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added by BallistixSX
Source: Me
posted by silverstruelove
5 years later:
Silver:(thinking) it's been five years since Magic has left us. We all have been mourning her death ever since then. I was walking towards the field where Magic had made the decision that changed our lives forever. Everyone has visited her grave in the hero's cemetery. I mean everyone. Eggman came once a week, crying, with lavender roses. Everyone has been affected 의해 Magic's death in different ways. The one who has been affected the most was luna, she once said she was going to commit suicide, but said Magic was stopping her. We ignored that, thinking she'd gone crazy with grief....
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added by Tsukimi621791
Source: Isabell
added by skylaninetales
Source: using it
added by musiclover2015
Source: 의해 ~azuria-the-hedgehog
added by rougethebatfan9
posted by silverstruelove
It was 2 years after leo was killed 의해 luna:
(In dream)
Me:(pinned up against wall) let me go! (Struggling)
???:no way "hero"
Me:(stops struggling) n-n-no i-it c-cant be
???:its me alright
Me:(struggles again) let me go leo
Leo:(smirks evilly) no way. Ive always wanted to do this hero
Me:do what
Leo:(leans 앞으로 to my ear and whispered) 키스 you
Me:(blushes a deep red) no leo
Leo:(smiles and leans 앞으로 until our noses touch) yes leo
Me:(struggles) keep your dirty mouth away from mine
Leo:(smiles) i 사랑 when they play hard to get
Me:(feels his breath) leo p-please im begging 당신 dont do this
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added by Alicethebat
added by Rainbowdash6060
Source: me yahoo and pain tools
added by musiclover2015
Source: 의해 *Sakura123Cha
added by Noulin123
added by PrincessB555
added by rockrooster
Source: To the owners.
added by ant_is_a_clown
added by R3ina-L0v3
added by StormTheFighter
added by sonamyfan222
added by SSBB36
Source: Amy_Lee_Fan
added by lilathefox
added by mimihearts10