The Red Pyramid Club
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added by fabfamily99
added by Twilightzook
added by LinzBell
Source: LinzBell
posted by Mythmaniac
 I can't wait!!!
I can't wait!!!
Everybody in this club is dying for the release of the 왕좌, 왕위 of 불, 화재 on May 3, 2011. For those who want a spoiler of the first chapter of the 왕좌, 왕위 of Fire-if 당신 still haven't read it-, go to this site:


I'm guessing when 당신 read this, your just going to be 더 많이 impatient for waiting for The 왕좌, 왕위 of Fire.

The story of Carter and Sadie with their new tranies(hope I spelled that right) travelling the world to find The Book of Ra! Exiting start, exiting middle and ending.

I hope all of us won't be let down 의해 RR(which is VERY unlikely) when the book is released.

P.S If 당신 DO get 더 많이 impatient, sorry...

Well...Bye for now!!!
 Go, Kane Chronicles!
Go, Kane Chronicles!
added by fabfamily99
posted by ngweien
Osiris - God of the Dead dressed in white with crook and flail and white crown

Osiris is shown as a man with a beard wearing white mummy wrappings. His crown is the white crown of Upper Egypt surrounded 의해 red feathers. His skin is green to represent vegetation. He holds the symbols of supreme power, the flail and crook. The crook is used 의해 shepherds to catch their sheep. The flail is used in threshing, to separate the grains from the outer husks. Osiris was the God of the Dead. 당신 would expect that such a god would be gloomy 또는 even evil, but the Egyptians thought about death a lot. They...
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posted by ngweien
Bastet - Protectress of Cats, cat 또는 head of a cat

Bastet was sometimes called bast. She was the goddess of cats. She is a cat, 또는 has the head of a cat, but originally she had the head of a lion.

Every 일 the sun god Ra would travel in his ship across the sky. Every night the snake Apep tried to stop the sun god's ship on his journey through the underworld. Ra was usually won these battles. However, on stormy days, 또는 during an eclipse, the Egyptians believed that Apep had been 빅토리어스 and swallowed the sun. Bastet defended her father Ra against the snake.

Bastet was the proctress of cats. The Ancient Egyptians had a great respect for 고양이 since they protected the grain from mice and rats. Rats can also cause disease. Killing a cat was punishable 의해 death. When a cat died, the family mourned it, shaving their eyebrows to mark their sadness. 고양이 were sometimes mummified, like people, and their mummies have been found.
added by Twilightzook
posted by ngweien
Hathor - the Goddess of love, music, dance
cow horns and sundisk on head

Sekhmet - the Goddess of the sun
woman with lion's head head

Hathor was the goddess of joy, motherhood, and love. She looked after all women. She was the goddess of 음악 and dancing, as well. Dead women were identified with Hathor, as men were identified with Osiris. She has a sun disk on her head and cow horns. Sometimes she had cow's ears 또는 was a whole cow.

But she had another side as well, as Sekhmet, the Eye of Ra, the destructive Sun Goddess. The Egyptians knew that the Sun brought life, but they also knew that the...
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posted by fabfamily99
First off, I give it an A++. I read the book in less than a week, with a totalling of 528 pages. The book transitions from 2 point of views, which makes the book utterly facsinating and truly amazing. It goes into deep secription, with a bit of humor. This novel is action-packed, and once 당신 put your hands on it, you'll never want to let go. If your house was burning, what would 당신 bring? Well, of course I would bring all my valuables, and that includes this book. This book is amazing and I can't put it into words of how much I 사랑 it. That's why, this would be the book I would save if my house was on flames. 초 place, of course, The Percy Jackson seires. (The Last Olypian is tied!) Now read the Red Pyramid and than answer this question, Which book would 당신 save from your house if it was up in flames???
added by fabfamily99
This is 질문 3--question 2 can't be 게시됨 since it's not a video questionm
rick riordan
the red pyramid
kane chronicles
질문 3
posted by ngweien
Anubis - God of Embalming, head of jackal

Anubis invented embalming to embalm Osiris, the first mummy. He was the guide of the dead. The Egyptians embalmed their dead, especially their pharaohs, to preserve them, since they thought that this helped them live for ever.

The Ancient Egyptians believed that when 당신 died, 당신 travelled to the Hall of the Dead. There Anubis weighed your 심장 against the feather of Ma'at. Ma'at, the goddess of justice sits on 상단, 맨 위로 of the scales to make sure that the weighing is carried out properly. 당신 can see Anubis steadying the scales to make the weighing fair....
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posted by ngweien
Nut - the Sky Goddess blue with golden stars

Geb - the Earth God color of plants and fertile Nile mud

The sky is Nut's body, arching from horizon to horizon. Geb is the Earth, lying beneath her. During the day, Nut and Geb are separated, but each evening Nut comes down to meet Geb and this causes darkness. If storms came during the day, it was believed that Nut had come closer to the earth.

Nut was married to the King of the Gods, Ra, but she was in 사랑 with Geb. When Ra found out, he was angry and said that Nut could not give birth to any children during the 360 days of the year. Nut was unhappy...
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added by fabfamily99
posted by ngweien
Amun - God of Creation, crowned with ostrich feathers

Amun was an important god, but there are no stories about him. He created all things. At the same time, he remained apart from creation, totally different from it, and fully independent from it. In fact, he was invisible, so 당신 couldn't have a picture of him! However, if 당신 called him Amun-Re, this allowed people to see him. Then he had a hat with ostrich feathers on, and like all gods with human heads, a beard. Re is another way of spelling Ra, the sun god.

Tutankhamun's name contains the name of Amun. It also contains the Ankh, which means Life. His name means "Long life to Amun."
Amun is sometimes spelled Ammon. The fossil ammonites are called after him, because his sacred animal is a ram, and ammonites are shaped like ram's horns.
added by Twilightzook