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posted by TakTheFox
It is the Seventh time that I had woken up now. I decide to count so I can keep track of how long it took until I met Mickey and Chowder. The first 일 was my… first day. The 초 일 was when I hurt my foot. The third 일 was when I was hurt 의해 the lamp. It was the fourth 일 that I met Mickey and Chowder. The fifth 일 I woke up without them. The sixth I’m not sure about.

When I first woke up I thought that every time I went back to sleep a new 일 arrived, but I don’t know how much time passes when I go to sleep. Maybe I fell sleep and the 일 was not a full day. Maybe the game was replaced 또는 fixed while I was sleeping. The only thing that helps me figure out what decide if a 일 passed 또는 not is the arms.

Every time a 일 passed I remembered arms before I went to sleep, and yesterday they came again. I was eating… done eating, and started to walk out, but when I opened the 부엌, 주방 door an arm was there and stuffed the pill into my throat before I could do anything. It didn’t even need to grab my arm this time.

And now I’m waking up. So this is either the Sixth, 또는 the Seventh day. If it’s the Sixth, then in two days I will see Mickey and 잡탕 요리, 챠 우 더 again. If it is the Seventh 일 I will see them tomorrow.

I feel excited. I wonder how they will act when I see them again. I should show them the game- or, or, I should write down how fast I was on the Treadmill! I should tell them how I made the wheel go, 또는 how the walls are metal, or-

I have to get started now. I feel a lot of energy in me for some reason. What should I do first? I throw off my 침대 covers and run to the living room. The game is still on the ground, good. Now... whenever I wake up everything is back to normal… even though this game is still here now… a-anyway, so if I wake up and it’s not with me, I can’t show it to Mickey and Chowder. I need to make it so the game comes with me.

“I’ll tie it on me!” Because there is no string I use the 침상, 소파 covers as rope again. I tie the game around my arm and start to think of other things to do. The game feels a bit hard to carry, heavy. Maybe I should wait until later to tie it? But what if the arms come when I’m not holding it? I’ll lose it.

No I keep it with me. I can live with it being heavy for now. I need to tell Mickey how fast I was on the treadmill, but I don’t remember the numbers. I’ll do the treadmill again and then write it down and tie that to me too. I need paper for that, but the only paper I ever had was the one on the bread-sweet thing. If I can’t find paper I will have to write on something else… but I’ll need something to write with, and it has to be small enough so I can carry it.

I think about ripping the couch, 글쓰기 a message that way, but it’s much too big. Maybe if I carve into the bread? I go to the 부엌, 주방 and try to pick off small parts of the bread, but then I realize that I haven’t done the treadmill yet so I stop. Looking over at the 빵 I realize that I probably won’t be able to write on it anyway. It rips off parts I don’t want ripped off.

I can’t use the water, the water will dry up. What else do I have to use though? Will I have to remember the numbers? I can’t afford to forget them. I need something that will leave a mark on something else.

I remember seeing numbers on the scale. Maybe if I put enough pressure on the scale I can make it say the numbers I get on the Treadmill and bring that. I get 더 많이 rope and use it to make a knot around the scale, while at the same time making it so that the knot can pull in and out in how tight it is. I pull, and the makeshift rope snaps… it broke.

Maybe if I used two ropes it will stay not-broken. I try that, pulling with one hand for each rope. One breaks, and right after that the other breaks. I fall back almost crashing into the 벽 if it isn’t for my tail balancing me.

I need to make the rope stronger. I look over the rope pieces. They are kind of thin. If I could make them thicker that would make it stronger I think, but how would I do that? I don’t know how 침상, 소파 cushions are made, 또는 what from.

I decide to try again. I don’t want to have to tear off 더 많이 rope so I tie the two broken ropes back together and pull. They break again but this time it takes longer for them to break. The parts they broke at were farther away from the knot I notice. Maybe… I try to break the knot 의해 pulling it. It doesn’t break. But how will I make it all a knot?

I notice that the rope is sort of 라푼젤 pieces of rope when a knot so I try wrapping the ropes around each other. They make a sort of design, but when I start wrapping them around the scale though they begin to unwrap. I need a way to keep them wrapped.

I try tying them at certain points. They stay together. I 덮개, 랩 my new rope around the scale. It doesn’t break. This is good; I start to make measurements on the scale, but the rope knots keep making it hard to pull when they get caught on the edges. I reach the number seventy while using all of my arms and legs to push and pull the scale. I try to test keep it like that 의해 tying the rope once it’s kept as those numbers, but it’s too hard. I’m too tired and sore (especially with the game still on my arm) to stay steady while tying it, and my foot slips, making the scale loosen, and go back to zero again.

The scale isn’t going to work. Nothing will… I’ll just have to hope that I remember the numbers. I 옮기기 to go to the treadmill now but my legs don’t have the energy to do it yet. Maybe I could show them the 음식 I have, 또는 the Raench.

I go to the 부엌, 주방 and look for the Raench. I am also hoping that the sweet-bread thing is there. I’d like to give it to Mickey, he might like it. I find the Raench, but the sweet-bread thing isn’t there. I should tie the Raench on so that I can bring that along. I screw the lid on tightly first so it doesn’t splat everywhere, then tie it on my arm.

Now I need to figure out how to show that the walls are metal… I don’t know how I will do that. I think I will remember though so it shouldn’t be too bad. What else should I do? I should… I begin to walk around, trying to figure out what to do next. I walk through the kitchen, the living room, up and down the stairs, the bathroom, the bedroom, I open the closet repeatedly-…

While looking at my clothes on the hangers I start to wonder if I could be able to wear something else. I sort of like the clothes I usually wear, but they’re very bland. Maybe I could make something new and show it to Mickey and Chowder!

I begin to pull out the clothing. Shorts, and shirts, both grey, that is all I have. I need to know what I’m making first. Maybe I could make the arms on my shirts longer, 또는 the legs on my shorts.

I tear off the body of the shirts and roll them up to be my arm length. Now I need a way to put it together. If I make a hole it might tear the entire 셔츠 up. Maybe if I tie it on the short arms I can tie the rest around my arms, and that will make it longer.

I try it. The wrapping and tying looks strange but now I have a 셔츠 with long arms. I decide to do the same thing to my shorts but those don’t have the same amount of hole. They do look kind of wide though so I could make a hole in them.

I do that, and soon tie that into long legs. I’m happy to have made something new, and I’m excited to try on my new outfit. I change into it and hope that I look okay. I don’t have a way to see what I look like so I will have to ask Mickey and Chowder. I hope they like what I did.

Now that I’ve done a few other things I think I can do the treadmill again. I go up to it and 옮기기 the peddles as quickly as I can. This time I get to the number ninety-seven. Once I feel like I can’t get higher I slow down and get off. I stopped sooner than before. I don’t want to feel like I did the first time.

Ninety-seven… I’ll need to remember that. Wait… I go to the clothes and try to tear… yes I can do that, I- I did it! One of the shirts has a Ninety-Seven number on it now! I tie that to my arm, over the 초 arm I made on my clothing. Now I have everything.

Tired… I feel kind of tired now. I did a lot. For once I… I can’t believe I’m thinking this, but I kind of want the arms to give me the pill again so this can finish up quickly. I just hope that tomorrow Mickey and 잡탕 요리, 챠 우 더 are there… if they aren’t then it will be the 일 after tomorrow. I can wait… I have to wait.

I decide to wait on the couch. I let my arm rest, the one with the game tied to it. It was feeling kind of sore from carrying the game so much. It’s a while later but I hear a whirring… then I see the arms come out of the ceiling. Even when expecting them I’m afraid now…

I don’t want to be force-fed, it hurts. Maybe it can hear me. “You don’t have to grab me this time!” I say to them loudly while crawling backwards away from them. The arms 옮기기 towards me and I get ready to 오리 and run… then they drop the pill on the table…

I’m shocked. They… they actually heard me? They understood me? Could… could they know what is goin- “WAIT STOP! DON’T GO YE-“ they’ve left, to the ceiling. It’s too late. But now I feel… conf… conflict… I feel conflict. I want to go after the arms. If I open up the ceiling I can find them, talk to them. But if I don’t take the pill I won’t fall asleep… and I won’t see Mickey and 잡탕 요리, 챠 우 더 again.

I want to know what is going on, but…I did so much for them… I have to show them what I learned first… then I can look for the arms. I take the pill.

Everything becomes blurry, and I collapse. I’m asleep. When I wake up again I’m still on the couch, and I still have my items. The room is still here… M-maybe Mickey and 잡탕 요리, 챠 우 더 are in the house now! I can still see them again!

I check all the rooms. Neither of them are here. I know that there is still another 일 to check but this still makes me feel sad. It makes me feel doubt, and I don’t want to doubt. Now I have to wait a whole 일 again. I don’t have anything to do to get ready for them so what should I do in the meantime? I’m not playing the game again yet; not until Mickey says it’s okay. I’m not hungry yet, and I don’t want to use the treadmill, 또는 the wheel, right now. I could weigh myself on the scale, but that will take up only two 분 of my 일 at the most.

Hm… There’s the arms. I could still try to find where they came from, 또는 talk to them, something like that… but I don’t want to have to carry all this around while I do that. What if the hole is small? Well… I could at least see how large the 우주 is. First I need something to pull the ceiling part open.

I go to the kitchen, there was a large 칼, 나이프 I could use. It’s still there, good. I take it and walk back to where I saw the arms come out. There must be a hidden door 또는 something that let them through. I can’t reach that part of the ceiling though, even when standing on the couch. Maybe if I stack the 표, 테이블 onto the couch.

It’s really hard to get the 표, 테이블 onto the 침상, 소파 but I’m able to push it on. I take a small break after this to regain my energy, then climb on 상단, 맨 위로 of the table. It wiggles, it wiggles a lot. It starts to slide off of the 침상, 소파 so I jump off of it. It slowly falls, making a large bang on the ground.

The cushions… the cushions weren’t hard enough for it to stay on them. I need to take them off. I do this, and put the 표, 테이블 back again. It’s easier since the cushions don’t push against the legs anymore. When I get the 표, 테이블 back on its much sturdier, but it’s a little shorter. I think it will still work though.

I get on 상단, 맨 위로 of it and start using the 칼, 나이프 to pr-…pr- pry! I’m prying open the ceiling. I think that one 일 I should just sit and make 랜덤 noises. Maybe that will help me remember 더 많이 words.

With the Raench, game, and cloth, all on my arms it’s a bit hard to push and pull at the ceiling. My arms are getting sore but I need to get it open. I hear a cracking sound eventually, then a piece of the ceiling breaks open like a flat board. “Yes!”

I lower my hands and relax. I want to check it out but my arms need to rest first. The hole is actually pretty big so I might be able to get through it. I jump at it. My arms reach the hole but before I can pull myself inside further the boards begin to pull out more. I try to force myself up but my clothes and the game get caught on the edges. The ceiling crumbles, and I fall.

A bang, then a ringing noise follows. Everything gets red and blurry. My head hurts terribly, and a little while after that I feel bad, mostly in my stomach… sick. I feel sick. I must have hit my head on the 표, 테이블 when I fell. The soreness begins to sink in. It hurts so badly that I’m screaming, but when I scream I feel 더 많이 sore and 더 많이 sick, which makes me scream more.

Finally a huge stinging comes from my stomach, as if something was stuck in my throat and had to get out. I roll to the side and whatever I ate shoots out of my mouth. I feel both sicker and relieved at the same time. It’s not a good feeling at all, but I start to feel less bad. My head still hurts terribly.

When I finally get back up things are still a bit blurry. Pieces of the ceiling fall on my face like dust. It gets in my eyes, stinging them, and I instantly begin rubbing hard. Eventually I get the dust out and 옮기기 away from the hole in the ceiling. When I 옮기기 away though my foot slips on something and I fall forward. My tail saves me this time thankfully, but I quickly notice that what I was tripping over was my clothing.

The arm I added to my clothing had torn. I don’t feel too upset about this but I don’t like having to keep fixing things. Still though I untie what’s left of it, and make a new one with my other shirts and pants.

I don’t know if the ceiling can support my weight. It broke off before but that was probably because the hole was crumbly already. I’m not willing to try to do that again though, at least until I know I won’t fall this time. So now I need to find things that will equal my weight.

Unlike when I tried to equal my weight with the wheel, the hole is small. I can’t use the cushions anymore. I have all five clothe-sets, and the scale. I end up having to toss them up. The ceiling doesn’t collapse, but I don’t think the scale and clothes equal my weight. I break off legs from the 표, 테이블 and use those, it still hasn’t broken. I go to the 부엌, 주방 and start filling the hole with bread, salad, and Raench. When I throw the Raench in it falls back and hits me in the head. I fall back and land on the couch, then it falls on my stomach.

While angry at the bottle I throw it away, screaming for a second. I lean back on the 침상, 소파 and look up at the hole. A lot is in it now, and I can’t fit any 더 많이 things. I guess I’ll just have to hope I will fit 다음 time I try it. I’m hungry but the 빵 and 샐러드 are in the hole. I can’t reach them and with the 표, 테이블 broken I can’t use that to help myself up.

I’m tired of the lifting and moving. My legs and arms are sore. I still want to eat but if I sleep maybe I will have 음식 again. I lay down on the 침상, 소파 and close my eyes. I’m not completely upset though. Tomorrow I will see Mickey and 잡탕 요리, 챠 우 더 again. The 일 count… it has to be right. I’ll see them tomorrow and then I can show them everything.

I feel almost completely asleep when I hear a large amount of falling and crashing. I look over and the arms have shoved everything out of the hole. One of the 표, 테이블 arms almost hits me. I jerk away, curling up. The arms come closer to me, and this time they grab my arm even though I tell them that I’m not going to fight again.

One arm forces my hand open and hands me a pill. Why did it do this? If it thinks I will eat it why force it to my hand and not my mouth? I don’t have 답변 to that, but they’re here now so I might be able to get them to talk to me if they can. “Please don’t go!” I say before it’s let me go completely.

The arms actually stop for a little bit. I’m stunned so much that I almost say nothing. When I remember to ask something my mind goes blank. I shout out the first thing I can think of, “Who are you, where am I, why can’t I leave, please talk to me, can 당신 talk, where’s Mi-“

The arm tightens on my hand. It hurts but the arm doesn’t stop tightening. I want it to stop really badly. I feel like my hand is going to snap into pieces. It feels numb and I start to tear up, I try to yank away but the arm tightens more, pushing my thumb in. I scream at it, I feel so much pain from it but the arm doesn’t care. Another arm covers my mouth instead. Neither gets lighter, they stay tight.

I’m still screaming for a good while, but at one point it just turns into whimpers. When that happens, and only when that happens, the arms let go. I hear, and feel, a snap in my thumb. I start to scream but shut my mouth quickly, still tearing. The arm will hurt me again if I scream… it doesn’t want to talk.

With the hand holding the pill I toss the pill away angrily, and almost lose my balance on the couch. I 옮기기 my hurt hand away just as I fall onto a pillow. The arms are gone… I don’t want to see them again. I never should have stopped being afraid of them. They don’t like me, they don’t want to talk to me, they just want to give me pills and hurt me.

I’m tired again and I don’t have the energy to get up. My hand starts to 옮기기 and stings when it does. I stop moving it but it’s uncomfortable. It’s underneath a cushion somehow. I don’t remember how that happened, probably when I was dozing off. I have to pull it out and I do… and all the pain comes back.

I’m hissing through my teeth while moving my hand in front of me, resting it on 상단, 맨 위로 of the couch. Tomorrow will be better… I’ll be healed, the arms won’t be there, and I will see Mickey and 잡탕 요리, 챠 우 더 again… I just want someone to be there again… please.
added by MephilesTheDark
Source: Chicken on google, shitty stuff 의해 me. xD
added by skoish
added by sonamy4life
 Character Chart-- Acid
Character's full name: Yxari (Ee-zar-ee) Sadaris
Reason 또는 meaning of name: None
Character's nickname: Acid
Reason for nickname: she is an Acid Monster
Birth date: 1st November.
Gender: Female
Theme: Headstrong-- TRAPT

Physical appearance
Age: 19
How old does he/she appear: 12
Weight: 25 lbs.
Height: 2"7
Body build: Quite skinny to a point where it's sickening. Her ribs even poke out when she takes off her hoodie.
Shape of face: n/a.
Eye colour: Glowing green-yellow, color of toxic waste.
Glasses 또는 contacts: Tinted sunglasses to hide her eyes.
Skin tone: Quite pale, since she hadn't...
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Don't rant, troll, bitch, 또는 moan because I did one too. XD

1.) At first, 당신 were mean to me. Then I read something of yours, 당신 read something of mine, and we kinda got along. We respected each other... And 당신 probably forgot that already. XD Now I see 당신 are an epic win.

2.) You. Holy shit. You. 당신 is EPIC. Your art is beautiful, yet complicated. Your literature is quite adorable and nose-bleed worthy. 당신 are a very sweet person, and I hope we can talk 더 많이 in the future. 

3.) 당신 used to have a Mary-Sue as your fancharacter... Well, 당신 still do, but I don't care. I 사랑 our countless...
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If you're doing this 퀴즈 because 당신 want to proove your character is not a Gary-Stu/ Mary-Sue, then don't bother; they are.

If 당신 don't like your results, don't blame me; it's your character, not mine.

Please be honest: There's no point doing this if you're not.

Each 'yes' is worth one point. Each 'no' is worth nothing. Tally the score to get the end result.

So, get you're pen and calculator out; time to see how bad your character really is!

PART 1: They have my nose.

*Name here* is my name - 또는 my 가장 좋아하는 nickname, my pet name, my Internet chat handle, my initials, my last name, my middle...
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On September 3, Cynthia woke up seeing the beautiful 일 outside when she walked out the door.
"Im gonna 사랑 this school year!!!" she told herself as she walked to school.

5 분 later of walking to school, Cynthia met up with her boyfriend Mars.
"Mars, are 당신 ok? 당신 look pale." Cynthia admitted putting her hand on Mars' forehead.
It was warm.

Mars shook his head and walked off, Cynthia almost cried watching him walk away.
Rouge the Bat had acme along and met up with Cynthia.
"Hows the 일 gone?" Rouge asked in her sassy tone.
Cynthia shook her head and ran to the restroom to cry.

8 분 later after crying, Cynthia headed to class, math.

"This is going to be a hrrible year." Cynthia answered herself.
Name: Bethany
Gender: Female
Animal: Hedgehog
Age: 14
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 80 lbs.
Fur Color: Purple
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Hair Color: Black
Family Members: N/A (was adopted 의해 Sonic the hedgehog)
Has A Crush On: Shadow the hedgehog
Powers: Speed, Psychic, Is a master of the dark arts, Is a wizard
Weapons: N/A
Clothing: Black spy suit for missions at G.U.N., Purple short sleeved shirt, black jeans, and purple boots with a white stripe on them (kinda like Amy's shoes.)
Personality: Nice, Sweet and lovable, Powerful, Can be angry at times, Is very gentile, Always knows the way, Is really intelligent
Hero, Evil,...
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added by kumik0
added by kumik0
posted by TakTheFox
I’ve been around the country a few times. Once I went with a group, the other times I was just travel alone. One of the places I found myself revisiting was the canyon of TansfR Hol. TansfR Hol is a large square. It has 주황색, 오렌지 glass for its floor and walls, with a magma lake surrounding it, and outside of that a large body of water. It’s mostly used for dance and special occasions, and almost always at night, when everything glimmer.

Below the Hol is the square canyon. It was an actual canyon once, but it was decided that it would be fashioned into a square to better fit the Hol when the...
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added by LorMel
posted by TakTheFox
Of my many characters, I find Calto to be a refreshing and unique one. While I have tons of fighters, super-powers, 또는 young-ish characters, Calto’s a large contrast.

Calto appears to be a 52-year-old hybrid centaur of a ram-mobian with a non-anthropomorphic lion torso. He is a very eccentric inventor who specializes in biology, and is most well-known for his machine the “D-N-AMAZER”, which basically can change someone’s species.

He’s been around for almost a century, but remains spry as he can be. He has been employed 의해 various companies in various Mobius Zones; most notably “Melcro...
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added by CrescentHedgie
Source: Siinnack on deviantART
posted by shadowxsonicd24
I'd like to come out and say it. I respect the members here. But the main group which includes my subject of interest, Tak is quite the puzzling equation. I mean if its true that these rules, The rules that make non content spewing people, basicly useless as a 팬 of what they like, are agreed 의해 the majority. I shall apologize deeply and rest my case, cutting the loss. Now let me be clear. This man said too me in argument, " people grew up". Now if im not mistaken, freedom is not a child's plaything. Freedom to have fun with your fandom, is an all age experience. Of course 당신 have to make a living. But does anyone ever get punched for haveing fun 또는 simply posting whats on your mind, no? Want to to know why? Because look at the big corporations. Twitter!, Facebook, Youtube. Do not let old 팬팝 die. Remember back when people had fun and not business. 당신 could call it a simpler time...I call it a better time. Now, I may here your results.
It’s already stated in the rules of the club that overusing furry-doll-maker pictures is suggested against but in the light of the tons of base-pictures 게시됨 의해 LorMel I felt this was appropriate.

The club-pictures are for people that actually do their own work, and don’t post things they traced, especially when the bases of those traces are incredibly common 또는 even bases of recolors (AKA someone else’s art).

I’ve put up with bases for quite a while now, as we all have, but after the continuous spam of this on the club, it’s become apparent to me that these are not helpful in the...
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added by mephiles97
Source: Me and Tak
posted by TakTheFox
So I decided that I’d keep the Persian angle of the Supretan Culture, and the Scottish angle, but I’d also add the Indian angle as well. I already updated everything that mentions these in the stories, but just to give some clues as to what will happen to them in the future here’s some facts.

I won’t be using any Persian, Indian, 또는 Scottish religions mainly, but I may create a new one that will be slightly influenced 의해 the Islamic influence. For the moment it will be a world-religion, but it may have differences.

The origin of the country Supreta will be that of after-apocalypse groups...
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posted by TakTheFox
“You met our creator?”

I’m not saying anything to Mickey as he asks me this. He has to sit down, he is getting sick faster, and the 더 많이 I am not killing anyone the closer he is to dying. I just feel too upset to talk. I’m thinking of too many things and thinking about what will happen just makes me 더 많이 upset but I cannot stop myself from thinking them.

I’m standing in front of him, and my eyes and head are pointed at the ground. I do not want him to see my face, either of them. I do not want to tell him that he will die. I don’t want to tell Chowder… who I-

“I feel thirsty.”...
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posted by TakTheFox
So after the events of Origin Unmade 2 there were changes, shifts, in the universes and characters. Today we have Sissy. I’ll be going over her backstory, personality, relationships, and abilities.

Sissy was born in the 년 4126 on the planet Mobocan, eight years before the Refine. She was, and is to everyone’s knowledge, the only Milen Banshee ever born. She was born in Supreta originally, but her parents were afraid for her well-being in the country, prompting the small family to 옮기기 from the country, regardless of the fact that they would not be able to be protected 의해 Supreta...
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