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posted by mephiles97
The Rasoul Saga

Chapter 10: Captured Again

Kyle had, thankfully, managed to carry Mancer back 집 to his house without Vice 또는 anyone else deciding to attack. Kyle felt very tired and out of stamina 의해 the time he reached his house, but at least he was able to bring Mancer there without harm. Mancer was still unconscious from the fight with Vice, and didn't show any signs of waking up soon.

"Finally... It feels good to be home..." Kyle thought to himself as he used his abnormally long tail to turn the doorknob and open the front door. He walked inside, using his tail to close the door behind him. "I'm home, everyone!"

"Good to see that you're back, Kyle... I was starting to miss you," His mother's voice replied from the couch. She turned her head to look at Kyle with a smile, but her face quickly twisted into shock as soon as she saw the unconscious Mnacer in his arms. "What happened to your friend, Kyle?"

"He... well, I feel bad not telling 당신 the truth, Mom..." Kyle said, releasing a quiet sigh. "Truth be told, we got attacked 의해 a few villains in town. No lethal harm was done at all, but Mancer still got knocked out."

"...Well... Alright... As long as no horrible damage was done." Kyle's mother quickly stood up and walked over to Mancer and Kyle, quickly checking their faces for any signs of bad cuts. "Are either one of 당신 bleeding...?"

"No, I don't think so, Mom..." Kyle said, checking Mancer's arms and chest quickly for any signs of cuts. "I know I'm not, at least..."

"Is your friend bleeding?" His mother asked, also helping Kyle check Mancer's upper body for any signs of cuts 또는 bleeding.

"Not that I can tell... I can see some pretty good scratches, but nothing deep," Kyle replied, looking at Mancer's arms. He stopped when he saw a fairly wide, bleeding cut on the center of Mancer's right arm. "No, wait... I found one bleeding cut. I don't think it's deep, though."

Kyle's mother stood still for a moment, observing the cut with intent eyes. "...Yes, I see it, too. I'll go get the bandages," She said, turning away from Kyle. "Why don't 당신 lay your friend on the couch? I can get a few blankets and pillows for him as well."

"That would be really nice, Mom," Kyle said, walking over to the couch. He gently and carefully laid Mancer down on the couch, putting Mancer's 헬멧 down on the floor beside the couch. "Is there anything that I need to get?"

"You could fix a glass of water for your friend if 당신 want. That way he could have something to drink if he needs it when he wakes up," His mother said, walking away from Kyle and into the bathroom to get the bandages and other medical things from the cabinets.

"Alright!" Kyle walked into the kitchen, quickly grabbing a clean glass and fixing a cup of water for Mancer. He walked back into the living room, quietly setting the glass down on the coffee 표, 테이블 in front of the couch.

"Thank you, Kyle," Kyle's mother called, walking out of the bathroom with a small roll of white bandage. She walked over to the 침상, 소파 and kneeled down 다음 to it, gently taking hold of Mancer's arm. She gently and carefully wrapped some of the bandage around Mancer's cut arm. "Alright... That should be fine." She put Mancer's arm back on the 침상, 소파 다음 to him, and then stood up. "Are 당신 sure that you're ok, Kyle? 당신 don't need anything?"

"I think I'll be fine, Mom," Kyle replied, letting his mother pull him into a hug. "I don't really feel sore... Just a little tired."

"You do? Do 당신 need to take a nap for a while?"

"No, I don't think I do, Mom... I think I'll be just fine with just relaxing here in the living room and maybe getting a little something to eat if that's ok with you."

"That's perfectly fine, Kyle. What would 당신 like to eat?"

"I'm not sure... I was going to go look and see what looked good to me. Maybe just cereal... I don't know. I'm hungry, but not really hungry... So I'll probably just make myself something small."

"That's perfectly fine, Kyle. I hope you're able to get a little bit of rest afterward."

"I'm sure I can... 또는 at least I'm going to try to get some rest," Kyle said while turning his head to look down at Mancer. "...And hopefully Mancer will be ok later."

"I hope he will be, too... I don't like seeing your 프렌즈 hurt."

Kyle nodded his head at his mother, agreeing with what she had just said. He looked around the room slightly, looking for any signs of the other members of his family. "Where's everyone else?"

"Well, your dad is in the lab working on a new machine, your brother is in the lab helping your dad, your sister went out to go over to a friend's house for a while, and I believe Ruby is in her room."

"Alright... I was just curious."

"That's fine if 당신 were curious. But, yes, that's where everyone is."

"Alright." Kyle gave his mother another quick hug, then procedded towards the 부엌, 주방 to find himself something to eat.

Kyle's mother didn't really have anything special to do, either. She simply just walked off towards the bedrooms to find any dirty laundry that needed to be put in the laundry room.

Mancer, however, had a lot of things on his mind in his unconscious sleep. Dreaming, he began to vision himself in a dark, stretching world that seemd to go on forever...

"...What in the world is this...?" Mancer questioned himself, looking around at the world of darkness. He almost felt like he was floating, but he was also pretty sure that he was doing so because it was a dream. "...What am I supposed to be seeing here...?" He looked around slightly, quickly noticing that something felt different about him. He looked down at himself slowly, and realized that in this dream he was a young kid, around the age of seven 또는 eight. "Am I... supposed to be my younger self in this dream...?"

Before he could think much 더 많이 about it, his younger body's legs slowly began walking foward, walking him further and further into the darkness. His head turned itself to make him look around, causing the hybrid to start feeling a lot of confusion. "...What in the world is going on...?" His body suddenly froze when the sound of a creepy, familiar laughter began ringing throughout the black world. Mancer didn't know why, but the voice made him feel scared inside... It even made him feel just a bit vulnerable. "What... was that...? That voice... It sounded like..." He watched as a giant pair of eyes and a mouth appeared in front of him, covering nearly the entire 우주 in front of him. The eyes looked like they were very irritated, and the eye color was bright pink. The pupils of the eyes were also bright red instead of black.

The corners of the mouth slowly pulled back, forming into a devious, evil grin as the eyes studied Mancer intently. The teeth in the mouth were straight, but appeared to be pointed and extremely sharp. The mouth also had large snake-like fangs like Mancer. "Why, hello there, Mancer..."

Mancer's body froze as he looked up at the face before him. He had no idea why, but he could fear quickly welling up inside his body. "Not you...!" He listened to his own voice as he spoke, and was shocked to hear all of the fear that came out with his voice. "Why do I feel so scared...?!"

"A little scared, are we?" The face mocked, still wearing a twisted grin on its face. It moved slightly closer to Mancer, causing the hybrid to quickly start backing away in uncontrollable fear. "I know that you've always been a coward."

The young Mancer continued backing away slowly, fear rising all up and down in his body. He didn't know why he felt so helpless and scared. "I'm not afraid of you..." Mancer said, cringing once again when he heard all of the fear in his own voice.

"I would say 당신 are. I can hear it in your voice, Mancer. I know better," The face replied, releasing a snicker.

"What a minute... Are 당신 really here?! I thought this was a dream!"

"I'd say it's yes and no, idiot."

"What is that supposed to mean...?"

"It means 당신 better RUN," The face replied, wearing an evil, crooked grin on its face.

Mancer quickly began backing away from the face as it quickly can closer, quickly turning around breaking out into a run as he sprinted away from the face as quickly as possible. He felt like he wasn't really in a dream anymore. He still felt scared and unprotected. "Leave me alone!" He also felt like he couldn't get his powers to work.

The face vanished from sight, but his laughter continued ringing all around Mancer, sending a shiver up and down the hybrid's back. He kept running. still fearing fear shoot all throughout his body. As he was still running, he started to realize what this dream was supposed to be. "Wait... This is either some kind of message directly from him... 또는 this is a play-back of my memories... That time when he attacked our family... 또는 maybe it's both..." He continued running, looking around quickly. "...Maybe that's why I feel so scared... Maybe this is a play-back of my memory... I remember feeling so scared and helpless that day... No one was hurt, but I got so scared..."

"I suppose you're figuring out what I'm trying to do 의해 now, correct?" The voice asked, souding like it was all around. Mancer couldn't tell where the voice seemed to be coming from.

"I think that depends. Are 당신 trying to get a message across to me? While using a play-back of my childhood memories to make me younger and terrified here in this dream?" Mancer said, fear still sounding in his now young voice. He continued running, searching for any signs of changing enviroment.

"Aha, 당신 are absolutely correct. I loved to toy with your emotions back then, and I 사랑 toying with your emotions even know," The voice replied, releasing an evil cackle.

"Well... I don't care about 당신 messing with my emotions. I'm pretty sure that 당신 DO know what I DO care about, though..." Mancer said, managing to release a quiet growl of anger. "Why?" He asked, apparently asking the voice about a 질문 that they both apparently knew.

"Why should I tell you? I have my reasons for what I did. You'll see soon."

"Why can't 당신 tell me now? Why not let him go?"

"Because I need him for my plans. You're not going to be able to stop me, either. Neither 당신 nor that Kyle boy can hope to stop me. Your brothers wouldn't even be able to stop me now, either."

"My family are not push-overs."

"Well, apparently they are. I've got 당신 right here, your brothers have not come... And one of them never will come to help you."

"He will. I know he willl. I know his true personality is buried beneath, it just needs to be pulled out."

"You can try all 당신 want, Mancer. I still tell 당신 that 당신 won't be able to get him back and stop me in the process. No matter how much help 당신 get." The voice replied flatly, starting to sound quite angry. "I beat your family before, and I can beat 당신 again."

"You only beat us because 당신 attacked us when we were young. We were only eight years old. Our powers were under-devloped. There's no chance we would have won against back then," Mancer released a growl, starting to feel quite angry himself. "We can beat 당신 now, though. I know we can. I believe in my abilities, and I believe in my brothers."

Just try, Mancer. I'd like to see 당신 try to stop me. You're free to try to defeat me when 당신 see me again," The voice replied, slowly beginning to fade. "I'll be looking foward to your horrible attempt to stop me when we meet again in person and not in your dreams."

"Fine, I'll be ready to fight 당신 as well. 당신 don't scare me, Tempus! 당신 don't scare me!" Mancer called angrily, clenching his fists together tightly. "You may be playing with my emotions in here, but 당신 can't mess with me outside of my dreams!" He released a slightly angry growl, looking around at the world around him as it slowly began to fade away.

Back in reality, Mancer's eyes quickly flew open as he awoke from his dreams. His vision blurred greatly as he struggled to see where he was. "...Ugh... What a dream..."

Kyle, who had been sitting in one of the living room recliner chairs 다음 to the 침상, 소파 that Mancer was laying on and playing video cameras, heard Mancer as soon as he spoke. "Mancer! Are 당신 ok? Are 당신 feeling ok?" He asked, quickly standing up from his chair and quickly walking over the hybrid on the couch.

"I... suppose I'm alright. Where are we, Kyle...? Are we back at your house...?" Mancer asked, still struggling to see through his blurry vision. He slowly raised one of his hands up to his face, and was surprised to feel his normal face and not his helmet. "...My helmet!"

"Don't worry about your helmet, Mancer... It's in the floor 다음 to you," Kyle said, pointing to the 헬멧 다음 to the couch. "And, yes, we're back at my house. I carried 당신 here after Vice left... He just left with Azarika after knocking 당신 out."

"Oh... Alright, then..." Mancer sat up slowly and carefully, releasing a quiet sigh. He lowered his head slightly, looking down at the floor. "I'm sure everything will be ok at some point... We just need to figure out some way to stop Vice."

"I agree... We'll think of something eventually."

"...Someone remind me where we are again and why we're here?" Astra of the Dark 말 complained, looking at the other Dark 말 members. They were all present and accounted for, except for Vice. He hadn't come with them.

"...Semretches... I believe that's what this city was called..." Azarika said quietly, slowly turning his head just slightly to look at Astra.

The Dark 말 looked around a bit to become familiar with just what type of city they had gotten in to. There were hundreds of tall sky-scrapers, so many in fact that the ground level was darkened 의해 their shadows for an entire story-height. The city was also in a word, “trashy”, with a few wrecked houses 또는 piles of trash here and there.

"Ok, genius... Mind telling me WHY we're here?" Astra asked, slight annoyance sounding in her stern voice.

"Hey, whoa... Calm it down, Astra. Not reason to bite his head off," Devin said.

"Leave me alone, Devin. I'm not in the mood... I don't feel like doing a bunch of searching, but we're stuck doing it anyway," Astra said flatly, looking at Devin just slightly with a small eye twitch. She turned her back towards Azarika. "Well?"

"...Looking for the person that mysterious girl showed our leader... Do 당신 remember those events?" Azarika replied quietly, almost feeling annoyed 의해 Astra's attitude.

"Yeah, I remember that," Astra replied flatly, crossing her arms slightly. "What are we planning to do? Just walk around and ask locals if they know where to find that person?" She asked, being sarcastic about the latter question.

"I suppose we could. That may be the only thing we can do, Astra. Since we're not sure who this person even is," Willow said, turning her head towards Astra.

"Are 당신 serious? I was kidding about that!"

"Well, I'm not. I'm serious... That may be the only way we can start, 또는 the best way that we can start," Willow said, as serious as serious can possibly be.

"Willow's right, Astra... That may be our only and/or best decision here..." Sniper said, laying her ears back just slightly against her head.

"...Fine... Let's just try that, then..." Astra said, releasing a sigh. "How many 사진 of this person do we have? Can we 스플릿, 분할 into teams and cover 더 많이 ground?"

"...No, we only have one photo," Devin replied.

"Oh, that's just great!" Astra exclaimed in sarcasm. "One photo! It'll take FOREVER to ask a lot of people if they've seen her!"

"...Astra, I know you're like Vice's 초 in command, but I think 당신 should quit your complaining. Nothing is going to be accomplished if 당신 continue that," Willow said firmly, giving a stern glare towards Astra.

"Whatever... Let's just go..." The annoyed 늑대 said, slowly beginning to walk down the streets with her teammates to ask any locals if they had seen the person in the photo.

Mancer released a sigh, still looking down at the living room floor. He didn't really turn his head to look at Kyle, and he didn't really make much of a 옮기기 either.

"...Are 당신 alright, Mancer? Is something on your mind?" Kyle asked, noticing that something seemed to be wrong with his hybrid friend.

"No... Well... No. There's nothing huge 또는 important going through my mind..." Mancer said, lying right through his teeth. He definitely had a lot of thoughts floating around in his mind after the dream he had just had.

"Mancer... Are 당신 sure? 당신 can tell me if something's wrong... Did 당신 have a bad dream 또는 something like that?"

Mancer released a heavy sigh, still keeping his head down. "Well... I suppose 당신 could 더 많이 또는 less call it that. A... somewhat uncomfortable memory came to me while I was dreaming... Something that I wish I could have forgotten a long time ago. But now it looks like it's back to mess with me and my brothers."

"Really...? Wait, how is it back to mess with your brothers, Mancer?" Kyle asked, curiousity flowing into his mind quickly. "What was your dream about?"

"Well..." Mancer released another sigh, slowly leaning back against the couch. He stared straight up at the ceiling, trying to figure out where to begin. "Well... I guess 당신 could almost say that it was 더 많이 of a message than a dream..."

"A message? Someone got inside your dream?"

"Well, I'm not honestly sure myself yet. It almost seemed that way... But maybe I'm wrong."

"What happened?"

"Well... I saw the one that I know as 'Tempus'..."

"Well, I think that got us NOWHERE! We still have no idea where this person even is!" Astra exclaimed angrily, having just finished asking locals about the whereabouts of the person in the picture.

"Hey, calm down, Astra. Really, 당신 need to take a chill pill, girl," Devin said, leaning back against a wall. He rolled his eyes in annoyance to Astra's hasty anger.

"How can I take a chill pill now?! I'm angry enough I'm just about ready to explode! I have no patience for this! Vice should be out here helping us instead of letting us slave away in anger and annoyance!" Astra snapped at Devin.

"Geez... Sorry for saying a word to you," Devin said, raising his arms up in the air slightly. "I'll remember to leave 당신 alone while you're in a mood like this."

Astra released a heavy, angry sigh, attempting to think of some other way that they could track the person. "Does anyone else know what we can do to find this person?"

"...What if we found someone with energy similar to the person...? Maybe we could use their energy to track the person that we are looking for..." Azarika suggested quietly.

"Eh... Alien 여우 boy's got somewhat of a point there. Maybe we could do that..." Astra thought for a moment, attempting to calm down since they might have a plan. 'Who could we even find that has energy like the person that we're looking for?"

"...I do not honestly know... We might just have to look around for someone... 또는 perhaps I could use one of my small devices to scan for similar energy..."

"Fine, use all of your techy stuff, Azarika... I just want to find that person and get out of here as soon as we possibly can. I don't care if we even have to go across different dimensions. I just want to get done with what we have to do," Astra grumbled, crossing her arms. "Start scanning 또는 looking, Azarika. I don't want to wait all day."

Devin released a heavy sigh, leaning back against the 벽 that he was already leaning against. He rolled his eyes slightly at Astra, making sure to turn his head away so Astra didn't see his face. "Surely there's a better way to do this..." He thought to himself, observing the 벽 to his left and right. He squinted his eyes, seeing what looked like a poster on the 벽 a few feet away. "...A Banshee Mobian...?" He read what he saw on the poster out loud, quickly drawing the attention of his teammates.

"What are 당신 reading, Dev?" Willow asked, shortening Devin's name just because she felt like it.

"That wanted poster," He replied, pointing at the poster that he had just been looking at himself. "It seems something about an alleged Banshee Mobian..."

"...What good is it going to do us if we just sit here and look at posters?" Astra asked, crossing her arms.

"I don't honestly know. All I know is that I started looking at that poster caught my eye."

"Alright then, but we need to be looking for something that can help us find who we're looking for. Try to be productive, Devin," Astra said, turning away from the grey bat.

Devin continued staring at the poster, feeling almost like the poster might be able to help them in some way. "...Think, Devin, think... Surely this poster can do something for us..." He thought to himself, closing his eyes as he started flipping through his thoughts in his head. He suddenly opened his eyes back up, quickly turning his head to look at his team. "...I have any idea."

"And what is that?" Astra asked.

"What if we go to the police? And ask them if they've seen the person that we're looking for?"

Astra remained quiet for quite some time, appearing to be rather annoyed. "...We're kind of, uh, criminals ourselves, Devin..." She said quietly, a lot of sarcasm and annoyance in her voice. "We ARE criminals ourselves."

"Only back in Freedom City. We haven't done anything here, so we should be able to go to the police without anything bad happening," Devin pointed out.

Astra remained silent once again, realizing that Devin was right with what he just said. "...That's correct. I suppose we could go to the police here and be fine..."


"Alright then... I guess that's what we're going to do, then..." Astra said. "Make sure to keep your face hidden, Azarika."

"...Why me...?" The 라임 green 여우 questioned in confusion.

"Because 당신 look like some kind of alien creature that crawled out of 우주 itself," Astra replied, taking Azarika's 후드 in her hands and pulling it down over the poor fox's head.

"...That's hurtful, Astra... It is not my fault that I look the way that I do..." Azarika said, even though he didn't appear to be showing any emotions of sadness.

"Whatever... Let's just go find this police station. I don't think any of us are really sure where we're going here, so we might just have to look around," Astra said, beginning to walk around in 검색 of the police station with her teammates.

After a good twenty minutes, the Dark 말 team members finally manage to find their way to the police station.

"Remember, team... We're not noticed here," Astra said quietly to her team, reminding them that the police were not a threat to them in Semretches.

"We understand," The team replied.

"Alright then. Let's go," Astra said. She took a deep breath and opened the doors, slowly walking inside the police station with her team close behind. She looked around, looking for the police chief. "...Hello...?"

The chief, wearing a black and silver uniform, looked up from his 책상, 데스크 slowly. “Do 당신 have something to report?”

"Well, not exactly. We're looking for someone," Astra said, looking at the chief with serious eyes. "We were going around the city attempting to see if we could find who we're looking for. We have a 사진 with us."

“Can I see the photo?”

"Yes, 당신 can, sir," Astra replied. She knew that she ought to be respectful to the police chief if she didn't want something to happen. She looked over at Devin, who handed to 사진 to her. "Here 당신 go," She said, holding the 사진 out to the police chief.

As soon as the chief’s eyes fell on the photo, he jerked back a slight bit with his eyes now widened. “U-uh…” He regained his composure, “Y-yes… she’s from here. If you’re looking to find her, you’ll need one of these. The chief looked through a drawer and pulled out a thick arm-band.

"...If 당신 don't mind me asking, sir... What is this arm-band? Does it have some kind of special property?" Astra asked, looking at the arm-band in curiosity.

The Chief laughed a bit but stopped himself and answered, “No, it’s a deputizing-band. There’s a lot of unlawful Bounty Hunters after that girl. As long as 당신 put that on your arm, 당신 can do whatever 당신 need to find her, and police will leave 당신 alone. That is of course as long as 당신 do as little property damage as possible, and well… not murder anyone… come to think of it, I have something 당신 could use to find her. One second.” The chief laid the band on the 책상, 데스크 and walked into a backroom.

Astra and her team remained silent, simply waiting for the chief to come back with whatever he had went to go get.

The Chief walked back out holding a blood-stained blue-slate piece of cloth. "...What is that...?" Astra asked as she looked at the cloth, feeling quite confused at the sight of the cloth.

“This,” The chief shook the cloth a bit, “belongs to the person you’re looking for. Those are her blood stains. 당신 can use it to track her.”, then he tossed it to them.

Astra caught the cloth, making sure not to drop it. "This will help us track her?"

“Well if you’ve got a scanner 당신 can trace her blood with that. Most bounty hunters do nowadays.”

"Hm... I'm pretty sure that we can get a scanner..." Astra said, turning her head just slightly to look at Azarika for a moment. She turned her head to look back at the police chief. "Thank 당신 very much, sir."

“Happy hunting.” The chief returned to his desk.

"Alright. Once again, thank you, sir," Astra said. She then turned and walked out of the police station with her team, looking over at Azarika. "You have some kind of scanner that can track that blood, right?"

"...Yes... I can 검색 through my inventory and find the scanner..."

"Well, find it now. We've got some hunting to do."

Kyle sat still in his chair, feeling a mixture of curiosity and surprise flooding into his body. "...Tempus? Who's that?"

"Yes, Tempus... That's his name. He's... someone who I wish I could have forgotten in my past. He attacked my brothers and I when we were very young... around the age of eight 또는 nine. I never have figured out what his intentions where, but I'm sure that he intended something. He seemed like he had a motive... It just didn't seem like some kind of blind attack; although I didn't know that at the time. I'm pretty sure that he had a motive... I'm just not sure what it was..." Mancer explained quietly, still staring up at the ceiling.

"You think he had a motive for attacking your family?"

"Oh, I'm 더 많이 than sure he did, I'm just not sure what it was," Mancer replied, crossing his arms slightly. "Either way... I think he tried to contact me in my dream that I just had. It seemed 더 많이 like a message 또는 a vision than an ordinary dream."

"Well, what was this Tempus guy like? Who is he, exactly?"

"...'The Fallen Embodiment'..." Mancer whispered quietly, closing his eyes slightly.

"...The what...?"

"The Fallen Embodiment. He was... basically the original and only Rasoul Embodiment until the four current Rasoul Embodiments were born many, many years later..."

"He was...? He was a Rasoul Embodiment...?"

"He was THE Rasoul Embodiment until the new four were born..."

"Oh my..." Kyle really didn't know how else to respond to the facts that he had just been told. 더 많이 curiousity and surprise began to well up inside him, but he couldn't bring himself to speak again.

"I'll explain to 당신 right now, each one of the Rasoul Embodiments represents a different aspect of Rasoul. The Alpha represents the calm mind of Rasoul, which I believe I've taught 당신 of him so far."

"Yes, I think 당신 have..."

"Well, I believe it might be time that I teach 당신 the other three right here and now."

Vice, who had been relaxing to himself a bit, nearly jumped out of his skin with surprise once his phone suddenly rang. "Who in the world is calling me...?" He asked himself, sticking his hand down inside his large 옷, 가운 pocket to try to find his ringing phone.

After a few short 초 of digging in his pockets, he pulled out his black and yellow phone, quickly pulling the phone up to his ear. "Hello?"

"Sir, we believe that we're finally getting close to capturing the person 당신 sent us after." Astra's voice said through the phone.

"Really now? You've managed to track her down?"

"We believe so, sir. We're hoping that we're very close to capturing the person for you. If we're at the right place, hopefully it won't take long to capture the person and bring them to you."

"Excellant, Astra. Absolutely excellant," Vice said into the phone, wearing a rather large, twisted smirk on his face. His eyes flashed red slightly in delight. "Engage them if 당신 believe that 당신 have them."

"Yes, si-“ then the call ended, with only static between.

Vice sat still, still holding the phone up to his ear. "...Astra? Can 당신 hear me?"

He sat there for quite some time, but Astra never replied, as if the phone line had just cut out on her end. "...Astra! Are 당신 there? Can 당신 hear me?" Vice asked with growing concern in his voice, standing up from his chair. He kept waiting, but he still got no response from his team's 초 in command. He ended the call and lowered his phone, starting to feel worry course up and down through him. "...No... They're to valueable to me... Something couldn't have happened to them...." He put his phone back in his pocket quickly, still feeling concern and worry. "Where did they go..." He asked himself out loud, attempting to remember where his team had went. "...Semretches! That city called Semretches! Yes, that's where they went, I believe..." He chewed on his bottom lip slightly, still feeling worry inside him. "I must go after them..."

Kyle leaned 앞으로 in his chair and looked at Mancer, making sure to be ready to listen intently to the information that he was about to be told. "Alright, I ready to hear, Mancer. Whenever you're ready to explain."

"Alright... I begin I'll start with the Omega. He is the 초 Embodiment of Rasoul, although he was the first born out of all of the Rasoul Embodiments. The four Embodiments were all born as quadruplets. Anyway, he is the 초 Embodiment of Rasoul, representing the raw power and strength of Rasoul energy. He is probably the most gifted with his powers, and is said to know all kinds of different ways to use Rasoul energy. 당신 see, each Rasoul Embodiment has their own special marks and 문신 on their arms. The Alpha has blue marks, and the Omega has blackish-grey marks on his arms," Mancer explained.

Kyle nodded his head, letting Mancer know that he was listening intently to every word that was being spoken. "I see..."

"Now, moving on... That brings us to the Rasoul Embodiment named Echilon."


"Yes, Echilon. He is the third Embodiment of Rasoul, representing the living body of Rasoul. His mark and tattoo color is red..." Mancer said, trailing off just a bit as he explained the color of Echilon's tattoos. He rolled the sleeves of his 재킷, 자 켓 down quickly to cover his arms as he trailed off, but Kyle didn't seem to notice. "Anyway, he is probably the most physically gifted of the Rasoul Embodiments."


"Now that brings us to the last Embodiment; The Final. He is the youngest out of the Rasoul Embodiments and the fourth Embodiment, representing positivity AND negativity in Rasoul energy. Rasoul can be balanced between 'dark' and 'pure/light', and the Final represents that balance. His tattoo and mark color is a bright golden color, and he's probably the kindest out of the Rasoul Embodiments. I've heard that boy has a 심장 of gold in him. Everyone in the Rasoul Dimension is said to look up to his kindess," Mancer explained.

"Alright, all of that sounds really interesting!"

"Wait, I'm not done JUST yet... I suppose I can also tell 당신 about Tempus- ...Er... The Fallen Embodiment while we're at it," Mancer said. "He was the 'first' Rasoul Embodiment long before the four normal Rasoul Embodiments were born. He represented everything about Rasoul in one, but his powers were also very unstable because of that. He even found his powers not even working at times, but other times it's said that he was able to release a lot of power."


"Well, that's pretty much the only things I have to tell 당신 right now... I still say that one day, I'll take 당신 to the Rasoul Dimension to meet the four Rasoul Embodiments. I still think that it would vastly help with your training..."

“It sounds like Daricha energy to me…” The voice was Ruby’s and it came from her room.

“… What do 당신 mean?” Kyle asked.”

Vice, who had used his own phone to track Astra's phone, had quickly arrived at where he thought they were. He stopped, looking around rather desperately for his team. He couldn't stand the thought of them being dead 또는 even hurt... They were far too valueable to him.

"Where could they possibly be...?" He thought to himself, moving 앞으로 quickly. He didn't have to go far before he saw one of his teammates lying unconscious on the ground. Worry and slight fear shot through him as he ran to his teammate, fearing that they could even be dead. Upon getting closer, he was able to tell that the team member was in fact unconscious, and that the member was Azarika. "Azarika... Well, he's the small one of the group, anyway... I guess it's no surprise that he got knocked out... He IS the weakest of the team..." Vice turned his head away from Azarika, and saw a battling raging away in front of him. He quickly charged into the battle to 확인 that it was his team in the fight, and stopped when he saw that Astra had the person held down. "...I see 당신 got things under control, Astra..."

"You'll honestly have no idea what we had to go through to get everything under control..." Astra said flatly, apparently very tired from the sound of her voice. She subject jerked a bit, and bit Astra’s hand.

“OW!” Astra jerked her hand back shaking it wildly. “Why you-“

“Allow me.” Vice shoved the prisoner down and gave her a large 펀치 to the back of head, knocking her unconscious, but also damaging his hand. “She must have a stone skull.” He hissed under his breath.”

"I’m assuming it was difficult?" Vice asked, noticing how tired she seemed. He looked around at his other team members who were standing around, who also seemed to be very tired.

"Oh, 당신 have no idea. It was a living NIGHTMARE," Astra responded, still sounding very tired. "I don't think we're EVER going to see anyone who can put up a fight like this person did..."

"That bad, huh?"

"You have no idea..."

Ruby slowly opened her door and walked out still sad from the 이전 encounter with Virus and the loss of I2. “That identity… Virus… “ Ruby began slowly, “she was one of two people who made the original Identity, Virus-Prime. On her planet, before the identities, one of the planet’s warriors, Midnight Psych, The Mind Seven Server, turned out to had been fused with… Daricha, the dark server. Daricha took control of her body and went on a rampage, even killing the strongest warrior. She’s partially the reason Identities exist… and Identities fear her energy and anything having to do with it.”

“… But what does that have to do with Rasoul energy?” Mancer asked.

“When Virus… c-… controlled me, and… I2, she had to leave her memories open… and some of her plans. I and maybe I2, were able to see how she found out about Rasoul energy. She had found something called a banshee Mobian, a being with Daricha energy… I think she planned to unite the Daricha energy with your Rasoul energy. The only other thing I found out was about a city called “Semretches”. When I wasn’t under her control I was able to teleport there; I thought I’d find I2 there, but I didn’t. I know it’s… kind of sudden… I wanted to say it sooner, but I didn’t want Kyle to get overwhelmed. But maybe 당신 would want to investigate it 또는 something.”

Kyle just sat still for a moment, also staying quiet for a short time before deciding to speak again. "...Yes, I want to investigate that."

"Kyle, maybe we should get some rest before we try that..." Mancer said.

"No, I want to go now," Kyle replied flatly, standing up quickly.

"Kyle, wait. I think 당신 need some rest..."

"I said no. I want to go to that city. There could be a chance that I2 COULD be there now. If she's there, I don't want to make the mistake of not going after her."

"We don't even know if she's there now..."

"I don't care, Mancer... I still want to go. I still want to check."


"I still want to go. We just need to figure out some way to get there."

“I could teleport us there…” Ruby suggested.

Kyle turned his head slightly, turning his head to look at Ruby. "Are 당신 sure, Ruby...? I don't want to drag 당신 into anything that 당신 don't want to be dragged in to..."

Ruby did not say anything. All she did was shrug and in the 다음 초 they were in the city.

Mancer looked around slowly, feeling quite surprised that they were suddenly in the city. He didn't even realize that he still wasn't wearing his helmet.

Kyle also looked around, also surprised that they had just arrived in the city. "Thank you, Ruby... Thank you."

Ruby nodded and began to look around.

"Well... Are 당신 ready to look around, Kyle?" Mancer asked, turning to look at the golden hedgehog.

"Yes, I am... I still want to be able to find I2... If she's here... I just want to make sure that I give a good 검색 before we leave..."

"Alright then..." Mancer released a quiet sigh, still feeling like he had not yet fully recoved from the fight that he had had with Vice previously. He began walked with the rest of the group as they all set off to 검색 for I2 또는 any signs of her being there.

Not too far into the searching, Kyle slowly began wandering away from the group, not realizing that he was doing so due to the fact that he was so focused on finding I2. Once he finally realized that he had strayed from the group, he was completely 로스트 and 의해 himself. "...This... is not good at all..." He looked around quite frantically, quickly feeling panic rise up inside of him. He quickly continued walking forward, searching for any signs of Ruby, Mancer... and I2. "Ok... Surely I haven't got that far seperated... I'm sure they're around here somewhere..." He didn't have to walk very far at all until he was able to hear the sound of voices. He walked towards the voices, thinking that it could be Ruby and Mancer, but was shocked at what he actually found. He had found none other than the Dark Horses.

All of the Dark 말 members quickly turned their head towards the sound of Kyle's footsteps, and were just as shocked as he was to see him. They all just stood still, not really knowing what in the world to say 또는 do. Vice was the first one to react out of the rest of the team, however.

"Well... Now this quite a surprise, isn't it, Kyle?" Vice said, turning his head just slightly to look at Sniper, who just barely nodded her head back at Vice. "Don't 당신 think it's quite a surprise?" The Dark 말 leader asked.

Kyle stood very alert and backed up just slightly, feeling a mixture of fear and anger growing up inside him. "...Why are 당신 here, Vice? What terror are 당신 bring to this world?" What Kyle DIDN'T notice is that Sniper slowly moved behind her other teammates, appearing to have something planned.

"Oh, why should I tell you? It's not like it's that important," Vice said, almost as if he was trying to stall Kyle.

"I know you're here for a reason. What in the world did 당신 do to this place...?" Kyle asked, still staying alert.

"Oh, I'd rather not tell you. Why don't 당신 tell me why YOU'RE here instead? Hm? I'm sure that's a much better story than mine," Vice said, rolling his eyes to the side just slightly to see that Sniper was 로딩 one of her tranquil guns.

"I said I wanted to hear YOUR story, Vice. Quit stalling. I want to hear why YOU'RE here," Kyle said sharply, still not noticing what Sniper was doing.

"I'm sure that you'll have plenty of time to hear the story while you're trapped in my HQ," Vice replied with a sinister grin.

Kyle stood confused for a moment, trying to figure out what Vice had just meant 의해 what he said. "What did 당신 just say...?" Before he could even react, Sniper quickly stepped out from behind her teammates, directly at his stomach. She fired her gun, firing a tranquil dart right into Kyle's stomach. Kyle simply just released a sudden gasp, then collapsed onto the ground, unconscious from the tranquil dart.

"Alright, gather him up. He's coming with us," Vice said, ordering his team to grab Kyle so he could be brought back to their HQ.
posted by mephiles97
Chapter 2: Early Morning Search
Location: Waktini family residence, Northern District, Freedom City
Date: Saturday, January 3rd
Time: 7:02 A.M.

Kyle's eyes slowly began to open slowly, clouded over due to just waking up. He turned over slightly, staring up at the ceiling as early morning sunlight shined in through his window blind, casting a warm glow all around the room. He slowly pulled his blankets off of himself, sitting up in his bed. He yawned loudly before standing up and shuffling out of the bedroom.

Kyle stood outside his bedroom door, listening for any sounds. He didn't hear anything,...
continue reading...
Sorry about the delay on chapter two.... Well anyways, here is the link to chapter one if 당신 missed it.
Where we left off....
"Hey, what are 당신 doing?!" A prisoner shouted. 더 많이 heads of prisoners turned to him. They ran to him, but it was too late. He placed the bottle in the middle of the pentagram and started murmuring strange sounds under his breath. The bottle started glowing and shaking. Finally, the deep scarlet turned into a deep green. He picked up the bottle and started drinking.
continue reading...
THE EGGMAN MECH whatched as the train passed by; then he threw a sticky bomb on it and set the timer for 3:00. The bot flew off.

Trance let Windy go.
"Were are 당신 guys going?" he asked Windy.
"Wherever the train takes us."
Trance laughed.
"Same as always eh? I'm glad to see that 당신 brought along your boyfreind Spike."
Windy turned a little red in the face.
"He is NOT my boyfreind!"
"Is too"
"Is not!"
They argued for some time.
"NOT!!!!!" Windy yelled while covering her face trying not to giggle a bit.
Trance looked at Spike.
"Just joking around a little!"
Spike didn't answer. He thought...
continue reading...
THEY STOOD WAITING for the train. They were at an opening far into the wood.
Spike bent over to dig out something golden. He found it was a power ring, but it felt different.
It had a different aura.
Spike slipped it into his pocket.
"We're just gonna JUMP on a moving train?!" yelled out Windy, unaware that she was trembeling like an aspen leaf.
Storm looked at her.
"Do 당신 wanna take antoher chance of flying?"
Windy froze. Then she found herself inching twoard Spike almost in a gesture of protection.
In the distance a train whistle cried. This made Kitty a bit 더 많이 alert.
The train sped by. They all...
continue reading...
"This is were I found the blanket Emily." AJ said to Emily. "Ok thank 당신 AJ."Emily said to AJ only to find out that she was gone."She left me! But why?" Emily was mad now, she then heard something."Foot steps, must be Jisseca!""EMILY HELP!" Jisseca said yelling out.""It is Jisseca! I need to save her!" Emily almost yelled out, but did it some thing was blocking her mouth."Shhh.... Don't make a sound." Some one said in a whisper voice. Then she was sleeping, but thinking:"Who was it? Was it AJ? No. Was it Sonic? No but it was some thing blue! Sonic, AJ who else? Star, no she's yellow. But who...
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First off...This is just an opinion. >:/ Don't bash me just because your character is a Gary-Stu 또는 Mary-Sue. That is YOUR fault for designing your character that way.

Now, there are many Gary-Stus and Mary-Sues EVERYWHERE. If 당신 don't know the whole issue, here's some 질문 I will answer;

What is a Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu?
A Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu is a character that has many abilities, has no flaws, AND everybody loves them. The real name for these types of characters are a godmodder. A Mary-Sue is a female godmodder, and a Gary-Stu is a male.

Why are they bad?
They are unoriginal, overdone, and...
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posted by sierradawn9
As the 여우 noisily sloshed through the muck and rain,he thought of where he was going.The Science Centre,which was almost abandoned,except for the mad scientist he worked for.It had been closed down not even a 월 ago,still in good shape,which is why Dr. 되새 류, 핀치, 피리 새 류 inhabits it.Dr. 되새 류, 핀치, 피리 새 류 was claimed to be the most insane man in the world, but the 여우 wouldn't believe it.Never.
He knew he was close.He could already see the very 상단, 맨 위로 of the centre,a dark,metallic dome.The young 여우 knew his mentor was working on a secret project,because even he wasn't allowed to see it.He had only caught glimpses...
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Character Chart
Character's full name: Ningizzida the Hedgehog.
Reason 또는 meaning of name: Named after the Assirian god of snakes and serpents, unknown why.
Character's nickname: Giz.
Reason for nickname: One of his alleys started calling him that for awhile, but it never
really stuck. Ningizzida prefers his whole name.
Birth date: Unknown.

Physical appearance
Age: Ancient.
How old does he/she appear: 18-22.
Weight: Around 85 lbs.
Height: 3"8
Body build: Slender, sleek, and built for speed and agility over power. Has well develouped
calf muscles.
Shape of face: n/a
Eye color: Blood red, with...
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 Shadow & Rouge; Night and 일 Difference.
Shadow & Rouge; Night and Day Difference.
“… There might have been a time when 당신 actually thought about others, but now it’s just become, ‘Get the villain out of the way and be proclaimed as a hero once more!’ I just don’t want 당신 to become something that 당신 don’t want to be.”Lil the Cat from “The Misadventures of a Wandering Soul.”

Do 당신 remember the first time 당신 ever drew your 팬 character? When 당신 created him/her, 당신 had thought everything out; who they dated, what they wore, and if they had any powers. Believe me when I say that 팬 characters are the best characters in the world. Their stories...
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added by Raven_Syrus
added by supersonic21
added by silveranime122
Source: me
added by Emo-Bunny
Source: Emo-bunny
added by HannahStickles8
added by seuris
Source: (c) Seuris
added by sonicnmlpfan122
Source: This exhaust me 😴 I'm bummed out already hope she likes it tomorrow when go to school
added by TakTheFox
Source: ME! THE AIR! PIE!
added by Emo-Bunny
Source: Emo-bunny