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posted by sexy_vamp
Disclaimer: Same as before. I only own the idea.

A/N: Thank all of 당신 who have taken the time to read my story and those who want to see more. I am so happy that 당신 enjoy it. If 당신 could, please fill out a review. Even if it is just to say keep up the good work. Thanks!!!

Chapter 4

I woke up just as the sun was coming up. I rubbed my eyes and ran my fingers through my hair. Knowing that today was going to be the longest 일 of my life, I got up and stretched. 의해 the looks of it, Alice was already up and dressed. And she had my clothes laid out on a chair for me. I got my toiletries together and went to Alice’s bathroom.

After brushing my teeth, I decided to loosen my sore, tired muscles with a hot shower. I stood under the water letting it relax my muscles and wash away some of the tension I was feeling. It even allowed my mind to wander a bit, almost as if I wasn’t really living a nightmare. I allowed myself to feel.

Alice said that Edward had enjoyed me hugging him like I did. And when he brushed my hair like he did, it was so sweet. It felt like he really did care for me. Could I lean on him now like I have been leaning on Alice? Could I hope to have a future with him like I want? Does he want the same thing?

Almost after finishing that thought, another came into mind. Future. What kind of future am I going to have? I can’t really see one without my parents. How am I going to get through today? I don’t want to do this. I don’t want to go to the church and say goodbye. I don’t want to do this. I don’t want to do this. I started crying silently and was thankful that I was in the 샤워 and that no one was around. I let myself finally feel what I needed and I let the tears fall freely. I was letting my parents go. I was letting them go and have peace.

I must have 로스트 track of time because I soon heard a knock on the bathroom door.

“Yes? Come in. Is that 당신 Alice?”

“It is sweetie. How are 당신 doing this morning?”

“I am okay, but I have had some time to think in here. The 샤워 has helped me a lot. Thank 당신 for the dress, 의해 the way. It’s perfect.”

“You’re welcome. I was sent up to tell 당신 that breakfast is done for you. We’ve all eaten already.”
“Okay, I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

After Alice left I washed my hair. It seems as though Alice even remembered my 가장 좋아하는 딸기 shampoo. I got out of the shower, dried off, and then got dressed. I brushed out my hair and then went downstairs.

I had just gotten down the stairs and into the Cullen’s living room, when I saw Edward sitting on the couch. He was watching the news. I hesitated a bit.

“Oh… um… hi Edward.”

“Good morning Bella. Did 당신 sleep well?”

“I did. Thank you. I’ sorry, but I didn’t expect to see 당신 down here. Silly though, isn’t it? I mean 당신 live here,” I said with a nervous laugh. Why did he always have to make me so nervous?

“It’s okay. You’ve been through a lot. Would 당신 like to have a seat?” He patted the 침상, 소파 다음 to him.

“Um… sure. Thanks.” I sat down 다음 to him. Even though I have been in 사랑 with him since forever I’ve never been able to think straight around him. You’d think that in time that would wear off. Which reminds me… “Alice told me last night that 당신 could read minds. Is that true?”

“Yes. Alice did mention that. And yes, it is true. And like she told you, I try to tune out most people. Life is easier that way.”

“She also said that 당신 might be upset that I knew. I hope that 당신 don’t get mad at her. It really did just ship out and I won’t tell anyone.”

He laughed a little, “Bella, I am not upset. How many people would believe it anyway? But I am surprised that 당신 didn’t ask if I could read your mind. Aren’t 당신 curious if I can?”

“Of course I am, but I didn’t want to ask. But since 당신 brought it up, can 당신 read my mind? Do 당신 know what I’m thinking?”

A crooked smile formed on his face. He closed his eyes and looked like he was concentrating on something very hard. And then all of a sudden his eyes opened and he looked over at me. I just kept staring at him. He was so perfect. I never have been able to see any flaws on his face, 또는 any other part of him for that matter.

“No. I still can not read your mind.”

“What? You’ve tried before? Actually tried to? When?” I was nervous all of a sudden. Why would he try to read my mind? That meant that he wanted to know something and on 더 많이 than one occasion.

He stared at me with such an intense gaze that I had to look away from him. “I’ve tried many times, Bella. And it’s always been the same thing. Nothing. 당신 are always a closed book to me. I can never hear you. I can hear everyone else except you.”

“Oh… I’m sorry.”

At that Edward laughed. “You are sorry that I can’t invade your mind and hear your private thoughts?”

“If it upsets you, then yes.”

“Bella, I don’t know if I will ever understand you. But we need 당신 to eat so we can get 당신 to the church. Come on, I’ll go with you.”

Oh right… the funeral. I didn’t want to go. I didn’t want to look into my parents face. I don’t want to go through this day. I was the one who encouraged them to go on the date. It was my fault, why did I do this?

“Will 당신 stay with me at the church?” I asked.

“Of course. I will be there for 당신 as long as 당신 need me,” Edward said.


After the funeral, I rode back in silence, clinging to Alice. Edward was still holding my hand. Carlisle and Esme we driving the three of us back to their house, while Rosalie and Emmett followed in Edward’s Volvo. I don’t remember much of anything, it was all a blur of “I’m so sorry for your loss” and “I’m so sorry Bella”. I remember looking into the faces of my parents for a 스플릿, 분할 초 and then I collapsed into Edward’s arms. He carried me back to my chair and there I sat listening to the words of the priest. I sat there not really knowing that time was passing. Edward was true to his word and he stayed with me. Alice was with me too, holding onto my hand. After awhile I couldn’t cry anymore and I just sat there like a statue.

Now on the way back in the car, no one said anything. I was holding onto Alice like my life depended on it. Maybe it did. Maybe if I let her go, I would be letting go of me too. I had already left a part of me back there in the church with my parents. My family. I had no family now. I was orphaned and I did it to myself. I did this it was my fault.

The 다음 thing I knew we were back at the house. Carlisle had just turned the car off. He turned back to me to see if I was okay. Was I okay? Was I ever going to be okay again?

“I’ll carry her in,” Edward said.

“No,” I said in barely a whisper. “I can walk.”

But Edward didn’t even let me try. He picked me up in his strong arms and walked with me into their house. In a way, I was grateful. I don’t know if I could have made it 의해 myself. I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my head on his shoulder. It felt very comfortable.

When Edward and I got into the house, he started to the stairs, but I did not want to be alone. “Edward? Can I stay downstairs? I don’t want to be alone. Can I stay with you?”

He turned back around and went towards the couch. “Of course 당신 can. And I will stay with you. Do 당신 need anything?”

“No, I just want to stay her like this with you. If feels nice to be held.”

“Sure,” he said. I just leaned back into him and he kept his arms wrapped around me. 의해 then the rest of his family came in. Esme and Carlisle came in first and they went upstairs to Carlisle’s study. 다음 Alice came in and sat in a chair 다음 to the couch, she turned on the television. And lastly came Emmett and Rosalie, they were quiet and said that they were going to go upstairs.

I listened to the sounds coming from the 텔레비전 but didn’t hear anything that was being said. I just sat there; nothing was coming through my barrier. I was 로스트 in my thoughts. Everyone at the funeral was so supportive, but they were giving me so many looks of pity. I don’t want pity. I didn’t need any of that. I was so filled with guilt that I didn’t notice when I started crying again.

Edward didn’t say anything either. Sooner than I wanted to I feel asleep sitting on the couch, curled up 다음 to him, crying myself to sleep. I didn’t feel the blanket slip over me and I didn’t feel anyone slip a 베개 under my head.

That was the first night that I have ever had a dream of Edward. He was standing there at the very edge of the forest, not moving. It was a bright, clear night. The moon was shining high and bright in the sky. Edward was white as marble as he stood there staring back at me.

“What are 당신 doing out here so late, Bella? Do 당신 know that it isn’t 안전한, 안전 for 당신 out here?”

I shook my head no. “No, what is out here that will hurt me?”

He pulled his lips back into a smile, his teeth glinting like stars in the dark night. It was a little frightening, but I would never be afraid of him. No, not when he’s done everything he could to help me when my parents died. How could he hurt anyone?

“I am out here. Aren’t 당신 afraid of me?”

“Why would I be scared of you? I could never be scared of you.”

“Are 당신 sure about that?” At that he crouched down and made a noise deep in his throat that I’ve never heard before and sprang straight up in the air and landed right in front of me. He grabbed me around the shoulders with both hands and tipped me backwards, his face an inch from my face. “Are 당신 still sure about that?”

“I am not afraid of you.”

He let me go and I fell to the ground. When I looked back up, he was gone and nowhere in sight.

With that I woke up with a start. What was that?
Hi! I am going to 런던 tomorrow. I will try to update but, not promising anything. Sorry if this chapter sucks. It was the best I could come up with. Enjoy!

Chapter 21
James's POV

I watched Bella sleep. I felt remorse for hurting her. She was so beautiful. I climbed on 상단, 맨 위로 of the bed. I held her in my arms. She opened her eyes. I smiled and bent my head down to 키스 her. We stopped after a few 분 so that she could catch her breath. "Good morning. What brought this on?", she asked. "I just felt like it". Her stomach rumbled. "Hungry"? "Yes". "Let's go see what Maria got you". We went to...
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posted by Repo-girl
Hi! I am so psyched for my little trip to 런던 with my boyfriend! I will be 글쓰기 nonstop until then and updating the best that I can! Someone new shows up in this chapter and 당신 will be surprised when 당신 find out who! Here's a little hint: it's someone from Eclipse and they are a part of Jasper's past. Read on!

Chapter 19
Bella's POV

I hated myself. I was the worst traitor imaginable. I hated James. He had tortured me. But, if I hated him, then why did my heartbeat increase whenever I saw him? I was so confused. It was the whole Jacob/Edward 스캔들 all over again. I heard the door open....
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posted by team_robward
Chapter 6.
My trying reply:

The clock loudly ticked and it tocked even louder. I sat and thought, my brain empty. After about ten 분 of pure nothingness I decided to start.

Dear Edward,

I did enjoy 읽기 your letter. It was lovely. 당신 have incredibly beautiful handwriting. How did 당신 learn to write like that?
This would be a lot easier if he asked me some questions, he answered mine and left me with nothing!

So 당신 have a pretty big family, I’ve always wanted a huge family, I don’t really know why. I guess 당신 didn’t grow up with them from birth. But, 당신 still must be really...
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posted by team_robward
Chapter 5.
Thank god it’s Friday!

I’d slept great the night before, and I was well ready for today, today was Friday! The 일 that hopefully we would be getting our pen pal replies, and I had completely changed my attitude towards getting a reply in two days, I went from never wanting a reply to counting the hours! Oh, I so hope we get them today!

I ran down the stairs with a little too much enthusiasm.
“Mourning Bella, gees excited 또는 what?” mum asked, smiling. My mother Renee was very easy to talk to, sometimes I felt like I was talking to someone my own age, 또는 even at times I felt...
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posted by team_robward
Chapter 1.
The Catching:

I’d been dreading this 일 for a while now, kind of foolish I guess since everyone else was excited. Nervous about such a stupid little thing, this wasn’t exams 또는 speaking in front of the class, it was 글쓰기 a letter, a letter; to person I didn’t even know. Come on, I thought, just write it, send it, over, done, no more, okay.

Ah, I’d been thinking about it so long, I’d tuned out what Mrs. Anderson was saying. It was something along the lines of ‘choose, a name out of the box, write to them, so on, so on. So I didn’t really need to listen. Mia Kelly walked...
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I am sooooooooooooooooooooo sorry that I haven't written in 17 days. I have had alot going on. But, I am going to try and make it up to 당신 의해 글쓰기 everyday this week. So, here we go!

Chapter 11 cont.
Bella's POV

I fell asleep. I woke up a couple hours later. "Are 당신 awake"?, he asked me. "Yes". He kissed me on the forehead. "I'm going to put 당신 down now, OK"? It was then that I noticed that he had stopped. He sat me on my feet. It took me a 분 to adjust to standing up. When I finally could stand, I looked around. It was a forest. A huge forest. Was I still in Washington? Noticing my...
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posted by callejahLUVSed
uh, i'm not sure if bella and edward get together yet.. i make it up as i go :)

I didn't know why Jacob was 연기 so weird, and I didn't know why Edward made him act so weird. All I knew was that both of those boys were driving me crazy. Whenever Edward and I had time to talk during biology, he would say something about Jacob (usually something insulting) and whenever me and Jake were jusy hanging out at my house, he would say something unintelligible about Edward. This idiotic behave continued for the 다음 few weeks and one 일 after school, in my backyard, I decided to finally confront...
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posted by callejahLUVSed
So, another 일 at Forks High School, another 일 of listening to mindless superficial 인기 kids, going on and on about every little imperfect thing in their lives... great, my idea of a good time! But I had something to look foward to.. Jacob would be there! Well, not in ALL my classes but enough to make me want to go to school. I stared out the window in the science lab, observing the clouds and trees, thinking of how much I wanted to get out of the classroom, when there was a knock at the door.
"Come in", yelled Mr. Banner. And in walked one of the office ladies.
"Sorry, Bob, you've got...
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posted by callejahLUVSed
Hi, I'm Isabella 백조 but 당신 can call me Bella. I live in Forks, with my father Charlie. I've lived in this tiny town my whole life. I know every corner, every bush, every 나무, 트리 like the back of my hand.
My best friend is Jacob Black. He lives a few blocks away from me, on La Push Drive. We've known each other since we were kids, and we've always been close. Never left each other for anyone. Always been each others rock. When my mum left, he was my shoulder to cry on. When his mum died, I was at his house 24/7. Nothing has ever come between us. That was, until a new family moved into town,...
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posted by Repo-girl
Hi! I loved all of your reviews! I am so happy right now! I found out which character I am most like on 페이스북 and I got Victoria. For those of 당신 who know that I like James, this is a big accomplishment for me. Now, on with the story!

Chapter 9

I was speechless. He tried his best to smile. I couldn't believe it. "You're-you're in 사랑 with me"? "Yes". I fainted. When I came to, James was bent over me, making sure I was all right. "Are 당신 all right"?, he asked. "Yes. Just-give-me-a-minute-to-catch-my-breath". My breathing was heavy. When I finally looked at him, I could see something in...
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posted by bitten_byedward
Ch 9

A/N: I own no copyright. No characters are mine except Ms.Daniels. Sorry it took my so long. Busy/Writers block. New story line. Sort of. Plz R&R!

Bella POV


I. Was. Pathetic.

Over the past three months, my life had changed dramatically. I went from having a fairy tale life to having a screwed over life.

I rebelled. Went against the man. I lived in the principals office now. I went from straight A's, nice reputation, perfect actually. To bad to the bone.

I missed him. And his family. I had nightmares about them.

I missed Jake. I had just became 프렌즈 with him........
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posted by Repo-girl
Hi! I loved your reviews! I have writer's block and so I'm stuck on chappie 8. But there is a lot going on in this story. To someone's review last chapter, James will not hurt Bella. On to chappie 4!

Chapter 4

I couldn't believe it. The thing of my nightmares, come back to haunt me. Only, it was to claim me as his new mate. I sat down on the bed, perplexed. I had to find away out of this. I decided to get as much sleep as I could before James came back. I laid down on the 침대 and fell asleep. I awoke a couple hours later to someone shaking me. "Bella wake up babe. Come on. I need to talk to...
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posted by Repo-girl
Hi! Sorry this took so long. School has been hectic. Review please. And if 당신 could pass this to your friends, 팬 on fanpop, etc. that would be great! I'm currently 글쓰기 chappie 6 so, yeah. Tell me your opinions of how the story is going so far:D Anyway... on with chapter 2!!!!!!!

Chapter 2

I awoke to a sunny, cloudless morning. Edward was still there. His body showing like thousands of diamonds. "Good morning"., he said. "Did 당신 sleep well"? I yawned and streched. "Yes I did". Edward bent down to 키스 me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I 사랑 you"., he whispered. "I 사랑 당신 too....
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posted by Styfalie
This is where 당신 all can post your 질문 about The Setting Sun. I will check it for 질문 and 코멘트 regularly.

So, if there is anything 당신 didn't understand 또는 thought was inconsistant I'll be sure to explain.

Also, if 당신 would like to know where my inspiration for certain characters 또는 scenes came from I'll tell 당신 that too. Don't be afraid to ask! :D

There is no such thing as a stupid question, unless it is a 질문 unasked!

I want to thank all of my 팬 once 더 많이 for all the praise and amazing support! You've been amazing, I couldn't ask for a better group of people to present something I've worked hard on...even if it was just something I did for fun.

Thank 당신 so so so so much!
Author's Note:Okay.So first of all,all the characters in this fanfic are human.I thought I's make that clear.LoL.Second of all,the families are pretty much all the same,but they're also kinda different.

The Cullens--Carlisle,Alice,Emmett,and Edward
~Their mother,Ana,died 15 years ago

The Hales--Esme,Rosalie,and Jasper
~Their father,Peter,died while Esme was only seven months pregnant

The Swans--Charlie,Renee,and Bella
~Renee and Charlie never split up

So, in this fanfic, Rosalie, Alice, Edward, Emmett, Jasper, and...
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posted by Styfalie
Chapter 18: I made my decision, what else is there? (Renesmee)
My mother turned to me, her face set in hurt and worry.

The 늑대 on either side of us whined anxiously.

“Nessie . . .” Michelle gasped, shocked.

“Like hell 당신 are!” Rosalie growled.

“I’m old enough to make my own decisions.” I pushed past my mother, feeling her fingers rake gently over my arm as I passed and stood only inches away from Jane. “Leave them alone.”

Jane stared into my eyes, searching my expression for any hint of a lie.

After what felt like forever, she nodded.

I sighed, nodding once in agreement, turning...
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Chapter Three

    I was relaxing on my bed, wallowing in my misery listening to 음악 when something scraped against my window. I jumped and stifled a scream. It was dark outside and long shadows cast eerie shapes on my walls. I pulled off my head phones and scooted slowly off my bed. I could still hear D.H.T‘s Listen To Your 심장 playing. How ironic. I creeped toward my window, preparing for something scary. I looked around. Nothing. I opened it and leaned my head out. Only darkness. I felt scared. My 심장 started pounding. I tried to breathe deeply but I felt like the...
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i_luv_edward_SWITZERLAND: Bella
i_luv_my_bella: Edward
i_c_ur_future: Alice
blood_12: Jasper (thanks 4 new u-name ideas, guys!)
blondie_123: Rosalie
Dr_vamp_man: Carlisle
mrs_c_cullen: Esme
nessie_is_beautiful: Jacob
imprinted_by_jakey: Renesmee (Nessie)

mrs_c_cullen is signing on
Dr_vamp_man is signing on

mrs_c_cullen: OMC! OMC! OMC! Honeybuns, that was amazing!

Dr_vamp_man: I know! I can't believe I never thought of Doing It on a hospital bed!

mrs_c_cullen_: Oh yes.

imprinted_by_jakey is signing on

imprinted_by_jakey: OH, EWW! Grandma, Grandpa!

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posted by reneesme15
[b]this is the first part of my story. this is my first story so tell me wot u think and if u like it i will write some more.[b]

I never believed in anything 수퍼내츄럴 before. 당신 know vampires, warewolves ect that is untill i moved to Forks. I not faint hearted 당신 see i used to be headstrong and so sure of myself but then, i don't know things changed i changed and that is what scared me 더 많이 then being 프렌즈 with 뱀파이어 and warewolves, 더 많이 then the creature that was stareing me in the face. Hang on i'm getting ahead of myself 당신 have no idea what i'm on about so let me take 당신 back...
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posted by twilightchick
we dont own any of the characters. anyway plz enjoy =)

* bella is sitting at the 표, 테이블 with all of her 가장 좋아하는 foods*
bella: eddy poo?
edward: yws love?
bella: can 당신 come here for a moment?
edward: *suddenly appears and kisses bella on the cheek* what is it love?
bella: sit down please
edward* sits down at the table* where did 당신 get all of this food?
bella: the store
edward: why love?
bella: i wanted to try some of my 가장 좋아하는 foods
edward: im not so sure about this.....
bella: ok, i just thought that 당신 would do this one little thing for...
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