I can't wait!!!
I'm guessing when 당신 read this, your just going to be 더 많이 impatient for waiting for The 왕좌, 왕위 of Fire.
The story of Carter and Sadie with their new tranies(hope I spelled that right) travelling the world to find The Book of Ra! Exiting start, exiting middle and ending.
I hope all of us won't be let down 의해 RR(which is VERY unlikely) when the book is released.
P.S If 당신 DO get 더 많이 impatient, sorry...
Well...Bye for now!!!

Go, Kane Chronicles!
Bastet - Protectress of Cats, cat 또는 head of a cat
Bastet was sometimes called bast. She was the goddess of cats. She is a cat, 또는 has the head of a cat, but originally she had the head of a lion.
Every 일 the sun god Ra would travel in his ship across the sky. Every night the snake Apep tried to stop the sun god's ship on his journey through the underworld. Ra was usually won these battles. However, on stormy days, 또는 during an eclipse, the Egyptians believed that Apep had been 빅토리어스 and swallowed the sun. Bastet defended her father Ra against the snake.
Bastet was the proctress of cats. The Ancient Egyptians had a great respect for 고양이 since they protected the grain from mice and rats. Rats can also cause disease. Killing a cat was punishable 의해 death. When a cat died, the family mourned it, shaving their eyebrows to mark their sadness. 고양이 were sometimes mummified, like people, and their mummies have been found.
Bastet was sometimes called bast. She was the goddess of cats. She is a cat, 또는 has the head of a cat, but originally she had the head of a lion.
Every 일 the sun god Ra would travel in his ship across the sky. Every night the snake Apep tried to stop the sun god's ship on his journey through the underworld. Ra was usually won these battles. However, on stormy days, 또는 during an eclipse, the Egyptians believed that Apep had been 빅토리어스 and swallowed the sun. Bastet defended her father Ra against the snake.
Bastet was the proctress of cats. The Ancient Egyptians had a great respect for 고양이 since they protected the grain from mice and rats. Rats can also cause disease. Killing a cat was punishable 의해 death. When a cat died, the family mourned it, shaving their eyebrows to mark their sadness. 고양이 were sometimes mummified, like people, and their mummies have been found.

Amun - God of Creation, crowned with ostrich feathers
Amun was an important god, but there are no stories about him. He created all things. At the same time, he remained apart from creation, totally different from it, and fully independent from it. In fact, he was invisible, so 당신 couldn't have a picture of him! However, if 당신 called him Amun-Re, this allowed people to see him. Then he had a hat with ostrich feathers on, and like all gods with human heads, a beard. Re is another way of spelling Ra, the sun god.
Tutankhamun's name contains the name of Amun. It also contains the Ankh, which means Life. His name means "Long life to Amun."
Amun is sometimes spelled Ammon. The fossil ammonites are called after him, because his sacred animal is a ram, and ammonites are shaped like ram's horns.
Amun was an important god, but there are no stories about him. He created all things. At the same time, he remained apart from creation, totally different from it, and fully independent from it. In fact, he was invisible, so 당신 couldn't have a picture of him! However, if 당신 called him Amun-Re, this allowed people to see him. Then he had a hat with ostrich feathers on, and like all gods with human heads, a beard. Re is another way of spelling Ra, the sun god.
Tutankhamun's name contains the name of Amun. It also contains the Ankh, which means Life. His name means "Long life to Amun."
Amun is sometimes spelled Ammon. The fossil ammonites are called after him, because his sacred animal is a ram, and ammonites are shaped like ram's horns.