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Ok, now that I have had sometime to sleep on it and re-watch the episode. I can now speak my mind a little bit. Firstly, all in all the episode was pretty good, the intro to start the episode I think was pointless. It took up time that could have been given to the actual plot but it was cute… I guess.

Elene Transition.

Considering that there have been two people that have gone through transition ( Vicky and Caroline) It was nice to see them go further and really show us how Elena was seeing the world. How the sight, sounds and smell even had an effect on her.( I loved when she busted the light bulb with her bare hand :D) I give major point to the director for allowing the audience to kind of feel what Elena was feeling. I also give some kudos to Nina. At some parts during the transition I thought were a bit… corny ( heavy loud panting, scary laughter, crying with no tears) I’ve seen Nina 연기 and I think she could have done better with the whole 연기 out the transition. However, I 사랑 my girl Nina and all and all it was a good job.

My 가장 좋아하는 scenes with Elena…

- When she told Stefan that she was coming back for him: The whole moment with her and Stefan locked away from each other. She was dieing, and Stefan couldn’t help her, it was really touching. Both Paul and Nina did a great job but for me Paul 스톨, 훔친 that scene and he said the lest out the two. I was moved 의해 Nina’s words and 당신 could her the sincerity of what she was saying… “No matter what happens, it’s the best choice I’ve ever made.” I got some major chills because Paul oozed emotion in this scene. I hate fake crying when I’m watching shows… if the script calls for 당신 to cry, 당신 better think of 당신 dead cat and cry me a river. Had Nina been crying I think she would of 스톨, 훔친 the whole thing. But while her words were moving Paul’s action was even 더 많이 so. One 더 많이 reason I 사랑 Paul, what ever emotion he is given it is so real in his acting. This was also my 가장 좋아하는 Stelena moment, I know they had the cute thing on the roof where he gives her a ring but for some reason the scene with them locked away was 더 많이 moving the the roof scene.

-When Damon was being… well, Damon: I loved when she pounced on him. Elena all vamped out is kind of scary lol. Even though it lasted about two 초 It was awesome to get a glimpse of what Elena could become as we go further along in the season. Elena no longer need people to protect her, she can do that herself. I want to see a stronger 더 많이 independent Elena. This scene gave me hope for that :D
Delena was weak this episode. When Elena tells him that she remembers meeting him first I was kind of underwhelm. I think a big reason for that is because it followed after one of the best Stelena moments this episode. However I know there are many 더 많이 Delena moments to come so, here is hoping those will be better.

Bonnie and Dark Magic

    Ok, so if Tumblr is any indication of how Bamon/ Bonnie 팬 feel the words hate Julie Plec comes to mind. However I’m going to play devil’s advocate because… I can :D I get that a lot of Bonnie 팬 ( myself included) were mad about how things went down this episode. With the whole Grams thing and Elena just assuming Bonnie will help her. I get it I really do, however I think it would have been odd to have Bonnie go from cold to hot with in a span of a 일 ( in the show) Yes, Bonnie is tried of being pushed around. When she made that statement 3x22 I believed it. However this is still Bonnie, the selfless 프렌즈 who will do anything and everything for her friends. I think that what happen last night is the starting point for Dark Bonnie.

My thinking is that Julie is constantly having Bonnie get hurt over and over and over again because at some point… she going to snap. Bonnie doesn’t have it in her to say no, not when her friend’s lives are on the line. This is Bonnie’s biggest weakness and bad guys ( like Klaus) know that about her. So what do they do… threaten the lives of Tyler, 또는 Jeremy, Elena, Caroline, Matt because they know that Bonnie will always do what she can to help her friends… in the process Bonnie gets hurt.

It has already been hinted that Bonnie going Dark won’t mean that she turns against her friends, however that doesn’t mean that she will be at everyone beck and call either. Now that Elena is a vampire, that is one less person she really has to worry about. My hope is Bonnie going dark will be a way for her to gain some freedom. A way for her to learn about her powers and about the person she wants to be. I also think that it will help her on her view of the world… that is is not just black and white but their are grey areas. I think it will take time, and if 당신 think about it that is better. If they had Bonnie go dark the first episode I think she would have been placed on a back burner 또는 used as another plot device. With a slow progressions it is 더 많이 chances for Bonnie to get some on screen time. I still firmly believe that this season is 더 많이 about Elena and Bonnie the anyone. I would rather a slow burn then a quick sloppy one.

My 가장 좋아하는 scenes with Bonnie

    -Bonnie and Grams: So… I am not a big crier… but both scenes with Bonnie and Grams got to me. Especially, the last one where the spirits punished Bonnie 의해 punishing Shelia. Like many of the Bonnie 팬 I hated seeing Bonnie upset and I felt for her so much in that last moment. It seemed like Bonnie was so broken… my 심장 went out to her. If it hasn’t been said I will say it right now… Kat Graham did a Freaking Awesome Job! Her 연기 was spot on… not just with this scene but with all the scenes through out the episode. It seems very clear to me that Bonnie is at the edge of a cliff. There are only two directions for her to go and it is so clear that she is unsure about what choice to make. With what happened with her Grams I feel like Bonnie will really have to make a decision… will she continue to work in harmony with nature? 또는 will the spirits stunt only push her 더 많이 towards the dark arts? What ever she decides to do, I feel like Kat is going to have many 더 많이 moment to show off some amazing acting.

    -Bonnie and Jeremy: I liked Beremey well enough, they weren’t a huge ship for me mostly because I thought Bonnie deserved and need someone better, stronger. However they had their cute moments. This time around I 사랑 Jeremy and Bonnie moments… I mean all of them during this episode. Jeremy 다음 to Caroline is the only person that truly ever show genuine concern about Bonnie and her needs. Jeremy wanted to save his sister… he didn’t want her to become a vampire… So of course her goes to Bonnie when she says she can save her. Right after she said “I found a new 출처 of power” what did he say… “ What kind of power is going to let 당신 kill yourself and bring Elena back” . Good 질문 and he was the only person to ask her this question. Then while she was doing the spell and he saw the blood he was screaming for her to stop, that she was killing herself. Did he want to save his sister, yes but not at the expense of Bonnie’s own life. Jeremy get some major kudos point for this. I think many of her other 프렌즈 could take a lesson, just because she is willing to risk her life… doesn’t mean 당신 should let her. Jeremy is someone to watch for this season, his growth ( though most of it done off camera) is striking. No longer Elena’s little brother, Jeremy is taking steps towards manhood. I’m looking 앞으로 to seeing what they have in store for him.

    -Bonnie and Elene: When Bonnie is is on the other side and she is pulling Elena back with her… I got chills. It was a scene that I loved( mostly because of Kat’s acting) because 당신 could see the 사랑 for Elena the sheer determination that she had… for a moment Bonnie thought she was going to get her friend back … finally something was going right, until it didn’t. My hope is that Bonnie and Elena will have 더 많이 scenes coming up with just the two of them. I miss this friendship and for just a moment, I felt it come alive again.

Other things I noticed…

Matt being treated like a door mat 의해 The Salvatore Brothers. Damon I can kind of understand because… it’s Damon. However Stefan… I didn't get it. Stefan made the choice to save Matt instead of Elena he decided that he was going to do what Elena wanted. Now she is a vampire and Matt is alive, seems like a win-win to me. So I don’t understand why Matt needs to prove that it wasn’t a waist to save him. Why does it seem like when ever Matt is in a plot he just get trampled on? Come on JP give Matty a break. I hope there is a good story-line waiting for him… but I have a bad feeling that may not happen just yet.

Caroline pimp slams Kyler... loved it, I 사랑 the fact that as the season has gone on Caroline seems to be one of the stronger females in the main group. I'm not a huge Karoline 팬 but I can see why others are. This season for Caroline looks to be centered around this 사랑 triangle.. I hope it isn't for very long. Caroline is a character that needs development, the 더 많이 focus that is put on 사랑 triangles the less we get to see her grow. I want to see Caroline grow.

Hate how he treated Matt but so glad to have the King of the Badasses back… The one and onlye Damon Salvatore. He isn’t a bad guy 또는 villain anymore and that is ok, I didn’t really see him in that light to start off with. However, as he tried so hard to be what Elena wanted… he 로스트 the thing that made him Damon. I’m glad that he is back to his old sexy self and I hope that when Delena does happen… please don’t turn him back into a 사랑 sick puppy. Keep him just the way he is :D

Awesome Performances by…

Michael Trevino- I wished that had given him 더 많이 then just a 일 in Klaus body, however Michael did a wonderful job at Klaus… For me he seemed to channel season 2 Klaus which is great because that was the Klaus that I loved. I really, really wish they would have allowed Michael to continue to play Klaus but if that is all I get than I am fine. I’m glad to have Tyler back regardless, I hope that the writers take advantage of Mike this season. I think he has the ability to portray 더 많이 then just the stereotypical “tough guy”. Once again Good Job Mike :D

Claire Holt- I was never a huge Rebekah fan… however I just might be after tonight. The moment where she confront Klaus and he basically tell her that she is dead to him. I felt for her. Claire did a wonderful job because when she is feeling something…. It not just her words but her actions that will get a response out of the audience. Even when she was listening to Elena tell Stefan about choosing him, she played that so well. Kudos to Claire Holt, 당신 may make me a Rebekah 팬 yet :D I am looking forwards to see what Rebekah will do now that she really has no one now.

So season 4 episode 1 was pretty good, not the best 의해 a long shot but it wasn’t to bad to sit through. As always I 사랑 to watch Kat and Paul but if the writers play it right there maybe a few others a may add to that list.I know that it may be much to ask but I hope 당신 guys stick with it, not just Bonnie 팬 but TVD 팬 in general. It is only the first episode and there is still so much 더 많이 to go. I have a feeling that this season is the deal breaker so here is hoping that JP played her cards well. :D
Sorry but I STILL don't think he is "wrong" for trying to give Elena the cure even if she doesn't "want" it

Then again I *barely* think he was “wrong” for similarly giving her vampire blood (yes, he was wrong. But barely to me. lol)

Hell maybe my morals are skewed but when 당신 사랑 someone and 당신 KNOW they are either A) going to die 또는 B) going to do something that will affect them in an extremely negative way for the rest of their lives….honestly, I wouldn’t care if they want it 또는 not. I’m sorry I know everyone’s like “rah rah liberated Elena!” but she is NOT liberated. She...
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Klaus was running through the woods, trying to catch Tyler’s scent, when suddenly his 심장 ached. He gasped and grabbed for his chest, while falling on his knees. It felt as if someone was cutting out his heart.
“Tyler” he swallowed. He scribbled up as he heard sobbing and scraping. He ran in the direction of the sound and ended up at the cemetery. Caroline was standing a few yards away, a shovel in her hands. Even in the distance Klaus could see she was crying. Keeping in mind there was a 수퍼내츄럴 hating army on the loose, he walked towards her as slowly as possible.
When he stood...
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The 다음 morning

Damon and Elena were lying asleep when someone rang the bell. Elena was fast asleep, so Damon sneaked out of 침대 and put on his pants from the 일 before.
“Hurry up, Damon. 당신 don’t want her to bleed to death, do you?”
Damon groaned as he recognized Rebekah’s voice. He walked to the door and opened it and Katherine fell in his arms. She was bleeding from her neck and Damon looked up shocked at the blonde Original, who smirked at him.
“What happened to her?” Damon wanted to know.
“I happened” Elijah answered, stepping forward. “Can we come in?”
“No!” Damon said rude.
“I was merely being polite. Of course we can come in. This house is being hosted 의해 vampires, whom cannot possible deny the admission to an Original. So, why don’t 당신 step aside? We’ve got things to do, plans to make, wars to prepare” Elijah said as he walked past Damon.
Elijah grabbed Rebekah’s throat as he put himself up.
“Where is Niklaus?” he asked shaking with fury. Rebekah took Elijah’s squeezing hand and pulled it away.
“You’re weak. 당신 need to regain strength” she said strict and bossy.
“What I need is to find Niklaus and put that dagger in his heart” Elijah objected.
“I’m with Elijah on this one” Katherine said and Elijah turned his head to her slowly. “Elena?” Katherine shook her head. “Katerina” Elijah realized. “You stand 의해 my sister as she gives me my life back…and yet I don’t see 당신 shiver with fear. Perhaps...
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Rebekah stormed downstairs into the sitting room where Elena was still sitting on the couch.
“What happened?” she asked worried when she saw Rebekah’s face. Rebekah didn’t answer, but raced to Elena, grabbed her neck and attacked her.
Elena screamed and Rebekah tightened her grip.
“Hey!” Damon shouted and he rushed to Rebekah. He grabbed her hair and swayed her into the room. He bit his wrist and held it against Elena’s lips.
“No” she groaned. “No vampire blood”
Damon pressed his wrist against her lips and forced her to drink. Elena’s neck healed and she relaxed.
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Jeremy parked his car at the address Veronica had given him. She was waiting for him outside.
“What are those signs?” Jeremy asked, pointing at the signs on the wall.
“They’re to keep ghosts out” Veronica explained.
“Ghosts?” Jeremy asked skeptic.
“Yeah, 당신 know, dead people” Veronica said. “You can’t see the signs during the day, because it’s fluorescent paint”
“So, ghosts can’t enter” Jeremy said slowly.
“Well, they can travel with mediums, but you’re not a medium” Veronica replied obviously. She squeezed her eyes and cast Jeremy an exploratory glance....
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“Nice dress” a familiar, male and British voice whispered in Caroline’s ear. She startled, but recovered quickly. She tried to spot Damon and Elena, but since they were nowhere to be found, she took a deep breath and turned around.
“What do 당신 want?” she asked sharp.
“Well, first I would like to know why you’re not wearing the dress I sent you” Klaus said.
“You sent? Wait, 당신 gave me the dress with the note?” Caroline asked surprised.
“Of course” Klaus answered. “You didn’t think Tyler has that good of taste, did you?”
“Oh, well, ehm, I couldn’t wear it anyway”...
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Caroline was walking on the parking lot of the school. Her conversation with Matt had lasted longer than either of them had expected. She recognized Tyler’s voice, but didn’t bother to turn around. When she reached her car and opened the door Tyler rushed to her and slammed the door.
“Tyler!” Caroline exclaimed reproaching.
“I’m sorry” Tyler said. He took a deep breath. “I saw 당신 talking to Matt” he started.
Caroline quickly turned around. “Oh no. No, no, no, no. 당신 do not get to play jealous boyfriend. 당신 had your shot, 당신 blew it. Now 당신 can go back to...
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The 다음 morning.
It was still very early and the sun hadn’t gone up completely yet. Nevertheless, there seemed to be quite some activity down in the woods. The night before sheriff Liz Forbes had received an anonymous phone call, giving her the exact location of where to find the body of Gabe Lindy. Liz had heard the voice before. It had been the same person who told her where the bodies of the Lindy sisters were. So it was pretty obvious that whoever the caller was, they were the murderer 또는 at least they knew who did it.
“What do 당신 got here?”
Liz would never get used to her daughter...
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Jeremy turned his computer off when his phone rang.
“Hi, Elena. Did 당신 get the results? It’s not something bad, is it?”
“Jeremy, I need your help” Elena said quickly. “I’m not in the hospital anymore”
“What? Why not? Where are you?” Jeremy asked confused.
“I don’t have time to answer that” Elena said nervous. “You have to do something for me”
“Okay, what?” Jeremy asked.
“I need 당신 to go to the cops and ask them what they’ve done with Damon” Elena said.
“What? Elena, I don’t get it” Jeremy said.
“He’s had an accident” Elena explained quickly....
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They were sitting on the same terrace Elena had had ice cream with Damon when Derek grabbed a chair from the 표, 테이블 다음 to theirs and invited himself.
“How are 당신 guys doing?” he asked looking from Stefan to Elena. He’d never seen the blonde girl before and thus he didn’t pay much attention to her.
“Did Damon send you?” Elena asked short.
“What? No!” Derek said desperate. He looked around before he continued. “But it’s because of him I’m here. He’s not doing good, Elena. He’s a total wreck”
“He should’ve thought about that before he attacked the poor girl” Rebekah...
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“So this is where people go these days to be social” Rebekah said looking around in the Grill.
“Well, it’s definitely the most 인기 establishment in town” Stefan replied.
“Don’t 당신 mean the only establishment?” Rebekah said disdainful. Stefan emptied his glass. “You want another shot?” he asked.
“Sure, keep them coming” Rebekah smiled. She emptied her glass, as well as the 초 and the third. “How long does it take for 당신 to get drunk?”
“Why?” Stefan asked. “You have plans for me?”
A smirk appeared on Rebekah’s face. “Well, if 당신 come with me, I...
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Derek scribbled up. “You really have some serious issues, man” he said after his nose had healed.
“Yeah, I’m sorry” Damon said, not very sincere. “But 당신 wanted me to teach you”
Derek sought support against the wall. “I think I’m going to need some blood” he said looking meaningful at Damon. Damon rolled his eyes. “Fine, then. Come with me” He saw how Derek’s face cleared up. “You’re not staying over” he said sharp.
“No, of course not” Derek said, shaking his head. “I’ll just have some blood and then I’ll be off”
“Good” Damon said, pleased that...
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The basement door opened and Rachel looked up. Gabe was coming downstairs with a plate of 음식 in his hands. “I made 당신 some dinner” he said as if he expected Rachel to be grateful. He put the plate on a box and gave her a plastic fork and knife. “I’m only playing it safe” he said when Rachel gave him a dirty look.
“You can’t do this” Rachel said.
“You’re really such a hypocrite” Gabe said. “You let me send away my daughters, when 당신 are just like them. Does this mean Amber had the werewolf gene? Well, in that case she’s better off dead”
Rachel gasped. “I can’t...
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She walked to the closet and pulled out some 랜덤 clothes when she heard a thick. She walked to the window, but didn’t see anything out of place.
“Aaah!” Elena screamed. Damon appeared out of nowhere.
“Sssh!” he hissed. “Ric can’t know I’m here”
“Are 당신 flying?” Elena asked a little shocked as she looked out of the window.
“No, I’m trying really hard not lose my grip, so if 당신 could let me in, that would be very nice” Damon said. Elena stepped aside and Damon threw his legs over the window-ledge.
“Why are 당신 here, Damon?” Elena asked.
“I want to...
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posted by corneliagirl101
 Damon seduces Rebekah to weaken her defenses against Sage's abilities.
Damon seduces Rebekah to weaken her defenses against Sage's abilities.
SPOILER ALERT: This 기사 discusses the plot twists and character development in the above stated episode. If 당신 haven't seen it, this is your spoiler warning.

The beginning of this episode had me a little divided. Alaric being in denial is to be expected. How many people would take the news "You may be a serial killer in your spare time" without a little bit of denial? What I did loved was the Damon/Alaric friendship! Bromance!

What I didn't like. Seeing Elena pass judgement WITHOUT THE FACTS. She used to be the exact opposite of this. She wouldn't judge. She would look for the reasoning...
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posted by chameron4eva
There are alot of spots about TVD from characters, ships to the actors/actresses. So here's an easy way to see what spots are already on 팬팝 related to TVD.

If there are any spots 당신 think is missing, tell me and I'll add it. But if it's just a double spot (i.e. another Delena 또는 Stelena spot) then I won't add it


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Elena's POV

"Why don't 당신 sit down and we can talk." I was pressed tightly up against the counter. "No need to be scared." Katherine was smiling as she took steps towards me. "Katherine this is between Damon, Stefan and 당신 not me." Katherine tilted her head and shook it tell me no. "Honey this is about you."

Damon's POV

"How the hell could 당신 do that? Damon I asked 당신 to do this for Elena." Stefan was furious. I just rolled my eyes. "Your just upset because she may also have feelings for me to, just like Katherine."

Stefan sat there shaking his head. "Don't 당신 get it Damon Katherine never...
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added by Makeupdiva
뱀파이어 다이어리
stefan salvatore
엘레나 길버트
added by tanyya
Source: sansasnarks.tumblr.com