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A Lawyer who has devoted his entire life to his client, so much that he is sucked into the dangerous lifestyle of the same client he has sworn to keep out of jail. Sounds familiar? It could have easily been mistaken for an undercover cop changed from the heat of the dangerous-lifestyle and killed when things went wrong. It all in all tasted the same to a typical cop drama, the only difference was Jane and his ability to show the soft crust of a biker's hard surface.

The entire drama dealing with the son being the killer surrounded 의해 the several other decoys was just washed away elements to...
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So. Jane and Lisbon.

The writers and actors don't want those two to get together. In fact, they laugh at the 팬 that want them to. Which personally I find a bit rude, but I won't get into that. Anyway, their reasoning for them not getting together (at least right now) is "they have 더 많이 of a brother/sister relationship."


I'm sorry, but every time someone is trying to make an argument for why two people shouldn't be a couple, it's always either "they have no chemistry" 또는 "they have a brother/sister relationship." But I've never seen anyone deny Jane and Lisbon's chemistry, so I won't focus...
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I figured it out, I just thought who would be the most unlikely suspect and the reporter had the most advantage over the case, but I figured it out! Okay so maybe there were others that aced the detective case solver (or whatever 당신 call it), but sometimes I am left guessing, having two possible suspects. It's always cool when 당신 가장 좋아하는 shows leave 당신 thinking all the time.

I was just happy to have Jane confess his true feelings without any smart come on. The moment the camera's were all over his face and he became on edge, I thought of the last time he was on camera and the impact it left...
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SPOILER ALERT: Info about The Mentalist Episode 4x20

Episode 4.20 is called "Something's Rotten in Redmund."

Things head back to school in this episode, as a play of Hamlet descends into real life tragedy.
Could a young prostitute, a school gossip, a chubby teen 또는 the school principal have some connection to the shocking events? You'll have to tune in to find out!


Source: SpoilerTV
Something was definitely fishy wit that shrink who clearly went out of his way to council Lisbon. I imagined it was one of two things, he either had a wild crush on her and was waiting for the right moment to turn his sessions into some kind of mushy mushy vibe 또는 he was up to something. Honestly I believed it was the first, the entire set up was kind of neat.

The classic part of this episode was watching Jane hypnotize Lisbon and take advantage of it. How did it benefit him to know whether 또는 not she dances to Spice Girls. Although he didn't show it on the surface, he did care about Lisbon's...
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When there is a murder and thousands of suspects, 당신 can count on Patrick Jane to narrow the odds. He even puts a time frame to when he would catch the culprit.

Things only get tricky when you're trying to solve a crime and politicians abuse their power to 봉인, 인감 their footprints from the sand.

Jane always carries a self absorbed ego with him and this episode was not without his grim certainty and extraordinary detective skills to discover that the cleaner wasn't so much the mopping floors, cleaning the bathroom type and was 더 많이 the type to cover up a bloody murder.

I found myself torn between...
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•"Cheap Burgundy" -- While Jane (Simon Baker, left) helps Agent Darcy with a homicide investigation, Lisbon (Robin Tunney, right) handles the murder of a young woman who was killed after meeting someone in an on-line chat room, on THE MENTALIST on Thursday, March 8 (10:00-11:00 p.m. ET/PT) on the CBS 텔레비전 Network.

•The Mentalist 4x17 is written 의해 Bruno Heller, who will also direct it.

I knew it! I knew that Jane figured out the change in Rigsby and 봉고차, 반 Pelt's relationship! He was just waiting for the right moment to use it to his advantage. Although I still thought he could have held out a little longer, but knowing Jane, the temptation was just killing him, he had to blurt it out.

As for Rigsby, denying it only admitted his guilt. Instead of "I don't know what 당신 are talking about" he should have said "Me and 봉고차, 반 Pelt, I wish, but 당신 know that's against the rules Jane". Anything other than how well he handled the 'black mail' moment. Shame on 당신 Jane, the amount of things...
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What happens when 당신 take Patrick Jane off the Red John case, complete chaos. At least for now we have a silent fury and another episode filled with utter madness.

The Mentalist Season Premiere opened with that exact front and he was quite ready to pack his things up and go 집 before it dawned on him how much his colleagues meant to him, with Lisbon being the 체리 on top.

This week's case file was the traditional million dollar rip off where Jane set a web to catch the unknowing culprit. Don't mind that it has been done several times before, but clever Jane seems to put a new spin to it...
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posted by mrselianos
1.New information about our favourite serial killer RED JOHN!!!
bruno heller in one of his interviews said that in season 5 we will have new clues that will lead us and the CBI closer to the famous serial killer.We will also learn what is his main purpose and we will meet new accomplices!!

How we will learn rj's information of course from his favourite friend lorelei.Many 질문 about her are going to be answered in season 5 such as how many things she know about red john.will she betray himand of course how long will she live

3.NEW CHARACTERS AND FBI'S INVOLVEMENT fter season's 4 finale crimson hat and after susan darcey's killing of luther wainwright we will have the FBI's lead in the rj's case

4.THE 100th episode
season's 5 episode 6 is the mentalist's 100th episode and bruno heller has promised to keep something special for us in this one.More rj information?? death of a character?? WHO KNOWS?????

 I just 사랑 that grin, don't you?
I just love that grin, don't you?
So, I made loads of picks to decide your favourite The Mentalist character, and I've decided to show the results in a countdown!

5: Wayne Rigsby
Coming in at number five, is the adorable Rigsby! Completely in 사랑 with Grace, he finally gets the girl in Red Scare. I wasn't expecting him to come out so soon, but 당신 voted him out, and it's your votes that count!

4: Teresa Lisbon
In at number 4 is CBI's boss, Lisbon! This poor lady had a very troubled childhood, but has made a good reputation for herself, that Jane often seems to put in jeopardy. Number 4, Lisbon!

3: Grace 봉고차, 반 Pelt
Just missing out...
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posted by DramaNut
I decided I wanted to do a Thanksgiving 팬 fiction, so here 당신 go. I'm sorry for anyone following my other fanfiction right now, I'll have the new chapter soon! Disclaimer: I do not own the mentalist. It should be coming for 크리스마스 though. ;)
Kimble Cho, Wayne Rigsby and Grace 봉고차, 반 pelt all bustled around the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on their thanksgiving meal.
" Where are Jane and Lisbon?" 봉고차, 반 pelt asked her male coworkers. They shrugged.
" Who knows? Maybe they went to get 더 많이 cranberries?" Rigsby offered. As if on cue, Teresa Lisbon walked through the...
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posted by Chaann94
Soo this is my first (Jisbon) 팬 fic I'm writing, so I hope 당신 like it! I'm not familiar with the ratings on 팬 fictions but... okay I'll tell it straight away... there's no sex in it. Also, sorry for my spelling errors! Hope 당신 like it and please comment!


It was slowly getting dark and the 개 were tired of searching, so was the team. 봉고차, 반 Pelt could see her boss getting 더 많이 nervous every single 초 she stood there.

She didn't blame her tough, it wasn't every 일 when your colluege gets 로스트 in the woods. Jane wanted to proove something again in a case, and said he'd find it in...
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posted by zubeerfaan
4.10 Fugue in Red Spoilers - TVGuide 5-18 December Transcript
The Mentalist Goes Mental Episode 410 Fugue in Red
This might not seem like a laughing matter, but it is! Tonight on The Mentalist, someone comes very close to murdering Patrick Jane, the criminal analyst played 의해 Simon Baker, and it will leave our hero with a bizarre case of selective amnesia – which has him reverting back to the wicked, womanizing ways of his youth.
“Patrick is once again the completely conscience-free hustler he was in the years before the audience met him.” Says creator Bruno Heller “He’s forgotten he...
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posted by DramaNut
Disclaimer: I do not own the mentalist. If I did this would be a script, not fanfiction.
" when did this happen?!" Vanpelt shrieked.
" shut up Vanpelt! It happened the first time we met, he just caught my eye and right then I knew I would never be the same." Lisbon said in a desperate whisper.
" holy god!!! This is so awesome! I need to go tell Wayne!"
" NO! 당신 are not to tell anyone!" Lisbon's usually bright green eyes turned wild, fear and anger mixed into one emotion.
" ok, I swear, no one will know about this until 당신 want them to." Vanpelt said,...
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posted by DramaNut
 Lisbon means strong. Jane means jerk.
Lisbon means strong. Jane means jerk.
Oh, this fanfic is starting to 덮개, 랩 up. Sad? Good, 당신 should be. Jane and Lisbon are freakin' fighting, and not in their usually adorkable way!!! I need to give simovska mad props for their pics!! I don't know where 당신 find these pics simovska, but I defidently want to know!
Disclaimer: Jisbon is real. Me owning The Mentalist is not.

" It's official. Jane broke Lisbon." 봉고차, 반 pelt announced to the team as she came out of Lisbon's office.
" What'd he do?!" Rigsby snarled. Cho broke his usually silence 의해 saying,
" Just give the word and we'll kill him." there...
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posted by DramaNut
 사랑 is forever. Unless Patrick Jane says something stupid
Love is forever. Unless Patrick Jane says something stupid
I'm so freakin' sorry it took me so long to write this chapter!!!! I'm working on my latest novel and had NO TIME for this. I still cry every night 'cause i DONT OWN THE MENTALIST!!!!

" Thanks for making me go out tonight Jane. I had.... fun." Lisbon said to Jane at the steps of her apartment.
" Me too." Jane had that 'I'm gonna pull something but 당신 don't know what the heck it is' look. Lisbon stepped a little bit closer.
" We should do this again sometime. Just 당신 and me." she took another step forward. Jane didnt seem to notice the gap between them that Lisbon...
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posted by DramaNut
This is my epilogue. I have to say that if you've been following this fanfiction since the beginning, I am totally grateful! 당신 guys are the reason I never gave up on this story. So, here it is. The end!
One 년 Later
" Jane. Jane! JANE!!!" Lisbon yelled sleepily.
" huh? Teris?" Jane said, half asleep.
" We have to go to work." As Lisbon started to climb out of bed, Jane grabbed her wrist.
" Five 더 많이 minutes." Jane whined. Lisbon rolled her eyes but climb back under the covers with him.
" Five minutes." she said sternly.
" I 사랑 you." Jane said suddenly.
" I 사랑 당신 too...
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posted by DramaNut
The 초 chapter of " Lisbon's turn at Love"
Disclaimer: I still don't own the mentalist. Someone else beat me in THAT auction ( but I won CSI. ) JK! But seriously, i don't own the mentalist.
" Boss? Boss! LISBON!" Lisbon suddenly woke up from her daydream. She was taken back 의해 the sight of Patrick Jane inches from her face.
" WHAT?!" Lisbon yelled, trying ( and failing ) to hide her blushing face. Jane noticed her bright red cheeks and just smiled slightly.
" Um, I just wanted to tell 당신 that all of us are going out tonight and was wondering if you'd want to...
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