The fans pick: Of course! Faith is hot and entertaining!
Of course! Faith is hot and... |
It would be really cool she... |
The fans pick: James Marsters
The fans pick: i hate everything about 당신 의해 three days grace
i hate everything about 당신 by... |
the package 의해 a perfect... |
The fans pick: Not until now
The fans pick: she will come for me
The fans pick: Spike: "Were 당신 there with me?" Buffy: "I was."
The fans pick: Buffy: "You think we're dancing?" Spike: "That's all we've ever done."
The fans pick: that was real
The fans pick: Most of the Above
The fans pick: Yes! Because...(say in comments)
The fans pick: Yes! Spuffy deserves 더 많이 participation!!!!
Yes! Spuffy deserves more... |
The fans pick: Thier similarities
The fans pick: Yes! it's so pretty
Yes! it&# 39; s so pretty |
Actually, I don&# 39; t know that... |
The fans pick: Whohoo! shows how much better Spuffy is!
The fans pick: Yes! in season 7 it feels like Spike is the only one who has her back
The fans pick: yes! I want them together in season 9 so much!
The fans pick: Spike and Buffy
The fans pick: Yes! totally! all the way!
The fans pick: Touched- Spike's Speech to Buffy
The fans pick: 7x20 Spike holds Buffy as she sleeps
The fans pick: 6x09 Hot fight & sex scene
The fans pick: 5x18 Buffy kisses Spike as Buffybot
The fans pick: 4x09 Buffy taunts Spike/feeds him blood
The fans pick: Spuffy/Angel/Joyce 부엌, 주방
The fans pick: 2x22 Reluctant allies/Buffy's house
The fans pick: Buffy to Spike: Chosen
The fans pick: 6x09 Smashed
The fans pick: 6x8 Tabula Rasa
yes! I loved them when they... |
No! their relatio- nship was... |
The fans pick: Damon/Elena (TVD)
The fans pick: The Spuffy Realm
I don&# 39; t read fanfiction |
The fans pick: spikes_girl
The fans pick: YES, WE SHOULD
The fans pick: I never watch LOST, sorry
The fans pick: LIE_TO_ME_123
The fans pick: I don't count.
The fans pick: LIE_TO_ME_123
The fans pick: Nope... Don't want to compete
The fans pick: Their relationship is complex and well-developed.
The fans pick: SHANNON9396
The fans pick: Get the chip out of his head
The fans pick: shannon9396
The fans pick: YES ALL THE WAY♥
The fans pick: SHANNON9396
The fans pick: LAUREN1102
The fans pick: "every night, I save you.." ; b/s vidlet - 의해 doode25
The fans pick: SHANNON9396
The fans pick: 사랑 hate sex pain 의해 godsmack
사랑 hate sex pain 의해 godsmack |
when the lights are out by... |
The fans pick: No, but they are one of my 상단, 맨 위로 favourites!