Steven Strait Engaged

Heidi42 posted on Jan 06, 2008 at 01:36AM
I dunno if its true or not but i heard that steven is now engaged... yes i know...we are all very disapointed... lol

Steven Strait 8 replies

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over a year ago boobie_143 said…
ohhhh nooo!!!!who's the girl?
over a year ago Heidi42 said…
idk who it is... he had an interview with teen vouge that said he was engaged but it never said who he was engaged to...if anyone finds out please post it on here
over a year ago Princess0929 said…
I heard he was. Maybe it's with his girlfriend Lynn Collins they started dating in 2006.
over a year ago shieldmaiden said…
it is...and they're married as of March '08 as confirmed by GQ magazine. AND they hadn't even been dating for a year. Any bets on a divorce in the future?
over a year ago Bandgeek_XP said…
OMG Yeah i Just heard that like today!! HE'S MARRIED!!!! Well, oh well i guess he's happy.

OMG if any one is a twilight fan then you would know people want him as jacob well.....if he can't play jacob then why not that other guy who plays sam get fired and Steven can be sam! :)

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Heidi42 said…
I think they should put him in the background as a random person. haha. Because i like the guy they have for jake. Even though steven might look better with long hair. ;)
over a year ago Blossom71 said…
:( Another one bites the dust.If you watch the 10,000 BC interview he has a wedding ring on his finger.
over a year ago sethbaird said…
I proposed and got rejected...OUCH