The Riley Winchester Chronicles Club
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Chapter 3: Closed Doors

The past week I have been feeling off, the nightmares kept getting worse and worse. I could only connect it with one thing, my Birthday. My Birthdays before never seemed... well normal. And I had a bad feeling about this birthday, it seemed worse than the other ones, I couldn’t quite place what exactly but I knew something was up.

I once again bolted up from another nightmare, just like usual, it seemed to be custom for me now, and I still haven't told anyone besides 제비꽃, 바이올렛 and Nikki about these nightmares....

I curled up, shaking slightly, tears brimming my eyes. This totally sucks... I was losing sleep, I didn't eat much, I didn't do much of anything.. I was glad it was a Saturday.

I didn't have to deal with anyone, I wanted to be alone.

I looked out my window, it was raining, I found little comfort in the fact that it was just as miserable outside as I felt.

I sighed, and laid down, life sucks... Why couldn't I be normal? I don't even know if I know what the word normal is anymore...

I have weird dreams about vampires, blood and other sick and twisted things involving the paranormal. I really wonder if I should see a doctor... it seems unhealthy. Tch, the doctors would think I'm insane anyway.

My phone rang, and I groaned.

I reached for it, and sighed as I opened it and pressed the talk button. “What do 당신 want?” I grumbled.

Nikki seemed a bit disheartened 의해 my tone, “your still sulking?”

I rolled onto my side, “I'm not sulking, and I’m tired.”

“Well get up and get dressed!”

“whhyyy?” I whined.

“Quit whining, we're gonna go to the movies!” 제비꽃, 바이올렛 complained on the other end. “We’re gonna go see Blood Beast!”

“Oh Barf...” I moaned fake barfing.

“Your gonna like it!”

“Oh yeah, nothing says bloody good time like watching a blood bath... pass...” I muttered sarcastically.

“You are going!”

“No I'm not!” I whined.

“Riley Marie Ann Winchester, you’re going to get out and you’re going to like it!” Nikki yelled sternly.

“I don't wanna!” I whined childishly.

“Riley! Your coming!”

“You’re not my mother!” I yelled.

“LIKE HELL I AM!” Nikki yelled and I heard the door slam open and Nikki along with Cal came storming up the steps I quickly hid under the covers.

“Riley get up!”

“No leave me alone!” I whined.

“Riley your 연기 like a little kid! Act like your almost 16!”

“BITE ME!” I yelled.

“Okay fine!” she stormed up to me ripped open the covers and grabbed my arm and bit me as hard as she could.

“OW!! WHAT THE HELL?! I DIDN'T MEAN LITTERALLY!” I yelped in pain ripping my arm away from her, slightly amount of blood dribbled down. “Damn it, 당신 cut open skin!”

Cal lightly chuckled; I threw a 베개 at him, “shut up Cal before I rip your balls off!” I hissed at him.

He looked slightly scared, “geez Riley, what is up your butt?”

“I'm tired! I haven't slept for days, and your girlfriend bit me!” I grumbled.

He ruffled my hair in a friendly almost older brother way, “Cheer up Riles. I heard it was gonna be a good movie. 당신 might like it.”

I scoffed. yeah... with the nightmares I have been having, nothing says getting better then watching a blood bath...

Nikki threw clothes at me, and I sighed, and ushered them out.

I get dressed in a tank 상단, 맨 위로 and zip up hoodie with some jeans; I tied my laces to my converses, grabbing my lucky wrist band, the one with the words “Live Hard” with 십자가, 크로스 본즈 on it.
I run out the door, jumping over the banister again, “later Dana! I'm going to the movies!” I called out to Dana as I ran out the door.

“Be back before dinner!” she called back to me, I just gave her a thumbs up as grabbed the door and slammed it shut.

“Teenagers...” I heard her sigh; I gave a small laugh as I just walked to Nikki's Car with my hands in my pockets.

I sighed as I jumped in the back beside Violet.

“About time 당신 got up!” she grinned.

“Shut up... I told 당신 guys I didn't want to go...”

Cal pinched my cheek. “Don’t whine so much...”

“Ow! Cal that hurt!” I yelped slapping his hand away.

He laughed, “Lighten up would you?”

“No.” I mumbled. “I hate 당신 all right now.”

Cal just chuckled and ruffled my hair again. I groaned. “Not cool.”

Nikki drove to the movie theater, i placed my hands in my pocket again as we walked in.

“Riley if 당신 don't lighten up, the theater people are gonna think your gonna rob them 또는 something...” 제비꽃, 바이올렛 giggled.

“Ooh I'm so gonna steal all their 팝콘 and candy! Oh no! Someone call the cops!” I muttered with heavy sarcasm. A family gave me a strange look; I just gave them the cold shoulder.

“I’m gonna get some popcorn, extra buttery!” 제비꽃, 바이올렛 muttered

I made fake barfing noises, “bleh. No thanks...”

“Come on Riley, for the sake of us, please lighten up... at least get a soda...” Nikki muttered as Cal came over with 2 large 팝콘 containers, large Pepsi, and a bag of candy.

“Aw Cal did 당신 get that all for us?” Nikki asked

“What? No! This is all mines!” he yelped.

“He usually eats that much. 당신 both should know that 의해 now…” I muttered sipping on my soda.

we sat down in the viewing room, Nikki would steal some 팝콘 from Cal, causing him to yell and people to turn and look at him.

The movie started, I shifted in my seat, not removing my lips from the straw on my cup, it was the only thing that would keep me from screaming my lungs out when the blood bath would begin.

The movie started out like most horror films , everything is all fine and dandy, just a normal day. My lip twitched at the sappy 사랑 scene, typical Hollywood movie.

That’s when it happened, the “Murder” who seemed to be dressed like a man from the 18th century, pale snow white skin and brown long hair. Vampire.

Hollywood’s attempt to use a non-existing creature to bring pleasure, 또는 displeasure to the world… how predictable…

As the violence started, Cal held out his bag of 캔디 towards me, looking at me. “want any?” he asked. Cal was only being friendly, I sighed and grabbed a handful of Skittles and shoved some in my mouth, not removing my eyes from the screen. he chuckled and went back to watching the movie, as the vampire chopped of a woman’s head, I flinched and shoved my straw into my mouth before I could let out a soft shriek. This was just wrong.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, sinking down low a bit. I was trying to get through this, as the movie went on, the 더 많이 and 더 많이 I felt like I was gonna hurl.

i took a deep breath, the nightmares flashing through my mind.

The dark, vampire me standing there covered in blood, with those blood red eyes, cackling in pure and utter pleasure.

i could see it now, the Evil Riley, tearing people limb from limb, that mencing demonic laughter as she did it, covered in blood of all her victums.

i clawed into the arm rest, sweat slowly starting to beat down my forehead down my face my 심장 started racing, my breathing became shallow.

soon the vampire in the movie seemed to take the form of me, in this mencing state, even it's voice was mine.

i watched as the scene unfolded more, i became tranced, consumed with undoubtful fear.

i barely heard Cal's concerned voice, i watched with sheer terror as the vampire struck it's victum, who was a look alike, to me it looked like this evil version of me, and who i at least thought i was.

i felt this pang in my chest, as if i was litterally strucken, it felt as if a hole had been punched into my chest, i bolted up right standing on shaken legs and didn't think twice as i bolted out towards the door, ignoring the stares i recieved.

i ran out of there and down the street, tears burning my eyes as i ran, dodging a 랜덤 person here and there.

i ran into through to the Graveyard, not really thinking i continued to run, scared as all hell, when i tripped and fell rolling roughly down pretty decently steep hill.

I let out a grunt as my back slammed into a tree, i laid there for a moment, before struggling to get back on my feet at the sound of foot steps.

who was there? 의해 the sound, it was only one person, i glaced sideways slightly, only this person's shoes were visible. Was it Cal? i could tell 의해 the size of thier feet it was a male, but Cal doesn't wear black leather biker boots... then who was it? i tried to lean up to the best of my ability my body was sore from the impact of the tree, i slightly seethed in pain as i manged to get at least up on my knees.

i looked up at the person, i couldn't see him well, what i could see startled me.

his eyes glowed red, full of hatred, i managed to let out a frightened stutter. "W-w-who are you?"

he said nothing as i crawled backwards until my back was against a tombstone, as he slowly walked closer a sick masochistic smirk on his face. my 심장 started pounding in my chest rapidly, as if it was about to burst out of my chest, i sat there 겨울왕국 in fear. he opened his mouth to speak, his canine teeth glistening in the moonlight.

"it's a poor mistake to be running through the graveyard at night little girl... especially when 당신 don't know what might be lurking around.." he spoke in a voice, thick with what sounded like french accent. i gulped as he stood inches from me, i stared at him in fear.

he sighed, "it's been awhile since i have bare witness to your kind, drinking your blood will be rewarding."

my kind? what does he mean 의해 that?

he inched closer, leaning over, i shut my eyes. is this how it felt to be on the brink of death? feeling it so close, feeling death's breath on your neck as he leaned towards you?

too terified to move, i sat there as i felt his teeth lightly poke into my skin, not biting, but almost there.

then it all happened.

i felt a rush of wind, i opened my eyes to find the man no longer there, but instead there was a... Wolf? it stood almost as tall as i was, it's 모피 black and mysterious, the man left 의해 now, i blinked as the 늑대 looked at me and cautiously pawed towards me, bowing it's head slightly. i felt this sense of relief and warmth, staring into it's eyes, it stared, not removing it's gaze from me.

"Riley!" the sound of Cal and Nikki's voice brought me back to reality as the 늑대 looked towards them then bolted off, gone 의해 the time i blinked again.

"Riley are 당신 alright?!" Nikki asked as she leaned down to me.

i blinked now realizing that tears where softly sliding down my cheeks i couldn't answer.

Cal placed his hand on my shoulder, "are 당신 hurt?"

i just shook my head and stood up, but immidently fell back down on my butt when a sharp pain shot through my leg i hissed in pain and grabbed my ankle, closing my eyes tightly.

"looks like 당신 sprained your ankle. here.." Cal muttered grabbing my arm gently, picking me up and holding me bridal style.

i gripped onto him, shaking violently as tears rolled down my chest, i subconciously burried my face into his warm chest.

Cal's POV-

Riley shook violently, whatever just happened must have really spooked her, she whimpered softly as we started to head out of the graveyard.

that thing that was just here before, it was definately a wolfpire, i could tell 의해 his scent. what made me even 더 많이 worried, is there was also a vampire scent, i could smell it faintly off of Riley. 더 많이 then likely, judging 의해 the slightly foul scent, Riley had encountered a rare breed of vampire. the kind that drinks the blood of anything it can sink it's teeth in. i looked at Nikki who had a slightly worried expression, she looked at me her facial expression changing into a serious one, she nodded as we both silently made a decision.

Riley let out another whimper, through the sobbing, she clentched onto my shirt. i told 당신 guys i didn't want to go... she whimpered sounding like a little child.

Nikki closed her eyes. "we're sorry Riley we really are.."

Riley continued to softly sob, until it was subdued and all that was heard was Riley's soft breathing. she had fallen asleep.

We walked down reaching Alucard's mansion, we entered into the Kitchen, Alucard and Dana already there, looked up once they heard us enter.

Alucard noticed Riley's desheviled state, and stood up. "what happened?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"we think she had an encouter with a vampire, and a wolfpire.. from the sounds of it, i think the wolfpire actually saved Riley.." i muttered then walked out to the living room placing Riley gently down on the 침상, 소파 placing a blanket around her.

"what would a wolfpire want with her?" he asked from the door way.

"i don't know.. that wolfpire.. he had the scent of 당신 know who.."

Alucard's face turned from calm to suprised. "Alec's scent? he's around here?"

i nodded, "the other 일 i smelled his scent. around the school, which means he's been around town."

Dana bit her lip. "most likely keeping tabs on Riley..."

Nikki spoke up, "The new student at our school had a strange aura, one of a vampire.."

Alucard sat in thought. "probably one of Alec's minons to keep a look out for Riley. he knows if he can use one of his henchmen to befriend Riley, it would be the perfect chance to watch over her at all times. the wolfpire must be another one of his minons keeping tabs on Riley, to protect her from stray vampires, hence why he saved Riley from the vampire she encountered."

Dana looked at him. "what could this all mean?"

Alucard looked at her, a frim serious facial expression on his face. "it means we have to take 더 많이 derastic messures to protect Riley, Alec is a powerful vampire, him being so close must mean he's gathering people, to become stronger. meaning, i have to get into contact with some help.." he sighed.

Nikki looked up, "you mean Sarah?"

he nodded, "Only Sarah would be able to save Riley now.."

we all nodded, knowing Riley's mother is the only one who could possibly save Riley from Damnation.