, so I didn’t have to worry about that too much. If I sounded stupid,...
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posted by mikaela_isabela
hey, for those who did my question, this is the draft of my story, of edward and jacob for bella's protection, and when they come back, she is in fact, a vampire slayer/witch (havent decided which yet!!!)
let me know if 당신 like it!


I never thought it would happen like this. The Quileute’s on my left, and the Cullen’s on my right. Both people I thought I could 사랑 and trust. Both ready to kill me. I waited in weary anticipation as Edward and Jacob took two steps towards me, both looking upset yet focused at the same time. I felt my new family stir uneasily behind me, bound 의해 the...
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Okay guys, so I had a great idea, I'm still gonna continue 글쓰기 this story, but I always seem to never be able to make up my mind on whats going to happen..

So, what I want to do, is ask 당신 guys, I 게시됨 a 질문 under "Picks" about who is behind Bella.

You guys are going to help me continue my story, and have some imput in how the story works, I'm really excited for this and think its gonna be fun!

If you're just 읽기 anything from me for the first time, I would suggest going back to read all three chapters and then going under picks and selecting an option...

I think i'm gonna resort...
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posted by doyouknow
This is my first fanfiction so I need 당신 to be honest and tell me what 당신 think!

I dont own Twilight 또는 any of it's characters.

My mother kissed my forehead softly, “You know sweetie, 당신 don’t have to do this if 당신 don’t want to.” Her eyes bored into mine and for a 초 I actually considered staying in Phoenix. But I knew Phil would be going on the road soon, and I also knew how hard it was for Renee to be away from her new husband. I didn’t want that.
“Mom for the last time I want to!” I replied, putting on the best 메리다와 마법의 숲 smile I could manage, smiling was just so much effort...
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posted by dinosteph
Chapter two guys.

I opened my eyes slowly, noticing the time was 5:34. Early. I closed my eyes again rolling over to my other side. I could sleep for another 시간 before I had to get up and start my morning routine for school. I could hear Charlie moving around the house downstairs, probably making himself breakfast, and then I smelled burnt toast. Yup. Definitely making himself breakfast. I turned a few times trying to get comfortable when I heard the rocking chair in the corner creak. I peeked through my eyelashes holding my hand over my eyes, shielding the daylight coming in through the window....
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posted by team_edward_
Chapter One-Hunting

I pulled into the school parking lot. Most of the cars were old so my old truck didn`t stand out to much. “Oh my gosh 당신 must be Isabella 백조 right? I`m like Jessica and this is Angela, Mike, Eric, and Tyler. I`m so glad you’re coming here what’s your first class?” A girl about 5 foot 5 has wild, curly, dark brown hair and blue eyes was introducing me to her friends. “Hey please call me Bella not Isabella. Nice to meet yous. I have English first. What do 당신 guys have?” The guys just stared at me. Jessica said she and Mike had English too. The other three had...
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posted by twerdx24x1
Edward comes into the house and says” What the hell is all my stuff doing in the garage?” Then i stood and looked Edward in the face and said “we have company who is living with us now. Don’t be rude come 가입하기 us.” In my head i was thinking to him. ‘They just showed up and knew our names and everything about us. It was awkward at first and then i gave them a tour and Alice saw your room and wanted it. So I helped her with your stuff. Paybacks a pain in the butt, 당신 shouldn’t have of been mean to me while i was being transformed. Oh yeah, I heard every word 당신 said about me.’...
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"Alice,what did 당신 see?" I asked her in a soft tone.
"I saw us fighting newborns," she started, "there was only 25 of them and we finished them off in an instance." Alice started to sob again. "After we killed all of them, we started a bonfire and burned all their bodies." She paused. "We 스플릿, 분할 up into groups. Well, actually couples- 당신 and Edward, me and Jasper, 당신 and Emmett, and 당신 and Carlisle." Me, Rosalie, and Esme immediately knew who was with who. In her premonition, I was paired up with Edward, Alice was with Jasper, Rose was with Emmett, and Esme was with Carlisle. Alice went...
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 Ugh...I can't even LOOK at this!!
Ugh...I can't even LOOK at this!!
Okay so I saw the movie and Taylor was PERFECT!!! I was a little iffy at first about him being my 가장 좋아하는 character, but he really surprised me! He's SUCH a good actor it nearly made me fall out of my seat. He didn't have a big role, of course, but I'm looking 앞으로 to him in New Moon. He's just so GREAT!!! I mean, he has the smile, the voice, the body, the eyes, the hair, the height...why does Summit want to replace him so badly??? Yes, I understand that in New Moon he grows a lot and gets 더 많이 muscle, but who cares? Taylor can work out and he'll grow, too. And if it's not enough, I say...
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posted by i_luv_twilight
저기요 this is the first chapter of a story i m writing. if u like it comment! if ppl like it i'll post more!

I was walking outside of my house when I saw him. He was unloading a moving 봉고차, 반 across the 거리 with who looked like his father. His hair was a glistening golden-red color. I completely froze. I was stunned 의해 the beauty that was standing a few yards away from me.
He caught me staring, causing my face to turn a bright shade of red. I could tell he was laughing at my cherry-colored face.
I rushed into my house almost running my face into the door, because I didn't unlock the door fast enough...
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posted by mrsblack_1089
Here it is: The long awaited, demanded Chapter 10!! Chapter 11 will follow shortly.

Jacob and I kept planning for hours in the cottage.
I decided that Mom, Aunt Rosalie, Aunt Alice, Grandma, Leah, and Emily would be my bridesmaids, and Jacob wanted Billy as a best man, and Dad, Uncle Emmett, Sam, Quil, Embry, and Seth as groomsmen. Uncle Jasper would read the vows. We wanted a house in Forks, in the woods, like Mom's and Dad's, but with a different design. Our interrests differed from theirs. We went to go see Grandma to tell her our plans for a house.
She and Aunt Alice were upstairs in Aunt...
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