별, 스타 Wars 팬 Fiction Club
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posted by Icepaw_Kenobi
Obi-Wan miserably hunched down in his 옷, 가운 and squinted in the pouring rain. The 일 had been a long one, filled with meeting after meeting on how best to hold the elections peacefully. There were some people, supposedly put there 의해 the government, who opposed the elections. They mobbed anyone foolish enough to openly support the new government and the people lived in fear of their families being the 다음 to be attacked. The meetings were good for Anakin, who had patience issues, but for Obi-Wan they were a nightmare. Boredom led to thinking, which led to the note. And the note made Obi-Wan's stomach flutter. It was all too much, too fast. After contacting the council and assuring them that the mission would continue, he had wanted to run. He couldn't face Xanatos now, not in this fragile state. But he would do his duty, even though it would probabaly be the death of him. He shivered.

Suddenly, a black figure stepped out of the shadows. Xanatos! was Obi-Wan's thought, and he ignited his lightsaber, but the figure drew back his 후드 to reveal a man with brown hair and warm hazel eyes. Obi-Wan let out a relieved sigh. Not Xanatos. Most definitely not Xanatos. When he spoke, his voice was warm and inviting, just like his eyes.
He eyed their lightsabers.

"Might I ask assistance from the esteemed jedi without getting skewered?"

"Depends on what you're asking," said Anakin, his voice filled with hostility. His master had been uneasy since he had recieved that note, jumping at every shadow and snapping at his apprentice. Anakin had crept into his room while he was making "dinner" and read it. It made no sense whatsoever to him. And Obi-Wan would not explain it.

Obi-Wan shot a look at his apprentice, who actually listened to his master and fell silent. "Possibly. What is it 당신 are asking?"

The stranger moved closer. "I am the leader of the Resistance. We have been doing the things we do not to make a statement, but to prevent a dictatorship from forming. If the elections go on, Xanatos deCrion will become the new leader of Telos. The elections are a scheme to help him to power, and we are trying to stop it. We are going to attempt to remove him from office in three days."

Obi-Wan was shocked. Here they were, complete strangers, and the leader of the resistance was telling them their plan, gambling on the fact that they would help. "Assassination?"

The man grimaced, "Possibly. Unless 당신 would help us to take him into custody."

"Are there any charges against him?"

"No. We are trying to find proof that he is trying to take power, but we have found nothing. We can find no record of his earlier crimes against the planet."

"Since I don't yet no your name, how can I know that I can trust you?"

He grinned. "Zecan. Zecan Durhan."

"I am Obi-Wan Kenobi and this is my apprentice, Anakin Skywalker. We will help 당신 to the best of our abilities."

"Thank you. 당신 have no idea how much this means to the people of Telos." Zecan looked very relieved.

"You're welcome."

Zecan turned and led the way down the alley, motioning for them to follow. Obi-Wan and Anakin did so, the latter much 더 많이 reluctantly.

"Are 당신 sure we can trust him, master?" Anakin asked in a low voice.

"No. Be on your guard, but don't show it. If he is leading us into a trap, it will reveal itself sooner 또는 later."

"Master, who is Xanatos?"

Obi-Wan's breathing quickened as he heard those words. "An old acquaintance." He replied. Am I turning into Qui-Gon, keeping my secrets clutched to my chest?he wondered. Anakin seemed unsatified with the answer, but was unable to 질문 Obi-Wan further because the sound of blasterfire suddenly started as they rounded a corner. A few blocks away, many men were swarming the entrance to a tall, black building.

Obi-Wan quickened his pace to match Zecan's. "Would that be your headquarters?" he asked.

"Yes. That would be the headquarters. This will be a lot 더 많이 difficult than I thought. Xanatos and his men have found us."

Though the calm, stoic jedi master on the outside, Obi-Wan's first reaction was one of panic. He wasn't ready to face Xanatos, but he would have to. He commed the temple. Master Yoda picked up on the other end. Obi-Wan began his report. "Xanatos is trying to gain control of Telos once again, and had begun an attack on the headquarters of the resistance. The resistance are opposed to Xanatos and are trying to arrest him. Permission to engage?"

The reply was garbled. "Xanatos...resistance...engage...you...death...ready."

"Umm... Master Yoda? Your transmission is garbled. I can't understand you."


"I'll take that as a no."

"Permssion grant-" The line went dead. Obi-Wan tried comming the temple again. Nothing. No transmissions would get through. Just perfect. I'm going to get killed and no one will ever know. At least I'll be with Siri.

Master? Anakin interrupted his thoughts.


What did he say?

We are to engage.

Yes master. Umm... Master?

Yes, Padawan?

Can 당신 please not give up before we even start?

Anakin's words got through to Obi-Wan like only Yoda's had. There were still people here who needed him. He could not give up yet. It was time to face his old demons. And part of him still shrank from his duty.

Zecan shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "Will 당신 help us to drive out Xanatos?"

Obi-Wan swallowed. "Yes." He had a feeling he was sentancing them all to doom.

The man smiled."Excellent."

"You're welcome."

Their boots echoed on the bright white floor of the corridor. The resistance headquarters was a maze, and the two jedi would have gotten 로스트 if it weren't for Zecan and the force. There was a darkness, though, dirtying the clean-smelling walls and growing as they went further inside. Suddenly, they rounded a corner and came face to face with a patrol of uniform-clad Offworlders. A feeling of Deja Vu rushed over the elder jedi. Here he stood, facing Xanatos' minions with someone he would die for and someone he had just met, but would also die for. Grief washed over him in a wave as the patrol opened fire.

Anakin and Obi-Wan blocked the blasterfire as Zecan hit the enemy with blasterfire of his own. The sight made Obi-Wan think of her[i]. The guards were all dead in seconds. Jedi had once 더 많이 killed. Zecan led the way further up the hallway. He turned another corner, the jedi on their guard even 더 많이 now as they jogged through the headquarters.

The force whispered something, and Obi-Wan jumped into Zecan, knocking him behind a pile of storage crates. Anakin moved with him, just in time. A smooth voice was heard yelling something as a squadron of about fifty men turned the corner, led 의해 a figure in a black cape.

"Xanatos," Obi-Wan gasped. Seeing the dark jedi once 더 많이 made Obi-Wan feel like an apprentice again. [I]No. No. No. NO!
Anakin put his hand on his master's shoulder.


"I'm okay Anakin. Now listen to me. We are going to engage. Get the troops and let me deal with the leader. He will have a lightsaber. And if I tell 당신 to run, 당신 will run, understood"

Anakin looked at the group of Offworlders, sizing them up. "Yes master." Obi-Wan nodded and turned to the other crouching figure. He simply said one word.


The three men leaped out from behind the crates, lightsabers and blasters blazing. The soldiers were surprised for a moment, then returned the fire. Anakin and Zecan ran for the men. Obi-Wan ran for Xanatos. His smile sent chills down Obi-Wan’s spine.

"Hello Kenobi."

They clashed lightsabers. Obi-Wan drew back for another blow, trusting that Anakin could handle the soldiers. He slashed at the former jedi's legs, but the blow was blocked. Xanatos and Obi-Wan traded blows, each sizing each other up. Then Xanatos lunged. Obi-Wan did a double black flip, evading the blow.

Xanatos laughed. "Why don't 당신 just surrender now?"

"Why don't you?"

"Because I actually have something that I haven't managed to lose."

Obi-Wan was thrown of balance. His focus wavered for a 초 and he was thrown back, crashing into the wall. He lay there, stunned.

"Oh, yes, I know all about poor Siri." Xanatos advanced on him, continuing. "It seems 당신 just weren't good enough to save her, just like dear Master Jinn. 당신 weren't good enough to save him, either. 당신 just can't do anything right, can 당신 Kenobi?"

Obi-Wan jumped to his feet in a rage. "You don't deserve to speak either of their names! 당신 don't even deserve to live! 당신 take without giving, kill without regret, and try to take power out of greed! I hate you!" With every word, he rained another blow on his enemy.

"Getting a bit angry, aren't we? Jedi aren't supposed to hate."

"I don't care! I-" he paused.

"Going a little sithly?"

"You're one to talk!"

"At least I left the jedi before I started murdering people! 당신 don't deserve to call yourself a master, just like your precious Qui-Gon!"

"You don't deserve the ground 당신 stand on." Obi-Wan countered, somewhat 더 많이 calmly. Now Xanatos was in a rage, ferociously raining down blows on the jedi, while Obi-Wan had found his center and calmly countered every blow.

"At least I admit it!"

Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow. "Admit what? You'd never admit that anything you've done is wrong! 당신 do it all out of revenge and greed, yet that is justified because it is you doing it, not your enemy! I've changed my mind. I don't hate you, I pity you."

The dark jedi cursed under his breath. He had been so close to turning Kenobi to the dark side, soclose. But he would never show his disappointment. Things would be very unfortunate for him if he did.

"Well, Kenobi, let me tell 당신 something! I am a sith lord! I have all the power in the galaxy, and you pity me[i]! If anyone should be pitied, it is you, shackled 의해 the jedi code! The one 당신 loved died, and 당신 were too weak to save her! If 당신 had been of the dark side, if [i]I had been there, she would still be alive! 당신 fool!"

Obi-Wan's first thought was, Xanatos, a sith? and then he accepted it. But the 초 part, about Siri, could that be true? No! That can't be the way! And the voice inside his head was so forceful that Obi-Wan was almost convinced.

"You are a failure Kenobi. 당신 couldn’t save Qui-Gon, 당신 couldn’t save Siri, 당신 couldn’t even get your apprentice to obey you. If it weren’t for you, this war wouldn’t have even started. And soon your brat and the entire jedi order will 가입하기 our precious master

"NO!" Obi-Wan’s control cracked. Then he exploded. Anger filled him, the same anger from when he had killed Magus. He attacked Xanatos viciously, and was driving him towards a corner.

He drew his lightsaber sideways in an arc that should have cut the handle of Xanatos' red lightsaber in half, followed 의해 his neck, but missed because a stray blaster bolt suddenly struck him in the shoulder. The jedi was half spun around and thrown to the floor 의해 the force of it, and his lightsaber was ripped from his hand with the force. He growled and summoned it back. Light exploded from the 'saber where two very stubborn wills were locked in battle. Obi-Wan finally brought it back to his hand with a gasp and ignited it. Xanatos cleaved downward, at Obi-Wan’s wrist. The jedi tried to 옮기기 out of the way, but his shoulder was too weak and it was too late. The red blade severed his lightsaber hilt and sliced his hand. Then it moved to rest against his neck. Xanatos kicked him in the ribs, and fiery pain consumed Obi-Wan's body. He doubled up, gasping. A band of reinforcements appeared at the end of the hallway, replacing the four soldiers still standing. They surrounded Anakin, and Obi-Wan shook his head weakly in response to Anakin's questioning stare.

"Now, little jedi, drop your lightsaber 또는 your master dies."

Obi-Wan knew Anakin would give in. He would not allow that. With his remaining strength, he yelled in Anakin's mind one word. Run! Obi-Wan suddenly jumped up, crashing into Xanatos and clearing the way for Anakin and Zecan to run. Anakin actually obeyed, running lightly past with a doubtful glance at his master. Xanatos threw him back, holding him against the opposite 벽 with the force. His silky voice was the last thing Obi-Wan heard as the stun bolt hit his good shoulder. "This was a trap, Kenobi, and 당신 walked right into it. Now, after the apprentice!"
heres my first story hope 당신 like it
18 years after the destruction of death 별, 스타 II, a new villian has appeared from another galaxy, the yuzzhan yong, who has powers to 옮기기 별, 스타 systems.

Their desire to control the galaxy has disrupted the New Republic and threatens their government.

Coming back from Alderaan, Princess Leia Organa Solo and Han Solo, now married, with Chewbacca returns to Coruscant to find out what happened with the yuzzhan yong.

The Millenium 매, 팔 콘 appears in the Coruscant system.

Princess leia: I wonder what is going on with the yuzzhan yong.

Han solo:...
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posted by captainrexbest
Me: Okay. I have been begged and begged 의해 rexsgirl123 to write this story. It's a one- shot so don't expect more. Quay!
Quay: Spottedpelt does not own starwars the clone wars only her OCs. Shelby belongs to rexsgirl123.
Me: on with the story before she has my head.

Shelby's pov

As I walked down the school hallway to last period I noticed him. He was standing there at the classroom door talking to one of the teachers. His short hair was obviously dyed blond. His eyebrows were black. His 초콜릿 brown eyes shined as he laughed at something someone else said.
I hadn't realized I had been staring...
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as Rogue Squardron leaves Yavin 4, meanwhile on Coruscant in the Senate Building Leia and Han meet with a familiar person and droid.

C-3PO: hello i am C-3PO human cyborg relations!

Han: oh he says that all the time

C-3PO: Is that Han and Princess Leia? 당신 look elderly.

Leia: Thank 당신 Threepio. Hello Mara Jade.

Mara Jade: hello Leia.

Mara jade skywalker was former emperor's hand and became the wife of Luke. Mara Jade has become a jedi under the training of Luke.

Han: So about this "powerful" species?

C-3PO: Well this funticonal species has the power of a 30.2 초 radius of a-

Leia: 'Thank you...
continue reading...
When Ahsoka got to her quarters, she immediately went on a chat line. She put her bluetooth on and logged in. She looked for Barriss's username.

OffeeBarriss logs on.

OffeeBarriss: Hello!

TanoGal17 logs on.

TanoGal17: Barriss! Oh my god, I can't believe I'm talking, er, chatting with 당신 again.

OffeeBarriss: IKR? I missed you! :(

TanoGal17: IK. I did 2. But the thing is that Anakin made me choose a different outfit. But I <3 it!

OffeeBarriss: Really? Well, I'm happy 4 U! I haven't put mine on yet.

TanoGal17: Why? It's probably great!

OffeeBarriss: Well, I, uh, can't. I don't fit in it yet....
continue reading...
Barriss: Oh my god!! I can't wait for 당신 to meet Quinlan!

Ahsoka: Yeah, I...can't...wait.

Barriss and Ahsoka were at Coruscant Park where all the children and teens hung out.
They were waiting for Quinlan Vos to arrive.

Barriss sees Quinlan and runs to him.

Barriss: Oh my god!! Quinlan it's you! You've changed, ever since middle school!

Quinlan: Right back at ya!!

They both hug of expecting their presence.

Barriss: Quinlan, this is Ahsoka.

Ahsoka walks towards them.

Barriss: Quinlan, Ahsoka. Ahsoka, Quinlan.

Quinlan: Nice to meet you.

Ahsoka: Barriss has told me SO much about you! Literally....

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It's been quite a while since Ahsoka has seen Rex. They missed each other in the war. But now Ahsoka was going to come back from the war, although it never ended yet.

Ahsoka was on the Twilight ship with Anakin. They have gotten older, so they grew out of their old outfits and picked new ones. They landed on Coruscant and all the clones waited for their arrival.

Ahsoka: Oh my god. I can't belive that I'm going to Rex aga- *she stopped* Uhh, I mean the clones.

Anakin: Yeah, sure. 의해 the way, 당신 look great.

Ahsoka: Thank you, Anakin.

Anakin was surprised. He's never heard her say his real name. Now...
continue reading...
“What??” Cade asked 물오리, 청록 eagerly.
“I know what he means 의해 Rose!!! Okay, when 당신 asked if he knew someone with the name Rose I immediately thought no. But he does, her name isn’t Rose. But Rosalinda, Rosalinda Sandrea. She’s the daughter of Kind Sandrea of Naboo, she helps out the Senator of Naboo and she’s quite the Sleuth from what I know. She’s helped out the police a few times with cases; Master’s met her multiple times. He speaks highly 또는 her, and can sometimes act different around her. He must be referring to her.”
“You mean the person that looks after See Threepio...
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On Kashyyyk, Jaina, jacen, and luke are winning the battle of kashyyyk. Jaina kills the last vong on the planet. Wookiees cheer victoriously.

Luke: Good job Jaina.

Jaina: thanks

R2-D2: "happy chirp"

On Alaris Prime Anakin and Chewie pick up slaves.

Anakin: wow there are alot of slaves to pick up

Chewbacca: rooogh

Meanwhile in the Coruscant system, the vong jump into hyperspace to Alaris Prime.

Shimirra: hahaha have fun dying wookiees hahahahaha!!!!!

The vong enter to the planet.

Shimirra: now its your time to die wookiees hahaha!

a huge blast from their superweapon hita alaris prime. Its so powerful that...
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As Gold group starts to fail in the Mon calamari system, the Millenium 매, 팔 콘 enters the system from hyperspace and starts to kill the vong fighters.

3PO: Well what a cruel 우주 battle. We should leave.

Han: Shut up 또는 your down.

3PO: How can i be down? Im a droid I have a 15.7 brain function rating with a plati-
Leia shuts him down.

Luke grabs his comlink.

luke:Thanks guys.

Han: no problem kiddo.

The fighters retreat and Gold Group cheers.

Meanwhile on Kashyyyk, Wookiees start to fail as 더 많이 Yuzzhan Vong kills them.

Jaina: Backup fighters, we need 더 많이 assistance.

Captain: Right away we will use out...
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posted by fruitsofmalice
In this story, Padme and Ahsoka are best 프렌즈 who reside on Naboo. Ahsoka Tano is a former jedi padawan who left the order and now serves Naboo's senator Padme Amidala. Anakin Skywalker was captured at the age of four and was raised 의해 Chancellor Palpatine. He's known as Darth Vader, but at the moment is Palpatine's secret apprentice...Padme is 18. Ahsoka is 18. Vader is 23.

Ahsoka Tano paced in front of the 왕좌, 왕위 room. "It's not like Padme to be late. There has to be something wrong." Today was the anual celebration of the Victory over the Trade Federation. Back when Padme was queen, Qui...
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posted by TabbyLover
Chapter 1:

A sorrowful sigh escapes his lips once more, thinking of what could have been if he wasn’t betrayed 의해 the one person Obi-Wan Kenobi has always trusted with his life. Walking done the narrow streets of an abandon settlement on a distant planet, known as Karackos. He had come here in 검색 of any survivors and instead, all Obi-Wan has managed to find is death littering up the narrow streets. Smoke and sand was stinging his eyes as the wind teases his hair. Sadness is overwhelming and it isn’t something Obi-Wan wants to see again 또는 even to feel the pain of thousands dying breaths...
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posted by OrganaGirl400
I walked down the hallway to my room. Horrible day? Check. I pressed the door open button. Just open stupid door!
"Don't break it, Cass. We only have one door." said my incredibly annoying sister, Maia. I rolled my eyes and chucked my bag at her.
"Ow! What did 당신 put in this?!!" she yelled. My books. And blaster. I didn't answer. I walked over to her and snatched the bag back.
" Where are 당신 going?" she asked me, holding onto my bag.
"Why do 당신 need to know?" I said. I pulled my bag. She didn't let go.
"Gimme my bag!!" I yelled. She still held on. I think she is almost as stubborn as...
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posted by rexsgirl123
This is for a great friend and an awesome mentor!

Rex's POV

Her soft lips touched mine. I let my tongue slip into her mouth. She smiled. Her soft skin brushed against my chest. I encircled her in my arms. She grabbed my arm and she lifts it to her shoulder. Her sweet, sexy legs wrapped them selves around me. I kissed her 더 많이 hungrily.

Shelby's POV

His strong, muscled, hard abs gently touched my stomach. I bit his tongue like a dog. We are going to get married, have sex, then have kids and we'd live to the fullest. He pressured my 키싱 to continue. I suck on his neck. The fact that he's in my...
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posted by captainrexbest
reminder of the clones that are here: Rex, Denal, Bud, Buddy, Coric, Jayfeather, Jesse, Hardcase, Christian, Max, Tracer, and Blaze

Me: hello everybody! Quay WILL be doing the disclaimer today.

Quay: Spottedpelt does not own 별, 스타 Wars: The Clone Wars. She only owns her OCs: Bud, Buddy, Jayfeather, Christian, Max, Tracer, and Fireblaze (Blaze).

Me: Happy now?

Quay: Yes. Thank 당신 팬 for all of your suggestions.

Me: As long as you're not being a whining baby. *pulls out 오리 tape and tapes Quay to the wall*

Quay: Help! She's crazy!

Me: Shut up! *duck tapes his mouth shut* I might untie him at the end...
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posted by captainrexbest
reminder of the clones that are here: Rex, Denal, Bud, Buddy, Coric, Jayfeather, Jesse, Hardcase, Christian, Max, Tracer, and Blaze

Me: hello everybody! Guess what chappie 5! Quay won't be doing the disclaimer today. Bradie will.

Bradie: (btw i'm a girl.) My friend does not own 별, 스타 Wars: The Clone Wars. She only owns her OCs: Bud, Buddy, Jayfeather, Christian, Max, Tracer, and Fireblaze (Blaze).

Me: Thank 당신 Bradie. 팬 thank 당신 so much for the suggestions. 당신 have helped me so much with this story.

Quay: why are 당신 letting other people do the disclaimer?

Me: because I can. now shut up so...
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added by GalindaGirl
Source: Me for drawing it.
added by xwolf19
Source: me!
OK, o, this might be a little bit lame, but this is my first fanfic, so take pity on me. Plz review anyway!

"Obi-wan, I..." Satine struggled against her captor's arms, tears streaking down her cheeks. "Obi-wan, I..I 사랑 you" her beautiful, moon-like eyes stared into his eyes pleadingly. Obi-wan knew it was time. He had to tell her.

" I..I 사랑 you, too" he breathed, nervously, but at the same time, triumph filled his heart. If only they could kiss...

Obi-wan Kenobi, Jedi master, sat up in bed, sweating. Why did he always have that dream? Why? With shaking hands, he brought his cup of water...
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posted by starwars101
Obi-wan stumbled down the hall and into his room, sweating. Satine had just boarded, and it hadn't gone well. Satine had stepped onto the deck, regal as ever in her royal attire. The 초 he saw her, he'd broken out in a sweat. He blamed it on the room temperature. He would have to tell Anakin to check the thermostat 다음 time. The 공식 만찬, 저녁 식사 벨 rang, interrupting his thoughts, and Obi-wan turned, and ran down the hall, stomach churning as he realized he'd have to see Satine at dinner.

" Obi-wan, I 당신 to pass the salt please asked" said Yoda, sounding a little irritated. Obi-wan looked up...
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added by GalindaGirl
Source: Herinteractive.com for the game and me for puting it together